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Section B

21. Calcium and magnesium are two metals that start floating after some time when immersed in
water. The bubbles of the hydrogen gas so formed in the reaction stick to the surface of the metal
surface, and thus the metals float on water.

22. the tissue that got blocked would be xylem. it is through the xylem that water and minerals
absorbed by the roots from the soil and transported to the leaves and other parts of the plants. so, if
xylem is blocked, then the leaves will not get the nourishment and will get wilted. Q.

23. Salivary glands: These glands secrete saliva in the buccal cavity. Liver: Liver is considered as the
largest gland of the human body and it secretes bile. Pancreas: Pancreas is a heterocrine gland, i.e. it
secrete enzymes as well as hormones.

24, The root's cells are in direct touch with the soil and actively absorb ions. As a result, the ion
concentration inside the root rises, increasing the osmotic pressure and the rate at which water moves
from the soil into the root. Due to their thin walls, root hairs allow water to continuously enter the
root xylem.

25. (a) Least count of ammeter = 10mA

Least count of voltmeter = 0.1V

(b) V = 2.4

I = 0.25A

26, incisors, canines, premolars and molars.

Incisors are the four most middle teeth on both the top and bottom jaws. Incisors take the first bites
into food and help support the lips as well.

The second type of teeth is canine. Adults have four canines in all, one on each side of the top and
bottom incisors. You can find your canines just at the curve of your dental arch on both sides of your

Just behind your canines are your premolars. Adults have four premolars, four on the top and bottom of
your jaw. Premolars have two cusps. They are flat on top and are used to, surprise, surprise, chew food.
Specifically, premolars tear and grind food into smaller pieces when chewing. An interesting fact about
the premolars is that they help to maintain the height of your face.
Your molars are next to your premolars. They are your widest, flattest teeth and are the strongest, most
powerful teeth. Generally, adults have twelve teeth in total – six on top and six on the bottom. The
molars cluster into four groups of three at the back of your mouth.

27, A balanced chemical equation gives the identity of the reactants and the products as well as the
accurate number of molecules or moles of each that are consumed or produced.

28. a the element 'X' is a non-metal

B the reaction occurs as follows: Fe(s)+CuSO4(aq)→FeSO4(aq)+Cu(s)

29. There are two main forms: sexual and asexual reproduction. In sexual reproduction, an
organism combines the genetic information from each of its parents and is genetically unique. In asexual
reproduction, one parent copies itself to form a genetically identical offspring.

30. focal length, f=15 cm

The image is larger than the object for the positions:

i. Between −15 cm and −30 cm (Real and inverted)
ii. Between 0 cm and −15 cm (Virtual and erect)

31. Here, u=−30cm,v=−60cm

As 1f=1v+1u=1−60+1−30=−120
The mirror is concave.
As the image is formed on the screen, it is real and inverted
From h2h1=−vu=+60−30=−2
This is the size of inverted image.

32. i= The polarity of the faces of the coil depends on the direction of
current and is obtained by a rule known as "The Clock Rule".
Ii= (ii)


33. A - UNEP Ö United Nations Environment Programme

CFCs United Nations Environment Programme

B- their mode of organisms are classified into producers, consumers and decomposers

c dead leaves, dead insects, and dead animals would pile up everywhere.

34, a-save in folder


I (a) Ethanol
ii-(b) Ethanal

c- burning of ethyne in air produces a sooty flame due to incomplete combustion, which is not hot
enough to melt metals for welding.

35, Vegetative propagation may be natural or can be done artificially.

Natural vegetative propagation occurs by means of roots, underground stems, subaerial stems, aerial
shoots, leaves and bulbils.

Vegetative propagation occurs through vegetative plant structures. In non-vascular plants, the
vegetative reproductive structures are gemmae and spores whereas, in vascular plants, the roots, stems,
leaves, and nodes are the vegetative propagation structures. Also, we have learned about the meristem
tissue in plants. This tissue helps in the vegetative propagation. It has undifferentiated cells which divide.
As a result, it paves the way for the growth of the plant. Also, from the meristems, specialized
permanent tissues are formed.

Methods –
A. Micropropagation
B. Budding
C. Sowing
D. Layering

36,a –

Electromagnets are used in a number of electrical devices such as

the electric bell, telephone, telegraph, radio, loudspeaker

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