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Title: Exploring Nouns with ICT tools

Objective: Students will be able to identify, classify and use nouns in sentences.

Materials needed:

Computers or tablets with internet access

Interactive whiteboard or projector
Educational games and activities related to nouns (e.g. Noun Dunk, Noun Explorer)

Introduction (10 minutes):

Begin by explaining what a noun is and provide examples (e.g. person, place, thing, idea).
Discuss the importance of using nouns in writing and speaking.
Use an interactive whiteboard or projector to display an educational game or activity
related to nouns, such as Noun Dunk or Noun Explorer, and play it as a class.

Main activity (30 minutes):

Divide students into groups of two or three and have them access a noun-related game
or activity on their computer or tablet.
Instruct students to work together to identify the nouns in the game or activity and
classify them as person, place, thing, or idea.
After completing the game or activity, have each group present their findings to the class.

Conclusion (10 minutes):

Bring the class back together and have a discussion about the importance of using nouns
Have students create their own sentences using at least two nouns, and share them with
the class.
Close the lesson by reminding students about the importance of using nouns in their
writing and speaking.


Observe students during the main activity and take note of their ability to identify,
classify, and use nouns in sentences.
Review the sentences created by each student and provide feedback on their use of

Extension activity:

Have students create a digital story using at least 10 nouns.

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