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Education Studies 2A

Ms Trishana D Soni

Week 3: 4 March 2022

Education Studies 2 A
Unit 1: The Adolescent Learner
Moral and Spiritual Development
Week 3: 4 March 2022
Week 3: Unit 1: The adolescent learner

Moral and Spiritual Development

We will explore, discuss and engage literature relating to adolescent
development across several areas, namely:

physical development (Week 1)

cognitive development (Week 1)

social development (Week 2)

emotional development (Week 2)

moral development (Week 3)

spiritual development (Week 3)

Unit 1: The adolescent learner

The self across cultures

Prescribed text:
Duchesne, S., & McMaugh, A. (2018). Educational psychology for learning and teaching. Cengage AU. (2018:173)

Remember Erikson – understand an individual from looking at and understanding the individual’s relationship with
others and the environment.

Cultural contexts bring unique perspectives to the questions of self and identity.

Culture plays a critical role in determining:

How we relate to others What we value

Unit 1: The adolescent learner

The self across cultures

Prescribed text:
Duchesne, S., & McMaugh, A. (2018). Educational psychology for learning and teaching. Cengage AU.

Views of self differ across cultures.

Cultures can be individualistic or collectivist.


Discuss with peers in the class what culture you identify with and why.

What considerations will you have to make as a teachers when you consider learner diversity in the South African

Unit 1: The adolescent learner

Moral development
Prescribed text:
Duchesne, S., & McMaugh, A. (2018). Educational psychology for learning and teaching. Cengage AU.

Morality (2018:174)

“ The fundamental questions of:

• Right and wrong

• Justice
• Fairness
• Basic human rights”

See the SA Constitution and the South African Bill of Rights (Chapter 2 of the SA Constitution).

Consider how cultural values and norms influence how individuals think and act.

Consider how young people develop a sense or right and wrong

Unit 1: The adolescent learner

Moral development

Prescribed text:
Duchesne, S., & McMaugh, A. (2018). Educational psychology for learning and teaching. Cengage AU.

 Moral development as socialization (Bandura, 1997 and 2001)

 Moral development as moral reasoning (Piaget, 1932)


Like Piaget, he believed that development of moral reasoning was linked to cognitive development. Consider the
videos you have watched by Prof Sarah-Jayne Blakemore. Would you agree with the theorists? Why?

Who were the significant others in your life that influenced your moral development?

Unit 1: The adolescent learner

Spiritual development

Adolescence is a period characterised by a personal quest for purpose, meaning and relationships. This
chapter distinguishes between religiously “tethered” and “untethered” conceptions of spirituality. The
former is linked to or housed within the tradition of a religious faith, while the latter is concerned with
beliefs and practices that are disconnected from religions. This chapter proposes that reflection is
effective in promoting spiritual development in adolescents so that they can derive personal destiny and
direction; develop their personal identity and ethical worldview; and build relationships with others.
Given that adolescents are at the crossroads of life and face many issues and challenges that are unique,
uncertain and value-conflict, they need to critically reflect on practical interests and examine broad
issues on religiously tethered and untethered spirituality in their lives (2009:1).
Tan C. (2009) Reflection for Spiritual Development in Adolescents. In: de Souza M., Francis L.J., O’Higgins-Norman J., Scott D. (eds) International Handbook of Education for Spirituality, Care and
Wellbeing. International Handbooks of Religion and Education, vol 3. Springer, Dordrecht.

Discuss the implications for educators/teachers in the South African context and the diversity of learners that
teachers encounter in their classrooms.

World map locations

University of Johannesburg
South Africa


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