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BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Learner Instructions 2
Skills Test – Research Report

OCTOBER 30, 2022

Muhammad Zeeshan Talib
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Table Of Contents
Reasons for Organization Change...............................................................................................................3
Training and Development Strategy:...........................................................................................................4
Requirement Tools for Organization Change..............................................................................................5
Organizational change with strategic planning...........................................................................................5
Strategic planning procedure preparation..................................................................................................5
Clear mission, value, and vision..................................................................................................................6
Recognize stakeholders, their needs, and analysis......................................................................................6
Identifying the internal and external environments.....................................................................................6
Strategic issues analysis..............................................................................................................................7
Expand goals, performance measures, objectives, and action plan.............................................................7
Training for Change....................................................................................................................................7

BSBLDR811 Assessment Summary Cover Sheet

Version: 1.2
Implemented: 2nd July 2021
To be reviewed: 2nd July 2023
Responsibility: Operations Manager
RTO Code: 0249, CRICOS Provider Code: 03282E
© MVJ Enterprises Pty Ltd t/a Perth College of Beauty Therapy, YES College Page 1 of 8
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

_______________________________Research Report________________________________

Managing Strategic Change as a Change Manager in Training Organization

The Provider, working with a designated Training Organization, will find suitable
training opportunities for each individual Participant. A training provider is regarded to be a
Training Organization if it is either a Registered Training Organization (RTO) or a Higher
Education Provider unless the Department determines otherwise (HEP). As part of the Career
Plan formulation process, the Provider will investigate all relevant training possibilities in the
Participant's area and provide the Member (and the Participant's Employer, if available) with the
results of their findings. When selecting a training provider, an RTO or HEP is preferable. The
Provider is responsible for helping the Participant enroll in the training course and coordinating a
single payment to the Training Organization whenever an Incentive has indeed been committed
in the Dept's IT Systems for the training program that the Supplier and the Person involved have
agreed upon in a Training and skill Agreement. The Participant may not organize and pay for his
or her own training. The Provider has an obligation to inform the Applicant (and the Participant's
employer, if applicable) of the Teaching Organization's cancellation and refund policy before the
Participant enrolls in a training course.

Many businesses operate in very complicated and unpredictable marketplaces. To get an edge
over rivals, they need a plan to counteract unfavorable influences while also cultivating
profitable new business avenues. As a result of the rapid pace at which their strategies are
evolving, businesses are in the midst of a moment. Transitioning successfully from one condition
to another, although the former one was less desirable, is the essence of change. Today's
businesses may reap financial benefits from strategy shifts, but only if they're willing to make the
necessary adjustments to their operations to ensure sustained profitability. The modern manager
has the difficult task of ensuring the company's sustainable and rapid growth via the

BSBLDR811 Assessment Summary Cover Sheet

Version: 1.2
Implemented: 2nd July 2021
To be reviewed: 2nd July 2023
Responsibility: Operations Manager
RTO Code: 0249, CRICOS Provider Code: 03282E
© MVJ Enterprises Pty Ltd t/a Perth College of Beauty Therapy, YES College Page 2 of 8
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

implementation of compound improvements that are both effective and efficient. Existence,
survival, take off, success, and resource maturity are the five phases of development that
Churchill (1987) recommended. If the company wants to go to the next level, it has to be
prepared for the difficulties that may arise there.

The two concepts are distinct from one another, with "change" referring to a departure from the
norm and "innovation" referring to the introduction of something novel. Organizational
innovation is often associated with monitoring market trends in areas like as product
development, consumer preferences, foreign commerce, and responses to these shifts. Managers
of strategic change are held financially liable for the organization's success or failure as a result
of the changes they implement to the company's control systems and organizational structure.

Reasons for Organization Change

Changes in business strategy are common when a company is

hit with a major crisis, whether it be from the outside, from inside, or from the perspective of
customer behavior. An examination of the competitive landscape shows that doing things
differently from the competition is essential to delivering value to consumers, which is a driving
factor in the organization's decision to alter its strategic direction. When a company wishes to
lessen its vulnerabilities and risks while expanding its possibilities and strengths, it may avoid
change. Global market shifts, new government legislation, mergers and acquisitions, and internal
reorganizations can have a role.

Training and Development Strategy:

The new organizational strategy must provide the

management with direction for allocating resources and making choices to achieve the
organization's most important goals. People's roles in a company and the things that they might
improve upon are also included in the plan. For a training company, change management classes
and strategic planning are must-haves.

BSBLDR811 Assessment Summary Cover Sheet

Version: 1.2
Implemented: 2nd July 2021
To be reviewed: 2nd July 2023
Responsibility: Operations Manager
RTO Code: 0249, CRICOS Provider Code: 03282E
© MVJ Enterprises Pty Ltd t/a Perth College of Beauty Therapy, YES College Page 3 of 8
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

“Training and Development Strategy For Organization”

Requirement Tools for Organization Change

Each of management's three pillars—political,

technological, and cultural systems—requires in-depth examination. Organizational structure,
strategy and purpose, and human resource management are the three primary instruments at a
manager's disposal for achieving managerial success. When a company lays out its objective and
goals and describes the steps it plans to take to achieve them, it is laying the groundwork for
effective strategic and management decision-making. The term "organizational structure" is used
to describe the methods used by workers to complete structured operations and tasks. Human
resource management tools include everything from measuring and rewarding workers for their
efforts to determining salaries and benefits.

Organizational change with strategic planning

When it comes to running a business or an

organization, strategy planning is the systematic practice. Strategic management is recommended
by change managers for implementing organizational transformation, and businesses must gather

BSBLDR811 Assessment Summary Cover Sheet

Version: 1.2
Implemented: 2nd July 2021
To be reviewed: 2nd July 2023
Responsibility: Operations Manager
RTO Code: 0249, CRICOS Provider Code: 03282E
© MVJ Enterprises Pty Ltd t/a Perth College of Beauty Therapy, YES College Page 4 of 8
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

the resources necessary to put such plans into action. The change manager implements these
procedures to effect organizational transformation

Strategic planning procedure preparation

Working together towards a common objective is

essential for every firm, since achieving the core aim is often the impetus for implementing new
strategies. The group director must hire arrangement commissions that are specific to each
company. The arrangement commission may serve as the top planner, senior program director, or
assistant director of an organization.

Clear mission, value, and vision

There is great importance placed on a company's values,

mission, and vision. A company's values reveal its culture, while its mission articulates the
company's long-term goals and objectives.

Recognize stakeholders, their needs, and analysis

An organization's stakeholders are vital

because they have the potential to become consumers and are already making use of the
organization's services and products. In every given organization, there are several interested
parties whose opinions and feedback matter much. They act as a check on the company's quality,
and their opinion may vary with the norms of the business at times. Their contentment is a
crucial indicator of the efficacy of a strategy's implementation. The strategic planner has to be
cognizant of both internal and external stakeholders. Their input and knowledge are crucial to the
success of any organizational transformation.

Identifying the internal and external environments

Strategic planning relies heavily on adapting
to both internal and external changes. Possibilities and dangers to the workplace are addressed in

BSBLDR811 Assessment Summary Cover Sheet

Version: 1.2
Implemented: 2nd July 2021
To be reviewed: 2nd July 2023
Responsibility: Operations Manager
RTO Code: 0249, CRICOS Provider Code: 03282E
© MVJ Enterprises Pty Ltd t/a Perth College of Beauty Therapy, YES College Page 5 of 8
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

the external environment. It is crucial for a manager's growth to do an analysis of the external
environment of the firm. Market segmentation, customer group demographics, and the country or
group with which they associate all play a role in locating the right target audience for your
products. Organizations are also affected by the broader societal, political, and economic
changes that are occurring as a result of technological advancements.

Organizational vitality is heavily influenced by the internal environment, which includes

the availability and calibre of available resources. A lack of resources is seen as a liability for the
business, while a surplus of resources may pave the way to the effective execution of the
company's objective. As internal forces push for a shift in approach, the top brass is in flux.
Buildings, as well as Societies and Cultures

Strategic issues analysis

People are resistant to strategic change for a number of reasons,

including those listed above (being overly tied to one's current job, circumstances, and working
conditions) and those listed below (changes in organizational and structural characteristics).
Groups and individuals within an organization may exhibit resistance to positive change in the
workplace, much like a psychological phenomenon. Strategic planning relies heavily on human
resources management since it is essential to the upkeep of organizations and institutions that can
foresee the direction of social and economic change. Organizational transformation is often
hindered by a lack of knowledge and lack of support from management.

Expand goals, performance measures, objectives, and action plan

Organizations nowadays are more

open to change because of the pressures of globalization and borderless commerce, as well as the
fierce rivalry among businesses. For them, this is a chance to develop and achieve even more in
the future. The manager of change is accountable for carrying out the strategy and achieving the

BSBLDR811 Assessment Summary Cover Sheet

Version: 1.2
Implemented: 2nd July 2021
To be reviewed: 2nd July 2023
Responsibility: Operations Manager
RTO Code: 0249, CRICOS Provider Code: 03282E
© MVJ Enterprises Pty Ltd t/a Perth College of Beauty Therapy, YES College Page 6 of 8
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

set goals. To guarantee the success of the change and its execution, shift management is an
essential factor in this procedure.

Training for Change

Human resources (HR) and employees have a front-row seat when the firm
shifts its focus. The management of the transition has to be aware of the staffing shortfall and
know what to do about the affected workers. It is the role of the new manager to address the
problem and consider the fact that certain workers are unable to manage changes. Firms' capacity
to adopt and manage change may be improved by training in change management, which can
improve participants' knowledge of change management concepts and their ability to apply those
principles in practice.

Adapting to change is the only way to maintain your position as a competitive player
in the market, and people who are in charge of managing change should have the capacity to do
so via the use of examination skills. In order to keep one's composure in the current setting, one
must have both an understanding of the operational framework and the ability to make
appropriate assessments of the circumstances they find themselves in. It is necessary to have
staff engaged throughout the whole of the change process, and they must have a grasp of how to
put the theory of change into practice. Keeping personnel involved also ensures that the change
process is successful. Another possible route to the successful implementation of strategic
transformation is a path that involves the efficient management of many stakeholders

BSBLDR811 Assessment Summary Cover Sheet

Version: 1.2
Implemented: 2nd July 2021
To be reviewed: 2nd July 2023
Responsibility: Operations Manager
RTO Code: 0249, CRICOS Provider Code: 03282E
© MVJ Enterprises Pty Ltd t/a Perth College of Beauty Therapy, YES College Page 7 of 8

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