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Exercise 1 – Fill in the blanks with the simple present tense form
of the verbs given in brackets
1. The Principal ____ to speak to Raj. (want)
2. The Earth ____ around the Sun. (revolve)
3. The baby ___ all day. (cry)
4. The flight ____ at 8 o’clock in the morning. (leave)
5. What ____ so good? (smell)
6. Hema ___ badminton every evening. (play)
7. Tony ___ to guitar lessons every Sunday. (go)
8. If it ___ today, we will get stuck. (rain)
9. The nurse ____ of my grandfather. (take care)
10. There ___ the topper of our school. (come)
11. I ___ up at 7:00 a.m. every day. (get)
12. Amy rarely ___ her room. (leave)
13. Cows ___ us milk. (give)
14. My granny ___ delicious lasagne. (cook)
15. The birds ___ all day long. (chirp)
16. The boys ___ hard to get good grades. (study)
17. The teacher ____ the parents today. (meet)
18. The movie ____ within a few minutes. (start)
19. The fluffy clouds ___ around. (move)
20. The dogs ___ at night. (bark)

Answers for Exercise 1

1. Wants
2. Revolves
3. Cries
4. Leaves
5. Smells
6. Plays
7. Goes
8. Rains
9. Takes care
10. Comes
11. Get
12. Leaves
13. Give
14. Cooks
15. Chirp
16. Study
17. Meets
18. Starts
19. Move
20. Bark

Fill in the blanks with the simple past tense of the verbs mentioned in the brackets:

1. I _____ (pay) the bills already.

2. The teacher ________ (motivate) her kids to stand up for themselves and their
fellow classmates.

3. Reena ______ (to be) a student at Delhi University.

4. . Rahul __________ (play) basketball in college.

5.. Will and Emma _________ (to be) at the fair.

6. Manish _________ (sell) all the sachets.

7.. I _________ (think) about it, but I don’t think it will work.


Check out if you filled in the blanks with the right form of the verb.

1. I paid the bills already.

2. The teacher motivated her kids to stand up for themselves and their fellow

3. Reena was a student at Delhi University.

4.. Rahul played basketball in college.

5.. Will and Emma were at the fair.

6.. Manish sold all the sachets.

7. I thought about it, but I don’t think it will work.

The basic formula of the simple past tense is as follows:
Subject + verb in the past tense (verb + ‘ed/d’ for regular verbs)

Fill in the blanks with the right form of the simple future tense in the following sentences:

1. Quinn __________ (sing) at the final auditions.

2. Madame Smith _________ (be) the judge for the cultural competitions.

3.. I don’t think he ____________ (enjoy) something like this.

4. Santana _____________ (be) your partner for the dance.

5.. Do you think it ____________ (matter) to them at all?

6. Abdul ____________ (give) you all the instructions regarding what should be done
when you get here.


1. Quinn will sing at the final auditions.

2. Madame Smith will be the judge for the cultural competitions.

3 I don’t think he will enjoy something like this..

4.. Santana will be your partner for the dance.

5.. Do you think it will matter to them at all?

6.. Abdul will give you all the instructions regarding what should be done when you get

Present Continuous Tense

● Children are going to school.

● The boys are playing in the park.
● The baby is crying out loud.
● It is raining now.
● I am cooking pasta for lunch.
● Miss Peters is teaching the class.
‘Are’ is used in the case of plural subjects, whereas ‘is’ is used if the subject is singular
in nature.
Past Continuous Tense

● We were watching the match.

● I was studying at the library yesterday.
● It was raining heavily on Wednesday.
● The child was crying all night.
● They were driving all day long.
● My friends were waiting for the bus.

Future Continuous Tense

● it will be raining from tomorrow.

● I will be watching the series today.
● They will be staying at my place.
● The parcel will be arriving soon.
● The doctor will be coming tomorrow.
● The Prime Minister will be visiting the museum tomorrow.

Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate adverbs of frequency from the list
given below.

(every now and then, seldom, rarely, usually, eventually, frequently, hardly ever,
occasionally, always, often)

1. Nick _______ plays tennis in the evening.

2. We come here _____________.

3. The place is ________ crowded.

4. Resma has __________ gone on any trip.

5. My friends and their families get together __________.

6. She __________ keeps a check on her son.

7. Does Sadie visit you _________?

8. You will figure out how to do it __________.

9. The trains here are _______ late.

10. She _________ goes home during the weekends.


Find out if you have understood how adverbs of frequency.

1. Nick always plays tennis in the evening.

2. We come here every now and then.

3. The place is rarely crowded.

4. Reshma has hardly ever gone on any trip.

5. My friends and their families get together occasionally.

6. She frequently keeps a check on her son.

7. Does Sadie visit you often?

8. You will figure out how to do it eventually.

9. The trains here are seldom late.

10. She usually goes home during the weekends.

Adverbs of frequency can be placed after the noun or pronoun that acts as the subject and before
the verb if there is just one verb in a sentence. If there is more than one verb in a sentence (e.g.,
auxiliary verb), the adverb of frequency can be positioned before the main verb.

some examples of adverbs of frequency.

(Often, seldom, rarely, every now and then, hardly ever, sometimes, never, always, occasionally,
eventually, etc. are some examples of adverbs of frequency.)

Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate adverb of degree from the list given

(strongly, very, too, incredibly, almost, pretty, largely, unusually, thoroughly, really)

1. I felt __________ lucky to have been able to make it to the Gokarna trek.
2. The doctor _________ recommended that we take two or three opinions before we
made a decision.

3. I __________ understand your situation and would like to help.

4. The hall was __________ occupied by the friends of the bride and groom.

5. This task seems to be _______ difficult.

6. The event went on ________ well without much problems.

7. Do you know why this area is ______ crowded today?

8. It was ___________ sultry in Coimbatore last week.

9. You better eat soon; the food is _______ over.

10. He felt __________ bad for having shouted at you earlier.


1. I felt incredibly lucky to have been able to make it to the Gokarna trek.

2. The doctor strongly recommended that we take two or three opinions before we
made a decision.

3. I thoroughly understand your situation and would like to help.

4. The hall was largely occupied by friends of the bride and groom.

5. This task seems to be very difficult.

6. The event went on pretty well without much problems.

7. Do you know why this area is too crowded today?

8. It was unusually sultry in Coimbatore last week.

9. You better eat soon; the food is almost over.

10. He felt really bad for having shouted at you earlier.

(Really, too, very, strongly, highly, incredibly, quite, extremely, remarkably, almost,
completely, fully, pretty, unusually, etc. are some examples of adverbs of degree.)

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