Bank Exam Vocabulary 0db4ea85

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Questions Asked in
Bank Exam Various Banking
Vocabulary Exams
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Que. 1
In the following sentence, a word has been emboldened. Select the best alternative for the bold word from the
given options.
The government refused to declare a/an amnesty for people who had not paid the disputed tax.
1) Pardon
2) Enormity
3) Affluence
4) Unabashed
5) Cede
Correct Option - 1

Que. 2
Which of the phrases given in the options should replace the word/phrase that is underlined in the sentence to
make it grammatically correct? if the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required, select 'No
correction required' as the answer.
Though he had never won any awards or even been published, he was conservative with his life as a poet.
1) Complement
2) Concede
3) Deject
4) Complacent
5) Articulate
Correct Option - 4

Que. 3
In the given sentence a word has been emboldened. Select the best alternative for the bold word from the given
options. If none follows, select option 5 as your answer.
Andrea committed to spend at least 10 hours a week at the charity.
1) Brokered
2) Pledged
3) Penetrated
4) Seemed
5) None
Correct Option - 2

Que. 4
In the given question, a word in the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence, alternatives to the
emboldened part are given which may help improve the sentence. Choose the given alternative out of the given
five options.
He might lose a sense of his superiority which impact his ego in public and private life.
1) Bear
2) Boost
3) Candor
4) Bolsters
5) Tolerate
Correct Option - 4
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Que. 5
In the given sentence a word has been emboldened. Select the best alternative for the bold word from the given
options. If none follows, select option 5 as your answer.
The security guard was very vigilant and yet did not see the attack coming.
1) Forgetful
2) Naive
3) Watchful
4) Negligent
5) None
Correct Option - 3

Que. 6
Directions: In the given sentence, a word has been emboldened. Select a suitable word for the word in bold from
the given options. If none follows select option 5 as your answer.
Akriti’s naivety was something that made her an easy target for charming con men.
1) Sophistication
2) Cynicism
3) Artfulness
4) Childishness
5) None of these
Correct Option - 4

Que. 7
In the given sentence a word has been emboldened. Select the best alternative for the bold word from the given
options. If none follows, select option 5 as your answer.
A lot of villages in India still follow the patriarchal system.
1) Matriarchal
2) Female-dominated
3) Male-dominated
4) Democratic
5) None
Correct Option - 3

Que. 8
In the given sentence a word has been emboldened. Select the best alternative for the bold word from the given
options. If none follows, select option 5 as your answer.
The doctor was very glad to inform the patient that his tumor was benign.
1) Malignant
2) Spreading
3) Harmless
4) Painful
5) None
Correct Option - 3

Que. 9
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In the given sentence, a word has been emboldened. Select a suitable word for the word in bold from the given
options. If none follows select option 5 as your answer.
There was a/an abundance of bounty on the ships, and yet there were squabbles amongst the sailors.
1) Poverty
2) Dearth
3) Plethora
4) Inadequacy
5) None of these
Correct Option - 3

Que. 10
In the given question, a word in the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence, alternatives to the
emboldened part are given which may help improve the sentence. Choose the given alternative out of the given
five options.
The shock of the king's death had disrupt the royalist cause.
1) Syntax
2) Energize
3) Honour
4) Enervated
5) None of these
Correct Option - 4

Que. 11
In the given question, a word in the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence, alternatives to the
emboldened part are given which may help improve the sentence. Choose the given alternative out of the given
five options.
The US has adept many foreign foods to better suit the tastes of Americans.
1) Adopted
2) Adapted
3) Advent
4) Adequate
5) Advocate
Correct Option - 2

Que. 12
In the given sentence a word has been emboldened. Select the best alternative for the bold word from the given
options. If none follows, select option 5 as your answer.
The queen was known kingdom-wide for being generous.
1) Narcissistic
2) Miserly
3) Magnanimous
4) Malevolent
5) None
Correct Option - 3

Que. 13
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In the given sentence a word has been emboldened. Select the best alternative for the bold word from the given
options. If none follows, select option 5 as your answer.
The Queen staked her reputation with her new pro-choice policy.
1) Post
2) Monarchy
3) Throne
4) Honour
5) None
Correct Option - 4

Que. 14
In the given sentence, a word has been emboldened. Select the correct replacement for the word in bold from the
given options. If none follows select option 5 as your answer.
Rahul’s servile behavior towards Nikhil was very disgusting.
1) Obsolete
2) Submissive
3) Observant
4) Haughty
5) None of these
Correct Option - 2

Que. 15
Directions: In a given question, three words are underlined we need to find out the word that has the same
meaning as these three words have.
Special and distinct collection can be curated by brands during festive or wedding season based on the unique Indian
consumers’ tastes and preferences
1) incense
2) peculiar
3) morose
4) maverick
5) sacrilege
Correct Option - 2

Que. 16
Direction: In the following sentence, a word is underlined. Beneath the sentence, four different ways of phrasing
the underlined word are indicated. Choose the best alternative among the four.
“Despite losing a lot of money in the stock market crash, Suresh remained unphased.”
1) unphazed
2) unfizzled
3) unfazed
4) unfaced
5) Not attempted
Correct Option - 3

Que. 17

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Those looking for savings earned over a long period of time can choose detrimental schemes where the accumulated
interest is paid on maturity.
1) degressive
2) gradual
3) cumulative
4) incremental
5) increscent
Correct Option - 3

Que. 18
Which of the phrases given in the options should replace the word phrase that is underlined in the sentence to
make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction is required, select 'No
correction required' as the answer.
Fixed Deposits (FD) are the safest option for investments, specially in a equable market.
Fixed Deposits (FD) are the safest option for investments, e ..

Read more at:
Fixed Deposits (FD) are the safest option for investments, e ..

Read more at:
Fixed Deposits (FD) are the safest option for investments, e ..

Read more at:
Fixed Deposits (FD) are the safest option for investments, e ..

Read more at:
Fixed Deposits (FD) are the safest option for investments, e ..

Read more at:
Fixed Deposits (FD) are the safest option for investments, e ..

Read more at:
Fixed Deposits (FD) are the safest option for investments, e ..

Read more at:
Fixed Deposits (FD) are the safest option for investments, e ..

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Read more at:
Fixed Deposits (FD) are the safest option for investments, e ..

Read more at:
Fixed Deposits (FD) are the safest option for investments, e ..

Read more at:
1) certain
2) volatile
3) steady
4) immutable
5) abiding
Correct Option - 2

Que. 19
Which of the phrases given in the options should replace the word phrase that is underlined in the sentence to
make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction is required, select 'No
correction required' as the answer.
He forged a/an convention with socialists, communists and greens, trying to avoid a split among voters in the left of
the centre spectrum.
1) alliance
2) discord
3) disunity
4) rebellion
5) dissent
Correct Option - 1

Que. 20
Which of the phrases given in the options should replace the word phrase that is underlined in the sentence to
make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction is required, select 'No
correction required' as the answer.
Nearly 30% of Russia's refining capacity was drudged in May, resulting in a worldwide oil-refining crunch, sources
told Reuters.
1) grubbed
2) plowed
3) idled
4) slaved
5) exerted
Correct Option - 3

Que. 21

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Which of the phrases given in the options should replace the word phrase that is underlined in the sentence to
make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction is required, select 'No
correction required' as the answer.
It is trifling for opposition parties to reimagine their own political positioning.
1) incidental
2) imperative
3) trivial
4) noncritical
5) stable
Correct Option - 2

Que. 22
Which of the phrases given in the options should replace the word phrase that is underlined in the sentence to
make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction is required, select 'No
correction required' as the answer.
The issue conceals from the larger problem of the underrepresentation of women in all spheres of life.
1) withdraws
2) emanates
3) disengage
4) eliminate
5) vacate
Correct Option - 2

Que. 23
Which of the phrases given in the options should replace the word phrase that is underlined in the sentence to
make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction is required, select 'No
correction required' as the answer.
Conservation, preservation and rejuvenation are superficial to sustainable inner and outer development.
1) extrinsic
2) incidental
3) native
4) acquired
5) intrinsic
Correct Option - 5

Que. 24
Which of the phrases given in the options should replace the word phrase that is underlined in the sentence to
make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction is required, select 'No
correction required' as the answer.
Resource management ought to give sufficient importance to the regeneration and desolation of these material
resources as well as the subtle resource that resides within us.
1) reinvention
2) extinction
3) reanimation
4) revitalization
5) annihilation

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Correct Option - 4

Que. 25
Which of the phrases given in the options should replace the word phrase that is underlined in the sentence to
make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction is required, select 'No
correction required' as the answer.
Alluri Sitaram Raju led the Rampa sedition of 1922 against the British Raj.
1) sabotage
2) defiance
3) rebellion
4) compliance
5) submission
Correct Option - 3

Que. 26
Which of the phrases given in the options should replace the word phrase that is underlined in the sentence to
make it grammatically correct?
Few healthcare workers have mocked capitalist greed and dedicated their lives to the poor and underprivileged.
1) rebelled
2) mutinied
3) defied
4) capitulated
5) breached
Correct Option - 3

Que. 27
Which of the phrases given in the options should replace the word/phrase that is underlined in the sentence to
make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction is required, select 'No
correction required' as the answer.
Academies have been male bastions with the significant inclusion of women scientists, irrespective of their contributio
ns and work.
1) embracing
2) exclusion
3) banishment
4) adoption
5) assimilation
Correct Option - 2

Que. 28
Which of the phrases given in the options should replace the word phrase that is underlined in the sentence to
make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction is required, select 'No
correction required' as the answer.
A senior officer of an enforcement organisation had a fearsome reputation for pursuing economic offenders
with callous implacability.
1) rapid
2) ruthless
3) raptness
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4) boorish
5) cordial
Correct Option - 2

Que. 29
In the given questions, a word in the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence, alternatives to the
emboldened part are given which may help improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative out of the given
five options
When companies need to save money, they Abstain from paying a dividend.
1) Avoid
2) Refrain
3) Abstract
4) Laze
5) Idle
Correct Option - 2

Que. 30
In the given questions, a word in the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence, alternatives to the emboldened
part are given which may help improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative out of the given five options.
India's labour-intensive sectors are stagnating, while its exports are growing at a/an dizzying rate.
1) week
2) tepid
3) lukewarm
4) alarming
5) stagnate
Correct Option - 4

Que. 31
In the given questions, a word in the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence, alternatives to the
emboldened part are given which may help improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative out of the given
five options.
The meteoric ascent of bitcoin was the most notable worldwide financial and economic event in 2017.
1) Prosaic
2) Strategical
3) Phenomenal
4) Superficial
5) Minuscular
Correct Option - 3

Que. 32
In the given questions, a word in the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence, alternatives to the
emboldened part are given which may help improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative out of the given
five options.
Former Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan indicated that if the US-China trade conflict intensified,
global economic recovery might be Halted.
1) Effected
2) Affected

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3) Feigned
4) Stagnate
5) Exuberant
Correct Option - 2

Que. 33
In the given questions, a word in the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence, alternatives to the
emboldened part are given which may help improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative out of the given
five options.
Raising the MSP might be one of the tools for enhancing The farmers' income, but cautioned that it could not have a
favourable macroeconomic impact.
1) boosting
2) incongruous
3) enchanting
4) exacerbating
5) encouraging
Correct Option - 1

Que. 34
In the given questions, a word in the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence, alternatives to the
emboldened part are given which may help improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative out of the given
five options.
With only three trading days remaining in March, FIIs have sold a net $1.12 billion in Indian debt, putting them on
the verge of turning net sellers for the year.
1) Brink
2) Adjoin
3) Center
4) Wracked
5) Slapped
Correct Option - 1

Que. 35
In the given questions, a word in the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence, alternatives to the
emboldened part are given which may help improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative out of the given
five options.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un met with Chinese President Xi Jinping and reaffirmed his commitment to the
peninsula's "denuclearization."
1) emphasized
2) redundant
3) forced
4) imposed
5) slapped
Correct Option - 1

Que. 36
In the given question, a word in the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence, alternatives to the
emboldened part are given which may help improve the sentence. Choose the given alternative out of the given
five options.
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This special magnetic appeal or charm is reinforce to his power and presence in front of an audience.
1) Ornate
2) Opine
3) Paramount
4) Peculiar
5) None of these
Correct Option - 3

Que. 37
In the given question, a word in the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence, alternatives to the
emboldened part are given which may help improve the sentence. Choose the given alternative out of the given
five options.
Her obscene statement made me question whether she could be trusted.
1) Vile
2) Ambiguous
3) Extempore
4) Pervert
5) None of these
Correct Option - 2

Que. 38
In the given question, a word in the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence, alternatives to the
emboldened part are given which may help improve the sentence. Choose the given alternative out of the given
five options.
Different mechanisms with the same effect are common, even vociferous, in biology.
1) Show
2) Ubiquitous
3) Present
4) Conceal
5) None of these
Correct Option - 2

Que. 39
In the given question, a word in the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence, alternatives to the
emboldened part are given which may help improve the sentence. Choose the given alternative out of the given
five options.
Early in October, when the skies were still blue, there was some scepticism that this year could turn out differently.
1) Optimism
2) Pessimist
3) Affirmation
4) Doubt
5) None of these.
Correct Option - 1

Que. 40

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Direction: In the following question, out of four alternatives, select the word which can replace the underlined
word given in the question. In case no replacement is needed, select 'None of these'.

Ramayana from Valmiki states that the great mountain Vindhya that was growing incessantly and obstructing the path
of the Sun stopped growing any more in obedience to Agastya's words.
1) Occasionally
2) Diligently
3) Frequently
4) Intermittently
5) None of these
Correct Option - 5

Que. 41
Direction: In the following question, out of four alternatives, select the word which can replace the underlined
word given in the question. In case no replacement is needed, select 'None of these'.
Since the early 20th century, tiger populations have lost at least 93% of their historic range and have been extirpated in
Western and Central Asia, from the islands of Java and Bali, and in large areas of Southeast and South Asia and China.
1) Ameliorated
2) Improved
3) Eradicated
4) Worsen
5) None of these
Correct Option - 3

Que. 42
Direction: In the following question, out of four alternatives, select the word which can replace the underlined
word given in the question. In case no replacement is needed, select 'None of these'.

Biden himself spoke of this being a time to heal the stark divisions that have arisen in his country and to end the
toxic polarisation that has poisoned the politics of the world’s oldest democracy.
1) Dissension
2) Transmission
3) Communication
4) Proclamation
5) None of these
Correct Option - 1

Que. 43
In the given question, a word in the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence, alternatives to the
emboldened part are given which may help improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative out of the given
five options.
The economic slander has grown rapidly in the era of globalization.
1) Variety
2) Indigence
3) Raid
4) Disparity
5) Disciple
Correct Option - 4
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Que. 44
In the given question, a word in the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence, alternatives to the
emboldened part are given which may help improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative out of the given
five options.
Growing levels of pollution represent a serious health havoc to the local population.
1) Demise
2) Rage
3) Hazard
4) Grudge
5) Trail
Correct Option - 3

Que. 45
In the following sentence, a word has been emboldened. Select the best alternative for the bold word from the
given options.
Finding an affable, unapologetic citizen who believed this stuff was unnerving.
1) Remorseless
2) Abrade
3) Cantankerous
4) Clandestine
5) Perpetual
Correct Option - 1

Que. 46
In the following sentence, a word has been emboldened/underlined. Select the best alternative for the
bold/underlined word from the given options.
The secretary was dismissed after it was discovered that she was stealing office supplies.
1) Probate
2) Harbored
3) Ousted
4) Pilferage
5) Intend
Correct Option - 3

Que. 47
In the given sentence a word has been emboldened. Select the best alternative for the bold word from the given
options. If none follows, select option 5 as your answer.
The bowl of noodles was so big, it seemed to be unending.
1) Finite
2) Simplistic
3) Mellow
4) Infinite
5) None
Correct Option - 4

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Que. 48
In the given sentence a word has been emboldened. Select the best alternative for the bold word from the given
options. If none follows, select option 5 as your answer.
Amanda's evil behaviour had dishonoured the whole family.
1) Honoured
2) Respected
3) Eliminated
4) Disgraced
5) None
Correct Option - 4

Que. 49
In the given sentence a word has been emboldened. Select the best alternative for the bold word from the given
options. If none follows, select option 5 as your answer.
Danielle had a habit of squandering her entire allowance.
1) Concealing
2) Misspending
3) Retaining
4) Saving
5) None
Correct Option - 2

Que. 50
In the given sentence a word has been emboldened. Select the best alternative for the bold word from the given
options. If none follows, select option 5 as your answer.
There was an abundance of water during the monsoon.
1) Deficiency
2) Pleasure
3) Bounty
4) Commodity
5) None
Correct Option - 3

Que. 51
In the given sentence a word has been emboldened. Select the best alternative for the bold word from the given
options. If none follows, select option 5 as your answer.
Anne was dreading the day the secret police would take them away.
1) Fearing
2) Enjoying
3) Pleading
4) Pursuing
5) None
Correct Option - 1

Que. 52

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In the given sentence a word has been emboldened. Select the best alternative for the bold word from the given
options. If none follows, select option 5 as your answer.
The 2 cars on the expressway collided with each other really badly.
1) Crashed
2) Brushed
3) Busted
4) Broke
5) None
Correct Option - 1

Que. 53
In the given sentence a word has been emboldened. Select the best alternative for the bold word from the given
options. If none follows, select option 5 as your answer.
The party's host was too pompous for Michelle's standard.
1) Inferior
2) Humble
3) Modest
4) Grandiose
5) None
Correct Option - 4

Que. 54
In the given sentence a word has been emboldened. Select the best alternative for the bold word from the given
options. If none follows, select option 5 as your answer.
The entire event was very mediocre by their standards.
1) Extraordinary
2) Amazing
3) Workaday
4) Inferior
5) None
Correct Option - 3

Que. 55
In the given sentence a word has been emboldened. Select the best alternative for the bold word from the given
options. If none follows, select option 5 as your answer.
The notice was very ambiguous about when the money was to be paid.
1) Vivid
2) Opaque
3) Vague
4) Transparent
5) None
Correct Option - 3

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