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An fducatiornt intiative of



Worksheet :3 Name of Teacher:

Grade: 9 Section: G
Subject: Physlcs
Tople: Thermal properties of matter, Total marks- 20 Parent's slgnature
Name of student...>HOMBRITO.AOMGAS. Date: .15/12/2023..

Q1(a) () Aliquid is heated so that bubbles of its vapour rise to the surface and molecules escape to the atmosphere.
State the name of this process [1]

() At alower temperature than in (a)(), molecules escape from the surface to the atmosphere.
State the name of this process.tVapAbon. [1]

(b) () Fig. 1.1 shows apparatus used to determine the power output of a heate.


electric heater

metal block

Fig. 1.1
The metal block has a mass of 2.7 kg. The metal of the bilock has a specific heat capacity of 900 JI (kg °C).
In 2 min 30 s, the temperature of the block increases from 21 °C to 39 °C.
Calculate the power of the heater.

I50 W

-2.7%900 x(39-21) = 43740 3 power=..... (4)

(l) State and explain a precaution that can be taken to improve the accuracy of the experiment.
Statement..Adcl...sletosM,.rakA si..AAMO.ti..A..bloc*..
Explanetion.IOSkttsy.nstsisAl..w:M..slst..the..block...snd..esNa. hect.Jles.... rRlults.
Total: 9]
Q2 (a) Water moleules escape to the atmosphere from water boiling in a pan. Water
evaorste from the surface of a bowi of cool water and also escape to the atmosphere.molecules
Stste tO ways in which boiling is different from evaporation.

() Fig. 2.1 shows a heater in a metal block.

electric heater

metal block

Fig. 2.1
The power of the heater is 370 Wand it is switched on for 4.0 minutes. The metal block has a specific heat capacity of
420 JI(kg °C) and a mass of 5.0 kg.
Calculate theincrease of temperature of the block. Assume all the thermal energy from the heater is transferred to the

S8,800: meo
88,00: 5x420 x A
370 AQ 296
temperature increase = 42-3s. [4]
[Total: 6]
Q3 An electrical heater is placed on the floor of a room in a house. The heater is switched on.
(a) State the main process by which themal energy is transferTed to the air in all parts of the room.

Conectisn. [1

(b) The heater has a power of 1.5 kW. The air in the room has a mass of 65 kg. The specific heat
capacity of air is 720 J/ (kg C).
() Calculate the time it takes for this heater to raise the temperature of the air in the room from 8.0°C to 15.0 °C.

1500 327,600o

time = 218..es95ls. [4]

218 4
(t)State wo reasons why the time calcujated in (b)() is
sir in the room from 8.0 °C to 15.0 °C. smaller than the actual time taken to raise the termperature of the alse..s91ns.. ths..cbissts. .o. bs..ssom.Such..9S..s,.{laks.A:. .

2.Jhiml..2OSA4.. s..senshse..oske..thysgh.casdstiso...astisk..
Q4 (a) State three factors that detemine the rate of [Total: 7]
evaporation of water.
2. Sakka..KRA.
(b) A person climbs out of a swimming pool and stands in the open air.

Explain why evaporation of water from the surface of the person's body causes the person to feel cold.'!..wth..thx...AnS
eporate and
..Ci..t.....SRISsÜ£.g.leaving. .....<qstis..cátislkes..stlhikh...nak...h...pSAN..kel.salsl.
[Total: 5]
Q5 Fig. 5.1shows apparatus used by a student to measure the specific heat capacity of iron.

electric heater

iron block

Fig. 5.1
(a) The student improves the accuracy of the experiment by placing material around the block, as shown in Fig. 4.2.


Fig. 5.2
) Suggest the name of a possible material the student could use and
experiment explain how it improves the accuracy of the
suggestion. Wood
explanation ...000d..Ss.a.theA ms...nsulato..ond..M...hle..
..Rwnt...hesat..loss...Ken...he....iSon..lock....Cs......e wont [3]
(i) State how the student could further improve the accuracy of the experiment by using more of the
material used in Fig. 5.2.

By.placing EKE.A...p....t..lsck.,,ensuioi_.lea.. heet.loa..

Kuthe..mpsss..xpsimest... AMlbs.

(b) The current in the heater is 3.8 A and the potential difference (p.d.) across it is 12 V. The iron block has a
mass of 2.0 kg. When the heater is switched on for 10 minutes,the temperature of the block rises from
25 °C to 55 °C.
Calculate the specific heat capacity of iron.

:38x 12 1360 2x (55-25) x C


specific heat capacity= 456 I/(3). [4]

(Total: 8]
An Ftucatlonat inittative of



Worksheet: 2 Name of Teacher:

Grade: 9 Sectlon: G
Subject: Physics
Topic: Kirnetic Theory, Total marks- 20 Parent's signature
Name of student...OMEB1T9...ASMAAA. Date: .5/12/2023.

Q1 A balloon oontains a fixed mass of gas.

(a) Explain, in terms of the momentum of molecules, how the gas in the balloon exerts a pressure.
Sas..skSAla..o..h...ellaon.....sonstootly...nviDE,..ASSAnsl...sahea..they.. .......... he..otedes..SHcasa...this..calse.,.hy...XS..a..

(b) Explain, in terms of molecules, why the pressure of the gas increases when the volume of the
balloon decreases. The temperature of the gas is constant.

.As.he.Mslum..o. h..aileb,..as8..sthia. Jhs...lsllean...sJkseeNR..Gol i9n%.

.betukeo.astisdea...a.h..uslas...sAS..082..ksquenty.. Aulting.....S..
(c) The initial volume of the gas is 500 cm3 and its pressure is 1.1 x10° Pa. The volume is reduced to 200 cm3.
The temperature of the gas is constant.
Calculate the new pressure.

pressure =..2.25.x Io Pa ...2]

D, : 275000
[Total: 6]
Q2 Fig. 2.1 shows a child releasing a baloon filled with helium.

Fig. 2.1
The prassure of the helium in the balloon keeps the balloon Inflated.
(a) Expiain how the particles of hellum produce this pressure.

.I..sasu.patice,.. heum..Ssansteaty.0E.Seun...ainisd.ths...allasn.
Sollisk.`sqeally..swth. the..Suß sa..S..Ss.
.and..pR.,.kezpinq..h..allos ..lstsl.

(b) As the tballoon travels upwards through the atmosphere, the volume of the helium increases.
The temperature of the helium remains constant.
))State an equation that relates the volume of the helium to its pressure.
(i) Fig. 2.2 shows how the air pressure the atmosphere changes with the height above ground level.

kPa 100





2000 4000 6000 8000

Fig. 2.2
1. Using Fig. 6.2, determine the pressure at ground level. Give the unit.

pressure =.... unit = k. (21

2. Using Fig. 2.2, determine the height at which the volume of the helium in the balloon is twice the volume at ground

height = -(2)
[Total: 8]
Q3 Fig. 31 shows a gas contained in a cylinder
enclosed by a piston.
pressure gauge


Fig. 3.1
(a) Describe, in terms of momentum of the molecules, how a pressure is exerted on the walls of the cylinder.
....n ths..NAS...hs..snsts..


(b)The piston is pushed into the cylinder. The volume decreases from 820 cm3 to 330 cm3. The pressure gauge
measures the pressure after compression as 20 000 Pa. The temperature remains constant.
Calculate the value of the pressure before the gas was compressed.

820x P, : 20.O00 x 30

pressure = ....... [3)

[Total: 6]
An Eucationa! tntiative of


Worksheet :4 Name of Teacher:

Grade: 9 Section: G
Subject: Physics
Topic: Thermal properties of matter, Total marks- 15 Parent's signature
Name of student..HORSI9.AVMEAR Date: .15/12/2023.
Give tick mark (v) on right answer

The diagrams show four blocks of steel. The blocks are all drawn to the same scale.
The same quantity of thermal energy (heat) is given to each block.

Which block shows the greatest rise in temperature?


Equal masses of two different liquids are heated using the same heater. The graph shows how
the temperature of each liquid changes with time.

liquid 1

liquid 2

0 time

What does the graph tell us about the liquids?

Liquid 1has a higher melting point than liquid 2.
Liquid 1has a higher boiling point than liquid 2./
Liquid 1 starts to melt sooner than liquid 2.
D Liquid 1starts to boilsooner than liquid 2.
in an experiment, a thermometer is placed in atest-tube of hot liquid. The temperature of the
liquid is recorded every half minute. The table shows the results.
time/minutes 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5

tenperature/C 73 65 59 55 55 55 51 48 45 42 40 38 36 35 34 33

What is the melting point of the substance?

A 0°C 33°C t 55°C D 73C
The diagram shows a beaker of water. Four molecules are labelled. The relative amount of
energy of each molecule is shown.
Which molecule is most likely to escape from the liquid?

sholecule A
molecule B
(high energy)
(low energy)
molecule D
molecule C
(low energy)
(high energy)
it becomes ice.
When steam condenses it becomes liquid water. When liquid water solidifies
what happens to the
What happens to the temperature of steam while it is condensing, and
temperature of water while it is solidifying?

temperature of steam temperature of water

while it is condensing while it is solidifying
A decreases decreases

B decreases stays the same

stays the same decreases
slays the same stays the same

Asolid is heated from room temperature.
The graph shows how its temperature changes with time as it is heated constantly.

At which time has it just become completely liquid?


room temperature

0+ A B D
Equal masses of wo different liquids are put into
identicai beakers.
Liqud 1 is heated for 100s and iiquid 2 is heated for 200 s by
heaters of the same power.
The temperature of both liquids
increases by the same amount.

different liquids
of same mass
liquid 1 liquid 2

heaters of
heating time = 100 s same power heating time = 200s
Which slatement is correct?
A Both liquids receive the same amount of energy.
Liquid 1receives more energy than liquid 2. X
C Both liguids have equal thermal capacity.

The thermalcapacity of liquid 1 is less than the thermal capacity of liquid 2.

Two metal blocks Xand Yare al room temperature. Each block is heated so thal its termperature
rises by 10°C.

The blocks are now allowed to cool back to room temperature.

Block Yhas agreater thermal capacity than block X.
Which block needs more thermal (heat) energy to heat it up by 10°C and which block loses more
thermal (heat) energy as it cools back to room temperature?
more energy
heating cooling


A SWimmer feels cold after leaving warm water
on a warm, windy day.
Why does she feel cold even though the air is
The less energetic water molecuies on her skin
escape quickly.
The more energetic water molecules on her skin do not escape
The water on her skin does not evaporate quickly enough to
keep her wamn.
.P The water on her skin evaporates quickly and cools her skin.

The same quantity of thermal (heat) energy is given to two objects Xand Y. The temperature rise
of object X is less than the temperature rise of object Y.

What accounts for this difference?

X has a larger thermal capacity than Y

B X is a better themal conductor than Y, X
C Y has a larger the rmal capacity than X.
D Y is abetter thermal conductor than X.
Which quantity gives the themal capacity of a solid object?
A the energy lost by radiation fromn the object in 1.0s
B the energy needed to melt the object
the energy needed to raise the temperalure of the object by 1.0°C
D the total amount of thermal energy in the object

In anexperiment, a liquid is heated at a constant rate.
The temperature of the liquid increases and eventually becomes constant.
Which statement about the experiment is correct?

A Boilingoccurs at all temperatures but only on the liquid surface.

Boiling occurs throughout the liquid but only at the constant temperature.
Evaporation occurs throughout the liquid and at all temperatures.
Evaporation occurs only at the constant temperature and only on the liquid surface.

Which statement about evaporation is correct?
A Evaporation causes the temperature of the remaining liquid to decrease.
B Evaporation does not occur from a cold liquid near its freezing point.
C Evaporation does not occur from a dense liquid, such as mercury.
D Evaporation ocCurs from all parts of a liquid.

A beaker contains 0.500 kg of water at a temperalure of 3.0°C. The beaker is heated, and the
internal energy of the water increases by 21.0 kJ.
The specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J/ (kg °C).
What is the tenperature of the water after it has been healed?
5.5°C 10.0°C 13.0°C D 31.5°C
Asubstance loses themal energy (heat)to the surroundings at a steady rate.
The graph shows how the temperature of the substance changes with time.



What could the portion PQ ofthe graph represent?

gas condensing
B gas cooling

liquid cooling
D liquid solidifying

water are both in a laboratory. The
A piece of melting ice at 0 °C and a beaker of boiling
laboratory is at 20C.

boiling water

meiting ice Bunsen burner

heating water

is happening to the
What is happening to the temperature of the melting ice and what
temperature of the boiling water?

temperature of temperature of
melting ice boiling water

constant constant

Constant increasing
C increasing constant

increasing increasing

A puddle of water is formed after a rain shower on a windy day

Which statement explains the effect of the wind on the rate of evaporation of the water in the

A The wind gives molecules in the water extra kinetic energy and so increases the rate of

The wind removes evaporated water from near the surface and so decreases the rate of

The wind removes evaporated water from near the surface and so increases the rate of
D The wind takes energy from molecules near the surface and so decreases the rate of
ontaner of mass 0 20 ko oontains 0 10 ka of water.
s f heat capacity of copper is 385 J/(kg C) and the specific heat
capacity of water

NOW u h energy. in joutes. is needed to raise the temperature of the

water by 10 C?
copper container and the

A (0 20 385 x10)-(0.10 x 4200x 10)

(0 20 x 385 x 10) + (0.10 x 4200x 10)

(0 10+0 20) x (42002+385 x 10

A metal has a speciic heat capacity of 360 J/ (kg °C). An object made of this metal has a mass of
What is the themal capacity (heat capacity) of the object?
180J/C 180J/kg 720J/°C D 720 J/ kg

Equal masses of two different liquids are put into identical beakers.
Liquid 1is heated for 100s and liquid 2 is heated for 200s by heaters of the same power.

Each liquid has the same rise in temperature.

different liquids
of same mass
liquid 2
liquid 1

heating time = 100 s heating time = 200s

Which statement is correct?

A Each beaker of liquid has the same thermal capacity.

Each beaker of liquid receives the same energy.

c Liquid 1 receives more energy than liquid 2.
. The thermal capacity of liquid 1 is less than the thermal capacity of liquid 2.
An thrattonat inittative af


Worksheet:1 Name of Teacher:

Grade: 9 Section: G
Subject: Physics
Topic: Kinetic Theory, Total marks- 15 Parent's signature
Name of student.. SHOMSRIT.A9MAAS.
Glve tick mark (V) on right answer
Date: .05/12/2023.
A gas storage tank has a fixed volume. The graph shows how the temperature of the gas in the
tank varies with time.



At time Y, the gas molecules are

A closer together than at time X.

hitting the sides of the tank harder than at time X.
larger in size than at time X
D moving more siowly than at time X.
The diagran shows a sealed jar containing a gas.


Which statement about the gas in the jar is correct?

The gas molecules collide with the inside of the jar more often as the temperature increases.
B The gas molecules move more slowiy as the temperalure increases.
The pressure of the gas decreases as the temperature increases.
The pressure of the gas is higher at the top of the jar than at the botlom of the jar.
Ablock of ice cream is prevented from melting by wrapping it in newspaper soaked in water. The
water evaporates from the newspaper.

Which molecules escape from the water and what happens to the average speed of the water
molecules that remain in the newspaper?

average speed of the

escaping molecules remaining water molecules
A the less energetic ones decreases
the less energetic ones increases

the more energetic ones decreases

the nore energetic ones increases
A stucenl places his thumb fimmty on tihe outlet of a bieycle pump, to stop the air coming out
Irapped air

direction of


What apens to the pressure andwhat happens to the volume of the trapped air as the pump
Ihde is pshed in?

pressure volume

decreases decreases
ecreases remains the same

increases decreases

increases remains the same

During evaporation, molecules escape rapidly from the surface of a liquid.

What happens to the average energy of the molecules of the remaining liquid and what happens
to the temperature of the remaining liquid?

average energy of temperature of

remaining molecules remaining liquid

decreases decreases

decreases increases

stays the same decreases

D stays the same increases

A telephone engineer connects a wire between two poles when the weather is very cold.

He makes the wire very loose. The wire passes over a road.
very lOose wire


The weather changes and it becomes very hot.

What could happen to the wire and why?

what could happen why

it breaks it contracts

it breaks it expands
it sags and touches it cont racts
cars on the road

it sags and touches

cars on the road it expands

Extremely small pollen grains in water are viewed through a microscope. The grains are seen to
move continuaily and randomly.
What is the reason for this random movement?

The grains are moved by randomlymoving water molecules.

The grains are moved by random convection currents in the water.

C The grains are oved by random rays of light reflecing off them.
The grains are moved by the random motion of their own atoms.
Gases CAn be oompressed, but iquids cannot
Whoh statenent explains this difference?

Each okecule in a gas is more compressible than each molecule in a liquid.

Moleules in a gas are further apart than molecules in a liquid.
Mokeouies in a gas attract each other more strongly than molecules in a liquid.
Molecules in a gas move more siowly than moBecules in a liquid.
Agas is Compressed in a sealed cylinder by moving a piston

piston piston

gas gas

initial position after gas has been compressed

Which row in the table states what happens to the density of the gas and to the pressure of the
gas when it is compressed?

density pressure

decreases decreases
decreases increases
C increases decreases

increases increases

Two states of matter are described as follows.

in state 1, the molecules are very far apart. They move about very quickly at random in straight
lines until they hit sonething.
in state 2, the molecules are quite closely packed together. They move about at random. They do
not have fixed positions.
What is state 1 and what is state 2?

state 1 state 2

gas liquid
B gas solid

C liquid gas
D solid liquid
A diver under waler uses breathing apparatus at a depth where the pressure is 1.25 x 10Pa.


A bubtbie of gas breathed out by the diver has a volume of 20 cm² when it is released. The bubble
moves upwards to the surface of the water.

At the surlace of the water, the atmospheric pressure is 1.00 x 10°Pa.

The temperature of the water is the same at all depths.

What is the volume of this bubble when it reaches the surlace?

A 15cm' 16 cm? C 20cm B 25 cm'

The diagram represents moving gas molecules in a sealed container of fixed



3 molecule

The temperature of the gas is now increased.

What happens to the pressure of the gas, and what happens to the speed of the gas molecules?
pressure speed of
of gas molecules

increases increases
increases unchanged
unchanged increases

unchanged unchanged
cylinder of constant volume contains a fixed mass of gas. The gas is cooled.
What happens to the pressure of the gas and what happens to the kinetic energy of the gas

kinetic energy
pressure of gas of molecules

decreases decreases

B decreases increases

increases decreases

D increases increases

A circular metal disc is

Which quantity decreases?

its density
its diameter

C its thickness

D its volume

gradually evaporates.
Puddles of rain water remain after a stom. The water in the puddles
water remaining the puddle, and how
How does the evaporation affect the temperature of themolecules in the puddle?
average speed of the remaining water
does it affect the

average speed of
temperature of water molecules
water in puddle
in puddle

decreases decreases

decreases increases

C increases decreases

D increaSes increases

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