Workbook English II - 2023

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Lic. Sandybell Islas Palomo


I.Read the text about healthy living.

II. Underline the verbs ending in in


Exercise III. Add ing

1. Smile Smiling

2. work

3. Travel

4. play

5. stop

6. run

7. live

8. pay

9. lie

10. stay

11. study


13. dance

14. sit

15. try

16. phone

17. cry

18. find

19. speak

20. eat



I’m studying now. He is listening to music.

I’m not studying now. He is not listening to music.

He is sleeping. He is combing his hair.

He is not sleeping. He is not combing his hair.

She is running now. They are playing volleyball.

She is not running now. They are not playing volleyball.

Exercise V. Complete the sentences. Use the present continuous form.

1. You___________________ (use) my mobile phone.

2. My dad _____________________ (wash) his car.

3. It _______________________ (not rain) today.

4. Who ______________________________ (she / chat) to now?

5. What _________________________________ (you / do) at the moment?

6. We __________________________________ (sit) on the train.

7. The students ______________________________ (have) lunch.

8. _____________ you __________________ dinner? (make)


Exercise VI. Look at the pictures and practice with a partner.

Exercise VII. Conversation. Asking about families. Listen and practice.

Rita: Tell me about your brother and sister, Sue.

Sue: Well, my sister works for the government.

Rita: Oh, What does she do?

Sue: I’m not sure. She’s working on a very secret project right now.

Rita: Wow! And what about your brother?

Sue: He’s a wildlife photographer.

Rita: What an interesting family! Can I meet them?

Sue: Uh, no. My sister’s away. She’s not working in the United States this month.

Rita: And your brother.

Sue: He’s traveling in the Amazon.

Exercise VIII. Complete this conversation. Use the present continuous of the
verbs given.

Joel: You look tired, Don. _________________________________ (study) late at night

these days?

Don: No, I’m not. My brother and sister ______________________(stay) with me right
now. We go to bed after midnight every night.

Joel: Really? What __________________ (do) this summer? ____________________

(take class, too?

Don: No, they aren’t. My brother is on vacation now, but he_______________ (look)
for a part-time job here.

Joel: What about your sister? ____________________ (work)?

Don: Yes she is.

Exercise IX. Write 8 sentences in present continuous.

2. ____________________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________________________

7. ____________________________________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________________________________


Exercise X. Complete this conversation with the correct words

Tom: What _______________your husband ____________ exactly

(do/does) (do/does)
Liz: He _____________ for a department store. He’s a store manager.
Tom: How _____________________ he ________________ it?
(do/does) (like/likes)
Liz: It’s an interesting job. He _________________ it very much.

Exercise XI. Write 8 sentences in simple present.

2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________________________________


Exercise XII. Put in the verbs in brackets in Simple Present or Present


1. Andy sometimes _______________comics. (to read)

2. We never ______________TV in the morning. (to watch)
3. Listen! Sandy __________in the bathroom. (to sing)
4. My sister usually ___________in the kitchen. (to help)
5. My mother ___________breakfast now. (to make)
6. They often _____________the bathroom. (to clean)
7. Look! The boys _____________home. (to come)
8. Every day his grandfather ___________for a walk. (to go)
9. I ________________with my friend at the moment. (to chat)
10. Cats __________________mice. (to eat)


For many verbs we make the ING form by simply adding -ING to end of the verb.

• eat - eating
• speak - speaking
• cook - cooking
• start - starting
• do - doing
• stay - staying
• fix - fixing
• try - trying

Verbs ending with -e (with the exception of verbs ending in -ee and -ie)
Drop the -e and add ING

• hope - hoping
• ride - riding
• make - making
• write - writing

Verbs ending with -ee

Just add -ING

• agree - agreeing
• flee - fleeing
• see - seeing

Verbs ending with -ie

Change the -ie to -y and add -ING

• die - dying
• tie - tying
• lie - lying

Verbs ending with + consonant + vowel + consonant (with the exception of

w, x, and y)

For one syllable verbs

double the consonant and add -ING

• jog - jogging
• sit - sitting
• run - running
• stop - stopping

For two syllable verbs

If the 1st syllable is stressed, just add ING

• answer - answering
• offer - offering
• listen - listening
• visit – visiting

If the 2nd syllable is stressed, double the consonant and add ING

• admit - admitting
• prefer - preferring
• begin - beginning


The present continuous is made from the present tense of the verb be and the –ing
form of a verb:

I am working

You are playing

He is talking

She is living

It is eating

We are staying

They are sleeping

We use the present continuous to talk about:

• activities at the moment of speaking:


-I’m just leaving work. I’ll be home in an hour.

-Please be quiet. The children are sleeping.



➢ (subject) + (verb to be) + (verb + ing) + (complement).

Example: She is working now.


➢ (subject) + (verb to be) + (no) + (verb + ing) + (complement).

Example: She is working now.


➢ (verb to be)+ (subject) + (verb + ing) + (complement) ?

Example: Is she working now?



Countable and uncountable nouns/ singular and plural nouns

Exercise I. Decide whether these nouns are countable (C) or uncountable (U)

1. The children are playing in the garden. _______________

2. I don't like milk. _______________

3. I prefer tea. _______________

4. Scientists say that the environment is threatened by pollution. _______________

5. My mother uses butter to prepare cakes. _______________

6. There are a lot of windows in our classroom. _______________

7. We need some glue to fix this vase. _______________

8. The waiters in this restaurant are very professional. _______________

9. My father drinks two big glasses of water every morning. _______________

10. The bread my mother prepares is delicious. _______________

11. Drivers must be careful; the road is slippery. _______________

12. Some policemen are organizing road traffic to avoid any accidents. _________

13. I bought three bottles of mineral water for our picnic. _______________

14. I'd like some juice please! _______________

15. Successful candidates will join the camp later this year.

16. A rise in oil prices is inevitable since there is more and more world demand for

energy. _______________

17. The exercises on this website are interesting. _______________

18. Dehydrated babies must drink a lot of water. _______________

19. Adult illiterates learn through a special government program. ____________

20. I met some nice people when I was walking along the beach. ______________

There is/ There are

Exercise II. Choose there is or there are to complete the sentences. Mind
singular or plural of the nouns.

1. ________________________a bag on the table.

2. ________________________ a calendar on the wall.

3. ________________________ two posters in my room.

4. ________________________ a banana in this basket.

5. ________________________six chairs in the kitchen.

6. ________________________ lots of books on the shelf.

7. ________________________ a mirror in our hall.

8. ________________________ 12 cushions on the sofa.

9. ________________________ a big wardrobe in my sister's bedroom.

10. ________________________ children in the yard.

How much/ How many

Exercise III. Use how much or how many from the drop down menu to
complete the questions. Mind countable and uncountable nouns.

1. ________________________ stars are there in the sky?

2. ________________________ people live on islands?

3. ________________________ birds are there?

4. ________________________ water is in the ocean?

5. ________________________ money is in a bank?

6. ________________________ countries are there in the world?

7. ________________________ bread is eaten per day?

8. ________________________ bones are there in the human body?

9. ________________________ sand is in the deserts?

10. ________________________ information is on the internet?



Exercise IV. Write the correct word (some or any).

1. Sue went to the cinema with _________________ of her friends!

2. Jane doesn't have _________________ friends.

3. Do you have __________________brothers or sisters?

4. Here is __________________food for the cat.

5. I think you should put _________________flowers on the table.

6. Could you check if there are _____________calls on the answering machine?

7. I don't want _______________presents for my birthday.

8. Did they have_____________ news for you?

9. I'm hungry - I'll have________________ sandwiches.

10. There aren't ________________ apples left.

Exercise V. Write some/ a/ an. Mind countable and uncountable nouns.

I have _____________good idea.

That's _____________ interesting job!

They have found _____________ gold in that old mine.

Do the Smiths have _____________ yellow van?

Look! He's having _____________ water.

There's ____________ nice girl in the red car.

Would you like ______________ milk with your cookies?

How about ______________________ grapes?


Exercise VI. a few or a little? – Choose the correct answer.

1. He speaks ______________ Spanish, so we were able to find a nice room in


a) a few b) a little

2. There are only ________________ bananas left in the box.

a) a few b) a little

3. We need_____________ butter for this cake.

a) a few b) a little

4. The teacher gives us ___________ time to prepare before a test.

a) a few b) a little

Exercise VII. Write much or many

1. There isn't ___________ milk left in the fridge.

2. You shouldn't eat so ____________ sweets.

3. My friend doesn't eat ____________ fruit.

4. They don't know __________about the history of their country.

5. I don't have _________ time to practice basketball.

Exercise VIII. Choose the correct definite or indefinite article: "the", "a",
"an" or "x" (zero article) .

1. I bought ____________pair of shoes.

2. I saw _______________ movie last night.
3. They are staying at _______________ hotel.
4. Look at _____________woman over there! She is a famous actress.
5. That is _____________ girl I told you about.

Exercise IX. Write this, that, these, those

______________ car.

__________bike. --------->


_______________books. ------->

_______________ball. ---------->

______________ shoes.

_______________ mouse.

____________ ------>

_________________ birds.

______________ cat. ---------->

_______________ apples. --------->

_____________ banana.

Countable Nouns

Anything that can be counted, whether singular – a dog, a house, a friend,

etc. or plural – a few books, lots of oranges, etc. is a countable noun. The
following countable noun examples will help you to see the difference
between countable and uncountable nouns. Notice that singular verbs are
used with singular countable nouns, while plural verbs are used with plural
countable nouns.

1. There are at least twenty Italian restaurants in Little Italy.

2. Megan took a lot of photographs when she went to the Grand Canyon.
3. Your book is on the kitchen table.
4. How many candles are on that birthday cake?
5. There’s a big brown dog running around the neighborhood.

Uncountable Noun

Anything that cannot be counted is an uncountable noun. Even though

uncountable nouns are not individual objects, they are always singular and
one must always use singular verbs in conjunction with uncountable
nouns. Notice that singular verbs are always used with uncountable nouns.

1. There is no more water in the pond.

2. I need to find information about Pulitzer Prize winners.
3. You seem to have a high level of intelligence.
4. Let’s get rid of the garbage.


There is: singular

There are: plural


There is a cat on the porch.

There are many opportunities to learn at this company.

How much? - How many?

When we want to know the quantity or amount of something, we ask questions starting
with How much and How many.

HOW MUCH ...? - (Quantity)

How much is used with uncountable nouns.


• How much money did you spend?

• How much sugar would you like in your coffee?
• How much paper will I need?
• How much milk is in the fridge?
• How much traffic was there on the way to work?

If the verb To Be is used with an uncountable noun, it is in singular form (= IS or WAS


HOW MUCH ...? - (Price)

How much can also be used when we want to know the PRICE of something.

In this case, we can use How much with countable nouns (both singular and plural

• How much is that painting?

• How much are those shoes?
• How much did your jacket cost?
• How much is the dress on display in the window?
• How much will it cost me?
• How much does it cost ?

HOW MANY ...? - (Quantity)

How many is used when we want to know the QUANTITY of something.

It is only used with plural countable nouns.


• How many days are there in January?

• How many people work in your company?
• How many cousins do you have?
• How many books did you buy?
• How many countries are there in the world?
• How many students are in the class right now?
• How many chairs are there in this room?
• How many pieces of chocolate would you like?


A quantifier is a word or phrase which is used before a noun to indicate the

amount or quantity:

'Some', 'many', 'a lot of' and 'a few' are examples of quantifiers.


There are some books on the desk

He's got only a few dollars.

Count nouns

Are there many restaurants?

Yes, there are a lot

Yes, there are a few

No, there aren´t any

No there are none.


Noncount nouns

Is there much crime?

Yes, there´s a lot.

Yes, there´s a little

No, there isn´t much

No, there isn’t any

No. there’s none.





I. Choose the correct option: was/ were

1. I ____ in New York last summer
2. My dog ____ white and black.
3. Where ____ your brother from?
4. Our old car ____ red.
5.____ you and I enemies?
6. ____ your mother pregnant?

II. Complete these conversation with was, wasn’t, were or weren’t.

A: How ___________________ your vacation?
B: It _________________ great. I really enjoyed it.
A: How long _______________ you there?
B: We _______________ there for two weeks.
A: _________________ you in Lima all the time?
B: No, we ________________. We _____________ in the mountains for a few days.
A: And how ________________ the weather? ______________ it good?
B: No, it ____________ good at all. The city __________ very hot, and the mountains
________________ really cold!

III. Rewrite the sentences using the words and sign in parenthesis:

1. ( +) (in China) ______________________________________________________

2. (-) ( sad yesterday) _________________________________________________
3. (?) ( with you) ______________________________________________________
4. (+) ( a doctor) ______________________________________________________
5. (-) ( 13 years old) ___________________________________________________

IV. Choose the correct questions to complete this conversation.

o And what was the best part?

o How long were you in South Africa?
o How was your vacation in Africa?
o And how long were you in Namibia?
o How was the weather?

A: _______________________________________________________________
B: It was a great trip. I really enjoyed South Africa and Namibia.
A: _______________________________________________________________
B: For ten years
A: _______________________________________________________________
B: I was in Namibia for about five days
A: wow, that’s a long time! _______________________________________
B: It was hot and sunny the whole time.
A: _______________________________________________________________
B: It was definitely the national parks and wildlife in Namibia. And we saw some


V. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences

1.Japan /traveled to/ last month/ My parents

2. Last Christmas /a lot of /presents /I/ got
3. early/ got up/ yesterday / We
4. Three days ago/in Peru/ we / were
5. was/ in Alaska/ in /2002 / he



VI. Complete the table with the verbs in the box. Write the past simple

Begin start visit write leave lose buy

Do see enjoy go take paint have
Drive speak travel come stay meet

Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs

Infinitive Past simple Infinitive Past simple

1. 1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3. 3.

4. 4. 4. 4.

5. 5. 5. 5.

6. 6. 6. 6.

7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.

10. 10.

11. 11.

12. 12.

13. 13.

14. 14.

15. 15.

16. 16.

17. 17.

VII. Fill the blanks with a verb from the box in the simple past:

Break swim have make sit write

Spend buy drink lose wash

1. She ______________________________ a cake an hour ago.

2. She ____________________________ a hat last week.
3. The boy ___________________________ a letter yesterday.
4. They ___________________________ in the sea for an hour.
5. They ________________________ a lot of Coke last year.
6. She ___________________________ her arm last week.
7. He __________________________ all his money last week.
8. She ______________________ a bath two minutes ago.
9. He _______________________ his wallet last night.
10. She ________________________ on the old chair a minute ago.
11. She ________________________ the clothes yesterday.

VIII. Write what Jean DID or DIDN’T do yesterday:

1. Go shopping (-) ___________________________________________________

2. Clean the house (+) ___________________________________________________
3. Feed the cat (+) ___________________________________________________
4. Telephone Mary (?) ___________________________________________________
5. Watch a film on TV (-) _________________________________________________
6. Visit her parents (?) ___________________________________________________
7. Take them a cake (+) ___________________________________________________

XI.Fill the blanks with the simple past of the verbs in brackets

Last Saturday my father __________________ (take) my friends and me to the circus.

We _________(see) lots of thigs. My father ___________( buy) us some popcorn and
___________________ (drink) the orange juice. We ___________(laugh) at the funny
clowns. There _______________(be) a lion-tamer. The lions __________(do) tricks; they
____________ (jump) through hoops. A girl ______________( ride) an elephant around
the ring. We all ______________(have) a wonder time.

Simple Past: Verb to be

Structure and examples:

I / he / she / it was born in 1982.
you / we / they were born in 1982.
I / he / she / it was not (wasn’t) born in Europe.
you / we / they were not (weren’t) born in Europe.
Was I / he / she / it a famous musician?
Were you / we / they a famous musician?


Common Past Time Expressions Example Sentences Similar Expressions

yesterday I walked to work yesterday. yesterday morning

(one day before today) Yesterday, I walked to work. yesterday evening
yesterday afternoon

the day before yesterday Redd bought a house the day before yesterday. the week before last
(two days before today) The day before yesterday, Redd bought a house. (week)
the night before last

last night Avril travelled to Halifax last month. last time

(the most recent night) Last month, Avril travelled to Halifax. last week
last month
last year

this morning Kathleen called me this morning. this afternoon

(an earlier time on the same This morning, Kathleen called me. this evening

One week ago Kenneth and his wife had a baby one week ago. one hour ago
(a specific period of time in One week ago, Kenneth and his wife had a baby. one day ago
the past) one month ago
one year ago

in 1990 Darren finished university in 1990. in 1970

(a specific point in the past) In 1990, Darren finished university. in March
on Sunday

when + subject + past tense Paul played basketball when he was a student. when I was born
verb When he was a student, Paul played basketball. when John finished
(a specific period of time, high school
event, or point in the past) when I turned 18

Regular and Irregular verbs

What are Regular Verbs?

Regular verbs in English create the past simple and past participle by adding -ed to the
base form. For example:
➢ Arrive: arrived

ED Ending Rules

The general rule when changing a word (or verb) into its -ED form is just to add -ED to the
end of it.

Infinitive ED form

to play played
to wait waited
to work worked
to rain rained

➢ He has played with his dog in the backyard.

➢ I have waited for them for a week.

Spelling Exceptions

The following exceptions exist when spelling words ending in ED:

1). If a word ends in an E we just add the D to the end.

Infinitive ED form

to live lived
to love loved
to smile smiled

➢ I have lived in Japan for two years.

➢ He has already smiled much.
2). If the word ends in a Consonant + Vowel + Consonant, we double the final consonant
and add ED.

Infinitive ED form

to stop stopped
to admit admitted
to plan planned
to refer referred

➢ The policeman has stopped the thief from escaping.

If a two-syllable verb ends in a Consonant + Vowel + Consonant, we DO NOT double the

final consonant when the stress is on the FIRST syllable.

Infinitive ED form

to happen happened
to enter entered
to offer offered

➢ She has offered a new position with a higher salary.

4). BUT, we DO NOT double the final consonant when the word ends in W, X or Y or when
the final syllable is not stressed.

Infinitive ED form

to fix fixed
to enjoy enjoyed
to snow snowed

➢ He have already fixed his bike.

5). If the verb ends in consonant + vowel + L, we normally double the final L and add ED.
Note: In the United States (US) they DO NOT double the L when the accent is on the first

ED form ED form
(UK) (US)

to travel travelled traveled

➢ I have never traveled to South America .

What are Irregular Verbs?
There are about 200 irregular verbs
in English.

Simple Past

The past simple is a verb tense that is used to talk about things that happened or existed
before now. The simple past tense shows that you are talking about something that has
already happened.

The past simple tense emphasizes that the action is finished.

➢ Example: I saw a movie yesterday.


➢ subject + verb (in past form) + complement.

example: I saw a movie yesterday


➢ subject + auxiliary verb (did) + negacion + verb (infinitive) + complement.

example: He didn’t hear the telephone.


auxiliary verb (did) + subject + verb (infinitive) + complement?.

example: Did you have dinner last night?


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