Снимок экрана 2024-01-25 в 20.00.54

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Theoretical background
1) Review the list of concepts and terms you will need for a seminar (glossary).
Find definitions for these concepts in lectures and textbooks on the
methodology, pedagogy, Internet sources. Don't forget to include the author’s
name (method, approach, principle, technology, technique, competence,
Intercultural communicative competence, system, exercise, activity and task).
2) Give the full names to the abbreviations: FLT, ELT, TEFL, TESOL, SLA.
3) Are there any differences between them? Identify which of them relate to
General and Special Methods of Teaching?
4) What is “Methods of Foreign languages teaching” as a science? Give the
definitions of various well-known scholars. What will you add to these
definitions? Try to formulate your own based on already provided.
5) Give the definition to “Intercultural communicative competence” as the
learning outcome of FLT. Characterize its sub-competences (Dimensions)
according to Canale and Swain, Van Ek, etc., Kazakh and Russian scholars.
6) Make descriptions to the Language (ICC) Levels according to CEFR.

2. Practical tasks:
1) Conduct a survey among English language teachers.
The goal of the survey is to determine how well modern students know English.
This task can be done in groups. You can use any questions. The most important
thing is to provide an answer to the main one.
The survey results should be presented in the form of a Diagram or a Bar chat.
2) Debates: Topic “How well modern students know English: pros and cons?"
Give strong evidence supporting your speech with examples of English
teachers’ experience, opinions of well-known scholars, Statistics Data (5 min.
speech from each side). Prepare counter arguments.
3) Essay writing on the Topic “The importance of ELT”(550 words).

1. Richards & Renandya. Methodology in Language Teaching. Cambridge
University Press. 2004.
2. Richards J.S., Rodgers T.S. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. .
Cambridge University Press. 2001.
3. Diane Larsen-Freeman. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching.
Oxford University Press. 2001.
4. Jeremy Harmer. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Longman. 2001.

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