Voice Excercise 2

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1. The dog chased the boy.

2. The cat bit the baby.

3. The delivery boy rang the bell.
4. Tuhin played basketball.
5. Miss Gomez teaches us French.
6. Yuvraj caught the ball.
7. Children love chocolates.
8. Sumit will take a photograph.
9. Who taught you this rhyme?
10. The police arrested the dacoits.
11. Ravi was flying an aeroplane
12. The poacher shot the tiger.
13. The lion killed the goat.
14. Sachin threw the ball.
15. Everyone loves little Ruchi.
16. My brother has drawn this landscape.
17. The people were helping the injured woman.
18. Granny had taken the medicines.
19. The boy is taking extra sheets.
20. The dog ate the meat.

Answers for Exercise 2

1. The boy was chased by the dog.
2. The baby was bitten by the cat.
3. The bell was rung by the delivery boy.
4. Basketball was played by Tuhin.
5. French is taught to us by Miss Gomez.
6. The ball was caught by Yuvraj.
7. Chocolates are loved by children.
8. A photograph will be taken by Sumit.
9. By whom were you taught this rhyme?
10. The dacoits were arrested by the police.
11. An aeroplane was being flown by Ravi.
12. The tiger was shot by the poacher.
13. The goat was killed by the lion.
14. The ball was thrown by Sachin.
15. Little Ruchi is loved by everyone.
16. This landscape has been drawn by my brother.
17. The injured woman was being helped by the people.
18. The medicines had been taken by Granny.
19. Extra sheets are being taken by the boy.
20. The meat was eaten by the dog.

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