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Q1: Choose the example for block special file?

a Console terminal

b None


d Virtual terminal

e None

f Serial modem

Q2: Is it possible to remove the HTML tags from passed data??

a The stripTags() function enables us to clean a string from the HTML tags.

b The string_tags() function enables us to clean a string from the HTML tags.

c None

d None

e The strip_tags() function enables us to clean a string from the HTML tags.

f None

Q3: What does the PHP error 'Parse error in PHP - unexpected T_variable at line x' means??

a None

b This is a PHP syntax error expressing that a mistake at the line x stops parsing and
executing the program.

c None

d This is a PHP logical error expressing that a mistake at the line x stops parsing and
executing the program.

e This is a PHP warning error expressing that a mistake at the line x stops parsing
and executing the program.

f None
Q4: How to define an array in bash?

a array=((“Hi” “my” “name” “is”))

b None

c array=[[“Hi” “my” “name” “is”]]

d None

e array=(“Hi” “my” “name” “is”)

f array=[“Hi” “my” “name” “is”]

Q5: A virtual filesystem created dynamically by Linux that contains information about
system resources is:?

a None

b None

c /proc

d /system

e /mkdir

f /boot

Q6: Which command can be used by the administrator to bring the system into single user

The correct Answer is: None

b init

c single s

d single

e init s

The correct Answer is: None

Q7: What does PHP stand for??

a PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

b Personal Hypertext Processor

c Private Home Page

d None

e Personal Home Page

f None

Q8: Which option can be used with ‘rm’ command to prompt for file removal??

a -i

b None

c -n

d None

e -ask

f -c

Q9: The following command can be used for turning off or restarting a Linux host.?

a exit

b None

c shutdown

d taskkill

e reboot

f None

Q10: Volume mapping maps the host server's directory into the Docker container. The data
will remain in a safe and accessible place if you do which of the following??

The correct Answer is: None

b break the container

c backup the container

d re-create the container

e migrate the container

f delete the container

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