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BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Learner Instructions 3
Skills Test

Students Name Name: Muhammad Zeeshan Talib

Student ID S368

Group A

Assessor’s Name Era Nayeem

Assessment Date/s Date: 15/11/2022

BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Activity 1

Part A
Identify personal responsibilities in the strategic transformation
Organizational functions rely heavily on strategic management. Commonly known as
"functional areas of management," these are the departments in a company that deal
with things like production/operations, marketing, finances, and human resources. The
strategic management of these domains is intrinsically tied to the strategic features of
these domains. Thus, it has been common practise to use the word "strategic" before
denoting such fields. In addition, effective strategic management methods are pursued
as a means to foster global competitiveness in the wake of globalisation.
The term "organisational transformation" refers to a "strategic approach to moving an
organisation from its current state to the state it will need to be in in order to meet its
future objectives." When an issue or shift has been ignored for too long, a radical shift
like this is sometimes necessary (Taylor, 2021).

Personal responsibilities in the strategic transformation process (100-150


As a operation manager at Online media solutions I have the several responsibilities

in the strategic transformational process:
 A Forward-Looking Strategist
 Leader and decision-maker in strategic areas
 High-quality results and a market advantage
As the Operation Manager at Online media Solutions I have strategic mindset steer
the Online media Solutions in certain directions. I plots out a plan of action for it to
To realise the company's vision and fulfil its goal, strategic executives use the
Strategic Management process. I take charge and care for the development of others
around me. I benefit both clients and the investors that back to organizations.
Leadership must adapt to the changing external environment and emerging strategic
goals. Information has to be used more effectively if excellent judgments are to be
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

As a general rule of thumb in the business sector, better performance is measured by

a company's profitability in comparison to others in the same line of work. How much
money is made back from the initial investment is one indicator of a business's
profitability (Taylor, 2021).

Part B
Develop a strategic change strategy

Organizations have been using strategic change management to make sure their
endeavours to change are in line with their strategic plan for decades. People that
can lead, communicate, comprehend, assist build alignment across a company,
and manage resources are essential for the successful implementation of strategic
change. Resources include not just individuals but also things like procedures and
guidelines. Managing strategic change is no different from managing any other
kind of change.
One of the first steps in implementing strategic change is determining the
organization's end goal for making the transition. In the next step, the leader
contributes to the development of a plan that specifies the intended results and the
means by which they will be attained. This overarching structure is associated with
a set of goals and tactics that deal with the organization's infrastructure, its
employees, and its customers. A key part of the leadership's communication
strategy is determining how they will update the team at each stage (SHRM,

Change manager responsibilities

To succeed in today's business environment, organisations must recognise that
the landscape is always shifting around them, including the nature of the
competition, the kind of resources available to them, the scope of their operations,
and the dimensions of their target markets. Findings from this study corroborate
the research finding that many change management strategies include overlapping
practises and techniques. Agendas for quality management or business
excellence include a wide range of elements crucial to successful change
management (Malek, 2012).
Due to the aforementioned factors, management choices made within an
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

organisation must be supported by credible hypothetical reasons for choice in

regards to potential risks and current and future financial repercussions. The
implementation of a strategic plan provides a comprehensive approach to
structural transformation, expansion, and innovation. Instead of seeing change as
a series of steps, a scheme-level strategy is used.
To guarantee successful transformation, businesses should demonstrate an
initiative to make it happen in the planning phase. Leaders should consider the
need for change at all levels of the business, not just the leadership roles, in order
to build a compelling case for transformation.
Web design, content promotion, and electronic commerce are just some of the
areas where Online Media Solutions, Pty. Ltd. anticipates change to have an
impact. Three tactics will make up the foundation of the suggested method of
change management. First, every six months, all workers and managers should
get training in change management as part of the company's commitment to their
continued professional development.
The second tactic is to create a comprehensive and superior portfolio. Thirdly, you
may improve the accuracy of the new hire orientation by including customer
service instruction. Performance in terms of safety and quality of service to
customers will be shown throughout the orientation process. As part of the quality
assurance process, we will check to see that all employees have grasped the gist
of the new protocol.
Beginning in September 2021, there will be widespread implementation of training
for client service performance as a component of professional output. Finally,
design at least 4 hours of induction training for all new hires, with a focus on
outlining the company's customer service philosophy. The following method was
used in our change implementation procedure:
The following stage, once the change areas have been recognised and approved,
is to form a change advisory board that includes members from all of the
organization's user groups.
The board evaluates all requests for change and either approves them or rejects
them based on criteria such as openness, preparedness, business control,
business need, and others. The board will then review any modifications to ensure
adequate and risk-informed documentation has been produced. When deliberating
on a request for a policy shift, the board must think about both the potential effect
on the company and the availability of relevant resources. The board will then
coordinate the change's specifics by establishing norms, disseminating information
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

about technical requirements, and informing end users (Avdeeva, 2021).

Change objectives and principles

 Communicate with transparency.
 Emphasize the benefits.
 Increase in B2B engagements.
 Set outcomes and goals.
 Communicate change, change in Plan.

Change plan elements

 Operations manager-Leadership alignment and Stakeholder engagement

 IT manager-Communication

Rationale for change

Driver changes list

Changes in the Cultural Landscape.

Caused by Requirements from the Consumer Market.

Advancing the State of the Art in Technology.

Procedure Refinement.

Alterations in Strategy.

During the course of the change management process, Online Media Solutions,
Pty. Ltd was exposed to three distinct types of risk. The first is the substantial
pushback from within these departments' core workforce. Individuals or groups
may encounter resistance to change due to a variety of factors, including those
listed below.
 Differences in outlook, particularly between management and staff,
misunderstandings of how an impending organisational change will affect
things, and other purely personal motives that are unrelated to corporate
goals all contribute to a tense work environment.
 The second threat is that stakeholders won't see the need for, or be
motivated to, adopt the change.
 The project's financial viability is the last remaining concern. The latter
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

problem becomes most apparent when leadership struggles (Loloiu, 2015).

Key stakeholder analysis

Every group needs to hear from its stakeholders. They guarantee the company
has enough cash on hand to continue operating normally.

All relevant internal parties are given a voice in the business operations.
Employees, board members, shareholders, and the upper management are all
examples of internal stakeholders. Employees, as key internal stakeholders, must
be kept informed for change projects to succeed. It's essential to have a well-
thought-out communication strategy in place with the goal of alerting people
promptly so that they may respond effectively and achieve success.

When workers' opinions are heard and processed, a deeper appreciation for the
role of internal communication in facilitating strategic objectives might develop.
The effectiveness of implementing change across all three divisions depends on
shareholders providing the necessary resources. An organization's everyday
operations rely on input from a broad variety of external stakeholders. Suppliers
and end-users are two common instances of external stakeholders. For our
instance firm, the most important thing suppliers do is meet its demands for raw

Since the quality, cost, and reliability of the company's output are all dependent on
the components it uses, the choice of its suppliers is a strategic one. Customers'
function is to utilise the company's goods and services, generating revenue that
may be reinvested in the enterprise. Both the quality and amount of output will be
governed by customer demand (Midor, 2019).

Communication channels for organisational personnel to contact

In today's information and technological era, a company's success or failure
hinges on its ability to effectively manage change. The goal of change
management is to boost positive outcomes while reducing negative fallout from the
transition (Malek, 2012).
The most effective technique to lessen this unsettling sensation and construct the
transition process is via communication. Organizations benefit immensely from
both one-way (directional) and two-way (bidirectional) communication because it
fosters and clarifies interactions between employees.
The following methods of contact will be used to inform employees of upcoming
changes at Online Media Solutions, Pty. At first, we'll inform those in the relevant
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

departments through memos that will be drafted and sent further up the chain of
command. Second, we will leverage online tools like video conferencing and
google meetings to let our stakeholders know how the aforementioned changes in
approach will maintain the company's excellent ROI. Third, staff will send out
emails with sufficient information about the next shift.
Here are three methods for helping employees adjust to the new normal:
 New employees will get technical expertise in safety performance and
service output during orientation.
 Second, the subordinate employees may be educated by inviting
themselves to meetings with the executive to discuss the relevance of
change across these three areas. In the third place, value the opinions of
your employees.
Workers will have greater confidence in speaking openly. The board of directors
has to give the response some thought, communicate to the team what they are
"hearing" from the feedback, and then decide what course of action to pursue
(Gleeson, 2016).

Develop a change plan

Actions Who When Performance


From people to Marketing September Increase the

communities, and Manager marketing and
from consumption sales
to production,
digital marketing
and humanity

The way forward Sales Manager October Gain trust of

for measuring and Customers
scoring digital
marketing's efforts
to improve the
experience and
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

the buying cycle

The AI viewpoint IT Manager November Proper handling the

on social media advertisement
marketing from a
position of

Timing is also crucial in organisational transformation. The "Is It Worth It?" test is
not a one-and-done activity. Given the current pace of change in our markets and
organizations, being future-ready today is no guarantee that we will remain so in
six months. We need to keep asking "Is It Worth It?" proactively so that we can
fully commit to the change process once the answer becomes affirmative.
Although these five actions appear simple at first glance, thorough research and
hard work are required before you can say with certainty whether or not they are
"Worth It." My research indicated that it would be worthwhile, but I would need to
wait more than 18 months to make the most of the opportunity. Five weeks after
the operation, the answer is a resounding "Yes." It was well worth it. It's the
clearest I've ever had (CMG, 2021).
It's no secret that the workforce is aware of the impending change and the
associated strains it will bring. However, allowing them to have their voices heard
can calm widespread anxiety and keep them in the loop. Use the information
gathered from e-learning to analyse the current approach to change management
and find ways to enhance it (Pappas, 2020).


When evaluating a controversial programme or policy, in which key stakeholders

are known to hold divergent viewpoints, it is especially important to involve
stakeholders in the risk management process. The community's diversity, history,
existing networks, and overall socioeconomic characteristics must be understood
in order to develop a more in-depth understanding of the community of interest
through the process of "community scoping." The process of mapping and
analysing the interests and influence of various stakeholders (Français, 2021).
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Part C
Brief internal and external stakeholders of strategic change
processes and intended outcomes

To: IT manager
From: <student name>
Subject: Request for feedback on the change management process

I pray this email finds you in good health. I appreciate your coming to hear us talk about
how our organization handles change in the areas of site design, content marketing,
and online sales. Included in the planned change implementation are the following
measures: Initially, we need to create a thorough change strategy to guarantee that
every six months, managers would get updated training. The second tactic is to
carefully craft a stellar portfolio. Thirdly, you may improve the accuracy of the new hire
orientation by including customer service instruction. The following factors, as you are
all aware, have accelerated the pace of essential change: first, a drop in revenue from
the company's three most important areas of focus and operation. Second, we have
made adjustments to our online store to attract more customers and provide a quick
response to those who have asked for details. This will be done by implementing a live
chat feature into the website. In the third place, we should set up channels for various
forms of material in an effort to cater to a wide range of viewers' preferences and
interests. If just one kind of material is posted, viewers will grow bored quickly.
Therefore, improving one's ability to be imaginative and interesting while creating
content can increase customer curiosity and, ultimately, sales leads. While we are
pleased with the above change process in general, we believe it is important to assess
our progress and hear your thoughts on our risk management plan, communication
strategy, education program, and change implementation techniques.
Warm Regards,
<Student name>
Change management officer
Online Media Solutions
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

To: Sales Manager

From: <student name>
Subject: Request for feedback on the change management process

I hope you're doing well and can read this message. Thank you for joining us today to
learn about how our company adapts to new requirements in web development and e-
commerce. The following actions are part of the proposed change implementation: At
first, we need to develop a comprehensive change plan to ensure that managers get up-
to-date training every three months. The second strategy is putting together an
outstanding portfolio. You are all aware that the following causes have hastened the
rate of fundamental change: first, a decrease in earnings across the company's three
primary business lines. The second change we've made is to our online shop in an
effort to draw in more consumers and respond promptly to those who have requested
for clarification. To do this, a real-time chat component will be included onto the website.
As a result, enhancing one's creative and engaging content creation skills may boost
consumer interest and, in turn, sales leads. Though we've had a lot of success with the
above change process, we think it's crucial to evaluate our progress and get.
Warm Regards,
<Student name>
Change management officer
Online Media Solutions
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

To: Operations Manager

From: <student name>
Subject: Request for feedback on the change management process

I pray you are healthy and able to understand my message. We appreciate your time
and interest in hearing about how we respond to changes in the web development and
e-commerce industries. The proposed modification implementation includes the
following steps: In the beginning, we need to create a thorough change plan to
guarantee that managers get current training every three months. The second plan of
action is to create a remarkable portfolio. Each of you is aware of the following factors
that have accelerated the pace of fundamental change: to begin with, a decline in profits
across the company's three most important divisions. The second thing we've done to
improve is our online store, where we hope to attract more customers and provide
speedy responses to those who have asked for additional information. As a means
toward this end, an integrated chat feature will be added to the site. To this end, it may
pay to work on becoming a more creative and interesting content creator in order to
attract more customers and provide more sales opportunities. We have seen a lot of
success with the aforementioned transformation process, but we believe it is essential
to assess our development and acquire.
Warm Regards,
<Student name>
Change management officer
Online Media Solutions
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

To: IT manager
From: Bank Australia
Subject: Request for feedback on the change management process

I pray this email finds you in good health. We're all well aware that the last few months
have been challenging, and that most of us have been forced to take things "one day at
a time." But know that we are sending you a virtual hug since we are all in this together.
The good news is that we are on the road to recovery and may look forward to the
reintroduction of hybrid or in-person events. Our hope is that by following the CDC's
recommendations, we can soon hold events without endangering attendees. We can do
this by cutting down on the number of in-person attendees and urging those who can't
make it to join the conversation via our digital mediums. Our next event will be held on
dd/mm/yyyy, and we'd love to have you back as a partner. We trust that this time works
for you.

We should be in touch this week to talk about what comes next and address any
worries you have. Please let us know if you are free and when.
Warm Regards,
<Student name>
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

To: IT manager
From: ANZ
Subject: Request for feedback on the change management process

We pray for the well-being of you and your loved ones. Since the previous several
months have been difficult for everyone, consider this an online embrace from those of
us who know what you're going through.

However, there is good news: conditions are improving and the events business is
recovering. We've reviewed the CDC recommendations and determined that we may
have our forthcoming event as planned, but with a smaller than planned attendance.

To cut down on the amount of employees needed to staff the event, we aim to have it
run both online and in person. The silver lining is that this will increase our exposure
and provide us access to a wider audience. At least xx% more people than last year are
expected to show out this time around.

In our opinion, this is a perfect chance to expand your company's exposure and attract
new customers. We have tailored sponsorship packages to meet your requirements.
We're eager to schedule a call to talk about this with you. Feel free to share your
opinions with us.

Keep yourself protected and healthy till then.

Warm Regards,
<Student name>
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Activity 2

Part A
Analyse and confirm the capacity and competence of relevant
individuals to contribute to change processes and plan


Meeting/Project Change in Management Process


Date of Meeting: Time: 2:00 pm


Meeting Facilitator: IT Manager Location: Grand Hyatt


1. Meeting Objective

handles change in the areas of :

Site design.

Content marketing.

And online sales.

2. Attendees

Line Managers
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Name Department/Division E-mail Phone

David IT staff xxx

Andrew Management Staff xxx

Petersen Operational staff 123

3. Meeting Agenda

Topic Owner Time

Change in process of Site Design IT 2

manag months

Change in process of Online Sales It 2/5

Manag months

Content Marketing It 4
Manag months

4. Pre-work/Preparation (documents/handouts to bring, reading

material, etc.)

Description Prepared by
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Collaboration with the customer to define the demands of IT Manager

the new website. That is, why it exists.

Site objectives will inform the determination of the

project's scope. That is, what content and functionality
must be added to the site and by when in order to
accomplish the stated aim?

Now that we have an idea of the site as a whole, we can

go to work on the content for each page, keeping in mind
SEO best practises like keeping each page on a single
subject. For the following phase, it is crucial that you have
authentic material to work with.

Now that the site's framework and first content are

complete, we can begin developing the visual identity.
This may already be well-defined depending on the
customer, or you may be establishing the visual style
from the ground up. This may be facilitated by the use of
style tiles, mood boards, and element collages.

Now that you have all of your pages and have specified
how they will appear to site visitors, it is time to test
everything to ensure that it functions as intended. Use a
combination of automatic web crawlers and human
inspection of the site on many devices to detect anything
from major UX problems to small broken links.


Meeting Minutes: 61 minutes

Date of Meeting: Time: 2:00pm-3:01 pm


Minutes Prepared By: Shales(minutes Location: Grand Hyatt Melbourne

BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

1. Meeting Objective

The main objective is to change the design of the site. Now that the site's framework
and first content are complete, we can begin developing the visual identity. This may
already be well-defined depending on the customer, or you may be establishing the
visual style from the ground up. This may be facilitated by the use of style tiles, mood
boards, and element collages. Now that you have all of your pages and have specified
how they will appear to site visitors, it is time to test everything to ensure that it
functions as intended. Use a combination of automatic web crawlers and human
inspection of the site on many devices to detect anything from major UX problems to
small broken links (Webflow, 2021).

Second, to change the content marketing

Finally, Online Sales.

2. Attendance at Meeting

Name Department/Division E-mail Phone

Andrew IT Department 156

David IT Management Staff 156

Petersen Operational staff 516


3. Agenda and Notes, Decisions, Issues

Topic Owner Time

BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

IT Staff 1 2-4 months

Online Sales

Change in Content IT staff 2 2-3 months

Change in Site Design IT Staff 3 5 months

4. Action Items

Action Owner Due Date

BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Collaboration with the customer to define the IT Manager Sep to Dec

demands of the new website. That is, why it exists. 15

With the scope clearly established, we can dive into

the sitemap and describe the interconnections
between the content and features we identified in
scope definition.

Now that we have an idea of the site as a whole, we

can go to work on the content for each page,
keeping in mind SEO best practises like keeping
each page on a single subject. For the following
phase, it is crucial that you have authentic material
to work with.

Now that the site's framework and first content are

complete, we can begin developing the visual
identity. This may already be well-defined
depending on the customer, or you may be
establishing the visual style from the ground up.
This may be facilitated by the use of style tiles,
mood boards, and element collages (Pappas,
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Boost footfall. IT Manger Sep to

It's about time you started investing in search 30
engine optimization (SEO), search engine
marketing (SEM), or paid internet advertising.
Without any kind of internet presence, an online
retailer will fail. Organic search is the foundation,
while promotion, social media, and content creation
all help to strengthen its effectiveness.

Boost your sales by making.

Is the customer's experience planned out? This

method may help you figure out why you're
receiving a lot of visitors but no conversions. A few
easy tweaks, such as a purchase now, pay later
payment option or a special deal prominently
displayed on the homepage, may dramatically
enhance conversion rates without breaking the

Boost the typical order size (AOV).

Put together promotions (such buy one, get one half

off) or just group things of a similar kind and sell
them as a set to attract clients to spend more
money (e.g., three t-shirts for one price). At the
checkout, you may provide suggestions depending
on what a customer has already put in their
shopping basket.

Motivate patronage renewal.

Include a flyer with all first orders to remind clients

why they like doing business with you. Make use of
social media platforms to interact with repeat
consumers by developing a loyalty programme for
them. Create a subscription service if your product
is the kind that would sell well if purchased often.
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

It takes more than just finding the ideal blog post or IT Manage Sep to Jan
Slide Share to create content that truly generates 12
revenue and conversions. It's the cumulative effect
of several factors working together to give you a
steady grasp of what it is your audience wants and
needs, and then giving it to them.

Since it's a massive task that would be more suited

for a book than an essay, I'll just touch on some of
the more important aspects that will help you get
set up, figure out what's working, and keep up with
demand without needing to employ an army.

Put together sets of related keywords.

Groups of relevant keywords may be made that

relate to certain goods, features, regions,
audiences, marketing initiatives, etc. By doing so,
you may monitor the effectiveness of your brand's
site and content in relation to the performance of
rivals and make adjustments as necessary as you
continue to build and optimise.

Determine what a thorough list of keywords looks

like for your company by collaborating with your
search engine optimization (SEO), content, and
social media teams.

Before investing time and money, it's important to

collaborate across departments to get an
understanding of their current projects and long-
term objectives. Only then can you begin to create
content that effectively represents the full scope of
the organization's current and future endeavours. It
usually takes the efforts of the whole marketing
team to compile a thorough list of keywords, since
inspiration may come from both the phrases that
are already bringing in traffic and the themes for
which you would want to rank higher (SEJ, 2021).
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Following Answers by the IT manger asked by the


The created change management methods are

comprehensive, which bodes well for the
company's future success.

I will make sure the change management team

has all the information they need to effectively
execute and manage the change, and that they
understand the procedures they should follow.

I promise to take concrete, visible steps to show

my support. I will also make sure I am on board
with the transition and be there for my staff as
they go through it.

As part of the change management process and

change management operations, I will make
sure that all workers get the necessary
coaching and assistance.

I'm not sure how to handle pushback from those

who don't like the new direction.

I'd benefit from training or coaching on how to

deal with pushback from employees as we
implement this change.

5. Next Meeting (if applicable)

Date: June -12-2016 Time: 8:pm Location Grand Hyatt

(MM/DD/Y : Melbourne
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Objective: To discuss the performance which was committed to IT Manager in

Meeting 1.


Meeting/Project Name: Changed in process Management transformation.

Date of Meeting: November-15- Time: 3:pm

(MM/DD/YYYY) 2015

Meeting Facilitator: Sales Manager Location: Grand Hyatt Melbourne

1. Meeting Objective

Change in process of sales by the sales manager and Staff to increase the sales of Online
Media Solutions.

Change in the process of the advertisement to attract the more customers for induction of
the revenue of Online Media Solutions.

Name Department/Division E-mail Phone

Frick Line manager ( Sales 213

BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Name Department/Division E-mail Phone

Shamas Line manager (Sales 2313

management staff ) m

Derrick Line Manager (Sales 1231


3. Meeting Agenda

Topic Owner Time

Change in the sales process of Online Media Sales Manager 3 months


Change in advertisement technique Sales Manger 3 Months

4. Pre-work/Preparation (documents/handouts to bring, reading material, etc.)

Description Prepared by
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Prospecting is the first step in the sales process, in Sales Manager

which potential new customers are identified and
researched. It's an integral aspect of closing deals
and a regular part of most representatives'
schedules. Interacting with material on the
aforementioned platforms is an excellent method of
prospecting. Leave a thoughtful comment if a post
strikes a chord with you, even if you disagree. The
more you interact with a potential customer, the more
comfortable they will get with you (Hubspot, 2021).

Identifying qualified leads need not be difficult. Using

a straightforward qualifying procedure like BANT, you
can quickly determine whether a potential customer
is a suitable match for the goods and services you
provide. The most important component of this phase
is learning about the problems and demands of each
prospect and showing how your product or service
can solve those problems (Hubspot, 2021).

So that they can provide you an accurate picture of

the firm and its goals, your salesperson may need to
consult with employees from other divisions. An
effective salesman should be able to speak more
intelligently about the firm than the prospect's own
co-workers (Hubspot, 2021).

Each presentation should be tailored to the

prospect's specific use case and pain concerns. An
executive or engineer may also accompany the
salesperson to the meeting to highlight the calibre of
service the client may expect from the organisation.
Furthermore, they may address more technical
concerns that the representative might not be able to
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Prospecting is the first step in the sales process, in Sales Manager

which potential new customers are identified and
researched. It's an integral aspect of closing deals
and a regular part of most representatives'
schedules. Interacting with material on the
aforementioned platforms is an excellent method of
prospecting. Leave a thoughtful comment if a post
strikes a chord with you, even if you disagree. The
more you interact with a potential customer, the more
comfortable they will get with you (COR, 2021).

Identifying qualified leads need not be difficult. Using

a straightforward qualifying procedure like BANT, you
can quickly determine whether a potential customer
is a suitable match for the goods and services you
provide. The most important component of this phase
is learning about the problems and demands of each
prospect and showing how your product or service
can solve those problems.

So that they can provide you an accurate picture of

the firm and its goals, your salesperson may need to
consult with employees from other divisions. An
effective salesman should be able to speak more
intelligently about the firm than the prospect's own
co-workers (COR, 2021).

Each presentation should be tailored to the

prospect's specific use case and pain concerns. An
executive or engineer may also accompany the
salesperson to the meeting to highlight the calibre of
service the client may expect from the organisation.
Furthermore, they may address more technical
concerns that the representative might not be able to
address (COR, 2021).
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation


Meeting Minutes: 63 minutes

Date of Meeting: Nov-15/2015 Time: 3:00pm


Minutes Prepared By: Fajita minutes Location: Grand Hyatt Melbourne

recorder (staff)

1. Meeting Objective

 The objective is to Change the process of advertisement to increase the revenue of

Online Media Solutions.
 Change in sales process of Online Media Solutions.

2. Attendance at Meeting

Name Department/Division E-mail Phone

Shamata Management(IT) Shamata@gmacil.c 156


Hither morgana Management(Operatio HiterMorgana@gma Xxx


Patrick Management(Sales/ xxx

BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

3. Agenda and Notes, Decisions, Issues

Topic Owner Time

Sales Manager 3months

Change in Sales Process

Change in Advertisement Marketing 2months


4. Action Items

Action Owner Due Date

BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Change in sales process. Sales Manager January -9-

and Subordinates 2016

Enhance your customer service by offering more options.

Do some market analysis to see whether there is a
demand for your potential product or service? If you don't
want to start from scratch, you might use some of your
current customers as a beta group. Feedback from a test
group may reduce certain risks and provide ways to
enhance the product or service. Ensure that people are
aware of your new goods or services by devoting extra
resources to advertising and promotion of Online Media
Solutions (Info.Ent, 2021).


It's not cheap to expand into new areas, but doing so

may help you attract more customers. Conducting market
research will allow you to get insight into the possible
new market and aid in the development of a plan of
action. To fulfil the increased demand, you'll also need to
think about marketing, sales, distribution, and
manufacturing increases (Info.Ent, 2021).

Raise the quality of your sales channels.

Greater customers, more market share, and more profits

all be yours with little evaluation and optimization of your
sales channels. One such instance is:

 You should invest in better training for your sales

 You may either recruit your own salespeople or
engage independent salespeople on a contract
 Put in some stores.
 Make use of wholesalers.
 Create a plan for doing business online.
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation


It's possible that your marketing efforts may be more

productive if you took this step. Be sure to keep an eye
on the outcomes of your present advertising and
marketing efforts, and be flexible enough to make
adjustments if necessary. Get to know your ideal
customers inside and out so you can craft a marketing
campaign tailored to them (Info.Ent, 2021).

Raise or lower your asking price.

Market demand for your goods and services might be

increased by modifying your pricing strategy, billing
terms, or other related terms and circumstances. Learn
about the market and your own margins to see where
you can save costs. If cutting your pricing isn't possible,
offering better terms is a good alternative (Info.Ent,

Keep an eye on the other guys.

Think as your rivals do. Knowledge on their habits, skills,

and limits is gained via this study. Having this information
will make you more capable of protecting your current
market share, adapting to shifting conditions, and
penetrating untapped niches of Online Media Solutions
(Info.Ent, 2021).
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Change in advertisement technique to increase the Sales Manager December-7-

revenue and Subordinates 2016

Time monitoring is essential for an advertising firm to

maximise profits. Organizations require time tracking in
order to maximise revenue. Overlooking non-billable
hours will have a negative impact on your bottom line.
Billable hours and non-billable hours may be managed
with the use of meticulous time monitoring. Time tracking
must be maintained for some time to guarantee that all
employees are using the system effectively. Through
accurate accounting of working hours, a company may
reveal the financial results of monitoring billable and non-
billable time (COR, 2021).

A supervisor can see where time is being wasted if they

keep tabs on it. Then, suggestions are made for
rearranging the procedures to do away with the
inefficiencies that have sprung up. Advertising firms may
reset their productivity and ensure that all team members
remain on their allocated responsibilities by keeping track
of billable and non-billable hours. Ultimately, the goal of
time monitoring for an agency is to prevent the need for
major modifications to the agency's systems and
business processes, when in reality, what is required is
time management. Time monitoring is essential for an
advertising firm to turn a profit. The ability to accurately
measure the duration of each event and activity is
essential for agencies looking to maximise their earnings.
Overlooking non-billable hours will have a negative
impact on your bottom line. Time tracking is useful for
managing billable vs non-billable hours. Time monitoring
must be maintained for some time to guarantee buy-in
from all employees. Through accurate accounting of
working hours, a company may reveal the financial
results of monitoring billable and non-billable time (COR,

A supervisor can see where time is being wasted if they

BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

keep tabs on it. Then, suggestions are made for

rearranging the procedures to do away with the
inefficiencies that have sprung up. Advertising firms may
reset their productivity and ensure that all team members
remain on their allocated responsibilities by keeping track
of billable and non-billable hours. Ultimately, the goal of
time monitoring for an agency is to prevent the need for
major modifications to the agency's systems and
business processes, when in reality, what is required is
time management.

Answer of the Questions asked by the attendees to

the Sales manager.

 To make the change management team feel

like they are a part of the process, they will be
given all the information they need and asked
for their thoughts and opinions.
 Can't figure out how to effectively promote
 Third, throughout the change management
process and change management operations, I
will make sure that staff get the necessary
coaching and assistance.
 To lessen the impact of opposition, I will
include the team in the change management
process, show that their input is appreciated,
and do everything I can to allay their fears and
 Using the ADKAR Model, I can zero in on the
specific part of the change process that is
causing the most pushback and adjust my
strategy appropriately.
 I'm interested in receiving guidance or
instruction on how to effectively lobby for
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

5. Next Meeting (if applicable)

Date: 15-May-2016 Time: 40minutes Location Grand Hyatt

(MM/DD/YYYY) : Melbourne

Objective: To check and evaluate the current performance from pervious in sales

Risks Associated with Change
Management Process
Online Media Solutions, Pty.
Ltd faced three kinds of risk
during the change management
process. The first is great
resistance from the specific staff
in these departments. The forces
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

against change can be of

personal or group kind, and they
denote the following facets:
intents not related to the
corporate desires, errors in
comprehending the effects of
the impending
organizational change, and
different situation assessments,
particularly between the
and the workers (Loloiu et al.
2015). The second risk is a lack
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

of cognizance or desire on the

of stakeholders to embrace the
change. The final risk is the
financial risk of completing the
whole project. The latter
challenge is mainly evidenced
when the management finds it
hard to
obtain where to source funds to
see out their project.
Risk Mitigation
The risk mitigation plan will be
geared towards solving the risks
above identified by the
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

organization. To solve the first

risk, the company must respond
by fundamental modifications
and by acclimating their
specific tasks to the new truths
and how they influence the
administrative structures and
their missions (Loloiu et al.
2015). Developing an inclusive
comprehensive communication
and education plan will ensure
we communicate the logic
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

the change implementation. It

will also solve the lack of desire
on the part of stakeholders to be
involved in the change process.
Finally, designing a
comprehensive financial plan
for the whole
project will ensure the
organization remains with
adequate resources to
accomplish its change
objectives within the expected
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

The first part of the case study

has examined the whole change
management process that
the executives at the
organization will use to ensure
successful change
implementation in web
designing, content marketing,
and e-commerce. These are
crucial areas expected to bring
in over
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Part B
Identify and resolve risks in the change management process
Risk assessment

Five (5) Risk assessment Risk Mitigation

potential risks priority strategies to
to change resolve risks
management Likelihood Consequence Rating

Low Low 10% 5% Transforming

one's conduct to
lack of
conform to one's
cognizance or
values is one
example of this.
may be made in
situations when
transformation is
not feasible. If an
is stuck working
at a polluting firm,
they may try to
influence policy
changes from
may lead a
person to
revaluate the
significance of a
belief or even
lead them to stop
holding it
altogether. Or,
they may adopt
alternative ideas
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

that help them

better align their
behaviour with
their values.
If a person is
unable or
unwilling to alter
their own
behaviour or set
of beliefs, they
may shift their
perspective on
the situation. One
can, for instance,
give oneself a
break if they are
unable to
goods but still try
to do the best
they can (News,

Financial Risk Medium Medium 25% 30% The management

of financial risks
is a continuous
issue for every
company owner,
whether they are
just starting out
or have been in
operation for
However, there is
more to risk
management in
the financial
realm than
merely keeping
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

an eye on the
cash register and
saving up for the
bad times. Each
facet of your
company, from
HR to ops, must
be included into
your plan to
reduce financial
risk. Frank Costa,
a qualified risk
manager and
counsellor with
30 years of
explains that
practises are an
often ignored
area of risk
Despite the fact
that "everyone
likes to think their
firm is like a
beautiful little
family," he warns
that "possible
financial risk"
may have a
"major drain on
substantial legal
fees," and "affect
corporate culture
and productivity
(Berg, 2021)."
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

High High 55% 45% This may occur

when workers
information like
as future goods,
technology, or
corporate email
addresses. Leaks
may also arise
when employees
reveal their
personal contact
upcoming travel
plans, or other
details about their
lives outside of
work. Employees
and companies
are both placed
at risk when
information is
shared publicly
(SocialFlix, 2021).

Medium Medium 40% 35% Create systems

that are easy for
people to utilise.
When dealing
with complexity,
it's important to
processes and
accurately so
they can be
shared and
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Since the goals
of various groups
and departments
will vary, it is
important to
include pertinent
information in
discrete sections
so that team
members can
quickly find the
data that is most
relevant to them.

Involve team
members in
thinking about
ways to simplify
CEOs and
business owners
the complexity of
their operations.
They don't have
the same
working through
the typical
challenges as
someone at the
front desk or on
the production
line (TAB, 2021).

Lack of Medium Medium 35% 30% Find out what

BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Employee your employees

Involvement. have to do, and
think about ways
to make it easier
for them to do it
engagement can
be improved by
cultivating a work
where individuals
feel respected,
listened to, and
part of a team.
Develop your
staff via
By serving as a
role model and
guide, you can
help boost
morale and
productivity in the
(Inside, 2021).
refuse to assist
their workers
because they are
preoccupied with
their own tasks or
simply don't care.

Regardless of
how busy you
are, it is
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

important to act
as a role model
for employees
who are
struggling so that
they can see how
you handled a
similar situation.
If you see them
struggling or
know the task
requires extra
hands, offer your
(Inside, 2021).

Part C
Develop learning and communication processes for addressing
problems and risks arising during organisational change
Learning and communication processes

Problems and risks Learning and communication processes to address the

(Any five) problems and risks (50-100 words each)

Even though upper-level management acknowledges the

importance of workplace culture and employee engagement,
lack of cognizance or
they may not be sure how to connect these factors to the
success of the company as a whole. Leaders in most firms
still have to wing it when it comes to figuring out what their
employees care about most since they don't conduct
engagement surveys or use other structured methods of
gathering input. Mentality and priorities setting among senior
team members is the first obstacle. Everyone is busy, and
it's simpler for leaders to shift their attention to more
pressing matters than to keep their focus on employee
engagement. Organizations that promote employee
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

engagement will inevitably face this obstacle. That's

because intensive dialogue is essential for boosting
participation. And in today's information-heavy environment,
it's tough to stand out from the crowd (Marlow, 2017).

Financial Risk Before rolling out your goods or services to a large

audience, you should conduct customer service evaluations.
Put them through a beta test to find any problems before the
official release. You'll improve your odds of success with this
strategy. It prevents you from releasing a product that needs
extensive revision before it can be considered successful.

From the outset of any new business endeavour, it is crucial

to set up a reliable system for preserving records. Having a
well-organized filing system and staying on top of paperwork
can help you save time and money when it comes to fiscal
obligations like bill payment and tax preparation. If you
need a loan to get your firm off the ground, get the smallest
one possible that will still provide you breathing room
(Sloan, 2021).

The Chief Risk Officer (CRO) and other risk departments

must manage risks effectively while having little time,
Communication Risk
money, and manpower. These limitations seem particularly
daunting in light of the rapid pace of change in the
corporate, legal, and technological landscapes. Businesses
that can remain calm in the face of unknowns are better able
to manage risk, regulations, and compliance over the long
run. With limited funds, the risk department may benefit
greatly from cross-departmental cooperation and the pooling
of detection resources. For instance, in the event of an
inquiry or lawsuit, the compliance team may make the
archiving platform it employs for regulatory reasons
available to the legal team for early case review or electronic
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Communications exchanged through email, social media,

text messaging, instant messaging, corporate website
content, and so on sometimes serve as a paper trail for
actions taken by individuals or groups that put the
organisation at danger, whether those actions were taken
maliciously or inadvertently (Smarsh, 2021).

Not everything has to be a struggle. If the motivation is

present, processes and workflows may be streamlined.
Leaders can get their companies closer to their goals by
promoting a culture of simplification. In this kind of
organization, those who are responsible for "owning" a
particular procedure should be given the authority to simplify
it wherever possible. CIO argues that "process owners need
to recognise they have the right to try—and occasionally fail"
while making changes for the better. Reducing complexity
requires a company-wide commitment, and to that end,
everyone should feel safe making changes without fear of
repercussions to their employment. Forbes recommends
that managers avoid "unclear assignments, unnecessary
emails, over-analysis, or other bad managerial habits" if they
want to encourage their staff to question complex issues.
Instead, stress the importance of "keeping your colleagues
(and yourself) honest about personal behaviours that might
cause complexity" when discussing issues within the group
(Forbes, 2021).

Lack of Employee It's a testament to your company's culture if you can make it
Involvement. so your workers enjoy an atmosphere of freedom to suggest
new ideas and implement them. However, most of the time,
workers are swept up in transformations that were started by
superiors or peers.

There are times when adjustments are made to what

workers dislike. Treating your adult workers like children by
denying them a say in a change that could affect their job or
workflow is unacceptable. They don't like it, and you've
given them something to fight back against, which is never a
good thing when you're trying to get your staff to adapt
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

(Liveabout, 2021).

It is hard to get everyone's input on every choice during a

major organisational shift. However, when change is
successful, it is often because the firm has actively sought
out ways to include its workforce in the transition.
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Part D
Make changes to change management process according to risks
and inform stakeholders of updates
To: IT manager
From: <student name>
Subject: Request for feedback on the change management process

I hope you are well and enjoying life as I write this email to you. In order to maximise
income, an advertising agency must strictly adhere to a time monitoring system.
Organizations who don't keep track of employee time lose out on income potential.
Negative effects on profits might be expected if billable hours are not separated out
from other time spent on the project. Time tracking allows you to keep tabs on both
billable and non-billable hours. All workers should use the time tracking system
efficiently, thus it's important to keep up with the data for a while. Accurate timekeeping
may provide light on the financial benefits of distinguishing between billable and non-
billable hours for a business (COR, 2021).

If a manager keeps track of employee time, they will be able to identify wasteful
practises. Next, recommendations for reorganising the processes are offered to get rid
of the newly-emerging inefficiencies. By keeping track of billable and non-billable hours,
advertising agencies can reset productivity and ensure that all team members continue
to focus on their assigned tasks. When what is really needed is time management,
monitoring time might help an organisation avoid having to make costly changes to its
infrastructure and operations. For an advertising agency to be profitable, time tracking is
crucial. Having a reliable method to keep track of how long things take is crucial for
businesses that want to maximise their profits by maximising the time their clients spend
on each event or activity. The bottom line will take a hit if you fail to account for time
spent on tasks that are not chargeable.

Because of this, honing one's capacity to be creative and engaging while producing
content may boost consumer attention and, in turn, sales opportunities. Despite our
contentment with the aforementioned transformation process, we feel it is crucial to
evaluate our work so far and solicit your feedback on our risk management strategy.
Warm Regards,
Change management officer
Online Media Solutions
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

To: Sales Manager

From: <student name>
Subject: Request for feedback on the change management process

I hope you're well and can read my post. We appreciate your time today to discover how
our organisation adapts to the ever-changing needs of web development and online
shopping. Proposed change implementation efforts include: To ensure supervisors get
updated training every three months, we need a comprehensive change plan. . You
know that these variables have accelerated fundamental changes: first, a drop in
profitability across the company's three main business divisions. We changed our online
shop to respond faster to clients who need explanations and attract more customers.
The website will soon include live chat to achieve this. Thus, creating original and
interesting content may boost client attention and sales leads. Even though the
transformation process outlined above has been quite successful, we feel it is important
to evaluate our progress and get feedback.
Warm Regards,
<Student name>
Change management officer
Online Media Solutions
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

To: Operations Manager

From: <student name>
Subject: Request for feedback on the change management process

We appreciate your interest in how we track web development and e-commerce trends.
The recommended modification implementation includes these steps: To ensure
managers get new training every three months, we must first design a detailed change
strategy. Second, make a great portfolio. The company's three most essential segments
have lost money. We've also upgraded our online shop to attract more consumers and
respond quickly to inquiries. Website chat will be included to attain this purpose. Writing
talents may expand your consumer base and revenue possibilities. The transformation
process has been successful, but we still need to analyse and improve.
Warm Regards,
<Student name>
Change management officer
Online Media Solutions
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Activity 3
Review strategic outcomes and incorporate feedback into the
leadership style
Part A

Leadership style

It takes a long time to gain the skills and abilities necessary to induce acceptable
behaviour and model as a leader, as put out by (Madanchian, 2017) in the case
scenario of a transformational leadership assignment. In this light, I estimate that I will
need two years to fix my flaws and learn the skills I need to be a transformative
leader. While here, I want to devote my whole attention to developing the areas of
expertise that I know need work in order for me to achieve my long-term professional
and personal objectives. In order to lead the team as a transformational leader, I need
to build the confidence to persuade and convince other members of the team of my
unique vision. With the benefit of two years, I must, however, devote my attention to
improving my technical competences, soft skills, and hard skills in order to become a
more effective transformational leader. In addition, the assignment for
transformational leadership emphasises the need of strong communication and
people management skills, as well as the need for sound judgement, focus, and
direction (Madanchian, 2017). Hawkins In this regard, my growth as a
transformational leader also includes gaining an understanding of the skills necessary
to make sound decisions, which was emphasised as an important part of my
leadership path. Similarly, I think inspiring and persuading other people is crucial to
the success of any organisation. Since my shortcomings have been thoroughly
examined via the Whitman GROW model, I believe that a 1-year time span is
necessary and justifiable for me to transform them into strengths.

Strengths and weaknesses of your leadership style (Three each)


 Study after study has demonstrated that transformational leadership

outperforms transactional leadership as the most successful style of
management. As far as efficacy goes, it scored highest, according to at least
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

one research. Second place went to transactional leadership, third to

contingent compensation, and fourth to managing by expectation (Garcia,
 By encouraging employees to pool their resources, leaders who adopt a
transformational style of management may increase the number of original
ideas and approaches to problems. Transformational leaders, in contrast to
transactional leaders, include their followers in the decision-making process
and problem-solving by encouraging the production, appraisal, and synthesis
of many perspectives.
 In terms of improving employees' emotional and psychological well-being, both
at work and in their personal lives, transformational leaders have been
demonstrated to be the most successful. Organizational success is enhanced
when workers are inspired and fulfilled in their roles (Garcia, 2019).


 One of the problems with transformational leadership is that it can't be used in

every circumstance. It is not helpful in circumstances that call for immediate
action, such as those involving an emergency or a complex issue that has to
be solved quickly.
 Transformational leaders are hampered by cultural constraints that make their
use and impact contingent on the specific context in which they are deployed.
An examination of the effects of transformative leadership found that it had no
positive effect on more conservative cultural norms. The success of the
transformative strategy depends on the culture in which it is implemented.
 By empowering subordinates to make decisions and taking pride in their work,
leaders who adopt a transformational style may more evenly share the burden
of responsibility. You could consider this a flaw. Some people may not be able
to handle the added pressure of taking on leadership and

Two (2) areas of improvement considering the weaknesses identified

First, online Media solutions Pvt. Ltd should make its decision making better
according to the users requirement like the current trend (if the users like to facilitate
them by the discounts or any other strategy like to attract them (e.g. by giving them
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

ease to use our company’s platform)).

Second, Online Media Solutions should make the employees better by motivating
them by encouraging motivational strategies like reward should be better if the
employees do hard work to attain the goals of the company.

Part B
Outcomes of feedback sessions

Feedback session: Staff member 1

Name: David

Position: IT staff member

Feedback received

How effective is your leadership style?

Practitioners' openness to feedback was favourably related to their exposure to

transformational leadership and Leader-Member Exchange. Furthermore, the quality
of the supervisor-practitioner interactions was a mediating factor between the impacts
of transformational leadership on practitioner attitudes toward feedback.

Do I serve as a positive role model?

I found you as a Role model in most of the things like in communication and the
decision making as you know that Effective and ethical management of people,
situations, and resources is essential in any leadership role. Formal and informal
leadership roles both serve an organisation by providing direction and shaping the
culture of the company. Leaders are people who can mobilise others to achieve a
common goal by leveraging their skills, position, and authority. The ability to apply
and hone the interpersonal and soft skills essential to your personal and professional
success can be greatly enhanced by taking on a leadership role (Tahira Hassan Butt,
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

What are the key areas that I can improve in my personal leadership style?

You constantly have to think on your feet, from scheduling last-minute meetings to
fielding unanticipated questions from customers. And trusting your own judgement is
essential. As a starting point, we offer a fun, interactive quiz to evaluate your capacity
for solving problems. The next step is to investigate the various techniques for
resolving issues; which ones do you currently employ, and which ones might prove
useful in the future? Finally, we can assist you in tracing issues back to their origins,
so that you may implement appropriate solutions and enhance your company's

Feedback session: Staff member 2

Name: Andrew

Position: Sales member

Feedback received

How effective is your leadership style?

As I am working in the Sales department I found that By increasing workers' intrinsic

motivation, the positive aspects of transformational leadership produce desirable
mental states. Improved productivity and efficiency in the workplace can be attributed
to an increase in employees' levels of intrinsic motivation.

Do I serve as a positive role model?

In a leader, I value simplicity above all else, and I found that to be the case with you.
When laying forth their vision, transformational leaders do it in a clear and
unambiguous manner. Teams need laser-like concentration on the work at hand in
order to accomplish apparently impossible objectives. Simplifying things gives them
structure and makes it easier for employees to do their jobs without becoming
confused. You struck me as charismatic, and I think that's because transformative
leaders need charisma to inspire their teams to work toward a better future. Listening
attentively, being physically present, praising successes, accepting blame for failures,
and offering constructive criticism are all examples of charismatic leadership
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

behaviours shown by transformational leaders.

What are the key areas that I can improve in my personal leadership style?

My opinion is that you can become a better leader by establishing and adhering to a
consistent routine. The workplace may experience upheaval and confusion if a
transformational leadership style is introduced without adequate preparation and
communication. Overwhelmed centralised systems are more likely to fail, and
forgetful employees may disrupt productivity. In their haste to make their teams
flexible, transformational leaders may overlook whether or not the circumstances are
ideal for bringing about the necessary adjustments.

Feedback session: Staff member 3

Name: Preston


Feedback received

How effective is your leadership style?

The greatest levels of productivity in the workplace are often the outcome of a leader
who is able to inspire their team through change. Studies have shown that employee
output is crucial to the success of businesses of varying sizes and structures, adding
to the literature on the link between transformational leadership and performance at
work. Transformative leadership has been found to increase efficiency in the
workplace. Leaders with transformational qualities inspire their teams to share a
common vision of the organization's objectives and performance benchmarks, and
they then provide the support necessary for their teams to achieve those objectives.
As a result of a more upbeat and supportive workplace, employees are less likely to
burn out under a transformative leader's watch (Tahira Hassan Butt, 2020).
Do I serve as a positive role model?
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

Because I see that there is no cookie-cutter approach to innovation, and I see you as
a leader in this field. During times of chaotic transition, there is no sure way to
proceed. Risk taking is an essential aspect of the work, and transformational leaders
know this. Those who aspire to leadership roles of transformation rely on their natural
curiosity to explore new avenues of thought and action, supplement this with
research, expert advice, and a willingness to take calculated risks when opportunities
present themselves.

If you want to succeed in the private, public, non-profit, or emergency service sectors,
whether you see yourself as a Vanguard leader, a Front-line leader, a Postmodern
leader, or a Transformational leader, you need to develop your leadership capacity,
learn the ins and outs of business, and hone your communication and relationship-
building skills.

What are the key areas that I can improve in my personal leadership style?

Leaders that embrace the transformational leadership paradigm, in my view, are

tasked with having a profound impact on their teams and changing the way their
employees think. Because of its goal of uniting the team around a shared vision for
the company's future, transformational leadership might silence dissenting opinions.
When transformational leaders indoctrinate their followers to think in a uniform
fashion, it may be hard for employees to perceive the negative aspects of business
practises. Without proper checks and balances in place, errors may go undiscovered.

Part C
Incorporate feedback into your leadership style

Areas of Strategies to incorporate or address each area of

improvement (Any improvement in your leadership style. (50-100 words each)

If you're in charge of making a choice, it helps to keep the end

in mind. You need to know what you're shooting for before you
More improve can even begin to evaluate your possibilities. Making a crucial
Decision making choice requires a clear picture of the end result.

Agile decision-making allows you to include your team in the

deliberation process. One of the hallmarks of agile decision-
making is the practise of chunking down complex decisions
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

into manageable chunks and working through them in an open

and collaborative manner.

Decisions are made in a systematic, routine, and repetitive

manner. The team is able to pivot and make tiny modifications
as necessary because of the consistency and visibility that has
been established.

Allow me to illustrate with an example: the introduction of a

new product. At regularly planned meetings, everyone on the
team learns the latest and may provide input on how things are
doing with their respective assignments. Problems are
discussed and resolved by consensus among the team
members (Up-work, 2022).

Quite a few of my customers prioritise reading and

contemplation. The term "carve out" refers to the practise of
setting aside time, typically on Mondays or Fridays, for the sole
purpose of discussing recent developments in the industry,
reviewing relevant research, and planning for future projects
Consistent Routine with an eye toward determining not just how those projects will
be implemented but also how they will contribute to the larger
goals of the company (Forbes, 2021).

Leadership has two main responsibilities: developing

appealing ideas and motivating followers to act in ways that
bring those goals to fruition. A transformational leader, as
described in the seminal works on the topic, guides and
motivates followers to show up for work every day by
communicating a vision that increases followers' understanding
of and commitment to the organization's values, objectives,
Motivation lacks and performances. In this way, the theory of transformational
leadership stresses the significance of a shared vision, or an
idealised set of objectives that the group strives to attain in the
long run. An organization's service quality is directly
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

proportional to the competence of its frontline workers.

Contrasted with physical things, services are characterised by
their immateriality, diversity, and the coordination of production
and consumption (Tahira Hassan Butt, 2020).
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

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The company studied is Online
Media Solutions, Pty. Ltd. The
mission of the
organization is to deliver quality
design services. Second, create
a lasting effect on consumer
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

businesses and be esteemed and

admired by peers. Online Media
Solutions, Pty. Ltd holds
several values: quality,
innovation, respect, integrity
and accountability, and
provision of quality
services to the customers. The
key o
The company studied is Online
Media Solutions, Pty. Ltd. The
mission of the
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

organization is to deliver quality

design services. Second, create
a lasting effect on consumer
businesses and be esteemed and
admired by peers. Online Media
Solutions, Pty. Ltd holds
several values: quality,
innovation, respect, integrity
and accountability, and
provision of quality
services to the customers. The
key o
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation

The company studied is Online

Media Solutions, Pty. Ltd. The
mission of the
organization is to deliver quality
design services. Second, create
a lasting effect on consumer
businesses and be esteemed and
admired by peers. Online Media
Solutions, Pty. Ltd holds
several values:

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