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Second Quarter – Module 7:
Compose texts which include multimodal elements

Locally Developed Self-Learning Material

Development Team of the Module

Writer/Layout Artist: Merlyn G. Gocela

Content and Pedagogy Reviewer: Allan R. Maroda, Ed.D.

Arturo L. Reyes, Ed.D.

Language Editor/Reviewer: Loreta D. Figueroa, EPS, English

Norma R. Tomas, MT I

Management Team:

Leilani S. Cunanan, CESO V

Schools Division Superintendent

Maylene M. Minimo, Ed.D. CESE

OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Ariel C. Lansang

Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division

Jose C. Tala, EdD

What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written to help you compose texts which include multimodal

After accomplishing this module, you are expected to :

1. identify multimodals elements; and,

2. compose texts which include multimodal elements.

What I Know
Direction: A. Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. It refers to the integration of different modes of text to create meaning and to convey message.

a. modes b. multimodal c. tenses d. voice

2. A text is considered multimodal when it combines semiotic systems

a. 1 or 2 b. 2 or more c. 2 or 3 d. 4 or more

3. Multimodal text can be delivered via ?

a. comic strips b. conversation c. interview d. media

4. What kind of language should be used when analyzing multimodal texts?

a. basic b. precise c. several d. familiar

5. In multimodal texts, it refers to the method of communication being employed

a. discipline b. spatial c. mode d. language

6. It refers to the ways a text reaches its audience

a. media b. mode c. spatial d. affordances

7. It is used to manipulate a media

a. multimodal b. affordances c. mode d. interview

8. These are the expectations that arise from circumstances.

a. mode b. media c. spatial d. rhetorical situation

9. This kind of mode includes facial expressions, hand gestures, body language

a. gestural b. visual c. audio d. emphasis

10. It includes music, sound effects, sounds, silence, and accent of voice.

a. spatial b. audio c. spatial d. contrast

What's In
In the previous lesson, you have learned some tips and techniques on how to write an exposition or
discussion on a familiar issue. You are now ready to gain knowledge on composing texts which include
multimodal elements.
Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.
1. Writing texts can be more interesting if we consider multimodal elements.
2. In writing, consider the rhetorical situation.
3. Gestures don’t affect the content of the speech.
4. No integration of modes is needed to convey messages.
5. Linguistic is one of the semiotic systems in multimodal.

What's New
Hello learners, do you have ideas on composing interesting and great compositions or texts? Have
you tried to use website, picture book, Pod cast, Online presentation, Comics, Animations, Digital
storytelling, Video and audio, Ebooks, Poster & cover design, Game design to convey messages and to create
meaning? This lesson will help you improve more in language.

What is It
Multi modal refers to the integration of different modes of text to create meaning and to convey
messages. A text may be defined as multimodal when it combines two or more semiotic systems. There are
five semiotic systems in total:
1. Linguistic comprising aspects such as vocabulary, generic structure and
the grammar of oral and written language
comprising aspects such as color, vectors and viewpoint in still
2. Visual and moving images

3. Audio comprising aspects such as volume, pitch and rhythm of music

and sound effects

4. Gestural comprising aspects such as movement, speed and stillness in

facial expression and body language

5. Spatial comprising aspects such as proximity, direction, and position of

layout and organization of objects in space.

Multimodal texts can be delivered via different media or technologies. They may be presented on
paper or digital. Some examples include: Website, picture book, Pod cast, Online presentation, Comics,
Animations, Digital storytelling, Video and audio, Ebooks, Poster & cover design, Game design

The Language of Multimodal Texts

The following lists include the basic terms associated with multimodal texts.

Mode While the word “mode” has many meanings in different disciplines, including “modes
of argumentation” in composition, when dealing with multimodal texts, mode refers
to the method of communication being employed: spatial, linguistic, visual, gestural,

Media (singular = Though media is sometimes used in place of mode, media (and its singular medium)
Medium) actually refers to the ways a text reaches its audience (e.g. photograph, website,
song). A medium can contain multiple modes (e.g. a song has words and audio, a
video of that song would also include gestures and spatial arrangement).
Affordances The word affordances refers to the features particular to a chosen medium that a
creator can use when composing in that medium (e.g. a website includes the
affordances of hyperlinks and visual images paired with linguistic text while a video
includes affordances such as time, movement, editing and audio). Think of
affordances as the potential ways a media can be manipulated to get a message

Genre and Genre Genres are further categorization of media based on audience expectations. For
Conventions example, the film media includes such genres as romantic comedy as well as
animated shorts. Each genre includes a set of conventions. For example, the genre of
a newspaper comic strip often has a series of three frames with a punch line
delivered in the final frame. While the graphic novel genre shares features of a comic
strip, the expectations of that genre call for a longer narrative told through a series
of frames that can vary in number from page to page. When analyzing multimodal
texts, you should consider the genre conventions of the text in question, including
the ways a text realizes or challenges these conventions.

Rhetorical Every multimodal text is created for a particular time and place and for a certain
Situation - audience, and the expectations that arise from these circumstances are considered
the rhetorical situation. The rhetorical situation takes into consideration choices
made based on the context, audience, purpose, genre, and author (or implied

Author and In some multimodal texts, the author is named, such as a film director or the author
(Implied Author) and illustrator who collaborate on a children’s book. However, in many instances the
author is unknown. This is the case in almost all advertisements, for example.
Though there are authors behind these texts--or a team of designers, videographers,
and writers--when analyzing an advertisement one can consider the implied author
to be the company who authorized the advertisement (e.g. McDonalds or Snickers).
The same is true for an anonymous article posted on a website, such as WebMD.
WebMD becomes the implied author of an article in absence of a named author

Multimodality in Composition

In the composition field, multimodal elements are commonly defined in terms of the five modes of
communication: linguistic, visual, gestural, spatial, audio. These terms are often paired with the language of
design to create a more thorough conversation about the different modes, especially when referencing
compositions that combine words and images, such as posters, presentations and websites.

The Language of Design

Emphasis The elements of an image that are most significant or pronounced

Repetition The repeated pattern of the same or similar shapes or objects, which can also
indicate an overall emphasis or theme.

Contrast The sharp differences between elements that are noticeable based on their
relationship to each other.
Layout The organization of elements on a page, including texts, images, shapes, and
overall composition.

Alignment The way that elements are aligned on a page, especially text which is aligned
at left, right or center.

Proximity The relationship between objects in a space, particularly how close they are to
each other.

Proximity can indicate a relationship between objects.

What's More

Using the knowledge gained in multimodality, watch the LIVE: Aftermath of Typhoon Ulysses in the
Philippines @ and complete the Infographic Observations.
What I Have Learned

Let us process what you have learned from this lesson. Construct a 7 sentence paragraph about the lesson
that you have just studied.


Read the news item below and identify the multimodality that were used. Explain each answer in one to
two sentences.

Briones: Philippines used to blended learning

By: Darryl John Esguerra - Reporter / @DJEsguerraINQ / 03:47 PM June 08, 2020
MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines is not new to blended learning as it is already being offered
in some schools and universities in the country, Education Secretary Leonor Briones said Monday as she
refuted doubts on the country’s preparedness to implement alternative learning modalities amid the
COVID-19 pandemic.

The Department of Education (DepEd) is currently working to transition the modality of teaching
from the conventional “face-to-face” learning to blended learning, which is a combination of online
distance learning and in-person delivery of learning materials to the homes of the learners.

Radio and television-based instructions will also be utilized for those who do not have access to a
computer or the Internet.

Vice President Leni Robredo earlier raised doubts on the country’s preparedness for these learning
modalities, particularly online learning, noting that some areas in the country have no access to the

But Briones opposed this as she claims that the Philippines has been using blended learning “for
decades now.”

We have been doing distance learning, blended learning for decades and decades [now]. We have
a university— the University of the Philippines, which does and specializes in distance education for the
longest time and those who take up education and study education are already exposed to this. We are not
inventing anything new,” Briones said in a televised Palace briefing.

She also cited a recent survey conducted by DepEd where it found out that the majority of public
school teachers and pupils have laptops or desktops at home.

DepEd had recently announced that classes will start on August 24 with schools adopting various
learning delivery options such as, but not limited to, face-to-face, blended learning, distance learning,
homeschooling, and other modes of delivery depending on the local COVID Risk Severity Classification and
compliance with minimum health standards.
However, President Duterte himself, in a public address aired Friday morning, doubted the
Philippines’ readiness for virtual learning.
But he noted that if the government can afford to provide the tools and other needed equipment
to the millions of learners, then DepEd could proceed with its plan for the upcoming school year.

To address the unequal and asymmetrical access to information communication technology (ICT),
the Education chief cited the use of television and radio networks, which she said are mandated to allow at
least 15 percent of its air time to the children.

“The law says that 15 percent of TV time has to be devoted to the children, so sisingilin natin ‘yan.
Same for radio, mas mahaba pa nga ‘yung sa radio.

(The law says that 15 percent of TV time has to be devoted to children, so we’ll charge them that.
Same for radio, it’s even longer for radios.)

Currently, DepEd is in the middle of its month-long “remote enrollment process,” which started on
1 June 2020.
Remote enrolment allows parents or guardians to enroll their children through alternative ways
such as phone calls, text messaging, or online submissions to avoid physical interactions.

1. Worksheet on multimodal elements(August 2015)

Retrieved from


On November 20, 2020


Retrieved from


On November 20, 2020

3. Benefits of Multimodal Text

Retrieved from

On November 20, 2020

4. Aftermath of Typhoon Ulysses in the Philippines (November 11,2020)

Retrieved from

On November 20, 2020

5. Briones : Philippines used to blended learning (June 08, 2020)

Retrieved from

On November 20, 2020

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