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Program: BES1.

Class: Basic Computer 1

Professor: Peter D. KIM

Name: Chue Yee

Date: 2/10/2023


FIRST, LET’S CLEAR UP a common fallacy about the meaning of creative thinking for
some illogical reason science engineering art and writing got tabbed as about the only
truly creative pursuits . Most people associate creative thinking with things like the
discovery of electricity or polio vaccine or the writing of a novel or the development of
color television.

Certainly, accomplishments like these are evidence of creative thinking. Each forward
step made in the conquest of space is the result of creative thinking, lots of it. But
creative thinking is not reserved for certain occupations, nor is it restricted to super
intelligent people. Well, then, what is creative thinking?

Creative thinking is simply finding new, improved ways to do anything. The rewards of
all types of success – success in the home, at work, in the community – hinge on finding
ways to do thing better. Now let’s see what we can do to develop and strengthen our
creative ability.

“Step one: believe it can be done. Here is a basic truth: To do anything, we must first
believe it can be done. Believing something can be done sets the mind in motion to find
a way to do it.”


In every big decision, the mind battles with itself to act or not to do or not to do. Here's
how one young fellow elected to act and reaped big rewards. J.M.’s situation is similar
to that of a million other young men he is in his twenties, has a wife and child, and still
has only a modest income. Mr. And Mrs. J. M. lived in a small apartment. Both wanted
a new home. They wanted the advantage of more space, cleaner surroundings, a place
for the youngster to play, and a chance to build up equity in their own property but
there was a hitch to buying a new home the down payment. Ono day as J. M called his
wife and said “How would you like to buy a new home next week? What's got into
you?” she asked “Why makes jokes? You know we can’t we haven’t even got the
money for the down payment.”

But J. M. was determined.” there are hundreds of thousands of couples like us who are
going to buy a new house ‘someday’ but only about half of them ever do. Something
always comes up to stop them. We're going to buy a home. I don’t

Know yet how we’ll raise the down payment, but we will. Well, the next they found a
house they both liked, quite unpretentious but nice, for $1,.200. J. M. knew he couldn’t
borrow it through the usual channels, for this would encumber his credit so that be
couldn’t get a mortgage for the sale price. where there’s will there ‘s always a way.
Suddenly, J.M. got a brainstorm: Why not contact the builder and work out a private
loan arrangement for $1,200 to be repaid at $100 a month plus interest.

Now all J.M. had to do was to do was to”find”$100 a moth. Mr. And Mrs. J. M.
sharpened their pencils and figured out a way to cut expenditures $25 a month. But
that still left $75, which J. M. got another idea. The next morning, he went in to see his
boss. He explained to his employer what he was doing. His boss was glad to learn that
J. M. was going to buy a new home.

Then J. M. said, “Look, Mr. T, to work this deal out, I've got to earn at least $75 mor
each month. Now, I know, “ J. M. continued, “you’ll give me raise when you feel that I
deserve it. What I want now is just a chance to earn more money. There are some
things around here that could best be done on weekends. Will you make it possible for
me to work then?” the employer was impressed with J. M.’s sincerity and ambition. He
proposed a way of J. M. to work ten extra hours each weekend, and Mr. and Mrs. J. M.
moved into their new home.

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