English8 Quarter2 Module6 Week6

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Quarter 2: Module 6
Week 6
Recognizing Positive and Negative
Messages in a Text
About the Module
This module consists of the following:
Lesson 1: Elements of a Short Story: Theme & Characterization
Lesson 2: Elements of Poetry: Imagery
Lesson 3: Recognizing Positive and Negative Messages in a Text
Lesson 4: Writing an Essay: A Personal Recount

General Directions: In answering the activities in this module,

use a separate sheet of paper.

What I Need to Know

As you continue learning from home, you meet lots of information from your
reading. Some of these information are easy to interpret while few of them give you a
hard time. In this time of crisis, it is important that you know how to recognize positive
and negative messages from the text you read. By doing it, you, your family, and
friends will be safe, healthy, and happy.

After going through this module, you are expected

❖ read Afro-Asian literary selections;
❖ distinguish positive from negative messages
in the selections;
❖ write a personal recount; and
❖ state one’s personal assessment in writing a
personal recount.



Directions: Read each item carefully and write the letter of your chosen answer.

1. What type of messages are unlawful acts, negative conversations, and bad things
which create a negative impact to the readers’ minds?
A. positive B. negative C. neutral D. persuasive
2. What type of message focuses on communication that provides good news,
acceptance, congratulations, thanksgiving, or sympathy?
A. positive B. negative C. neutral D. persuasive
3. Brain damage due to excessive use of electronic gadgets. What type of a message
is this?
A. positive B. negative C. neutral D. persuasive
4.“From the shock on our mothers’ faces; the resigned set of our fathers’
shoulders…” What emotion is evoked in this line?
A. happy B. excited C. worry D. angry
5-6: Read the following poetry lines and answer the questions that follow:
The decision
The impulse
The call of the wild to be
to become
to live as an African Missioner
is as varied as fingerprints
-from the stanza of the poem “The Call of the Wild”

5. What is the tone of the stanza above?
A. confused B. delighted C. disappointed D. scared
6. The “wild” in the poem refers to ____________.
A. forest B. wild animals C. Africa D. decision
7. Fears churn our bowels
Doubts bubble up from volcanic depths
In the reading context, these lines are ___________ messages.
A. neutral B. positive C. negative D. persuasive
8. Landing on your dream job was one of your achievements in life. Hard work,
perseverance, and sacrifices are paid off. What type of a message is this?
A. positive B. negative C. neutral D. persuasive
9.“Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer to be called
your son. Treat me as one of your hired servants”.
This line implies that the son is ____________.
A. proud B. angry C. humbled D. revengeful
10. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and
ran and embraced him and kissed him.
In the reading context, this scenario implies a ____________message.
A. positive B. persuasive C. negative D. neutral

11. This word means to waste (money,time or things) in a reckless or foolish manner.
A. consume B. squander C. preserve D. save

12-13: Read the short excerpt from the parable “The Prodigal Son” to be able to identify
the type of message the lines imply.

“I never disobeyed your command, yet you never

gave me a young goat, that I might celebrate with
my friends. But when this son of yours came, who
has devoured your property with prostitutes, you
killed the fattened calf for him!’
-Excerpt from the parable “The Prodigal Son”

12. A. positive B. persuasive C. negative D. neutral

And he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me,

and all that is mine is yours. It was fitting to
celebrate and be glad, for this your brother was
dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found.”
-Excerpt from the parable “The Prodigal Son”

13. A. positive B. persuasive C. negative D. neutral

14. Many Africans die of famine. The word famine means_________.

A. spoiled food C. feminine
B. extreme scarcity of food D. abundance of food

15. The purpose of identifying the positive messages and the negative messages in
a text is to _________________.
A. answer the comprehension questions
B. be inspired to do good deeds
C. pass the examinations
D. win in a political race


Lesson Elements of a Short Story: Theme

1 & Characterization

What I Need to Know

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:
1. identify the important details of the parable, “The Prodigal Son”;
2. show comparison of the characters’ actions and decisions; and
3. compose a paragraph about the theme of the selection.

What's In
Directions: The images below imply some difficult words that can be
found in the reading selection. Examine the images and write their
corresponding words in the boxes.

s d

meaning: to spend extravagantly or foolishly


a n

meaning: an extreme scarcity of food


c a n

meaning: sympathetic pity and concern for the

sufferings of others

What’s New
Directions: Read the story and do the tasks that follow.

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

(From Luke 15: 11-23 of the Bible- English Standard Version)

And he said, “There was a man who had two to his father. But while he was still a long
sons. And the younger of them said to his father, way off, his father saw him and felt
‘Father, give me the share of property that is coming compassion, and ran and embraced him
to me.’ And he divided his property between them. and kissed him. And the son said to him,
Not many days later, the younger son gathered all he ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven
had and took a journey into a far country, and there and before you. I am no
he squandered his property in reckless living. And longer worthy to be
when he had spent everything, a severe famine arose called your son.’ But
in that country, and he began to be in need. So, he the father said to his
went and hired himself out to one of the citizens of servants, ‘Bring
that country, who sent him into his fields to feed pigs. quickly the best
And he was longing to be fed with the pods that the robe, and put it on
pigs ate, and no one gave him anything. him, and put a ring
on his hand, and
“But when he came to himself, he said, ‘How
shoes on his feet.
many of my father’s hired servants have more than
And bring the
enough bread, but I perish here with hunger! I will
fattened calf and kill
arise and go to my father, and I will say to him,
it and let us eat and
“Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you.
celebrate. For this
I am no longer to be called your son. Treat me as one
my son was dead,
of your hired servants.” And he rose and came
and is alive again; he

was lost and is found.’ And they began to celebrate.

Now his older son was in the field, and as he

came and drew near to the house, he heard music and
dancing. And he called one of the servants and asked
what these things meant. And he said to him, ‘Your
brother has come, and your father has killed the
fattened calf, because he has received him back safe
and sound.’ But he was angry and refuse to go in. His
father came out and entreated him, but he answered
his father, ‘Look, these many years I have served you,
and I never disobeyed your command, yet you never
gave me a young goat, that I might celebrate with my
friends. But when this son of yours came, who has
devoured your property with prostitutes, you killed
the fattened calf for him!’ And he said to him, ‘Son,
you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours.
It was fitting to celebrate and be glad, for this your
brother was dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is

Comprehension Questions. Choose only three questions to answer.
1. What did the younger son ask from his father? _________________________
2. How did the younger son spend what his father gave him? ________________________
3. Why did the younger son think of going back home? _____________________________
4. Why do you think the father happily welcomed his returning son? ___________________
5.How did the older son react to what his father did to his brother upon coming home?
6. If you were the older son, would you feel the same way? Why or why not?

What I Can Do

Activity 1. Father and Son in Action

Direction: Write in the robes the actions done by the prodigal son and the
father in the parable.

pool of words: actions done actions done

by the by the father
*asked his share of property prodigal
* asked the servants to kill the
calf for celebration
*gave his son property 1. _______ 1. _______
*squandered the money 2. _______ 2. _______
*returned home, and apologized 3. _______ 3. _______
*accepted the son again

Activity 2. Write your Pride!

The story, “The Prodigal Son” highlights forgiveness, acceptance, and

unconditional love.

Direction: Write a short paragraph expressing your opinion about

how to maintain good relationship with your parents.

What I Have Learned
Directions: Write your insights of the story by completing the
statement below.

The lesson I learned from the story is that __________________



Lesson Elements of Poetry: Imagery


What I Need to Know

After going through this lesson, you are expected to
1. state the ideas implied in the poem, “The Call of the Wild;
2. point out the positive and negative images in the poem; and
3. sketch one’s imagination of Africa as implied in the poem.

What’s In
Many people in Africa suffer from hunger, diseases, and violence.
Worse, lots of children die of starvation and many more are still born.
This condition has made the Africa a destination for missionaries.
Missionaries (or missioners) are sent by a church or an organization to
conduct activities that may include evangelism, education, health care,
and others.

A. Answer the question briefly:

What would you do if you were invited to a mission in Africa?


B. Directions: Rearrange the letters in each box to come up with a word that means
almost the same as the italicized word in the sentence.

1. His impulse is to go and visit his ailing grandmother.

E R I D E S ______________________________

2. The foliage in that area is quite abundant and beautiful.

P N L A S T ______________________________

3. I heard the ruckus created by his sudden arrival.
C O N O O T M I M ______________________________

4. Stomachs churn even with the slightest indication of a storm coming.

H A S K E _____________________________

What’s New

Direction: Read the poem written by a Catholic priest who was sent to

The Call of the Wild

Donald Larmore

The decision
After the vision, images play in our minds:
The impulse
elephants and lions
The call of the wild to be
jungles and plains
to become
faces and smiles
to live as an African Missioner
dances and spears.
is as varied as fingerprints
Fears churn our bowels:
the stripes on a zebra
the foliage of the Serengeti
the waves of Lake Victoria
the matatus of Nairobi
Refugees and famines
From the shock on our mothers’ faces
Wars and rumors of war.
the resigned set of our fathers’ shoulders
the ruckus laughter of our beloved
A strange courage wells up as we pack
raincoats and hats
repellant and pills
We learned early that Africa is a divine
cool-shades and Bible
pocket-knife and a Mars bar,
from the womb
from a fall from our baby-crib
Doubts bubble up from volcanic depths:
from National Geographic
You gotta be crazy!
from love too close
Who else does this!
from love too far.
I am going where to do what?
We, like Samuel, hear: Tom! Bill! John!
Not me, who likes three squares and no
Blindly, we answer: “Nipo!”
hard lifting!
Then we hear something like: you are my God said what?
beloved wild, woolly child.
I am very well pleased to see you Oh, but then, the comfort
surrounded, the confusion
the consolation of the Knoll,
enveloped, enchanted and we are planted firmly in missionary myth.
By African lively loveliness.

Let us unlock the terms from the poem!

Nipo a Swahili word meaning “I am


Knoll short for Mary Knoll, a Catholic

missionary organization

a state or situation in which many people

ruckus are angry or upset

Comprehension Questions:
1. What is referred to as “the wild” in the poem? _________________
2. Who is the “we”? What were they called to do in the wild? ________________
3. What was the reaction of their mothers on their decision? their fathers? their
siblings? ____________________
4. What did they expect to find in Africa? Put your answers in the table below.

Positive images Negative images

1. ___________________________ 1. _________________________
2. ___________________________ 2. _________________________
3. ___________________________ 3. _________________________
4. ___________________________ 4. _________________________
5. _________________________
6. _________________________

5. What was the missionaries’ final decision? ___________________

6. If you were the missionary, would you accept the mission? Why or why not?

What I Can Do
My Imagination!
Direction: By analyzing the imagery in the poem, “The Call of the
Wild”,draw in a box how you imagine Africa.

Reflection and Knowledge- 10
Basic Skills- 5
Shading & Effects- 5
Layout/Proportion- 5
Total: 25 points

What I Have Learned

Direction: Write your insights of the poem by completing the statement

I have learned from the poem that ________________________________________



Lesson Recognizing Positive and

3 Negative Messages in a Text

What I Need to Know

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

1. distinguish positive from negative messages in a text; and
2. explain in own words the difference between positive and
negative messages.

What's In
Directions: Read the short dialog. Answer the questions that follow.

You are rude and unkind young man.

You may not enjoy the smell of
Since you insist, I will pay you
nothing. But I will also stand here just my bread, you miserable old
outside your door and enjoy the smell hag! Thief! Police! Take this old
of your wonderful bread. crone away! Take her to the

Let’s unlock words!

rude- offensively

hag- an ugly old

woman; crone
Excerpt from “King Solomon and the Baker” by Leo Heska (Based on a traditional Jewish Folktale)

1. What did the old woman ask from the baker? Why was she angry? __________
2. Based on the baker’s reply, what kind of attitude did he show? ______________
3. What do these words—rude, unkind, and crone imply? ___________________
4. If you were the old woman, how would you ask bread from the baker in a positive
manner? ________________

Reading selections contain positive and negative messages. The goal is for the
readers to imitate the positive and turn the negative messages to learning experiences.

What’s New

Direction: Read the short diary.

Dear Diary,
I kept thinking about what our teacher told us today. She said that one of the most difficult
things to do is wait. People naturally do not like waiting. We always want to have everything
instantly. To get what we want as quickly as possible is our goal, but we often find ourselves
failing. She related it to loving. To think that we can hurry love is a mistake. She said that to
really love means to wait patiently. Those who rush into love often reap disastrous
consequences, but those who choose to wait get their reward.
I think she is right. So as a resolution, I promise to wait for the right time. I want to share my
love with the right person. I will pray for that love to come and for the grace to wait for it patiently.
Source: English Acroos Continents 8, K to 12 Edition Textbook

What are the positive messages in this diary? How about the negative messages?
Based on the diary entry, we have identified the positive and negative messages.

positive negative
messages messages
• Love means to wait patiently. • People naturally do not like
• Those who choose to wait get waiting.
their reward. • We always want to have
• I promise to wait for the right everything instantly.
time. • Those who rush into love often
• I will pray for that love to come. reap disastrous consequences.

✓ We say that these are positive ✓ We say that these are negative
messages for the lines reflect messages. The idea of refusal
good human attitude and and denial often causes
values. unfavorable effects.

Take a look at this:

Positive messages focus on a type of communication that provides good news, acceptance,
congratulations, thanksgiving, or sympathy. This is a type of message that audience or readers are
pleased to hear or read.

Negative messages include things such as: disagreement, disapproval, denial, cancellation, bad
news, refusals, rejects, insults, or intrusion. In short, negative messages are informative messages
that you probably do not want to hear.

In reading text, positive messages are scenarios and conversations which include values, life-
lessons, appreciations, and good things that convey a good feeling to the readers. On the other hand,
negative messages in a text are those unlawful acts, negative conversations, and bad things which
create a negative impact to the readers’ minds.

1. After going through the discussion, will you be able to identify the positive messages
and the negative messages in the selection? How? _________________
2. How will you turn a negative message into a positive one? ________________
3. If you become an author, how will you highlight positive messages? _____________

Positive messages are situations which create good impact in our lives;
while negative messages are actions, decisions, or circumtances in life that could
have a negative effect, not just in ourselves but also to the people around us. Let us
bear in mind that positive actions surely have positive impact.

What I Can Do
Message Me!
Directions: Below are lines taken from the parable, “The Prodigal Son” and from the
poem, “The Call of the Wild”. Identify whether the line implies a
positive message or a negative message.

_____________1. From the shock on our mothers’

the resigned set of our fathers’
the ruckus laughter of our
beloved siblings

A severe famine arose in that country, and he began to be in


But while he was still a long way off, his father saw
_____________3. him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced
him and kissed him.

_______________4. A strange courage wells up as we pack.

I am very well pleased to see you
. surrounded,
enveloped, enchanted
By African lively loveliness.

What I Have Learned

Directions: Write your insights about positive and negative messages
by completing the statements below.

I have learned that positive messages are ______________________________

______________________________________________while negative messages are




Lesson Writing an Essay:

4 Personal Recount

What I Need to Know

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:
1. write a personal recount highlighting ups and downs in life and
2. make an assessment on the task, writing a personal recount.

What's In

In this lesson, you read a parable and a poem to

analyze the positive messages and negative messages.
You learned that positive messages are actions and
situations which give a favorable effect while negative
messages result to unfavorable consequences. Thus,
you—as a teenager—make sound judgment and wise
decisions because you are well aware of the impacts of
your actions. You are now ready to do your

What’s New
Direction: Observe the flow chart on the main parts of an essay:

Here are the steps in writing an essay using a personal recount:

Part 1: Introduction

The introduction of your essay is the reader's first glimpse into your writing. Not only will it
introduce your topic, but it provides the reader with the structure of your essay. So, it needs
to grab their attention and clearly outline your arguments. It does this through using
an opening hook and thesis statement.

For example:

• Opening hook: If magical realism includes fantastical elements, why isn’t it

considered fantasy?
• Thesis statement: Magical realism creates a believable blend of mundane and
fantastical through real-world settings, fantastical elements, and flexible time

Part II: 3 Body Paragraphs

Body paragraphs take up most of the essay because you use these to present and defend
your arguments or thoughts.
Start Strong
The first body paragraph is your strongest point. Then the second paragraph includes your
next strongest point or argument. Follow this structure to your last body paragraph, which
should present the weakest point you want to make.
Use Credible Research
For most essays, you’ll need to back up your theories and arguments with credible
research and examples. Therefore, you’ll need to know the difference between primary and
secondary sources, and how to use those resources to build your best argument.
Topic Sentences
Essays should flow like a babbling brook over rocks. To make them flow, use topic
sentences. These outline what you will be discussing in the paragraph. Then, use transition
words to flow from one argument to the next.

Part III: The Conclusion

The conclusion is the last paragraph in the essay. It completes the essay by summarizing
or repeating the most important ideas. The conclusion can also include and opinion, a
prediction, or a solution to a problem.

It takes all the parts (introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion) to make
a perfect essay combination. With the parts of an essay set firmly in your
grasp, you might try your hand at creating a personal recount.

What I Can Do A personal recount is a spoken

or written account of an event or
experience that the writer or
speaker was personally involved
Here is the criteria for the task that you will do. in.

Focus and Details- 5 points

Organization- 5 points
Voice of the Verbs- 5 points
Word Choice- 5 points
Sentence Structure & Grammar- 5 points
Mechanics & Spelling- 5 points
Total: 30 points

Performance Task

Directions: Write a personal recount through a 3-paragraph essay which highlights
your ups and downs in life. To explore your imagination, make your own unique title.

What I Have Learned

Direction: Write your valuable insights learned in writing your own
personal experience by completing the statement below.

What did you learn in your writing experience?

I learned that ___________________________________________



Directions: Read each item carefully and write the letter of the chosen answer on a
separate sheet.
1. What type of message focuses on a type of communication that provides good news,
acceptance, congratulations, thanksgiving, or sympathy?
A. negative B. neutral C. positive D. persuasive
2. What type of messages are unlawful acts, negative conversations, and bad things
which create a negative impact to the readers’ minds?
A. positive B. negative C. neutral D. persuasive
3-4: Read the following poetry lines and answer the questions that follow:
The decision
The impulse
The call of the wild to be
to become
to live as an African Missioner
is as varied as fingerprints
-from the stanza of the poem “The Call of the Wild”

3. What is the tone of the stanza above?
A. scared B. delighted C. disappointed D. confused
4. The “wild” in the poem refers to ____________.
A. Africa B. wild animals C. decision D. forest
5. Fears churn our bowels
Doubts bubble up from volcanic depths
In the reading context, these lines are ______________ messages.
A. neutral B. positive C. negative D. persuasive
6. “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you. I am no longer to be called
your son. Treat me as one of your hired servants”.
This line implies that the son is ____________.
A. proud B. humbled C. angry D. revengeful
7. “From the shock on our mothers’ faces; the resigned set of our fathers’
shoulders…” What emotion is evoked in this line?
A. happy B. excited C. worry D. angry
8. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and
ran and embraced him and kissed him.
In the reading context, this scenario implies a ___________ message.
A. positive B. persuasive C. negative D. neutra
9-10: Read the short excerpt from the parable “The Prodigal Son” to be able to identify
the type of message the lines imply.
“I never disobeyed your command, yet you never
gave me a young goat, that I might celebrate with
my friends. But when this son of yours came, who
has devoured your property with prostitutes, you
killed the fattened calf for him!’
-Excerpt from the parable “The Prodigal Son”

9. A. persuasive B. negative C. neutral D. positive

And he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me,

and all that is mine is yours. It was fitting to
celebrate and be glad, for this your brother was
dead, and is alive; he was lost, and is found.”
-Excerpt from the parable “The Prodigal Son”
10. A. neutral B. persuasive C. negative D. positive
11. This word means to waste (money,time or things) in a reckless or foolish manner.
A. save B. preserve C. squander D. consume
12. Landing on your dream job was one of your achievements in life. Hard work,
perseverance, and sacrifices are paid off. What type of a message is this?
A. positive B. negative C. neutral D. persuasive
13. Brain damage due to excessive use of electronic gadgets. What type of a message
is this?
A. positive B. persuasive C. neutral D. negative

Robe Vector, Accessed October 31, 2020.
Paper Pen Clipart, Accessed November 6, 2020
Prodigal Son Crying Black and White, Accessed October 21, 2020
Female Teacher Clipart, Accesssed October 31, 2020
A Picture of a Key, Accessed October 31, 2020.
Angry Baker’s Face, Accessed October 31, 2020
Lesson 1:
What’s In
Lesson 2: Image 1- squander
What’s In Image 2- famine
Lesson 3: A. Answers vary Image 3- compassion
What’s In B. desire, plants, commotion, shake What’s New
1. Bread. She was not given. What’s New 1. share of property
2. Rude, unkind 1. Africa 2. Missioners 2. he squandered his money
3. answers vary 3. mothers- shocked, fathers- 3.nothing was left of him
4. answers vary disappointed, siblings- angry 4. he said the younger son was dead and
What’s New 4.Positive- elephants and lions, jungles is alive; was lost and is found
1-3 Answers may vary and plains, faces and smiles, dances and 5. angry 6. Answers vary
What I Can Do spears What I Can Do
1. negative Negative- snakes, mosquitoes, jungle-rots, Act. 1
2. negative AIDS, refugees and famines, wars and actions done by the son- asked his share
3-5 positive rumors of war of property, squandered the money,
What I Have Learned 5. to go returned home and apologized
Answers vary 6. Answers vary actions done by the father- gave his son
What I Can Do the property, accepted the son again,
Sketch asked the servants to kill the calf for
What I Have Learned celebration
Answers vary Act. 2- Answers vary
What I Have Learned- Answers vary
Answer Key
B. abundance of food D. spoiled food
A. extreme scarcity of food C. feminine
15. Many Africans die of famine. The word famine means____________.
D. win in a political race
C. pass the examinations
B. answer the comprehension questions
A. be inspired to do good deeds
a text is to ________________.
14. The purpose of identifying the positive messages and the negative messages in
The Prodigal Son, Accessed October 20, 2020.
Paper PNG and Vectors, Accessed July 29, 2021
Paper Png, Vector, PSD, and Clipart With Transparent Background for Free
Download | Pngtree

Jallores, Almira, et al. English Across Continents 8 (K to 12 Edition). Diwa Learning Systems
Inc, 2014.
Online Sources
“Routine and Positive Messages in the Workplace.” Study.com, Accessed October 14, 2020,
“Delivering Negative Messages.” Ivybusiness, Accessed October 14, 2020,
“Different Types of Messages.” Slideshare, Accessed October 14, 2020,
“Gandhi Quotes on Love.” Pinterest.ph, Accessed October 31, 2020,

“Parts of an Essay.” Slideshare.net, Accessed October 31, 2020,


“What are the Main Parts of an Essay?” Your Dictionary, Accessed October 31, 2020,

“Essay Rubric.” Readwritethink.org, Accessed October 31, 2020,


“Personal Recount Definition.” Prezi, Accessed November 2, 2020,


“Drawing Rubric.” Scribd.com, Accessed November 6, 2020,


Development Team of the Module

Contextualizer: SHERYLL MAE M. BONTUYAN, TIII, Taptap Integrated School

Editors: Elena B. Tuhoy, MT2, Talamban National High School

Ethel T. Aguanta, MT1, Pardo National High School
Jedil C. Ilanan, T1, Ramon Duterte Memorial National High School

Evaluator: Eleanor D. Gallardo, Assistant Principal, Quiot NHS


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