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Department of Mechanical

Engineering Government
Polytechnic, Awasari (kh) Tal-
Ambegoan Dist-Pune 412405

A Capstone Project
Planning Report On

“Project Title”
Fabrication of Mechanical Engineering World Model

Submitted by

Sr.No. Name of the Students Enrollment No.

1 Dabhade Aniket Ramdas 2110510342
2 Doifode Abhijit Hanuman 2110510348
3 Kale Atharv Santosh 2110510358
4 Sinalkar Sujal Bhaskar 2110510381
5 Suryawanshi Sanket Vilas 2110510384
6 Wagh Rohan Avinash 2110510393

Under the Guidance of

Mr. B.S.Padmavat


This is to certify that

1) Dabhade Aniket Ramdas (Enrollment No.:- 2110510342)

2) Doifode Abhijit Hanuman (Enrollment No.:-2110510348)
3) Kale Atharv Santosh (Enrollment No.:-2110510358)
4) Sinlkar Sujal Bhaskar (Enrollment No.:-2110510381)
5) Suryawanshi Sanket Vilas (Enrollment No.:-2110510384)
6) Wagh Rohan Avinash (Enrollment No.:-2110510393)

Students of Third Year Mechanical Engineering have satisfactory completed the project
planning work entitled
“Project Title”
Fabrication of Mechanical Engineering World Model
towards the partial fulfillment of Diploma in Mechanical Engineering for the academic
year 2023-2024. This report represents the bona fide work done by the students.

Place: Awasari(kh) Date:

Guide External Examiner

Mr. B.S.Padmavat

H.O.D Principle

It gives us an immense pleasure to express our sincere and heartiest

gratitude towards our Project Guide Mr. B.S.Padmavat for their guidance,
encouragement, moral support and affection during the project planning. They
have proven to be an excellent guide and teacher. We are especially
appreciative to their willingness to listen and guide us to find the best solution,
regardless of challenge. We also thankful of our project guide for providing us
opportunity to work with them.

We also extremely grateful of _______________, Head of Department,

for their motivation and support during the work of Capstone Project Planning
from time to time and for giving her precious knowledgeable hands to our work.

Lastly, our cordial thanks to all who have contributed indirectly and
materially in words and deeds for completion of Capstone project planning.

Group Members

Roll no. Name Enrollment

23ME305 Dabhade Aniket Ramdas 2110510342
23ME307 Doifode Abhijit Hanuman 2110510348
23ME310 Kale Atharv Santosh 2110510358
23ME319 Sinalkar Sujal Bhaskar 2110510381
23ME321 Suryawanshi Sanket Vilas 2110510384
23ME326 Wagh Rohan Avinash 2110510393

In this study, Metal Arc Welding of rolled steel (JIS G3101 SS400) specimens were
studied under computational conditions. The finite element methodology of residual
stresses in butt welding of bi-linear plates is conducted using ANSYS software. The study
includes a finite element structure for heat (thermal) and structural (mechanical) welding
simulation. Additionally, it also comprises of a poignant beat foundation, material dumps.
heat dependant material chattels, metal agility and flexibility, transient heat shift and
mechanical investigation. The welding replication was measured as a sequentially coupled
thermo-mechanical scrutiny and the element birth and death technique was engaged for
the investigation of filler metal authentication. The residual stress dispersion and enormity
in the axial course was obtained. A good agreement between the theoretical and computed
results was attained.
The mechanical engineering design research community has made major advances over
the last few years. The research community in mechanical engineering design has made
significant progress not only in advancing our knowledge of design, but also in clarifying
the research methods necessary to study design. Great progress is be ing made toward a
better understanding of design, and hence toward beiter design tools.
Contents Topic

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 Literature Survey

Chapter 3 Proposed Detailed Methodology with Action Plan

Chapter 4 Diagrams

Chapter 5 Specification

Chapter 6 Conclusion

Chapter 7 References
Chapter1: Introduction

Design of the product is very important for its success on the market. Designer takes
an active part at development of the product from very early concept phase, which
gives him good overview on demands and expectations of the market. Designers'
obligation is, for better break trough of the product on the market, to apply these
demands and expectations to the developing product considering general, objective
factors that have influence on design of specific product.
When designing some products product design has not been very important. In some
cases product design has not been part of design process, products shape has been
determined by its construction. Such cases are mostly products (machines,
apparatuses) that are not used in general, or are used for specific purposes (special
tools, machines...)
However, competition is harder even in this field of products Products are not
evaluated only in sense of technical characteristics, hat also in sense of appearance,
ergonomics and even more. Manufacturers are starting to devote attention to the
products, which are not well designed, on field of product design.
It is a fact that product design is a highly complex activity with a significant influence
to overall success of the new product on the market Involving theory and practice of
product design into mechanical design education process has therefore a very
important role.
These are main reasons why a group of Third year mechanical engineering students at
the up the challenge so perform a joint project during practical lessons of the subject
of Computer Aided Design and Manufacture. Extensive knowledge and skills from
fields of mechanical design and also product design, such as: Design Finalisation, Bio
Mechanics and Ergonomics, Freehand Drawing and Painting. Visual Communications
and Freehand Rendering, have been used in order to assure adequate.
The group made a decision to (re)design a product that has been underdeveloped in
sense of product design. Designing such a product is definitely a big challenge for
every engineer and product designer. The group chose a pneumatic hammer.
for the purpose of information regarding the diffrent mechanical components and
Chapter 2: Literature Survey

- Workshop technology by Hajra Chaudhary

- Manufacturing science and technology.
- New edge publication new Delhi 2009 ISBN97-81-224-2759-2
- A text book of production engineering
- S.Chand publication new Delhi & edition. 2012 ISBN 978812190116
Chapter 3 : Proposed Detailed Methodology with Action Plan

1. Cutting :-
The cutting process for fabricating a model of the mechanical engineering world
involves several steps and techniques, depending on the materials and design of
the model. Here's a general outline of the cutting process:
 Material Selection: Choose the appropriate materials for your model, which
may include metals, plastics, or other materials commonly used in mechanical
 Design and Layout: Create a detailed design of your model and lay out the
parts and components to be cut. Use CAD software or traditional drafting
techniques for precision.
 Marking: Mark the cutting lines and reference points on the material using
scribes, markers, or layout tools. This will guide the cutting process.
 Select Cutting Tools: Choose the appropriate cutting tools and equipment
based on the material and design. Common cutting tools include:
- Laser Cutters: Ideal for precise and intricate cuts in materials like metal,
plastic, or wood.
-Plasma Cutters: Effective for cutting thick metal sheets.
- Waterjet Cutters: Use a high-pressure stream of water mixed with abrasive
materials to cut a wide range of materials.
- Band Saws: Suitable for cutting metal bars, pipes, or other long and thick
- Shears: Useful for cutting thin metal sheets.
- CNC Routers: Great for cutting and shaping various materials with
 Safety Precautions: Ensure you have the necessary safety equipment, such as
safety glasses, gloves, and hearing protection, when operating cutting tools.
 Cutting Process: Perform the cutting based on your marked lines and design.
Follow the manufacturer's recommendations and best practices for the
specific cutting tool you're using.
 Quality Control: Inspect the cut pieces for accuracy and any defects. Measure
dimensions to ensure they match the design specifications.
 Secondary Operations: Depending on the design, you may need to perform
secondary operations like deburring, sanding, or additional machining to
refine the cut edges.
 Assembly: Assemble the cut components to build the final model of the
mechanical engineering world.
 Finishing: Apply any necessary finishes or coatings to enhance the aesthetics
and protect the model from corrosion.
 Quality Assurance: Conduct a final inspection to ensure the model meets your
design specifications and quality standards.

2. Welding:-
The welding process for fabricating a model of the mechanical engineering world
typically involves the following steps:
 Material Selection: Choose the appropriate materials for your model, such as
metals or alloys commonly used in mechanical engineering applications.
 Design and Cutting: Design the components of your model and cut them into the
desired shapes using tools like shears, saws, or laser cutters.
 Fit-Up and Fixturing: Ensure the parts fit together accurately by using fixtures,
jigs, or clamps to hold them in place during welding.
 Welding Method: Select the appropriate welding method based on your material
and design. Common methods include MIG (Metal Inert Gas), TIG (Tungsten
Inert Gas), or arc welding.
 Welding Setup: Set up your welding machine with the right settings, including
current, voltage, and shielding gas, as per the material and welding method.
 Welding Process: Weld the components together, following the welding
sequence and technique that best suits your design.
 Quality Control: Inspect the welds for defects such as porosity, cracks, or
incomplete penetration. Use non-destructive testing methods if needed.
 Assembly: Assemble all the welded components to create the final model of the
mechanical engineering world.
 Assembly: Assemble all the welded components to create the final model of the
mechanical engineering world.
 Finishing: Apply any coatings or finishes to enhance the aesthetics and protect
the model from corrosion.
 Quality Assurance: Conduct a final inspection to ensure the model meets your
design specifications and quality standards.

3. Fitting:-
The fitting process in the fabrication of a model for the mechanical engineering
world them in place. Here's a general outline of the fitting process:

 Component Inspection: Before assembly, inspect each component for any

defects or discrepancies. Ensure that they meet the design specifications.
 Alignment and Tolerances: Consider the tolerances and alignment requirements
for each joint or connection. Use precision measuring tools to verify that the
components fit within these tolerances.
 Fastening Methods: Choose the appropriate fastening methods for your model.
Common options include:
- Bolts and Nuts: Used for secure and removable connections.
- Welding: Ideal for permanent connections of metal components.
- Adhesives: Suitable for joining non-metallic or delicate parts.
- Press Fits: Components are pressed or interference-fitted together without
- Pins and Dowels: Used to align and connect parts accurately.
- Clamps or Brackets: Secure components in place during the fitting
 Assembly Sequence: Plan the sequence of assembly to avoid any interference or
 difficulties during the fitting process. Assemble components in the order that
minimizes the risk of misalignment or damage.
 Mock Assembly: Perform a mock assembly to test the fit and alignment of
components without permanent fastening. This helps identify any issues before
final assembly.
 Adjustments: If components do not fit perfectly, use machining, grinding, or
filing to make necessary adjustments to ensure a precise fit.

4. Testing:-
Testing is a critical phase in the fabrication of a mechanical engineering world model to
ensure that it functions as intended and meets design specifications. Here are some key
testing procedures and considerations:
 Dimensional Inspection: Verify that all components and assemblies meet the
specified dimensions and tolerances. Use precision measuring instruments like
calipers, micrometers, and gauges for this purpose.
 Functional Testing: Test the functionality of moving parts, mechanisms, and
systems within the model to ensure they operate as expected. This might include
checking gears, linkages, and other mechanical components.
 Load Testing: Apply loads or stresses to the model to assess its structural
integrity. This could involve subjecting the model to forces, pressures, or weight
to see how it performs under different conditions.
 Material Testing: If materials used in the model are critical, conduct material
tests such as tensile, hardness, and impact tests to ensure they meet required
 Environmental Testing: Subject the model to various environmental conditions,
such as temperature and humidity variations, to evaluate its performance under
real-world conditions.
 Vibration and Shock Testing: Check how the model responds to vibrations and
shocks, especially if it's meant to be used in applications where these factors are
 Electrical and Electronic Testing: If the model incorporates electrical or
electronic components, perform testing to ensure proper functioning, circuit
continuity, and compatibility.
 Leak and Pressure Testing: For models with fluid or gas systems, perform leak
and pressure tests to check for any leaks or pressure loss.
 Noise Testing: Assess noise levels produced by the model, especially if it's
designed to operate quietly.
 Safety Testing: Evaluate the safety features of the model, such as emergency
stops or protective guards, to ensure they function as intended and meet safety
 Durability and Endurance Testing: Subject the model to extended use or stress
testing to evaluate its long-term durability and reliability.
 Non-Destructive Testing (NDT): Use NDT techniques like X-ray, ultrasonic, or
magnetic particle testing to inspect the model for hidden defects without
damaging it.
 Calibration: Ensure that any measuring instruments, sensors, or gauges used in
the model are calibrated for accuracy.
 Documentation: Keep thorough records of all testing procedures, results, and
any necessary adjustments or improvements made.
 User Testing: If the model is designed for educational or demonstrative
purposes, involve users or students to provide feedback and evaluate its
effectiveness in conveying engineering concepts.

5. Foundational:
The foundation for the fabrication of a mechanical engineering world model is
essential to ensure a successful and accurate representation of the mechanical
engineering field. Here are the foundational steps;
 Project Scope and Objectives: Clearly define the scope of your model and its
objectives. What aspects of mechanical engineering do you want to represent,
and what are your goals for the model
 Research and Design: Thoroughly research the mechanical engineering
principles, systems, and components you plan to include in your model. Create
detailed design plans, including CAD drawings or schematics, to guide the
fabrication process.
 Materials Selection: Choose appropriate materials that mimic those used in real-
world mechanical engineering. Consider factors like strength, durability, and
 Resource Planning: Determine the resources you'll need, including materials,
tools, equipment, and skilled labor if necessary. Create a budget and timeline for
the project.
 Safety Precautions: Prioritize safety by identifying potential hazards and
implementing safety measures. Ensure that anyone involved in the fabrication is
aware of safety protocols.
 Fabrication Techniques: Select the fabrication methods and processes, such as
cutting, welding, machining, or 3D printing, based on the design and materials
 Prototyping: Create a prototype or mock-up of the model to test design elements,
fit, and functionality before proceeding with the final fabrication.
 Quality Control: Establish quality control measures to ensure that all components
and assemblies meet the specified tolerances and standards.
 Testing Procedures: Develop a comprehensive testing plan, as discussed earlier,
to evaluate the functionality and performance of the model.
 Documentation: Maintain thorough records of the entire fabrication process,
including design, materials, fabrication methods, testing results, and any
adjustments or improvements made.
 Iterative Process: Be prepared for iterations and adjustments as you progress.
Test, evaluate, and refine the model as needed to achieve accuracy and
 Collaboration: Involve experts or professionals in mechanical engineering to
provide guidance, insights, and validation of the model's accuracy.
 Education and Outreach: If your model is for educational purposes, plan how
you will use it to educate students, professionals, or the public about mechanical
engineering concepts.
 Aesthetics: Consider the visual appeal of the model. Ensure that it accurately
represents the appearance of real-world mechanical engineering components and
 Presentation: Decide how you will
1) weilded Earth Model
2) Different Mechanical Component
3) Electrical Motor Revolving Mechanism
4) Power Transmission Device
Action plan

Sr.No Details of Activities Plan start dates Plan

1 Raw Drafting 01/01/24 15/01/24

2 Final Design 16/01/24 20/01/24

3 Material purchasing 25/01/24 15/02/24

4 Fabrication 15/02/24 10/03/24

5 Assembly 10/03/24 25/03/24

6 Trial Test 25/03/24 02/04/24

7 Report writing 02/04/24 07/04/24

8 Final Submission 09/04/24

Chapter 4:Diagrams
Chapter 5: Specification


1) Wielded Earth Model

2) Different Mechanical Component

3) Electrical Motor Revolving Mechanism

4) Power Transmission Device

Cost of Project:
Raw material: 12000/-
Labour cost : 2400/-
Report writing, Painting etc:5400/-

 for asethetic demo at the entrance campus.
 Present case studies and research projects that have applied world modeling to
solve real-world mechanical engineering problems.
 Highlight the impact of these models on design, analysis, and optimization.
Chapter 6: Conclusion

In conclusion, the fabrication of a mechanical engineering world model is a complex

and intricate endeavor that requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a deep
understanding of mechanical engineering principles. This model serves as an
educational, demonstrative, or representational tool to showcase the fascinating world
of mechanical engineering. The following key points summarize the essential aspects
of this fabrication process:

1. Scope and Objectives: Clearly define the project's scope and objectives, outlining
what aspects of mechanical engineering will be represented and what goals the model
aims to achieve.

2. Design and Research: Extensive research and meticulous design planning are
essential to accurately depict mechanical engineering concepts, components, and
systems within the model.

3. Material Selection: The choice of materials is critical to mimic real-world materials

and ensure the model's authenticity in both appearance and functionality.

4. Resource Planning and Safety.

Chapter 7: Reference

1. Academic and Engineering Journals: Search for articles and research papers related
to the specific components or systems you plan to include in your model. These
journals often provide in-depth information on mechanical engineering topics.

2. Textbooks: Textbooks on mechanical engineering, design, and fabrication can serve

as valuable references for understanding the principles and components you want to

3. Engineering Associations and Organizations: Many engineering associations and

organizations provide resources, publications, and guidelines related to mechanical
engineering. Examples include the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE).

4. Online Engineering Communities: Participate in engineering forums and online

communities to connect with experts and professionals who may offer guidance and

5. Educational Institutions: Reach out to professors or researchers in mechanical

engineering departments at universities. They can often provide guidance and
recommended references for specific projects.

6. Industry Experts: If you have access to experts in the field of mechanical

engineering, they may be able to recommend relevant references and resources.

7. Patents and Technical Documents: Explore patents and technical documents related
to specific mechanical components or systems. These can provide detailed information
on their design and operation.

8. Library and Online Catalogs: Search for books, articles, and reports in your local
library or online library catalogs, such as Google Scholar or academic databases.

9. Project-Specific Research: If your project is highly specialized, consider conducting

your own research and experimentation to gather data and insights.

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