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Film, Trailer and Poster Treatment

Title: Leave

Genre: Horror

Sub genre: Paranormal

Prupose: The purpose of my horror film trailer is to not only excite and scare the
audience as those aspects are what makes it conventional for a horror trailer but the
purpose is to also inform the audience of the films narrative, the name of the film and
also is used to persuade the audience to watch the film.

Film Classification:15

Trailer Classification: 12A

Target audience: my target audience is targeted at younger teenagers from the age
ranges of 15+ as there will be the use of strong language and violence which may
not be suitable for people under the age of 15. My target audience is both the male
and female gender. My target audience will most likely be be in high school or above
as that is the age range for people 15+. Some of my audience’s spending power will
be higher then others as some will be full time students and others will have
spending power from their jobs.

Film Synopsis
The film starts off with Luis aged 18, coming home from a long day at college and
gets ready to just chill in his room for the rest of the night when he gets a message
from one of his friends saying “have you done it ready?”. Luis immediately goes on
the phone to his friend asking him to come round so they can both do it together to
which the friend agrees. The friend arrives at the house late at night to which he
walks into the living room to see the room setup with candles lit around the room and
the Ouija board in the centre of the room. They take place to talk to the Ouija board
and begin to ask it questions but hear no response to which they nearly decide to
leave it until the board starts to move and spells out “Leave”. They decide to carry on
with the game even though they are scared about what just happened, as they carry
on the spirit spells out “Or else” as his final words to the pair before the room goes
into complete darkness as the candles all blow out which leaves the pair in complete
darkness around the evil spirit. The pair run out of the room in fear but that doesn’t
stop the spirit from carrying on as the TV turns on and starts playing creepy, eerie
music and also there is loud banging on the door where the pair released the spirit.
Luis finds out soon after that his friend was messing around with him at the start but
with the strange things happening around the house they both realise that it has
come to life

After the pair see these paranormal things happening around the house such as
lights flickering, doors banging, music playing, items dripping on their own and items
moving on their own. They immediately go into the kitchen to think of a plan on how
to survive the night until they can get some proper help. Before they can think of
anything too much they see the lights start to flicker and once again the room goes
into darkness as Luis calls his friend's name to see if he is still with him to which he
gets no response. This is when Luis sees this slight glow of red coming from down
the hallway to which he follows. This ends up leading Luis into a future outcome of
how this whole situation could play out with his friend being dead on the floor. As he
starts to panic he is brought back to reality by his mate who was scared he lost him
for a second as it took him some time to snap out of it. After Luis comes back to
reality they look for ways of staying alive for the night which ends up as a success
but at the cost of fighting against the spirit for the night which leaves them tired and
borderline insane. As the sun comes up and the house in a state, Luis and his friend
both work on researching and finding out ways to lift the curse they have put on the
house but come up short as the internet is no use in finding ways to stop this which
starts to make Luis more scared as he knows the outcome of what will happen if it
ends too late. The friend sees that Luis is upset and distressed and goes over to
console him until Luis once again sees his strange vision this time though he sees
his mate hugging him but there is blood coming from his eyes and nose and his
friend says “You should have saved me”. This leaves Luis in a mass panic as he
blames himself for what is going to happen but then he is once again brought back to
reality by his friend but Luis says nothing as he doesn’t want to let his friend know
what he has seen.

After Luis sees these visions of different outcomes that the spirit wants him to see
he fears for his friend and tells him to go home which leads into them both fighting
and the friend walking out on him which leaves Luis relieved as he knows the
outcomes he has seen won’t happen. Once Luis has left his wrecked home, he goes
searching for more details in the house about the death and the cause of the
previous owner's death as he finds this information in a room of the house. As he
goes down towards the room he feels a presence down there with him and he starts
to feel the hairs on his neck stand up. He goes into the room and starts to rummage
through the different boxes in there in hope that he finds what he is looking for.
However, as he is rummaging through the different boxes he sees weird objects
starting to move such as a jack in the box popping on its own, the record player
playing eerie music in the room and also Luis sees the dark figure for the first time as
he just finds the documents that he has been looking for. It leads into the dark figure
chasing Luis out of the room which leads him back into the kitchen. As he looks
through the documents he finds out about the previous owner and that he was a part
of a satanic cult and before he died he struck a curse on anyone who owns his land
after his death. Luis eventually uses his connections with the local church to ask the
priest if he knows what he should do to reverse this to which the only way of
reversing this curse is by reversing what they started. This leaves Luis scared as by
reversing what they started he has to get his friend back but it is something he has to
do for his family. As Luis finishes at the local church he phones his friend who he
started this with and they agree they are going to stop it for good. That night Luis and
his friend prepare as they get ready to reverse this curse but the only thing stopping
them is the evil spirit who is already in this house. They start reversing this curse but
the spirit tries to get in their way which eventually doesn’t work but as they are about
to lift this curse Luis sees the dark figure standing behind his friend and watches him
take him with him as the curse lifts. It ends with Luis’s friend on the floor dead with
blood coming from his eyes and nose as Luis hugs him goodbye. The film finishes a
day later where Luis is still emotional but puts the box of the Ouija board away for
good but the ending cuts as the box starts to move on its own.

Trailer run time 1:30-2:00

Trailer Synopsis: We start the trailer with the TV turning on which is then lead by
the TV playing creepy music. We then see the Ouija board in the centre of the room
and Luis and Harvey sat either side. Luis says “are you sure about this” with a
concerned expression to which Harvey replies “yeah, we need to”. Luis looks down
and sighs. Then we see the Ouija board spelling out a word on its own. L. E. A. V. E.
Cuts to black as we see Luis and Harvey in the kitchen with Luis on a computer and
Harvey reading a book. We see Luis looking at articles of different curses and
demons. We see Luis and Harvey walking towards to camera with candles and we
hear heavy breathing as Luis says “what was that”. Cuts to Harvey with blood
dripping from his nose looking angry. See Luis looking up as the lights start to flicker.

We then see the microwave on a timer which cuts to Luis and Harvey looking over
and having a scared facial expression on their face. We get an extreme close up of
eyes shut. Then cuts back to the kitchen where the draws slam which leads to Luis
and Hrvey turning their head again. Close up of timer going down. Then we see the
bike start to move on its own. Microwave going off. Eyes open. Harvey and Luis look
scared right before the lights go out. Luis shouting Harvey’s name but no response.
Red tint as we see footsteps going down the stairs which cuts to Luis seeing the red
tint and walking towards it. We see Luis at the bottom of the stairs and the dark
figure starts walking towards him. CUts to Luis running away and trying to espace as
he starts to rag on the door to escape and screaming as the figure gets closer. Cuts
to Harvey seeing Luis on his floor with paper all around him and sees he’s stressed
which leads to us seeing Luis kick Harvey out of his house. Cuts to a closer shot of
Luis as he looks stressed.

Then we see Luis outside of the church with a picutre in his hand of the old couple
who lived at the house previous. We then see infront of Luis as he looks up and
sighs outside of the Church. Then it cuts to Luis crying in the mirror but he sees a
dark shadow behind him but when he looks back nothing is there. He looks in the
mirror again and its gotten closer but when he looks back again and nothing is there
but as he looks back the figure is infront of him and we see him grabbing his neck.

We then cut to Luis slamming his hands against the wall with crunched up docs in
his hand. Cuts to Luis at the gravestone of the previous owner with a picture of them.
Then we see Harvey at the front door of Luis’s saying “lets end this”. This then cuts
to a shot of Luis and of Harvey standing back to back in the kitchen waiting for the
spirit. Cuts to a loud bang on the door. Then we see their reaction looking scared.
Cuts to a pale hand getting close to Luis and Harvey. Harvey looking again towards
the camera but now has blood dripping from eyes and nose and agressively says to
Luis “this is your fault”. Door lit up flickering by itself. Cuts to two hands connected
but one gets dragged away. Luis with hands on his head screaming. Ends on
someone blowing a candle out.

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