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170 Electromagnetic Waves

Chapter 08
Percentage of Questions in Last 34 Years’ in NEET / AIPMT from this Chapter

A •phase,
Basics of Simple Harmonic Motion (Displacement,
velocity, acceleration, time period, frequency)

C (23%)
B • Spring Pendulum 37%
A (40%)

C • Some systems executing Simple Harmonic 23%

B (37%) Motion (Simple pendulum, Seconds pendulum)






8.4.1 Radio Waves 8.10 ARCHIVE QUESTIONS
8.4.2 Microwaves
8.4.3 Infrared Waves
8.4.4 Visible Rays
8.4.5 Ultraviolet Rays
8.4.6 X-Rays
8.4.7 Gamma Rays
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Radio waves
Electromagnetic Waves Radiation pressure Energy associated Do not require 171
Wavelength > 0.1 m exerted by an with an any material
Uses: in tele- electromagnetic wave electromagnetic medium for
communication energy associated wave propagation
with em waves (u)
P = speed of light in 1 1 B2
u  0 E 2 
Microwave 2 2 0 Produced
vacuum (c)
Wavelength 0.1m to 1mm by accelerated
Uses: in microwave charge
oven, RADAR

Wavelength 1 mm to Travels with
700 mm speed of light
Uses: treat muscular strain Different types of Characteristics in free space
electromagnetic of electromagnetic 1
Visible waves waves
C  
0 0
Wavelength: 700 nm to = 3 × 108 m/s
400 nm
Uses: to see objects In free space;
magnitude of
Ultraviolet Constituted by mutually perpendicular
Wavelength: 400 nm to magnetic field (B)
time varying electric and magnetic fields = C (speed of light
1 nm
Uses: Preserve food in vacuum)
purifying water
Transverse in
-rays Conduction current Displacement current (ID)
Wavelength: 1nm to 10–3 nm Arises due to flow of Due to time varying
Uses: Medical diagnosis Oscillating
electrons in a definite electric field electric and magnetic
closed path d fields are in phase
-rays I D  0 E
Wavelength: < 10–3 nm dt and their magnitudes
Uses: in medical bear constant ratio
science information E
C 0
on nuclear structure B0

8.1 P.No.: 269

 According to Maxwell's theory accelerated charge particles produce electromagnetic waves, where as oscillat-
ing charges also produce an electromagnetic wave, the frequency of the wave being the frequency of oscillation
of that source charge. The electromagnetic waves propagate in vacuum with speed equal to c = 3 × 108 ms–1. It
can be shown speed of electromagnetic waves is equal to the ratio of the magnitude of the electric field to the
magnitude of the magnetic feld i.e., c = (E / B).
 Electromagnetic waves obey the principle of superposition and therefore one can observe interfererne, diffraction
and polarization of such waves. Further electromagnetic waves are transverse waves. For an electromagnetic
wave, the instantaneous energy density associated with the magnetic field equals the instantaneous energy density
associated with the electric field. The rate of flow of energy in an electromagnetic wave is described by poynting
  
vector S  E  B / 0 . The intensity of an electromagnetic wave equals the average energy density multiplied
by the speed of light. The intensity represents the power (radiation power) per unit area of the outgoing wave
on each side of the sheet. The total rate of energy emitted per unit area of the conductor is shown to
be   µ0J2max.
 4
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8.2 Electromagnetic Waves

 The origin of electromagnetic waves is related to the concept of displacement current. When a capacitor is
connected across a battery, through the connecting wire there is a flow of conduction current, while through
the gap between the plates of capacitor, there is flow of displacement cument. The conduction and displacement
currents are entirely different from each other. Displacement current produces magnetic field in the same
manner as the conduction current does.
 When a capacitor is allowed to charge in an electric circuit, the current flows through the connecting wires.
As the capacitor is charged, charge accumulates on the two plates of the capacitor and as a result, a changing
electric field is produced across the gap between its two plates. If a small compass needle is placed in the
gap between the two plates of a capacitor, it shows deflection indicating the presence of magnetic field. The
current due to flow of charge (conduction current) cannot pass across the gap between the two plates of the
 However, to explain the existence of magnetic field between the plates, Maxwell assumed the flow of current
across the gap between the plates of the capacitor also. This cument is called displacement current and is
due to varying electric field between the plates of the capacitor. The varying electric field across the plates
of the capacitor gives rise to the magnetic field.
 Maxwell's concept of displacement current makes a continuous flow of current in such an electric circuit. Thus,
through the connecting wires, there is a flow of conduction current iC (no displacement current) and through
the gap across the plates of the capacitor, there is flow of displacement current iD (no conduction cument).
In a circuit, the conduction current and displacement currents are always equal in magnitude.
   
 Modified Ampere's circuital law, is therefore,   B  dl   0 (iC  iD ) instead of   dl  0i.
 
 The relation  B  dl   (i
0 C  iD ) is called modified Ampere's circuital law or Ampere-Maxwell's Circuital law..
The displacement current arising due to varying electric field is,
E    E 
iD   0 A
  B  dl   0  iC   0 A 

t 
 The conduction and displacement currents are individually discontinuous, but the currents together possess
the property of continuity through any closed electric circuit. The displacement current is precisely equal to
the conduction current when the two are present in different parts of the circuit. The displacement current
arises due to the rate of change electric flux (or electric field) between the two plates of the capacitor. Conduction
current and displacement current both are the sources of magnetic field.
 The conduction current produces magnetic field due to changes in motion, whereas the displacement current
produces magnetic field due to time rate of change of eleectric field. In the space between the plates of
the capacitor, both the electric and magnetic fields exist. The time varying electric field between the plates
of the capacitor is directed perpendicular to the plane of the plates and the time-varying magnetic field produced
by the electric field is along the perimeter of a circle in a plane perpendicular to the plates of the capacitor.
 
 The time varying electric field ( E ) and magnetic field ( B ) are perpendicular to each other. The two mutually
perpendicular time varying electric and magnetic fields are represented as,
   
E  E0 sin(t  kx) and B  B0 sin(t  kx) respectively.
 The two fields combine to constitute electromagnetic waves, which propagate in space in a direction perpendicular
to E and B.

 In 1887, Heinrich Hertz, a German scientist, demonstrated the existence of electromagnetic waves. Two brass
plates are connected to a spark gap. The brass plates act as a capacitor. When the brass plates are charged
to a high potential, the air gap between the spark-gap becomes conducting and a spark passes. This passage
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Electromagnetic Waves 173

of spark represents a sudden surge of electrons across the gap and the polarity of the plates is reversed. But,
since the air is still conducting, another spark passes and this process repeats until the energy is dissipated as
heat by the resistance of the gap. This oscillatory discharge across a spark gap generates electromagnetic waves.
 The frequency of oscillations depend on the capacity and the inductance of the circuit. To detect these waves,
Hertz used a very simple resonant circuit consisting of a circle of wire broken by a spark-gap. The diameter
of the circle is so chosen that its natural frequency is equal to the frequency of the oscillatory discharge. The
changing magnetic field of electromagnetic waves induces an electromotance in the detector.
 When this electromotance, is large, a spark passes across the gap. Thus, Hertz detectel the magnetic component
of the electromagnetic waves. By a series of experiments, Hertz showed that these waves are transverse and
can be reflected and focussed.


 While atempting to express the laws of electricity and magnetism, Gauss’ law of eectrostatics, Gauss law of
magnetostatics, Ampere's circuital law and Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction in terms of electric and
magnetic fields and their sources, Maxwell noticed an inconsistency in Ampere’s circuital law, and an asymmetry
in the laws of electromagnetism.
 The concept of displacement current removed the inconsistency in Ampere’s circuital law and the laws of
electromagnetism also became symmetrical. The basic laws of physics were restated by Maxwell in the fornm
of differential equations called Maxwell's equations.
 These equations predict that the time and space dependent electric and magnetic fields propagate as transverse
waves, called electromagnetic waves which have velocity equal to,
c  3  108 ms –1
0 0
 The following four equations are known as Maxwel's equations -
  Qin
 Gauss' Law of electrostatics,  E  dS   0

 
 Gauss' Law of magnetostatics, 
  dS  0
  d
 Faraday's Law of electromagnetic induction,   dl   dtB
   E 
 Ampere-Maxwell's Law, 
 B  dl  0  I C   0 A t   0 ( IC  I D )
 The first equation relates the electric flux through an area with electric charges. Coulomb's law can be derived
from Gauss' law; hence it is considered to be the fundamental equation of electrostatics; however, it is a
general equation also applicable to induced electric fields for which the lines are closed loops.
 The second equation tells us that magnetic lines always form closed loops because here are no magnetic
monopoles (magnetic charges).
 Third equation tells us that changing magnetic flux induces an electric field. This field is different from electrostatic
field in two respects. First, the induced electrical lines are closed loop, whereas electrostatic field lines begin
from positive charges and end on negative charges. Second, the induced electric field is a nonconservative
 
field whereas electrostatic field is a conservative field. For a conservative field integral   E  dl is zero but
for induced electric field it is not zero.
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174 Electromagnetic Waves

   
 According to Ampere's law  B  dl   0 I . The line integral of B  dl along a closed loop is equal to µ0I,
where I is the net current flowing through a surface enclosed in that loop. Maxwell modified the above equation
   E  E
to  B  dl   0  I C   0 A   0 ( I C  I D ), where I D   0 A
 t  t
refers to displacement current.

 Maxwell's equations showed the relationship between electric and magnetic fields and the relation of electric
and magnetic fields to the charges and curent. Maxwell's theory showed that accelerated charges produce
electromagnetic waves. His theory predicts that electromagnetic waves always travel with a (in vacuum)
speed ‘c’, which is related to electric permittivity of free space 0 and the magnetic permeability of free
space µ0 by the equation c  .
 0 0
 Taking µ0 = 4 × 107 T m/A and 0 = 8.85419 × 10–12 C2 / N2m2, we find that c = 2.99792 × 108 m/s, which
is the speed of light in empty space. From this calculation we are led to the conclusion that light is an
electromagnetic wave.
 When an oscillating body produces a wave, the frequency of that wave is the frequency of oscillation of
the body. Hence, when oscillating charges produce an electromagnetic wave, the frequency of the wave is
the frequency of oscillation of that charge.


 It states that, the total electric flux through any closed surface is always equal to (1/0) times the net charge
enclosed by the surface,
  qin
 E  dS   0

In differential form,
  
div E    E 

   
 Ex  E y  E z 
x y z  0 (where  is volume charge density)


 It states that, the net magnetic flux crossing any closed surface is always zero,
 
 B  dS  0  An isolated magnetic monopole does not exist.
In differential form,
    
div B    B  0  Bx  By  Bz  0
x y z


 It states that the induced electromotance produced in a circuit is numerically equal to the rate of change
of magnetic flux through it,
 
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Electromagnetic Waves 175

 The negative sign indicates that the induced electromotance so produced opposes the rate of change of magnetic
flux. Since electromotance can be defined as the line integral of electric field, the above relation may be
expressed as,
  d B  
 B  dl  
,     dl

 The law states that-the line integral of magnetic feld along a closed path is equal to the rate of change of
magnetic flux through the surface bounded by that closed path.


It states that the line integral of magnetic field along a closed path is equal to µ0 times the total current (sum
of conduction and displacement curents) threading the surface bounded by that closed path,
   E 
  dl  0  ic   0 A t 

  dE 
In differential form,   B    J   
 dt 

8.3 P.No.-274

 Maxwell gave the idea of electromagnetic waves, while Hertz and other scientists produced and studied these
waves experimentally. In 1865, Maxwell predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves, on the basis of
these equations. According to him, an accelerated charge produces a sinusoidal time varying magnetic field,
which in turn produces a sinusoidal time varying electric field.
 The two fields so produced are mutually perpendicular and are sources of each other. The mutually perpendicular
time varying electric and magnetic fields, constitute elecetromagnetic waves, which propagare in space in
a direction perpendicular to the direction of both the fields. The electromagnetic waves consist of sinusoidally
time varying electric and magnetic fields at right angles to each other as well as at right angles to the direction
of propagation of waves. The speed ot electromagnetic waves in free space is given by,
1 1
c  ms 1  3  108 ms 1
0 0 1.257  10  8.854  10 12

 According to Maxwell's equation representing Faraday's law, a changing magnetic field produces an electric
field; while according to equation representing Ampere-Maxwell's circuital law, a changing electric field produces
a magnetic field. It means that a change in either field produces the other field. Maxwell worked out from
his equations that variation in electric and magnetic fields would lead to a wave consisting of fluctuating electric
and magnetic fields perpendicular to each other and also perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the
wave. Such waves which can actually propagate in space even without any material medium are called
“electromagnetic waves”.

 Figure shows a graphical representation

of an electromagnetic wave in which the electric field vector E and
the magnetic field vector B are vibrating

along Y and Z-direction respectively and the wave is propagating
along X-direction. Both E and B vary with time and space and have the same frequency..
 Maxwell predicted also that electromagnetic waves would travel in free space (vacuum) with the speed of light.
He thus concluded that light itself is an electromagnetic wave which is transverse in nature. Other examples
of electromagnetic waves are radio waves, microwaves, infrared rays, ultraviolet rays, X-rays and -rays.
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176 Electromagnetic Waves

 Electromagnetic waves transport energy and transfer it to bodies on which they fall. The rate of energy


per unit area in an electromagnetic wave is described by a vector S , called the Poynting vector S is defined
 1  
S EB

 The S.I. unit of S is watt/meter (W m–2) and its direction at any point gives the direction of wave transport
 
at that point. Because in electromagnetic waves, E and B are perpendicular to each other, the magnitude
  
E  B is EB. Then the magnitude of S is,
in which S, E and B are instantaneous values. Now, we know that,
(E / B) = c (speed of light).
Thus, S  E2.
 S is the measure of energy flow per unit area perpendicular to the propagation of a plane electromagnetic
wave. The average value of the time-varying quantity S is called the intensity I of the wave.
1 1
Thus, I  S  E2  2
c0 c0


 An electromagnetic wave carries linear momentum, angular momentum as well as energy. Electromagnetic
waves give rise to pressure when they are reflected or absorbed at the surface of a body. First we consider
that the electromagnetic wave strikes the surface at nomal incidence and transports a total energy U to the
surtace in a time ‘t’ ; if the surface absorbs all the incident energy, the total momentum ‘p’ transported to
the surface has a magnitude,
U 
P    [complete absorption] ...(i)
 The pressure exerted on the surface is force per unit area (F / A). From Newton's second law, force is rate
of change of momentum,
F 1 dp 1 d  U  1 ( dU / dt )
P    
A A dt A dt  c  c A
[(dU / dt) / A] is the rate at which energy is arriving at the surface per unit area, which is the magnitude
of the Poynting vector. Thus, the radiation pressure P exerted on the pertectly absorbing surtace is,

P   ...(ii)
 If the surface is a perfect reflector and incidence is normal then the momentum transported to the surtace
is twice that given by equation (i). Therefore,
 2U 
P   [complete reflection] ...(iii)
 c 
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Electromagnetic Waves 177

 The radiation pressure exerted on a perfectly reflecting surface for normal incidence of the wave is,
 2S 
P   ...(iv)
 c 
 For the case of oblique incidence, where change in momentum at the perfectly reflecting surface is 2 cos
, and the coresponding radiation pressure is,
P cos where  is the angle of incidence


 The electromagnetic waves are produced by accelerated charge.
 These waves do not require any material medium for their propagation.
 These waves travel in free space with a speed given by   whose value equals the speed of light.
0 0

 The direction of variations of electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other and also perpendicular
to the direction of propagation. Thus, electromagnetic waves are transverse in nature.
 The variations in electric and magnetic fields occur simultaneously and the fields acquire their maximum values
E0 and B0 at the same place and at the same time. In free space the magnitudes of electric and magnetic
fields in electromagnetic waves are related by E / B = c.
 The energy in electromagnetic waves is divided, on the average, equally between electric and magnetic fields.
 In vacuum, the average electric energy density is (1/2)0 E2 and the average magnetic energy density is
 The electric field vector is responsible for the optical effects of an electromagnetic wave.

8.4 P.No.-280

 The sunlight visible spectrum, discovered by Newton, extends in wavelength rougiy irom 4 × 10–7 m in the
violet region to 8 × 10–7 m in the red region. After Newton, it was found that sun's spectrum considerably
spread below the violet region and also above the red region. These parts of the spectrum are not visible by
our eye; so they are called ‘invisible spectra’ of sun. The part of smaller wavelength below violet is called the
‘ultraviolet spectrum’ and that of longer wavelength above red is called the ‘infra-red spectrum’.
 In 1865, Maxwell formulated the basic laws of electromagnetism in four equations, known as Maxwell equations,
and predicted that light is an electromagnetic wave. Thus, in Maxwell's time, visible light and ultraviolet
and infrared radiations were the only electromagnetic radiations known. After Maxwell's death in 1888, Hertz
for the first time generated and detected electromagnetic waves experimentally. These waves were about
6 m in wavelength and called 'radio waves.
 Later on X-rays (1895) and gamma rays (1898) were discovered. These were also found to travel in free
space with the speed of light and thus of electromagnetic nature. The range of wavelengths of all these
radiations is very large and on this basis they can be given an order. This order is called the ‘electromagnetic
spectrum’. It ranges from the small gamma rays to very long radio waves, with overlapping regions and
gaps in between. The visible spectrum is a very small part of the electromagnetic spectrum (figure).
The wavelength-ranges, frequency-ranges, methods of production, properties and uses of the various parts
of electromagnetic spectrum are summarised below -
8.4.1 P.No.: 281
Wavelength range – 1 × 10–1 m – 1 × 104 m
Frequency range – 3 × 109 Hz – 3 × 104 Hz
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178 Electromagnetic Waves

Production – By oscillating electric circuits.
Properties – Reflection, diffraction.
Uses – In Radio and T.V. communication systems.
8.4.2 P.No.: 281
Wavelength range – 1 × 103 m – 3 × 10–1 m
Frequency range – 11
3 × 10 Hz – 1 × 10 Hz 9

Production – By oscillating curents in special vacuum tubes and by

electromagnetic oscillators in electric circuits.
Properties – Reflection, polarisation.
Uses – In radar, long-distance wireless communication via satellites
and microwave ovens.
8.4.3 P.No.: 282
Wavelength range – 8 × 10–7 m – 5 × 10 m
Frequency range – 4 × 1014 Hz – 6 × 1010 Hz
Production – From hot bodies.
Properties – Heating effect on thermopile and bolometer, reflection,
refraction, diffraction, penetration through fog.
Uses – In green houses to keep the plants warm and in warfare to look
through haze, fog or mist.
8.4.4 P.No.: 282
Wavelength range – 4× 10–7 –8 × 10–7 m
Frequency range – 16
8 × 10 – 4 × 10 Hz 14

Production – Radiated by excited atoms in gases and incandescent bodies.

Properties – Reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction, polarisatin
photoelectric effect, photographic action and sensation of sight.
Uses – Reveals the structure of molecules and arrangement of
electrons external shells of atoms.
8.4.5 P.No.: 282
Wavelength range – 1 × 10–8 m – 4 × 10–7 m
Frequency range – 3 × 10 19 Hz – 8 × 10 14 Hz
Production – By sun, vacuum spark an ionised gases.
Properties – All properties of gamma rays but less penetrating, produce
photo-electric effect.
Uses – In detection of invisible writing, forged documents, finger
prints and to preserve food stuffs.
8.4.6 P.No.: 283
Wavelength range – 1 × 10–11 m–3 × 10–8 m
Frequency range – 19
3 × 10 Hz – 1 × 10 Hz 16

Production – By sudden retardation of high-speed electrons at high-atomic

number target.
Properties – All properties of gamma rays but less penetrating
Uses – Reveals structures of inner atomic electron shells and crystals,
help in medical diagnosis.
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Electromagnetic Waves 179

8.4.7 P.No.: 283

Wavelength range – 1× 10–14 m–1 × 10–10 m
Frequency range – 22
3 × 10 Hz – 3 × 10 Hz 18

Production – Disintegration of atomic nuclei.

Properties – Chemical reaction on photographic plates, fluorescence,
ionisation, diffraction, highly-penetrating and chargeless.
Uses – Provide information about structure of atomic nuclei.

Wavelength range – 5 × 10 4 m –
Frequency range – 60 Hz –
Production – Weak radiation from a.c. circuits.

The electric field associated with a plane electromagnetic wave is given by

Ex = 0, Ey = 0, Ez = E0 sin k (x – ct)
where E0 = 2.34 × 10–4 V m–1 and k = 9.72 × 106 m–1.
(a) Write the expressive for components of the magnetic field of the waves.
(b) Find the wavelength of the waves.
The components of electric field are given by
Ex = 0, Ey = 0, Ez = E0 sin k (x – ct)
Given : E0 = 2.34 × 10–4 V m–1 and k = 9.72 × 106 m–1
(a) The given electric field components show that the electromagnetic wave is propagating in the +ve x-direction.
Electric field vibrates along z-direction. Hence, the vibrations of magnetic field should be along y-direction.
 Bx = 0, Bz = 0
E0 2.34  104
B0    7.8  1013 T
c 3  108
k and c remain same for magnetic field also.
By  B0 sin k ( x  ct ) where B0  7.8  1013 T
k = 9.72 × 106 m–1
2 2
(b) k    6.46  107 m = 646 nm
 9.72  106

A parallel-plate capacitor with plate area A and separation between the plates d is charged by a constant current
I. Consider a plane surface of area (A/2) parallel to the plates and drawn symmetrically between the plates.
Find the displacement current through this area.
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180 Electromagnetic Waves

Charge on the capacitor plates, q = It
Electric field between the plates at an instant t
 q It
E   A
 0 A 0 A 0
A/ 2
Electric flux through the given area
It A d/2 d/2
E  E  area 
A 0 2

2 0
d E d  It 
 Displacement current, I d   0  0  
dt dt  2 0 
1 I I
 0  .
2 0 2 4

In a plane electromagnetic wave, the electric field oscillates sinusoidally at a frequency of 2 × 1010 Hz and
amplitude 48 V m–1. Find the wavelength of the wave and amplitude of magnetic field.
(i) The speed of electromagnetic wave in free space is
3  108
c  v     1.5  102 m
2  1010
E0 48
(ii) Also, c  B0  8
 16  108 T
B0 3  10

In a region the electric field at some instant is E  (80iˆ  32 ˆj  64kˆ) Vm –1 and the magnetic field is

B  (0.2iˆ  0.08 ˆj  0.29kˆ)  T
(a) Show that these two fields are perpendicular to each other.
(b) Determine the speed of propagation of the wave
 
(a) E  B  (80iˆ  32 ˆj  64kˆ)  (0.2iˆ  0.08 ˆj  0.29kˆ)
= 80 × 0.2 + 32 × 0.08 – 64 × 0.29 = 0
 
Hence, B and E are perpendicular to one another (even when E  0 and B  0)

E 802  322  642 107.33  106

(b) c    2.971  108 ms 1
B ( 0.22  0.082  0.292 )  106 0.3613
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Electromagnetic Waves 181

A point source of electromagnetic wave has an average power output of 600 W.

(a) Find the maximum value of electric field at a distance of 4 m from the source.
(b) What will be the maximum value of magnetic field?
(c) Find the average energy density of the wave at distance of 4 m from the source.
P = 600 W, r = 4 m,
P 600
Intensity, I  2
 2
 2.984 Wm2
4 r 4  4

1 21
(a) I   0 E02 c  E0 
2  0c

2  2.984
E0  12 8
 47.4 Vm1
8.854  10  3  10

1 2 0 I
(b) I  B02 c  B0 
2 0 c

1 I
(c) Energy density, uav   0 E02 
2 c
  9.94  109 J m –1
3  108

A radio station on the surface of earth radiates a sinusoidal wave with an average total power of 100 kW.
Assuming that the transmitter radiates equally in all directions above the ground, find the amplitudes of electric
and magnetic fields detected by a satellite at a distance of 150 km from the antenna.
A radio station radiates waves into the hemisphere shown. The centre of the hemisphere is located at the transmitter.
We use hemisphere, since we are considering only regions above the ground with radio station at the centre
Power transmitted, P = 100 kW, r = 150 km
Surface area of hemsiphere, A = 2r2 Satellite

P 100  103 Regions

Intensity, I    7.1  107 Wm 2

A 2  (150  103 ) 2 above ground


1 Ground level
I   0 E02 c

2I 2  7.1  107
E0    23.12  103 V m 1
 0c 8.854  1012  3  108
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182 Electromagnetic Waves

E0 23.12  103
B0   8
 7.71  1011 T
c 3  10

Find the energy stored in a 60 cm length of a laswer beam operating at 10 mW.

Energy stored = Power × time
l 10  103  60  102
 U  P   2  1012 J
c 3  108

Light with an intensity of 28 × 104 W m–2 falls on a perfectly absorbing surface at normal incidence. If the
surface area is 10 cm2, find the average force exerted on the surface during a 45 minute exposure time.
I = 28 × 104 W m–2, A = 10 × 10–4 m2, t = 45 × 60 s
Total energy incident on the surface,
U = I × A × time = 28 × 104 × 10 × 10–4 × 45 × 60
= 7.56 × 105 J
Momentum imparted to the surface p 
p U 7.56  105
Force, exerted, F    8
 9.33  107 N
t ct 3  10  45  60

01 (2) For an electromagnetic wave propagating in +y

 1
1. Magnetic field in a plane electromagnetic wave is given direction, the electric field is E  E yz ( x, t ) yˆ and
 2
by B  B0 sin(kx  t ) ˆj T . Expression for corresponding
 1
electric field will be (Where c is speed of light) the magnetic field is B  Byz ( x, t ) zˆ
 2
(1) E   B0c sin(kx  t )kˆ V/m (3) For an electromagnetic wave propagating in +x
 directio n, the electric field is
(2) E  B c sin(kx  t )kˆ V/m
 1
 B0 E E yz ( y , z , t )( yˆ  zˆ ) and the magnetic field is
(3) E  sin(kx  t )kˆ V/m 2
c 
 B
Byz ( y, z , t )( yˆ  zˆ )
(4) E  B0c sin(kx  t )kˆ V/m 2
2. Consider an electromagnetic wave propagating in (4) For an electromagnetic wave propagating in +x
vacuum. Choose the correct statement. directio n, the electric field is
(1) For an electromagnetic wave propagating in +y  1
E E yz ( x, t )( yˆ  zˆ ) and the magnetic field is
 1 2
direction, the electric field is E  E yz ( x, t ) zˆ and
2  1
B Byz ( x, t )( yˆ  zˆ )
 1 2
the magnetic field is B  Byz ( x, t ) yˆ
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Electromagnetic Waves 183

3. An electromagnetic wave travelling in the x-direction 10. The best waves for emission of electrons from a surface
has frequency of 2 × 10 14 Hz and electric field amplitude (1) Microwaves (2) Ultra violet rays
of 27 V m–1. From the options given below, which one (3) Infrared rays (4) X-rays
describes the magnetic field for this wave? 11. Rank the following radiations according to their

(1) B (x, t) = (3 × 10–8 T) ĵ sin [2 (1.5 × 10–8 x – 2 × 1014 t)] associated energies, greatest first
 (1) Yellow light from a sodium lamp
(2) B (x, t) = (9 × 10–8 T) k̂ sin [2 (1.5 × 10–6 x – 2 × 1014 t)] (2) Gamma ray emitted by a radioactive nucleus

(3) B (x, t) = (9 × 10–8 T) iˆ sin [2 (1.5 × 10–8 x – 2 × 1014 t)] (3) Radio wave emitted by the antenna
(4) None of the above (4) Microwave beam emitted by radar
4. For an electromagnetic wave, which of the following (1) (2), (1), (4), (3) (2) (1), (2), (3), (4)
statements is true? (3) (3), (4), (1), (2) (4) (1), (2), (4), (3)
(1) Electric field is constant and magnetic field varies. 12. Choose the electromagnetic radiation relevant to
(2) Magnetic field is constant and electric field varies.
(1) Ultraviolet (2) Infrared
(3) Both electric and magnetic fields are constant. (3) Visible (4) Microwave
(4) Both electric and magnetic fields vary. 13. Which of the following is the correct arrangement of
5. The magnetic field in a travelling electromagnetic wave the electromagnetic spectrum in the increasing order
has a peak value of 20 nT. The peak value of electric of frequency?
field strength is (1) Microwaves, infrared, radio waves, visible light,
(1) 12 V/m (2) 3 V/m X-rays
(3) 6 V/m (4) 9 V/m (2) Radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light,
6. An electromagnetic wave is propagating along x-axis. X-rays
 (3) X-rays, visible light, infrared, microwaves, radio
At x = 1 m and t = 0 s, its electric vector | E | = 6 V/m waves
then the magnitude of its magnetic vector is (4) Microwaves, radio waves, infrared, visible light,
(1) 2 × 10 –8 (2) 3 × 10–7 X-rays
(3) 6 × 10 –8
(4) 5 × 10–7 14. The part of the spectrum of the electromagnetic
radiation used to cook food is
7. The electric field of an electromagnetic wave travelling
through vacuum is given by the equation E = E 0 sin (1) ultraviolet rays (2) cosmic rays
(kx – t). The quantity that is independent of (3) X-rays (4) microwaves
wavelength is 15. The crystal structure can be studied by using
(1) k / (2) k (1) UV rays (2) X-rays
(3)  (4) t (3) IR radiation (4) Microwaves
16. A. The wavelength of microwaves is greater than that
8. The magnetic field of an electromagnetic wave is given
of UV-rays.
by By = 3×10–7 sin (103x + 6.28×1012 t). The wavelength
of the e.m. wave is B. The wavelength of IR rays is lesser than that of
(1) 6.28 cm (2) 3.14 cm
C. The wavelength of microwaves is lesser than that
(3) 0.63 cm (4) 0.32 cm
of IR rays
9. Arrange the electromagnetic radiations per quantum D. Gamma rays has shortest wavelength in the
in the order of increasing energy: electromagnetic spectrum.
A : Blue light B : Yellow light Of the above statements,
C : X-ray D : Radiowave (1) A and B are true (2) B and C are true
(1) D, B, A, C (2) A, B, D, C (3) C and D are true (4) A and D are true
(3) C, A, B, D (4) B, A, D, C

8.5 Synopsis
 Cathode Rays :  K.E. of C.R. particle accelerated by a p.d V is
 Generated in a discharge tube in which a high vaccum
1 2 p2
is maintained. eV = mv 
2 2m
 They are electrons accelerated by high potential
 Can be deflected by Electric & magnetic fields.
difference (10 to 15 kV)
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184 Electromagnetic Waves

 Electromagnetic Spectrum : Ordered arrangement of the Here P = power of source,
big family of electro magneti waves (EMW) either in A = Area, t = time taken
ascending order of frequencies or decending order of wave E = energy incident in t time = Nhv
lengths. N = no. of photon incident in t time
Speed of E.M.W. in vaccum : c = 3 × 108 m/s = v
N  h  n  h 
Intensity I   ....(ii)
At A

[ n = = no. of photon per sec.]
From equation (i) and (ii),

PP n  h  PP PP
  n   5 1024 J 1m 1 P
AA AA hh hchc

 Force exerted on perfectly reflecting surface

 2h  2P
 F  n   and
   c

F 2P 2I  P
Pressure =   I 
A cA c  A
 Force exerted on perfectly absorbing surface

Plancks Quantam Theory : A beam of EMW is a stream of P P  F P I

 n 
 F  and Pressure = A  Ac  c
discrete packets of energy called photons; each photon c hc 
having a frequancy v and energy = E = hv  When a beam of light is incident at angle  on perfectly
where h = planck's constant = 6.63 × 10–34 J-s. reflector surface
 According to Planck the energy of a photon is directly
proportional to the frequency of the radiation.

hc 12400 o
 hc o

E  eV  A   12400(A  eV) 
   e 
 Effective mass of photon

E hc h 1
m 2
 2  i.e. m 
c c  c 
So mass of violet light photon is greater than the mass 2IA cos 2 
of red light photon.    R   V 
 When a beam of light is incident at angle on perfectly
E hv h absorbing surface
 Linear momentum of photon p  
c c  IA cos 
E P c
 Intensity of light : I   ....(i)
At A
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Electromagnetic Waves 185

1. The ionosphere does not allow to pass the waves   c  c

which are termed as (1) , and (2) , and
    
(1) microwaves
c 2 
(2) visible light waves (3)  , 2 and (4) , and c
  
(3) (1) and (2) both
10. If 0 and 0 are the electric permittivity and magnetic
(4) amplitude modulated waves
2. Practically ozone layer absorbs the radi ation of permeability in free space,  and  are the corresponding
wavelength quantities in a medium, then index of refraction of the
(1) less than 3 × 10 –7 m medium is
(2) greater than 3 × 10–7 m  0 
(3) equal to 3 × 10 –7 m (1) (2)
0 0
(4) all the above
3. The waves which can travel directly along surface of  0 0 
(3) (4)
the earth are known as   0 0
(1) ground waves (2) X–rays 11. Dimension of 00 is :
(3)  –rays (4) sky waves (1) LT –1 (2) L–1 T
4. The ionosphere bends the e. m. waves having the (3) L2 T–2 (4) L–2 T2
frequencies 12. For television transmission, the frequency employed
(1) less than 40 MHz is normally in the range
(2) beyond 40 MHz (1) 30–300 MHz (2) 30–300 GHz
(3) nothing is certain (3) 300–300 kHz (4) 30–300 Hz
(4) depends on the moisture present 13. Red light differs from blue light in its
5. The S.I unit of displacement current is (1) speed (2) frequency
(1) H (2) A (3) intensity (4) amplitude
(3) Fm (4) C 14. If an electromagnetic wave propagating through
6. Transmission of T. V. signals from the surface of the vacuum is described by
moon can be received on earth. But transmitted T. V. E = E0 sin (kx – t) ; B = B0 sin (kx – t),
Signals from Delhi can not be received beyond 110 km
(1) E0k = B0 (2) E0B0 = k
distance. The reason is
(3) E0 = B0k (4) E0B0 =  / k
(1) there is no atmosphere on the moon
15. The electromagnetic waves us ed in the
(2) strong gravitational effect on T. V. signals
telecommunication are
(3) T. V. signals travel along a straight line, they do
not follow the curvature of earth (1) ultraviolet (2) infra-red
(4) there is atmosphere around the earth (3) visible (4) microwaves.
7. The number of radio frequency carrier waves 16. A magnetic field can be produced by
transmitted by a television transmitter is (1) A charge at rest only
(1) three (2) two (2) A moving charge only
(3) o n e (4) four (2) a changing electric field
8. The speed of electromagnetic waves is independent of (4) both by (2) and (3)
(1) wavelength 17. Which of the following is independent of wavelength ?
(2) frequency (1) k (2) 
(3) intensity (3)  k (4) k / 
(4) medium, in which it travels 18. Finger prints on a piece of paper may be detected by
9. An electromagnetic radiation of frequency  , sprinkling flourescent powder on the paper and then
wavelength  , travelling with velocity c in air, enters a looking it into
glass slab of refractive index  . The frequency, (1) dark-light (2) sun-light
wavelength and velocity of light in the glass slab will (3) Infra-red-light (4) ultraviolet light
be respectively :
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186 Electromagnetic Waves

19. A uniform but time varying magnetic field B(t) exists in (1) is zero (2) decreases as 1/r
a circular region of radius a is directed into the plane (3) increases as r (4) decreases as 1/r 2
of the paper as shown. The magnitude of the induced 20. If 0 and 0 represent the permittivity and permeability
electric field at point P at a distance r from the centre
of vacuum and and m represent the permittivity and
of the circular region. permeability of medium, then refractive index of the
× × medium is given by
× × × ×
× × × × P
× × 0 0 
× ×× ×
× (1)
 (2)
0 0
× ×a ×
× ×
× × × × × ×  0 0
× × B (t)
×× × × × × (3)
0 0 (4)

× × ×
× ×
× × ×
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Electromagnetic Waves 187

(Concept Builder)

1. One requires 11eV of energy to dissociate a carbon electric field intensity produced by the radiations
monoxide molecule into carbon and oxygen atoms. The coming from 50 W bulb at the same distance is
minimum frequency of the appropriate electromagnetic
radiation to achieve the dissociation lies in (1) (2) 2E
(1) visible region. (2) infrared region. 2
(3) ultraviolet region. (4) microwave region. E
(3) (4) 2E
2. A linearly polarized electromagnetic wave given as
E  E0iˆ cos(kz  t ) is incident normally on a perfectly 5. If E and B represent electric and magnetic field vectors
reflecting infinite wall at z = a. Assuming that the of the elect romagnetic wave, the d irection of
material of the wall is optically inactive, the reflected propagation of electromagnetic wave is along
wave will be given as (1) E (2) B
(3) B × E (4) E × B
(1) Er   E0iˆ cos(kz  t )
6. The ratio of contributions made by the electric field
(2) Er  E0iˆ cos(kz  t )
and magnetic field components to the intensity of an
(3) Er   E0iˆ cos(kz  t ) EM wave is
(1) c : 1 (2) c2 : 1
(4) Er  E0iˆ sin(kz  t ) (3) 1:1 (4) c :1

3. Light with an energy flux of 20 W/cm2 falls on a non- 7. An EM wave radiates outwards from a dipole antenna,
reflecting surface at normal incidence. If the surface with E0 as the amplitude of its electric field vector. The
has an area of 30 cm2, the total momentum delivered electric field E 0 which transports significant energy
(for complete absorption) during 30 minutes is from the source falls off as
(1) 36 × 10–5 kg m/s. (2) 36 × 10–4 kg m/s.
(3) 108 × 10 kg m/s. (4) 1.08 × 107 kg m/s. 1 1
(1) (2)
r3 r2
4. The electric field intensity produced by the radiations
coming from 100 W bulb at a 3 m distance is E. The (3) (4) remains constant
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188 Electromagnetic Waves

• Instructions for Questions 1 to 3 • Instructions for Questions 4 to 6

Given bel ow are two statements : one is labelled as Given below are two statements :
Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R).
In the light of the above s tatements, choose the most
In the light of the above s tatements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below :
appropriate answer from the options given below :
(1) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct
explanation of (A) (2) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct (3) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
explanation of (A) (4) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
(3) (A) is correct the (R) is not correct
(4) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct 4. Statement I : In an e.m. wave magnitude of magnetic

field vector B is much smaller than the magnitude of
1. Assertion : Sound waves are not electromagnetic 
waves. vector E.
Reason : Sound waves require a material medium for Statement II : This is because in an e.m. wave E/B = c
propagation. = 3 × 108 m/s.

2. Assertion : Displacement current arises on account of 5. Statement I : Electromagnetic waves exert pressure
change in electric flux. called radiation pressure.
Statement II : This is because they carry energy.
 dE 
Reason : I d 0  
 dt  6. Statement I : Electromagnetic waves are transverse in
3. Assertion : A changing electric field produces a Statement II : The electric and magnetic fields of an
magnetic field e.m. wave are perpendicular to each other and also
Reason : A changing magnetic field produces an electric perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation.
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Electromagnetic Waves 189

(Direct from

Match the List-I and List-II and choose the correct (4) (a) – (i); (b) – (iii, iv); (c) – (i); (d) – (iii)
combination from the options given.
1. Match List–I (Electromagnetic wave type) with List–II 2. Match the radio frequency bands in List–I with the mode
(its association / application) and select the correct option in which they are employed in List–II and mark the correct
from the choices gives below the lists option from the codes given below
List - I List - II List - I List - II
(a) Infrared waves (i) To treat muscular strain
(a) 300 Hz to 300 kHz (i) Space wave
(b) Radio waves (ii) For broadcasting
(b) 300 kHz to 3 MHz (ii) Sky wave
(c) X-rays (iii) To detect fracture of
(c) 3 MHz to 30 MHz (iii) Ground wave
(d) 30 MHz to 3000 GHz
(d) Ultraviolet rays (iv) Absorbed by the ozone
layer of the atmosphere (1) (a) – (i); (b) – (i, ii); (c) – (i, iii); (d) – (iii)
(1) (a) – (ii, iv); (b) – (ii, iii); (c) – (ii); (d) – (iv) (2) (a) – (i); (b) – (ii); (c) – (iii); (d) – (iii)
(2) (a) – (i); (b) – (ii); (c) – (iii); (d) – (iv) (3) (a) – (iii); (b) – (i); (c) – (ii); (d) – (ii, i)
(3) (a) – (ii, iv); (b) – (i, iii); (c) – (ii, iii); (d) – (ii, iv) (4) (a) – (iii); (b) – (iii, ii); (c) – (ii); (d) – (i)
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190 Electromagnetic Waves

(Previous Year Questions)

1. The frequency of  -rays, X-rays and ultraviolet rays (4) moving along – x-direction with frequency 106 Hz
are a, b and c respectively. Then, [AIPMT-2000] and wavelength 200 m.
(1) a>b>c (2) a<b<c 8. Which of the following statement is false for the
(3) a=b=c (4) a>c>b properties of electromagnetic waves? [AIPMT-2010]
2. In a certain region of space electric field E and magnetic (1) Both electric and magnetic field vectors attain the
field B are perpendicular to each other and an electron maxima and minima at the same place and same
enters in region perpendicular to the direction of B and time
E both and moves undeflected, then velocity of (2) The energyin electromagnetic wave is divided
electron is [AIPMT-2001] equally between electric and magnetic vectors
|E| (3) Both electric and magnetic field vectors are parallel
(1) (2) E×B to each other and perpendicular to the direction
|B| of propagation of wave
(3) (4) E.B (4) These waves do not require any material medium
3. The velocity of electromagnetic wave is along the for propoagation
direction of [AIPMT-2002] 9. The decreasi ng order of wavelength of infrared,
(1) B×E (2) E×B microwave, ultraviolet and gamma rays is
(3) E (4) B [AIPMT-2011]
4. Which of the following has minimum wave length? (1) gamma rays, ultraviolet, infrared, microwaves
[AIPMT-2002] (2) microwaves, gamma rays, infrared, ultraviolet
(1) X-rays (2) Ultraviolet rays (3) infrared, microwave, ultraviolet, gamma rays
(3) -rays (4) Cosmic rays (4) microwave, infrared, ultraviolet, gamma rays
5. Which of the following rays are not electromagnetic 10. The electric and the magnetic field, associated with an
waves? [AIPMT-2003] electromagnetic wave, propagating along the +z-axis,
(1)  -rays (3) Heat rays can be represented by [AIPMT-2011]
(3) X-rays (4) -rays (1) [ E  E0kˆ, B  B0iˆ] (2) [ E  E0 ˆj , B  B0 ˆj ]
6. If  v,  x and  m represent the wavelengths of visible
light, X-rays and microwaves respectively, then (3) [ E  E0 ˆj , B  B0 kˆ] (4) [ E  E0iˆ, B  B0 ˆj ]
[AIPMT-2005] 11. The electric field associated with an electro magnetic
(1)  m > x > v (2)  v > m > x wave in vacuum is given by 40 cos (kz – 6 × 10 8 t),
where E, z and t are in volt/metre and second
(3)  m > v > x (4)  v > x > m
respectively. The value of wave vector k is
7. The electric field part of an electromagnetic wave in a (1) 2 m–1 (2) 0.5 m–1[AIPMT-2012]
medium is represented by Ex = 0; (3) 6 m –1
(4) 3 m–1
N  rad   12. The condition under which a microwave oven heats
2 rad  
E y  2.5 cos  2  106  t     10 x ; up a food item containing water molecules most
C  m   s  
efficiently is [NEET-2013]
EZ = 0. The wave is [AIPMT-2009] (1) the frequency of the microwave must match the
resonant frequency of the water molecules
(1) moving along y-direction with frequency 2  × 106
(2) the frequency of the microwave has no relation
Hz and wavelength 200 m
with natural frequency of water molecules
(2) moving along x-direction with frequency 106 Hz (3) microwave are heat waves, so always produce
and wavelength 100 m heating
(3) moving along x-direction with frequency 106 Hz (4) infra-red waves prodcue heating in a microwave
and wavelength 200 m oven
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Electromagnetic Waves 191

13. The energy of the EM waves is of the order of 15 keV. 20. Light with an average flux of 20 W/cm falls on a non-
To which part of the spectrum does it belong? reflecting surface at normal incidence having surface area
20 cm2. The energy received by the surface during time
span of 1 minute is [NEET-2020]
(1) X-rays (2) Infrared rass (1) 12 × 103 J (2) 24 × 103 J
(3) Ultraviolet rays (4)  -rays (3) 48 × 103 J (4) 10 × 103 J
14. Out of the following options which one can be used to 21. The ratio of contributions made by the electric field and
produce a propagating electromagnetic wave? magnetic field components to the intensity of an
electromagnetic wave is (c = speed of electromagnetic
(1) A stationary charge [NEET-2016] waves) [NEET-2020]
(2) A chargeless particle (1) 1 : 1 (2) 1 : c
(3) An accelerating charge (3) 1 : c2 (4) c : 1
(4) A charge moving at constant velocity 22. The E.M. wave with shortest wavelength among the
following is, [NEET-2020]
15. In an electromagnetic wave in free space the root mean (1) Microwaves (2) Ultraviolet rays
square value of the electric field is Erms = 6 V/m. The (3) X-rays (4) Gamma-rays
peak value of the magnetic field is [NEET-2017] 23. For a plane electromagnetic wave propagating in x-
(1) 1.41 × 10 –8 T (2) 2.83 × 10–8 T direction, which one of the following combination gives
(3) 0.70 × 10 –8 T (4) 4.23 × 10–8 T the correct possible directions for electric field (E) and
magnetic field (B) respectively? [NEET-2021]
16. An em wave is propagating in a medium with a velocity
 (1) ˆj  k,
ˆ ˆj  kˆ (2) ˆj  k,
ˆ  ˆj  kˆ
v  viˆ . The instantaneous oscillating electric field of this
em wave is along +Y axis. Then the direction of oscillating ˆj  k,
ˆ  ˆj  kˆ
(3) (4) ˆj  k,
ˆ  ˆj  kˆ
magnetic field of the em wave will be along [NEET-2018]
(1) – Z direction (2) + Z direction 24. The magnetic field of a plane electromagnetic wave is given

(3) – Y direction (4) – X direction by B  3  108 cos(1.6  103 x  48  1010 t)ˆj, then the
17. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance 20 µF is being associated electric field will be : [NEET-2022]
charged by a voltage source whose potential is changing
at the rate of 3 V/s. The conduction current through the (1) 3  108 cos(1.6  103 x  48  1010 t)iˆ V / m
connecting wires, and the displacement current through
(2) 3  108 sin(1.6  103 x  48  1010 t)i V / m
the plates of the capacitor, would be, respectively:
[NEET-2019] (3) 9sin(1.6  103 x  48  1010 t)kˆ V / m
(1) 60 µA, zero (2) zero, zero
(3) zero, 60 µA (4) 60 µA, 60 Ma (4) 9cos(1.6  103 x  48  1010 t)kˆ V / m
18. Which colour of the light has the longest wavelength? 25. The ratio of the magnitude of the magnetic field and
(1) green (2) violet [NEET-2019] electric field intensity of a plane electromagnetic wave in
(3) red (4) blue free space of permeability µ0 and permittivity 0 is (Given
that c - velocity of light in free space) [NEET-2022]
19. The magnetic field in a plane electromagnetic wave is given
by, 1
(1) c (2)
By = 2 × 10–7 sin ( × 103 x + 3 × 1011 t)T c
Calculate the wavelength. [NEET-2020]
c  00
(1)  × 10–3 m (2)  × 103 m (3) (4)
00 c
(3) 2 × 10–3 m (4) 2 × 103 m
Active site edutech- 9844532971

192 Electromagnetic Waves

1. (4) 2. (4) 3. (4) 4. (4) 5. (3) 1. (1) 2. (1) 3. (2) 4. (1) 5. (2)
6. (1) 7. (1) 8. (3) 9. (1) 10. (4) 6. (1)
11. (1) 12. (4) 13. (2) 14. (4) 15. (2)


1. (4) 2. (1) 3. (1) 4. (2) 5. (2)
6. (3) 7. (2) 8. (3) 9. (2) 10. (4)
1. (1) 2. (1) 3. (2) 4. (4) 5. (1)
11. (4) 12. (1) 13. (2) 14. (1) 15. (4)
6. (3) 7. (3) 8. (3) 9. (4) 10. (4)
16. (4) 17. (4) 18. (4) 19. (2) 20. (2)
11. (1) 12. (1) 13. (1) 14. (3) 15. (2)
NCERT EXEMPLAR OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS 16. (2) 17. (4) 18. (3) 19. (3) 20. (2)
21. (1) 22. (4) 23. (2) 24. (4) 25. (2)
1. (3) 2. (4) 3. (2) 4. (3) 5. (4)
6. (3) 7. (3)
Active site edutech- 9844532971

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