SysAid Tickets Understanding - July (Consolidated)

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# Classification Sub-Category Priority Status

70184 Incident / Problem SD Module High Hard closed

70185 Change request FI Module High Soft closed
70186 Change request SD Module High Work in Progress
70187 Change request SD Module High Soft closed
70188 Incident / Problem MM Module High Soft closed
70189 Incident / Problem SD Module Low Hard closed
70190 Incident / Problem SD Module Critical Hard closed
70191 Change request PP Module High Soft closed
70192 Change request PP Module Low Soft closed
70193 Incident / Problem IBP module Low Hard closed
70195 Change request IBP module High Work in Progress
70198 Change request SD Module High Waiting for User Response
70199 Incident / Problem SD Module Low Soft closed
70200 Change request SD Module Low Waiting for User Response
70201 Incident / Problem SD Module Low Soft closed
70202 Change request FI Module High Soft closed
70203 Change request FI Module High Assigned
70204 Change request FI Module High Waiting for User Response
70205 Change request FI Module High Work in Progress
70206 Change request FI Module High Work in Progress
70207 Change request FI Module High Work in Progress
70208 Change request FI Module High Work in Progress
70209 Change request FI Module High Hard closed
70210 Change request FI Module High Assigned
70211 Change request FI Module High Assigned
70212 Change request MM Module High Soft closed
70213 Incident / Problem MM Module High Soft closed
70214 Change request MM Module High Soft closed
70215 Change request FI Module High Assigned
70216 Change request FI Module High Work in Progress
70217 Change request FI Module High Waiting for User Response
70218 Change request FI Module High Assigned
70219 Change request ARIBA module High Assigned
70220 Incident / Problem SD Module Low Soft closed
70221 Change request MM Module Low Work in Progress
70222 Incident / Problem SD Module Low Hard closed
70223 Incident / Problem SD Module Critical Hard closed
70224 Incident / Problem SD Module High Hard closed
70225 Incident / Problem FI Module Low Hard closed
70226 Change request MM Module Low Waiting for User Response
70227 Change request IDT module High Soft closed
70228 Change request IDT module High Soft closed
70229 Training QM module High Soft closed
70230 Change request QM module High User responded
70231 Incident / Problem SD Module High Hard closed
70232 Change request FI Module High Work in Progress
70233 Change request SD Module High Soft closed
70234 Change request MM Module High Soft closed
70235 Change request MM Module High Assigned
70236 Change request MM Module High Assigned
70237 Change request MM Module High Soft closed
70238 Change request MM Module High Work in Progress
70239 Change request MM Module High Soft closed
70240 Change request MM Module High Soft closed
70241 Change request ARIBA module High Hard closed
70242 Change request SD Module High Soft closed
70243 Change request PP Module High Soft closed
70244 Change request FI Module High Work in Progress
70245 Change request FI Module High Assigned
70246 Change request FI Module High Waiting for User Response
70247 Change request FI Module High Soft closed
70248 Change request FI Module High Assigned
70249 Change request FI Module High Assigned
70250 Change request FI Module High Work in Progress
70251 Change request FI Module High Assigned
70252 Change request FI Module High Work in Progress
70253 Incident / Problem MM Module Medium Hard closed
70254 Change request FI Module High Work in Progress
70257 Change request Service module Low Soft closed
70258 Change request Service module High Soft closed
70259 Change request QM module High User responded
70260 Incident / Problem SD Module Medium Soft closed
70261 Change request PP Module High Assigned
70264 Change request QM module High Assigned
70265 Change request PP Module High Soft closed
70266 Change request SD Module High Work in Progress
70267 Change request SD Module High Soft closed
70268 Change request SD Module High Work in Progress
70269 Change request SD Module High Hard closed
70270 Change request MM Module High Soft closed
70271 Change request MM Module High Soft closed
70272 Incident / Problem SD Module Low Hard closed
70273 Incident / Problem FI Module Low Soft closed
70274 Incident / Problem PP Module High Soft closed
70275 Change request SD Module High Work in Progress
70276 Change request MM Module High Assigned
70277 Change request MM Module High Soft closed
70278 Change request MM Module High Assigned
70279 Change request SD Module High Hard closed
70280 Change request SD Module High Waiting for User Response
70281 Change request MM Module High Soft closed
70282 Change request FI Module High Work in Progress
70283 Change request IDT module High Work in Progress
70284 Incident / Problem FI Module Low Soft closed
70285 Change request SD Module Low Work in Progress
70286 Change request IDT module Medium Hard closed
70287 Change request IBP module High Work in Progress
70288 Change request MM Module High Soft closed
70289 Incident / Problem SD Module High Soft closed
70290 Change request MM Module High Soft closed
70292 Change request FI Module High Assigned
70293 Change request ARIBA module High Waiting for User Response
70294 Change request ARIBA module High Hard closed
70295 Change request ARIBA module High Waiting for User Response
70296 Change request ARIBA module High Soft closed
70298 Change request MM Module High Work in Progress
70299 Change request PP Module High Work in Progress
70300 Change request ARIBA module High Waiting for User Response
70301 Change request ARIBA module High Assigned
70302 Change request ARIBA module High Assigned
70303 Change request MM Module High Assigned
70304 Change request MM Module High Soft closed
70305 Change request MM Module High Assigned
70306 Change request MM Module High Assigned
70308 Change request MM Module High Assigned
70309 Change request MM Module High Work in Progress
70310 Change request MM Module High Assigned
70317 Change request QM module High Soft closed
70318 Change request QM module High Soft closed
70319 Change request QM module High Assigned
70320 Change request SD Module High Soft closed
70322 Change request SD Module Low Soft closed
70323 Change request QM module High Assigned
70325 Change request QM module High Assigned
70326 Change request Service module High Assigned
70327 Change request FI Module High Work in Progress
70328 Incident / Problem MM Module Low Hard closed
70329 Change request MM Module High Soft closed
70330 Change request SD Module High Soft closed
70331 Incident / Problem MM Module Critical Soft closed
Urgency Process manager Request time
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-sudhakar 7/1/2023 12:31
Work affected partially focusr-satendra 7/4/2023 9:04
Normal operations focusr-sudhakar 7/4/2023 12:54
Work affected partially focusr-sudhakar 7/4/2023 13:39
Normal operations focusr-kishor 7/4/2023 17:26
Normal operations focusr-sudhakar 7/5/2023 10:57
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-sudhakar 7/5/2023 11:41
Normal operations focusr-sivasankar 7/5/2023 12:04
Normal operations focusr-sivasankar 7/5/2023 12:07
Work affected partially focusr-sudhakar 7/5/2023 14:15
Work affected partially focusr-sivasankar 7/5/2023 17:07
Work affected partially focusr-sudhakar 7/6/2023 12:47
Work affected partially focusr-sudhakar 7/6/2023 13:34
Normal operations focusr-sudhakar 7/6/2023 13:47
Normal operations focusr-sudhakar 7/6/2023 16:55
Work affected partially focusr-satendra 7/7/2023 8:56
Normal operations focusr-satendra 7/7/2023 9:01
Normal operations focusr-satendra 7/7/2023 9:12
Normal operations focusr-satendra 7/7/2023 9:13
Normal operations focusr-satendra 7/7/2023 9:14
Normal operations focusr-satendra 7/7/2023 9:17
Normal operations focusr-satendra 7/7/2023 9:21
Normal operations focusr-kishor 7/7/2023 9:29
Normal operations focusr-satendra 7/7/2023 9:34
Normal operations focusr-satendra 7/7/2023 9:39
Normal operations focusr-kishor 7/7/2023 11:16
Normal operations focusr-kishor 7/7/2023 11:17
Normal operations focusr-kishor 7/7/2023 11:19
Work affected partially focusr-satendra 7/7/2023 11:27
Normal operations focusr-satendra 7/7/2023 11:30
Work affected partially focusr-satendra 7/7/2023 11:32
Normal operations focusr-satendra 7/7/2023 11:33
Work affected partially focusr-kishor 7/8/2023 15:55
Normal operations focusr-sudhakar 7/10/2023 9:13
Normal operations focusr-kishor 7/10/2023 16:40
Normal operations focusr-sudhakar 7/10/2023 16:44
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-sudhakar 7/10/2023 16:46
Work affected partially focusr-sudhakar 7/11/2023 11:39
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-satendra 7/11/2023 13:00
Normal operations focusr-satendra 7/11/2023 14:38
Work affected partially focusr-sudhakar 7/12/2023 9:22
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-kishor 7/12/2023 9:36
Work affected partially focusr-kishor 7/12/2023 15:53
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-sivasankar 7/12/2023 16:37
Normal operations focusr-sudhakar 7/12/2023 16:58
Work affected partially focusr-satendra 7/12/2023 18:48
Normal operations focusr-sudhakar 7/12/2023 19:19
Work affected partially focusr-kishor 7/13/2023 8:10
Work affected partially focusr-kishor 7/13/2023 8:51
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-kishor 7/13/2023 9:47
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-kishor 7/13/2023 9:52
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-kishor 7/13/2023 10:03
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-kishor 7/13/2023 10:04
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-kishor 7/13/2023 10:10
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-kishor 7/13/2023 10:14
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-sudhakar 7/13/2023 18:59
Work affected partially focusr-sivasankar 7/14/2023 9:04
Work affected partially focusr-satendra 7/14/2023 13:13
Normal operations focusr-kishor 7/14/2023 16:39
Normal operations focusr-kishor 7/14/2023 17:02
Work affected partially focusr-satendra 7/17/2023 9:32
Work affected partially focusr-satendra 7/17/2023 9:35
Work affected partially focusr-satendra 7/17/2023 9:37
Normal operations focusr-satendra 7/17/2023 9:45
Work affected partially focusr-satendra 7/17/2023 9:51
Normal operations focusr-satendra 7/17/2023 9:52
Work affected partially focusr-kishor 7/17/2023 11:17
Work affected partially focusr-satendra 7/17/2023 12:55
Work affected partially focusr-sudhakar 7/18/2023 15:26
Work affected partially focusr-sudhakar 7/18/2023 15:32
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-sivasankar 7/19/2023 8:30
Normal operations focusr-sudhakar 7/19/2023 10:06
Work affected partially focusr-sudhakar 7/19/2023 12:19
Normal operations focusr-sivasankar 7/20/2023 11:50
Work affected partially focusr-sivasankar 7/20/2023 11:58
Normal operations focusr-sudhakar 7/20/2023 12:12
Normal operations focusr-sudhakar 7/20/2023 12:37
Normal operations focusr-sudhakar 7/20/2023 15:01
Normal operations focusr-sudhakar 7/20/2023 15:04
Normal operations focusr-kishor 7/20/2023 15:13
Normal operations focusr-kishor 7/20/2023 15:16
Normal operations focusr-sudhakar 7/20/2023 16:32
Work affected partially focusr-satendra 7/21/2023 11:09
Work affected partially focusr-sivasankar 7/21/2023 17:34
Normal operations focusr-sudhakar 7/21/2023 17:41
Work affected partially focusr-kishor 7/22/2023 15:01
Normal operations focusr-kishor 7/22/2023 15:05
Work affected partially focusr-kishor 7/22/2023 15:08
Work affected partially focusr-sivasankar 7/24/2023 9:50
Normal operations focusr-sudhakar 7/25/2023 10:08
Normal operations focusr-kishor 7/25/2023 10:18
Normal operations focusr-satendra 7/25/2023 12:08
Normal operations focusr-satendra 7/25/2023 12:19
Work affected partially focusr-kishor 7/25/2023 15:35
Normal operations focusr-sudhakar 7/25/2023 18:12
Normal operations focusr-kishor 7/26/2023 9:06
Work affected partially focusr-sivasankar 7/26/2023 10:13
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-kishor 7/26/2023 11:23
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-sudhakar 7/26/2023 14:55
Work affected partially focusr-kishor 7/26/2023 15:39
Work affected partially focusr-satendra 7/27/2023 8:48
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-kishor 7/27/2023 10:36
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-kishor 7/27/2023 10:57
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-kishor 7/27/2023 11:00
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-kishor 7/27/2023 11:03
Normal operations focusr-kishor 7/27/2023 13:51
Normal operations focusr-sivasankar 7/27/2023 13:53
Work affected partially focusr-kishor 7/27/2023 15:22
Work affected partially focusr-kishor 7/27/2023 15:23
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-kishor 7/27/2023 15:25
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-kishor 7/27/2023 15:28
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-kishor 7/27/2023 15:32
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-kishor 7/27/2023 15:35
Work affected partially focusr-kishor 7/27/2023 15:36
Work affected partially focusr-kishor 7/27/2023 15:39
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-kishor 7/27/2023 15:40
Work affected partially focusr-kishor 7/27/2023 16:01
Work affected partially focusr-kishor 7/28/2023 9:32
Work affected partially focusr-kishor 7/28/2023 9:35
Work affected partially focusr-sivasankar 7/28/2023 9:39
Work affected partially focusr-sudhakar 7/28/2023 10:14
Normal operations focusr-sudhakar 7/28/2023 17:21
Normal operations focusr-sivasankar 7/29/2023 9:15
Normal operations focusr-sivasankar 7/29/2023 9:23
Work affected partially focusr-sudhakar 7/29/2023 12:22
Work affected partially focusr-satendra 7/31/2023 11:25
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-kishor 7/31/2023 15:57
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-kishor 7/31/2023 17:14
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-sudhakar 7/31/2023 18:10
Total breakdown - Immediate attn required focusr-kishor 7/31/2023 19:17
Barcode list no issue
SAP BRS Issues
Customer mapping with Zone & Sales Executives
Refurbishment Cost ( Rework Cost)
TDS Inconsistent error in Capex PO
Engine to Service procedure
MRP price is picking instead of purchase price during FOC
Packing slip
Production Report
Sales order Not generated
production not fulfill
Labour charges unable to generate
Pricing error
Value issue
Retro Report- clarification
Payments through F110 at vendor level
Suppleir invoice value to come in MIR7
Additional fields in FBL1H
Cash Discount for payments before due date
Attached document not be deleted after approval of document
Bank to Bank Transfer Chq printing issue
AP Upload ZFI_01 -Not able attach files before approval/posting
MSME Report
F-53 Post outgoing payments-Park & Post with workflow required
Payment done through F-53-Payment advice to Vendors issue
PO Print out need to be disbale before approval
PO Back Date to be disbale
Price can be editable in PO screen, need to be disable
Creditors Ageing Report from Due date
Creditors Ageing Report from Baseline date
Creditors ledger with Opening Balance & Closing balance
GL Drill down Opening Balance & Closing balance
Ariba login schedule issue
TAX- ACE @18 instead of 28%
Invoice Attachment of the Supplier to be visible in MIGO and till payment
PM order after confrimation not refelect in for delivery
IRN Number not getting generated on B33 export invoices
Error While Create Tax for Material
Withholding tax type entered is inconsistent with PO
57F4 Challan Cancellation
Need Detailed training on QM notification and DMR
In DOL report , Supplier master to be reduced
B33 Stock reversal issue
Down payment for Capital & Patterns failed in F110
Additional columns required in Zbilling_New Paints Report
OPTION Group assembly not created in SAP
MM - Procurement - MIN MAX report
SOB report changes required
New Po document type required
Ariba - Invoice attachment
SAM to ASH dispatch issue
Unable to print batch card
Continuous printing of multiple/batch payment Cheques
Subsidiary Stock Report
Retrospective Report
Receipt in Direct GL Code
Sample Documents of different Document Types
Treasury Transaction is not getting posted
Error in Auto parking - Rejection Invoice
Issue in Automatic BRS of HDFC HO A/c through MT940
Warranty Check w.r.t Failure Date
MIS Report
For Warranty return engines process flow to be streamlined
Unable to REVERSE GR
57F4 chellan engines service order not create reg.
Results summary trend chart need
Packing material batch determination
Contractual Billing Type (ZNIN)
Automatic batch split
Quick order report in SAP
Order fulfillment report
Immediate requirement report
Inventory analysis report
STO - Inter state , ASP- BGL
Z173 New order type screen configuration
GR issue reg.
Proforma Invoice Output Required
Order fulfillment rate
Supplier rate master - Plant & spares
Workflow issue in Asset Master
Below attached Invoices GRN Done issue occured in Autoparking
ZEID- output alignment and price update is required
IBP transaction data run error
Reg : PO approval hierarchy issue
Wrong volume caluated in the Invoice for 25L pack size
Workflow issue
ASN-Batch Number Reflection on MIGO
SAP-Ariba Issues
Goods inward copy for Multiple GI not capturing beyond 10 items
Engine Overall Kits Pricing
GRN consolidated details required w.r.t date
Payment summary report required w.r.t date
Auto invoice value calculation in ARIBA
MRP prerequisite report
Service entry validation on header
Contract value auto increase in SAP
Fetching of input & finished weight
Tool cost amotization - Report required.
Non moving report
Shortage report
Supplier PPM report - Overall
2 nd Sub report of Supplier PPM report - Zero PPM parts count
Supplier Monthly Rolling PPM YTD report
HSN in Master and Invoice is different
Internal order to SPP -TAX 28% calculated wrongly.
Provision to see equivalent customer part nos.
Quality Engineer Overview- Navigation issue
Material Serial Number History
High cost BOM - S Series
OSP Stock not moved after GRN/Transfer posting - ASP Plant
B33 EXPORT USD Invoice billing issues
Import bill accounting issue
Description Impact
Kindly do the needful.
SIMPSON\9725 (19-08-2023 11:24:49): Low
WeMail Dtto
need 18/8/23 sent by Satyanarayanan
map customers - No solution
with Zone & respective Salesprovided
executive. HerebyLowattaching the customer master aligned with sales
in PM Order Report Actual Cost are showing Zero and Higher Value. Low
While changing Tax from P0 to
SIMPSON\9458 (19-07-2023 11:18:48): P4 showing TDS Inconsistent in BP Master Low
Sets were clearly explained. to be closed. Low
During the FOC invoice
SIMPSON\9203 we found
(25-07-2023 that the total price of the invoice was five Low
kindly move to(25-07-2023
SIMPSON\9203 Production 13:03:56): Low
kindly move the TR to production.
As per sales plan , Data incorporated in IBP & while releasing for sale order .For Low 40% of list nos sale order not generated in S4H
:4257 with me if you are free. Low
my teams Low
For Labour charges the process is required. Low
we have faced pricing error issue at sembium while creating rework invoiceLow
The current unit(18-07-2023
SIMPSON\9458 price was not picked while creating rework invoices.
16:20:34): Low
Done. Clarification
SIMPSON\9725 and discussion
(24-08-2023 11:26:32):with EY team. Low
SIMPSON\9725 provided09:02:28):
(07-07-2023 Low payment. As requested by Sebi, this ticket is
is to manually re-allocate the debits to the available
Old No 69935
SIMPSON\9725 (10-08-2023 11:59:13): Low
Also Invoice Receipt
SIMPSON\9725 No. & 10:06:23):
(26-07-2023 Invoice Receipt Date required in FBL1H Low
Satendra/Suresh - Input for CD is Vendor code/Name, Due date up-to which Lowpayment to be made & Interest rate. Automati
Beneficiary document
Name not not be deleted
printed in theafter approval
cheque in the of document.
case of Bank toOld No 69
Bank Low through Cheque (Example Central Bank of Ind
SIMPSON\9725 (26-07-2023 11:24:35): Low
Upload template attached now Low
MSME Report - Format attached Low
F-53 Post outgoing payments-Park & Post with workflow required Low
The payment advices has been
SIMPSON\10352 (25-07-2023 12:44:10): generated by the bank only and the F110 print
Verified & Done(12-07-2023
SIMPSON\10352 . 12:17:16): Low
Yes .This request
SIMPSON\10352 only for APC-Plant
(24-08-2023 08:49:14): Low
Verified in the quality server and it's working fine Low
Creditors Ageing Report from Due date - developed by EDP with the help ofLow
Creditors Ageing Report
ledger with from Baseline
Opening Balance date
& Closing balance - developed by EDP Low
with the help of Venu-EY not working.
GL Drill down Opening Balance & Closing balance - developed by EDP with tLow
However, the schedule consumed in Ariba login. Due to this, we are not able to raise GRN. Needs to clear this in priority.
ACE customer - Agri segment but tax reflects as 28% instead of 18% Low
Invoice Attachment of the Supplier to be visible in MIGO and till payment. CLow
first wronglyNumber:
Sap Invoice post storage location 1006 inside of 1044. after that using mo Low
Unable to Add tax value for material. Occurring some Error in material mastLow
Withholding tax type entered is inconsistent with PO Low
Please do the needful.
SIMPSON\9942 (14-08-2023 09:33:59): Low
From APC Chennai materials dispatched to various depots like UP, KERALA,JLow
Need Detailed training
SIMPSON\10273 on QM12:45:16):
(19-09-2023 notification and DMR skipping lots Low
Need an update for this DOL logic to be redefined Low
Trying to reverse(24-08-2023
SIMPSON\9725 the B33 engine stock and Iam facing error issue and error Low
Cust Price- TRGroup
can be moved to Production Low
14. Sales Order Date Low
Kindly check with Attachment for your reference. Low
OPTION group transferred from windchill to SAP not created Low
--> Report spooling issue takes more time for loading the report Low
--> In ZMM_SCPDR report we need supplier column to be added and
If incase of any problem arise after implementation of ABC classification, weLowthe entire report
raise tickethas to that
with frame based on the supplier cod
2. Target value
3 Actual
3. PPAPvalue
PO 6900000001 180000296 5000019332 5100010552 Low
Do check with that
SIMPSON\10293 and revert 11:46:54):
(02-09-2023 us back. Low
It is still not witnessed in Quality instance. Do check with that and revert us Low
SAM to ASH - Sto (11-08-2023
16:58:33): Low
Checked in Production
SIMPSON\9725 (19-08-2023server. Now we can able to print the process orderLow
Raja & Srinivasan cashier checked - not printing properly. Low
Request for Subsidiary Stock report for Consolidation. For your reference S Low
SIMPSON\9725 for Changes in logic of
(19-09-2023 Retrospective report.
10:02:33): Low
Venkat has confirmed the CR is working in production and to close the ticket. Low Ticket closed
in Direct GL OUTPUT FORM we
Code. Presently NOTcan
take print for TRM TRANSACTION
customer receiptsLow
but unable to print for non-customer receipts i.e.
Mail attached for details. Low
Treasury Transaction is not getting posted - mail attached for details. Low
After released rejection Invoice , Auto parking number is not Generated.
Issue in production. Satendra to check with MK Ramesh - also to discuss with Low GM-F
When Uploading the Warranty Claim Form in ZSR01.System check the Warrant Low
Requesting the Customised
SIMPSON\10273 (19-09-2023 MIS Report for Warranty Claim and Cost CalculaLow
We didnt receive any process flow and updation , since it is very critical inLow production for warranty engines
kindly do the needful. Low
Warranty engines unable to create order for chellan engines so it may leLow Low
9715293498 Low
SIMPSON\10093 (25-07-2023 16:30:30): Low
issue not yet resolved.Kindly
SIMPSON\9348 give the date of completion
(25-07-2023 10:09:08): Low
SIMPSON\9348 (25-07-2023 10:09:37): Low
SIMPSON\9348 (25-07-2023 10:09:56): Low
SIMPSON\9348 (25-07-2023 10:10:17): Low
not generated, Low
Z173 New order type screen configuration & 2nd page Cost Centre issue. Low
9715293498 cancel the GR hole lot to be reverse. We need individual cancelation Low
mail Low
We will consult the MPD team before resolving this matter. Low
Order fulfillment rate. There is no report available in SAP for identifying ordLow
2. Change rateinmaster - Plant &
AUC number inspares - report
the Asset master, it will trigger the workflow Low
but it will not showing in the approver inbox.
Require Report for Document type wise and Location wise ODN assigned foLow
? PPR0 attached Invoices
is manually GRN Done issue occurred in Auto parking. Kindly find
entered. Low
The PO Print preview is
kindly clear the issue ASAP. not working for any of the division Purchase orders Low
verified in quality server. Low
need to implement in production server
9715293498 Low
Batch code has not yet been deleted. Low
GRN Batch code is automatically created while creating. Low
Workflow issue - mail attached for details. Also explained to Mr Suresh Low
o For number
not ,getting
Ariba isauto reflected
allowing ASN on MIGO screen for Shelf Life ParLow
11:55:20): Low
SIMPSON\10299 (02-09-2023 11:54:00):
In recent times , we dont face issues on PO reflection on Ariba portal , whereas Low the cancellation and ASN amendment is still
Engine inward
Overallcopy for Multiple
Kits Pricing GI not capturing beyond 10 items
- determination Low
Each kit encompasses around 15- 20 items. Calculation of pricing become laborious Low by checking each and individual item.
In ariba portal we dont have reports to view the supplier GRN details in a c Low
Payment summary report required w.r.t date to view in Ariba portal and also mail trigger required
"Required Low
Auto calculate of invoice value inclusive of tax in ASN screen, if supplier feed Low
qty in create ship notice envirnonment "
Ex: Po's in approval interface or
Po's in ASN glitch "
Required multiline GI with same invoice number can be allowed, currenlty itLow
Required Auto increase of contract value in all valid contract
Fetching of Input weight & finished weight details in master data - Relevant reports for pricing need to discuss
Tool cost amotization - Report to view the tool life & tool based procurement receipt
The report is not as per our oracle logic, please check for oracle logic withLow EDP team and frame a new report for the same
============================= Low
In shortage report(02-09-2023
SIMPSON\10293 few subassembly and MAC shop part list are not shown in list
11:49:30): Low
This is sub-report of supplier PPM report development - in Overall plant wisLow
2 nd Sub report of Supplier PPM report - Zero PPM parts count Low
This is the development report of supplier monthly rolling PPM YTD report ,Low
BGL- invoice : I.C.Engine Sales ENG4780018 Low
While creating internal order to our SPP plant the tax percentage was calculLow
Provision to see equivalent customer part nos. in line to Simpson Part nos. Low
Quality Engineer Overview- Navigation issue Low
* Complaint History and Claim History should reflect in IQ03 Low
High cost BOM - S Series Low
tried to resolved.
do 2 B33 SAP orders export USD billing and for both the orders Low
Solution provided by focusr: Only to add freight charges in one line. and check Lowfor header condition before posting GI
Understanding from FocusR

We need to map the sales group and sales office in the Customer Master level SO Create a new sales

production not fulfill issue While uploading production data to create a Sales Order Through the IBP
The Labour Invoice is One type of Process flow to submit Labour charges for Engine parts or parts c

Material Return from the customer while doing RMA flows With Reference of Billing Document That M

new field need to be add for GI value, same screen invoice and gi value has to be display, manual inv
Additional fields need to add on standard report, Along with GI No, value, date, base value for tax d
standard funcation don’t have soluation, need to check workaround, perday wise discount calcluati
Attached document of sap document no can be delete, need restriction no body can delete afetr p
Payment bank to bank via cheque receiver bank a/c no, before account no need to print yourselv by
Auto parking program not allow to attached file befor posting, system have to change for before po

F-53 manual vendor payment tcode after approving doc post to sap, approve payment in workflow r
F-53 manual vendor payment tcode need payment advice similer to f110, detail of vendor payments

Creditor aging report calcluate from due date, any particular date wat are the vendor invoice gett
Creditor aging report calcluate from baseline date, any particular date wat are the vendor invoice
Vendor ledger report with opening and closing balance in any particular date, in the date range all o
GL code wise opening and closing balance, details data in between date range, balance matched wit
Shipnotice created in Ariba portal is not reflecting and creating inbound delivery number in SAP HANA

Ariba attachment to carryforward in MIGO and MIRO in SAP HANA screens. We can download the atta

57F4 Challan Cancellation using tcode possible,

Logic already shared . It is the customzied report we need to prepare for quality module Ers vendor r
Asset purchase Downpayment request generate from ME2DP tcode, Payment done through F110, link

Option group will be transferred from Windchill to SAP HANA. There is a backlog in transferring the
Supply chain planning detail report is a report to have MRP details for production planning. It als

Share of Business report is a report used for the materials that are procured from two or more vendors

Multy Cheque print at a time, Allignment for all cheque must be correct
Subsidiary stock report is a report to view the stock of subsidiary companies. It consists of the ven
Retrospective report is a report to view the difference in price of the materials based on the letter r

Customer aging report with due date generate, by defalt baseline date wise generate, receivable inv
TRM transaction odn no not generating for DD and DC document type,
Direct Gl rereipt entry print, print with Simpson logo needed
DD and DC document type not assign in ODN configuration, need to display sap document no in refera
Treasury Transaction system not allow to post in system and gl entry not posting,

New enhasment needed, Only UTR no allow to clear brs, same utr no for bank to bank transfer restri

Logic already shared . We have to start the development . It is a New flow and new print needed

OE Warranty engine user is required to create Challen format this is the new process flow to Creat
Not possible in firori app they can view this report in GUI. We need to raise OSS notes for further confirmation

Separate Billing Type (ZNIN), This Is a new Process that creates a Separate Order type Depot/Billi

Quick Orders report includes information on order status, routing status, and line-item details. This

Paints Division approaching multiple Industrial customers So it the Required to Send a Proforma Inv
Pick slip is document that contains the materials that need to pick for the delivery and production aft

Yet to discuss and start the development

Order Fulfilment Report Which Includes Details Sales Order Book DateUnit Price,Order Quantity,Order Value, Delivered Qty, D

Changes in Asset master worflow trigerring after approval system not allow to save asset master
New Report of ODN detail, Business place wise, locating wise and document type wise

ZEID Is One type of Internal Sales Order Process that STO within Internal Plant Transfer Goods and

IBP transaction data run error while uploading data system run time error it is relevant for interfac

Document approved but system not allow to released the document no

The shipnotice will be generated in Ariba portal by the supplier. The batch number for the material

The shipnotice will be created in Ariba portal by the supplier and it will be reflected back as inbo

Goods receipt will be created and it will be taken printout by the users in customised transaction. T
It is the cusotmized report where we need to show engine kitting price for each FG . BOM details an
GRN Consolidated report to view the list of GRN numbers for the supplier against PO numbers. There
Payment summary report to view the list of payments that is done to the supplier against the invoic
The tax value should calculate based on the ship notice quantity and not based on the total ordered qu
PO Glitch report to view the issue PO's in the interface and in Ariba portal.

The auto increase of contract value in all contracts should be done.

The fields of input weights and finished weight should be able to key in the material master
Tool cost amortization report is a report to view the tool life based on the procurement and machining
Non moving report is a report to view the materials that are minimal in transaction. The report sho
Shortage report is a report to view the shortage of component materials for the production. But, for

PPM has 4 reports , user already shared the format . This is the final output for parts per million repo

Yet to discuss and fix the enahncement logic . We will take it up

They have a issue in navigation tool bar in fiori application . It is not a soruce stopper but this one
Material Serial Number Details To view Standard T.code IQ03 and Need add Complaint History and Cl
solution provided user has to confirm
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