Operation of Hollow Cathode Lamps The Table

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Hollow Cathode Lamps

Operation of Hollow Cathode Lamps The table

There are a number of factors that affect the successful operation of the lamp. These relate to the lamp warm-up time, the This table lists operating conditions for each analytical wavelength under the following headings:
intensity of the lamp and the isolation of the preferred analytical line. Each hollow cathode lamp is different in these respects. Wavelengths indicated are the ones most commonly used in atomic absorption
For example, the warm-up characteristics, line intensity and spectral isolation for As are quite different to those for Cu or Fe.
Slit indicates the recommended spectral bandpass at each wavelength for the recommended current. Where there is an
Warm up adjacent line a smaller slit may provide a more sensitive and linear calibration but a higher noise level is likely. Conversely, a
With a single-beam instrument especially, it is important to allow at least ten minutes lamp warm-up before attempting an larger slit will reduce noise but a less sensitive calibration may be obtained.
analytical measurement. Some elements may require longer times. This time will allow the lamp to reach a relatively stable Maximum Current should never be exceeded, as permanent damage to the lamp will occur.
output. With double-beam operation the warm-up period is not observable but nevertheless it is wise to allow for warm-up Recommended Current has been selected to provide an adequate intensity. Higher currents will always reduce the working
before attempting any analytical measurements. life of the lamp and for some elements will produce a reduction in absorption signal.
Intensity Relative Sensitivity of alternate wavelengths is an approximate indication of the reduction in absorbance signal which may
Each analytical line from a hollow cathode lamp has a characteristic intensity which relates to the observable signal-to-noise be expected relative to the most sensitive line. The most sensitive wavelength is assigned a value of 1. Alternative wavelengths
level of the AA instrument. The greater the intensity of the analytical line, the lower the noise level. Such differences in the are used to avoid sample dilution when the element is present in high concentrations.
measured noise level between different lamps are quite normal. Relative Intensity is an indication of the lamp signal intensity at each wavelength using the recommended current and slit.
The most intense wavelength is assigned a value of 100.
Fill Gas is selected from either neon or argon for freedom from interfering lines at the most sensitive wavelengths.
Window material is pyrex for those elements with absorbing wavelengths above approximately 300 nm. Quartz windows are
used when wavelengths below 300 nm are required.

Element Part Number Fill Window Current (mA) Wavelength Recommended Relative Relative Element Part Number Fill Window Current (mA) Wavelength Recommended Relative Relative
Coded Uncoded Gas Max Recommended (nm) Slit (nm) Sensitivity Intensity Coded Uncoded Gas Max Recommended (nm) Slit (nm) Sensitivity Intensity
Ag Silver 56-101052-00 56-101272-00 N P 10 4 328.1 0.5 1 100 Pt Platinum 56-101041-00 56-101261-00 N Q 20 10 265.9 0.2 1 30
338.3 0.5 2 90 299.8 0.5 6 100
Al Aluminum 56-101001-00 56-101220-00 N Q 15 10 309.3 0.5 1 80 Rb Rubidum 56-101046-00 56-101266-00 N P 20 20 780.0 0.2 1 100
396.2 0.5 2 100 794.8 0.2 3 60
237.3 0.5 5 3 420.2 0.2 100 20
257.4 0.5 11 5 421.6 0.2 300 10
256.8 0.5 17 3 Re Rhenium 56-101044-00 56-101264-00 N P 20 20 346.0 0.2 1 100
As Arsenic 56-101003-00 56-101222-00 N Q 12 10 193.7 0.5 1 50 346.5 0.2 2 70
197.2 1.0 2 100 345.2 0.2 3 40
Au Gold 56-101021-00 56-101240-00 N Q 10 4 242.8 1.0 1 60 Rh Rhodium 56-101045-00 56-101265-00 N P 15 5 343.5 0.5 1 100
267.6 1.0 2 100 Ru Ruthenium 56-101047-00 56-101267-00 N P 15 10 349.9 0.2 1 100
B Boron 56-101007-00 56-101226-00 N Q 20 20 249.8 0.2 1 100 392.6 0.2 10 60
208.9 0.2 2 40 Sb Antimony 56-101002-00 56-101221-00 N Q 15 10 217.6 0.2 1 20
Ba Barium 56-101004-00 56-101223-00 N P 20 20 553.6 0.5 1 100 231.2 0.5 2 100
350.1 0.5 600 20 Sc Scandium 56-101049-00 56-101269-00 N P 15 10 391.2 0.2 1 100
Be Beryllium 56-101005-00 56-101224-00 N Q 15 5 234.9 1.0 1 100 327.4 0.2 3 20
Bi Bismuth 56-101006-00 56-101225-00 N Q 15 10 223.1 0.2 1 15 326.9 0.2 5 10
306.8 0.5 4 100 Se Selenium 56-101050-00 56-101270-00 N Q 12 10 196.0 1.0 1 100
227.7 0.5 30 30 204.0 0.5 15 60
Ca Calcium 56-101010-00 56-101229-00 N Q 10 10 422.7 0.5 1 100 Si Silicon 56-101051-00 56-101271-00 N Q 15 10 251.6 0.2 1 100
239.9 0.2 200 10 250.7 0.5 3 60
Cd Cadmium 56-101008-00 56-101227-00 N Q 10 4 228.8 0.5 1 40 252.4 0.5 4 50
326.1 0.5 400 100 288.2 0.2 20 80
Co Cobalt 56-101013-00 56-101232-00 N Q 15 7 240.7 0.2 1 20 Sm Samarium 56-101048-00 56-101268-00 N P 20 10 429.7 0.2 1 20
304.4 0.5 15 40 476.0 0.5 2 100
346.6 0.2 40 100 Sn Tin 56-101061-00 56-101281-00 N Q 15 7 235.5 0.5 1 60
Cr Chromium 56-101012-00 56-101231-00 N P 15 7 357.9 0.2 1 40 286.3 0.5 2 100
429.0 0.5 7 100 300.9 0.5 4 80
520.8 0.2 200 20 266.1 0.5 20 10
520.5 0.2 500 15 Sr Strontium 56-101054-00 56-101274-00 N P 15 10 460.7 0.5 1 100
Cs Cesium 56-101009-00 56-101228-00 N P 20 20 852.1 1.0 1 50 Ta Tantalum 56-101055-00 56-101275-00 N Q 20 20 271.5 0.2 1 50
455.5 0.5 5 100 275.8 0.5 5 100
Cu Copper 56-101014-00 56-101233-00 N Q 10 4 324.8 0.5 1 100 Tb Terbium 56-101057-00 56-101277-00 N Q 20 20 432.7 0.2 1 100
217.9 0.2 8 3 431.9 0.2 2 80
218.2 0.2 10 2 433.9 0.2 3 70
222.6 0.2 40 5 Te Tellurium 56-101056-00 56-101276-00 N Q 12 10 214.3 0.2 1 10
244.2 1.0 300 15 225.9 0.5 15 100
Dy Dysprosium 56-101015-00 56-101234-00 N P 20 20 421.2 0.2 1 100 238.6 0.2 150 60
419.5 0.2 2 60 Ti Titanium 56-101062-00 56-101282-00 N P 20 20 364.3 0.5 1 100
Er Erbium 56-101016-00 56-101235-00 N P 20 10 400.8 0.5 1 100 365.4 0.2 1 40
389.3 0.5 4 80 399.0 0.5 2 90
408.8 0.2 7 10 Tl Thallium 56-101058-00 56-101278-00 N Q 15 10 276.8 0.5 1 100
402.1 0.2 40 10 258.0 1.0 75 20
Eu Europium 56-101017-00 56-101236-00 N P 20 10 459.4 1.0 1 100 Tm Thulium 56-101060-00 56-101280-00 N P 20 20 371.8 0.5 1 50
333.4 0.5 300 10 420.4 1.0 3 100
Fe Iron 56-101027-00 56-101246-00 N Q 15 5 248.3 0.2 1 15 436.0 0.2 9 10
372.0 0.2 10 100 530.7 1.0 20 50
386.0 0.2 15 50 V Vanadium 56-101065-00 56-101285-00 N Q 20 20 318.5 0.2 1 40
Ga Gallium 56-101019-00 56-101238-00 N Q 15 4 294.4 0.5 1 100 318.4 0.2 2 60
287.4 0.5 1 60 306.6 0.5 4 50
272.0 0.5 30 10 439.0 0.5 8 100
Gd Gadolinium 56-101018-00 56-101237-00 N P 20 20 368.4 0.2 1 60 W Tungsten 56-101063-00 56-101283-00 N Q 20 20 255.1 0.2 1 5
405.8 0.2 1.5 100 400.9 0.5 4 100
Ge Germanium 56-101020-00 56-101239-00 N Q 10 5 265.2 1.0 1 100 407.4 0.5 8 80
269.1 0.5 5 15 Y Yttrium 56-101067-00 56-101287-00 N P 15 10 410.2 0.5 1 100
303.9 0.5 20 50 414.3 0.5 2 50
Hf Hafnium 56-101022-00 56-101241-00 N Q 15 10 307.3 0.2 1 15 Yb Ytterbium 56-101066-00 56-101286-00 N Q 10 5 398.8 0.5 1 100
368.2 0.5 6 100 Zn Zinc 56-101068-00 56-101288-00 N Q 10 5 213.9 1.0 1 100
Hg Mercury 56-101034-00 56-101253-00 N Q 8 4 253.7 0.5 1 100 307.6 1.0 8000 60
Ho Holmium 56-101023-00 56-101242-00 N P 20 20 410.4 0.2 1 100 Zr Zirconium 56-101069-00 56-101289-00 N P 20 20 360.1 0.2 1 60
425.4 0.5 80 80 468.8 0.2 8 100
In Indium 56-101025-00 56-101244-00 N Q 10 5 303.9 0.5 1 100
271.0 0.2 20 5
Ir Iridium 56-101026-00 56-101245-00 N Q 10 10 264.0 0.2 3 100 Na/K 56-101070-00 56-101290-00 N P 12 10
265.5 0.2 4 80 Na Sodium 589.0 0.5 1 100
254.4 0.2 5 50 589.6 0.5 2 60
K Potassium 56-101042-00 56-101262-00 N P 10 5 766.5 1.0 1 100 330.0 0.2 500 1
769.9 1.0 2 80 K Potassium 766.5 1.0 1 100
404.4 0.5 400 5 769.9 1.0 2 80
La Lanthanum 56-101028-00 56-101247-00 N P 20 20 550.1 0.2 1 50 404.4 0.5 400 10
403.7 0.5 3 90 Ca/Mg 56-101071-00 56-101291-00 N Q 10 7
357.4 0.5 6 100 Ca Calcium 422.7 0.5 1 100
Li Lithium 56-101030-00 56-101249-00 N P 10 5 670.8 1.0 1 100 Mg Magnesium 285.2 0.5 1 100
323.3 0.2 400 0.2 Cu/Zn 56-101192-00 56-101293-00 N Q 10 7
610.4 0.5 7000 5 Cu Copper 324.8 0.2 1 100
Lu Lutetium 56-101031-00 56-101250-00 N P 20 10 336.0 1.0 1 100 Zn Zinc 327.4 0.2 3 60
356.8 0.5 2 70 213.9 0.5 1 100
337.7 0.5 3 40 307.6 0.5 8000 60
Mg Magnesium 56-101032-00 56-101251-00 N Q 10 4 285.2 0.5 1 100 Ca/Mg/Al 56-101088-00 N Q 12 10
202.6 1.0 30 3 Ca Calcium 422.7 0.5 1 100
Mn Manganese 56-101033-00 56-101252-00 N Q 15 5 279.5 0.2 1 90 Mg Magnesium 285.2 0.5 1 100
403.1 0.2 12 100 Al Aluminium 309.3 0.5 1 100
321.7 0.2 3000 3 Ag/Cd/Pb/Zn 56-101087-00 N Q 10 5
Mo Molybdenum 56-101035-00 56-101254-00 N Q 15 7 313.3 0.5 1 100 Ag Silver 328.1 0.5 1 100
320.9 0.2 15 10 338.3 0.5 2 90
Na Sodium 56-101053-00 56-101273-00 N P 10 5 589.0 0.5 1 100 Cd Cadmium 228.8 0.5 1 40
589.6 0.5 2 60 326.1 0.5 400 100
330.3 0.5 500 2 Pb Lead 217.0 1.0 1 20
Nb Niobium 56-101038-00 56-101257-00 N P 20 20 334.9 0.2 1 10 283.3 0.5 2 100
358.0 0.5 1 50 261.4 0.5 40 30
408.0 0.5 1 70 Zn Zinc 213.9 1.0 1 100
405.9 0.5 1 100 307.6 1.0 8000 60
Nd Neodymium 56-101036-00 56-101255-00 N P 20 20 492.5 0.2 1 100 Co/Cr/Cu/Fe/Mn/Ni 56-101076-00 56-101292-00 N Q 15 10
486.7 0.2 7 20 Co Cobalt 240.7 0.2
Ni Nickel 56-101037-00 56-101256-00 N Q 10 4 232.0 0.2 1 5 Cr Chromium 425.4 0.5
352.5 0.2 5 100 Cu Copper 324.8 0.2
351.5 0.2 10 30 Fe Iron 248.3 0.2
362.5 0.2 500 10 Mn Manganese 279.5 0.2
Os Osmium 56-101039-00 56-101258-00 N Q 20 20 290.9 0.2 1 20 Ni Nickel 232.0 0.2
426.1 1.0 15 100
P Phosphorus 56-101077-00 56-101260-00 N Q 20 20 213.6 1.0 1 100
Pb Lead 56-101029-00 56-101248-00 N Q 12 10 217.0 1.0 1 20 H2 Hydrogen 56-101243-00 H2 Q 40
283.3 0.5 2 100 H2 Hydrogen (mini) 56-101294-00 H2 Q 40
261.4 0.5 40 30
Pd Palladium 56-101040-00 56-101259-00 N Q 15 5 244.8 0.2 1 1
247.6 0.2 2 1
340.5 1.0 7 100
Pr Praseodymium 56-101043-00 56-101263-00 N P 20 10 495.1 0.5 1 100
513.3 0.5 2 80

©Varian Australia Pty Ltd July 2004 Publication number 3110072500

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