Intan UAS Professional Reading and Writing III

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Nama : Intan Putri Rahmanti


1. What is the hottest topic today? Write down your summary and comment about the
news (Do not forget to put the sources)

Summary :

"Ardhito Pramono's Current Condition After a Week of Detention Related to Drug Cases"

It is known that Ardhito Pramono was arrested by the Narcotics Unit of the West Jakarta
Metro Police on Wednesday (12/1/2022) at 02.00 WIB. He was arrested at his residence and
a urine test has shown positive for marijuana. Until Ardhito's status was determined as a
suspect with evidence of marijuana weighing 4.80 grams.

Currently Ardhito Pramono is in good health after languishing in prison for a week. Ardhito
was seen being brought by West Jakarta Metro Police investigators out of detention and into
a car, according to him he will be taken to the BNNP to carry out the assessment process.

Reported by Tribun News, the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes E
Zulpan, revealed that Ardhito Pramono had used marijuana since 2011. Ardhito had stopped
consuming marijuana again in 2020. Not only that, his party also explained the reason
Ardhito consumed marijuana. Zulpan said that Ardhito consumes marijuana to feel calm and
focus on work.

Coment : Drugs must be eradicated because they can damage the younger generation in
Indonesia, especially regarding the Ardhito case because he is a public figure who can set a
bad example for everyone.

2. Find three articles and then write down your own analysis

Jurnal 1 :
Title Teaching English for Specific Purposes in Vocational
High School: Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices
Name of Journal JET (Journal of English Teaching)
Author Pipit Muliyah, Diah Aminatun
ISSN number e-ISSN: 2622-4224 | p-ISSN: 2087-9628


This study reports the result of a qualitative case study research design. This study aims to explore
teachers' beliefs about teaching English for Vocational school, to investigate how those beliefs are
reflected in classroom practices, and to explore that affect the shaping of teachers' beliefs in the
teaching and learning process. The participant of this study were six English teachers from three
different vocational high schools in Majenang. The data was taken using a semi-structured interview,
documentation, and classroom observation. Then the data was analyzed using line by line analysis.
Teaching English in Vocational High School is believed different from Senior High school (SHS) as it
belongs to English for specific purposes (ESP) and demands different knowledge of material, method,
and strategies. The result shows that the teacher’s beliefs are not always realized in their classroom
practices for a variety of potential reasons. The inconsistency between belief and practices are
related to various factors, including class density, time constrains, incompatibility of the assigned
text-books, huge workload, and students need.

Keywords: classroom practices, teacher’s belief, teaching English

Introduction/ English in VHS belongs to English for Specific Purposes (ESP) which described as an
Background approach to language teaching which aims to unify the need of particular learners.
ESP in vocational high school is called English for Vocational Purposes (EVP) (Widodo,
2014). Vocational is different from occupational which means that teachers and
students need to learn not only specific disciplinary knowledge but also specialist
discourse. Dudley-Evans and St. John stated that the teaching ESP is considered a
separate activity within English Language Teaching (ELT) and part of a more general
language teaching movement called "Language for Specific Purposes" (LSP), which
focuses not only on the teaching of English but also on the practices (Liljedahl, 2008).

Thus, this study is interesting because it explores not only the cognitive aspects of
teachers but also their beliefs about the teaching and learning of English in VHS. This
study is aimed to develop a more comprehensive account of teachers' beliefs and
classroom practices. The investigation is some SMK in Majenang, Cilacap because this
is the context in which the researcher has worked with teachers and has got to know
the challenges teachers face in their teaching English in VHS.

Scope of study Exploring the beliefs and classroom practices of the teachers could be an initial step
to be able to identify teachers' needs in this district to improve their teaching
Purpose of
Methodology The method which is used in this research is descriptive, that is, the method
intentionally done to collect information about a phenomenon as in the pure
condition (Arikunto, 2010). This research was done in sort of case study to find out
and describe the teachers’ beliefs and classroom practices in teaching ESP for
Vocational high school. A case study is employed to scrutinize intensively certain
participants which alleged to have certain cases (Sudjana, 2010). The respondent of
the study was six vocational English teachers working in three different vocational
high schools. Three of them were experienced and certified teachers and the other
three were novice teachers. T1 was a novice teacher with 4 years teaching
experience, T2 was a certificated and experienced teacher with 11 teaching years’
experience, T3 had been teaching for more than 19 years, T4 had 11experience, T5
had 6 years teaching experience, and T6 had 5 years teaching experience

Finding Teacher’s beliefs about Subject matter and curriculum

Belief about their Teaching and Learning

Beliefs about teacher’s roles

Beliefs about their learners

Conclusion The teachers have different beliefs about ESP as they view it is not for SMK.
However, SMK itself has some majors which need different English related to their
program. The teachers admitted that they have no basic knowledge and experiences
to teach English for SMK which is specified on the students' program and major. They
just believed that teaching English for SMK consists of more practice than theories. In
practice, teachers implemented the steps of teaching with steeping the sequence
(engagement, exploration, elaboration, and confirmation). They carried out the
learning activities, which do not represent the process of the way the students get
the knowledge to attain the communicative ability. Consequently, the teachers
dominated the teaching and learning process by explanation, without focusing on
students' understanding by giving activities. In the process, teachers do not use
English and it is dominated by L1 as They thought that it will help the students
understand the material and their explanation. They realized that the students are
not motivated to learn English as they know that
English is learnt as foreign language so the teachers tried to be good motivator and
facilitator in classroom activities.
References Akey, M. (2006). School Context, Students' attitudes and Behavior, and a social
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Systematic Approach. Journal of Management Education, 30(2), pp. 303-318.
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Teaching: A Case Study of Teachers' Beliefs and Classroom Practices. Teaching
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The Modern Language Journal, 83(1), 35-50.
Golafshani, Nahid. (2003). Understanding Reliability and Validity in Qualitative
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A publication on the Teaching and Learning of English. 18 (1).
Liljedahl, P. (2008). Teachers’ Insights into the Relationship between Beliefs and
Practice. Journal of Research, 39(2) p. 1157-166

Jurnal 2 :
Title The Correlation Among LLS (Language Learning Strategies),
Students' Reading Interest, and Students' Reading Comprehension
Name of Journal English Language Education and Literature Vol
Author M. Bambang Purwanto
ISSN number p-ISSN 2541-4259|e-ISSN 2597-3630
Volume Vol. 6 No. 2

Abstract: For Indonesian senior high school students, reading comprehension does not only
extensively improve their knowledge in general but also their English achievement. The pieces of
evidence show us that English assessments are mostly given in the form of reading text. Therefore,
the ability to understand the information from the text is inevitability precious in our educational
setting. the Indonesian students' reading comprehension achievement is still low because only 69%
have the lowest level of reading. Students of SMA (Senior High School) still have the poor reading
ability, it is shown by They can finish reading text but they can not answer some questions correctly
based on the theme that they have already read. It means that they can not comprehend the text
well. Based on the problems, the researcher wants to investigate the Correlation among LLS
(Language Learning Strategies), Students' Reading, and Students' Reading Comprehension.
Furthermore, the population of the research is the ninth students of SMPN 27 of Palembang
consisting of 133 students, from the population, 60 students were represented as the sample which
was taken through the probability sampling technique. The instrument to collect the data used
questionnaires for LLS and Reading Interest therefore Reading Comprehension was taken by
students' reading test. While analyzing the data, was used multiple correlation in SPSS 20 for
Windows. The data analysis showed that the result of Ryx1x2 = 0.448 withR2 = 0.200 (or 20.0%)
contributed of LLS and 80%. from linear regression analysis, it showed that regression between X1
and Y is FCount = 7.139 > Ftable(73) = 2.61, which means that linear and significant. Hopefully, it is
suggested to provide with some useful lessons of LLS and reading interest that may help the readers
improve the quality of their reading comprehension.

Keywords: Correlation, Language Learning Strategies, Reading Interest, and Reading Comprehension

Introduction/ Based on the writer's interview, many students of the high school of Ethika
Background Palembang feel that English is very difficult. The reading ability of most students is
still low, it is based on the students' school report cards which indicate that most of
the students got score six on average. Generally, they can read the words but they do
not understand what they read. The students fail to understand the content of the
text not because they do not understand the reading text but because they have little
training or exercise in learning reading. Related to the previous explanations, the
writer researched to know whether or not LLS and Reading Interest influence reading
comprehension. LLS is the strategy to help the language learner in developing their
language performance, whether in language skill or component while reading
interest is one of the ways to measure and to know some factors that influence the
students' reading comprehension. In order, the writer would like to combine those
strategies in increasing students' ability in reading comprehension.
Scope of study in language skills or components while reading Interest is one way to measure and
find out several factors that affect students' reading comprehension. For this reason,
the author wants to combine these strategies in improving students' abilities
in reading comprehension.
Purpose of
Methodology This study uses the descriptive method because it investigated the effect of
prediction variables on the criterion variable with a correctional study. Furcan states
(2008) states descriptive method covers some kind of study and one of them is a
correlation study. While Soedjana, (2008) states that a descriptive method is the
accurate that descriptive indication, in fact, by accident that will happen at the future
time. Fraenkel, Wallen, and Hyun (2012) defined a correlational study as a study that
involves collecting data to determine the degree to which a relationship exists
between two or more variables. In this study, the writer used correlation study
research to measure and describe the degree of relationship between LLS and
reading interest, toward reading comprehension. The objects in a population are
investigated, analyzed, concluded in such a way and then the conclusion made was
valid to the whole population. In this study, the population is the eleventh-grade
students of Ethika High School of Palembang. The writer took 20 students from each
class as a sample to find out the correlation between LLS and Reading Interest toward
students' Reading Comprehension The writer used probability sampling as a
technique for taking a sample. According to Cohen, Manion, and Morisson (2007) a
probability (also known as a random sample) which means it draws randomly from
the wider population, it is useful if the researcher wishes to be able to make
generalizations because it seeks representativeness of the wider population. To
collect the data, the writer used some techniques. They are questioner and text. The
questioner to get influencing of LLS and Reading Interest and validity, reliability to
measure the valid and reliable reading comprehension at the eleventh grade of
Ethika High School Palembang.
Finding Students' Reading Interest

Students' Reading Comprehension

strategies to improving students' abilitiesin reading comprehension

Conclusion The result from the first hypothesis proved there was a significant correlation
between learning strategies (X1) and Reading comprehension (Y). the result of Ryx1
=0.369 with R2 = 0.13.6 (or 13,6%) contributed of LLS and 86.4. the level of significant
is (0.004) < (0.005), consequently, Ho is rejected. It means between LLS and Reading
Comprehension significant correlation of the eleventh-grade students of the Ethika
High School of Palembang (2016). From the findings, the students have a good
strategy in learning strategy, so they will have high scores in reading achievement.
The result from the second hypothesis proved there was a significant correlation
between reading interest (X2) and Reading comprehension (Y). the result of Ryx2
=0.397 with R2 = 0.15.8 (or 15.8%) contributed of LLS and 84.2%. the level of
significant is (0.002) < (0.005), consequently, Ho is rejected. It means between
reading interest and Reading Comprehension significant correlation of the
eleventh-grade students of the Ethika High School of Palembang (2016). From the
findings, the students have a high interest in reading, so they will have high scores in
reading and good reading comprehension. The result from the third hypothesis
proved there was a significant correlation among LLS (X1), reading interest (X2), and
Reading comprehension (Y). the result of Ryx1x2 = 0.448 with R2 = 0.200 (or 20.0%)
contributed of LLS and 80%. Learning strategies are very important for the students
because learning strategies is the step taken by the students to learn. interest is
central in determining how we select and process certain types of information in
preference in others. Furthermore, interest is a significant influence on a child's
education that he devoted a whole volume to its discussion. In order learning
strategies and reading interest are the important factors in learning English. Many
students get higher students in reading achievement in means their reading interest
is quite a good comprehension in reading.
References Hidi, S. 2001. Interest, Reading, and Learning: Theoretical and Practical Consideration.
Psychology Review, Vol. 13, No. 3.
Morisson, Keith, Manion Lawrence, and Louis Cohen. 2007. Research Method in
New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
Pang, Elizabeth S, Angaluki Muaka, Elizabeth B Berdthard, and Michael L, Kamil. 2003.
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Comprehension Achievement of The Eleventh Grade Students of State Senior High
19 of Palembang. Unpublished graduate school Thesis. Faculty of Teacher Training
Education of Graduate School of PGRI University of Palembang.
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Jurnal 3
Title The Cultural Pluralism Reflected in Language Choice
(A case study of Girl dormitory of Nurul Huda)
Name of Journal English Language Education and Literature
Author Ainur Rohmah, Ummu Mulkiyah
ISSN number p-ISSN 2541-4259|e-ISSN 2597-3630
Volume Vol. 6 No. 2

Abstract: This study aims to find out the language choice that is used by students (santri) in the girl
dormitory (asrama putri)Nurul Huda Sukaraja OKU Timur and factors that support using these
languages. This study is an ethnography that belongs to qualitative research. In this study, the
researcher has a role as an instrument to collect the data. The data are collected through observation
and field notes toward utterances produced by students in their daily life communication. The result
shows that there are some kinds of language used by students in the girl dormitory. They are
standard Indonesian and nonstandard Indonesian language, Javanese kromo and Javanese ngoko and
Komering. Each language has its situation to be used by all students. And most of the students use
nonstandard Indonesian and Javanese ngoko in most of the daily life communication.

Keywords: Language Choice, Girl Dormitory, Communication

Introduction/ Girl Dormitory (Asrama Putri) of Islamic Boarding School of Nurul Huda Islamic
Background boarding school (PondokPesantren) of Nurul Huda located at Sukaraja village Buay
Madang OKU Timur regency. PondokPesantren Nurul Huda is one of a religion, social
and education institution inOganKomering Ulu (OKU) Timur regency. This study is
focused on the students who stay in the girl dormitory.Students in this dormitory are
from many ethnicities are java, sunda, and komering.This causes language diversity in
pesantren. For the Javanese student, they use java kromo, java ngoko and standard
Indonesian language, and non-standard Indonesian language. It indicates that the
students are multilingual in everyday communication.
Scope of study the researcher is interested to find out about the language choice made by students
in this dorm that involves language choice, interaction pattern in a particular context,
when, where, and who are involved in communication/conversation.
Purpose of
Methodology This research is ethnography research. Creswell (2007:68)explain that ethnography is
a qualitative design in which the researcher describes and interprets the shared and
learned patterns of values, behaviors, beliefs, and language of a culture-sharing
group. As both a process and an outcome of the research, ethnography is a way of
studying a culture-sharing group as well as the
final, written product of that research. The researcher uses realist ethnography. In
realists, an emphasis is placed on taking field notes and observing the cultural scene.
Observation and record field notes are used to collect the data.
The instrument of this research is the researcher. In collecting the data, the
researcher stays at the research site for a long time to do observation and record
field notes. The researcher reciprocates for gaining the data that suit the study. The
data source is utterances produced by students (santri) in Asrama Putri PP. Nurul
Huda in several situations.
Finding The Cultural Pluralism Reflected in Language Choice

Multilingual situation

Language choice made by students

Students who use Java and Indonesia language

Conclusion Some of students in the girl dormitory are bilingual and some of them are
multilingual. The bilingual students are students who use komering and Indonesia in
the dorm and students who use Java and Indonesia language. While the multilingual
are the students who use komering, Java, and also Indonesia language. They are
native Komering but can speak java. Most students use Java language in most of their
daily activities. They use standard Indonesia language only informal situations such as
in the teaching-learning process. Factors that influence language choice found in the
girl dormitory are status social, age, speaker, place, media, and formality of the
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