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The main aim of research is to contribute fresh insights that improve our understanding of
important dimensions of e-service quality that have an impact on customers satisfaction,
customer customer beliefs and behavior. This study is based on existing literature on e-
service quality in the field of online shopping. It centers on four dimensions of e-service
quality design which shows greater predictive power regarding customer behavior.
Specifically, not only that examines the influence of customer satisfaction on customer
behavior, including factors such as repurchase intention, word of mouth , and site revisits, but
also investigate their influence customer confidence. Anticipated results including A
expanded understand from How That meaning from e- serve quality attribute Possible
different cross many kinds of country culture. That research utilized data came from from an
online survey involving 355 Indonesian online customers and using structural equations
modeling to assess research techniques. Analytical findings show that three e-services quality
dimensions, namely website design, security/privacy, and satisfaction, greatly improve
general quality of electronic services. In contrast, customer service did not show statistical
significance correlation as A intact electronic services quality. Moreover, he own Once
established That total electronic services quality is statistically and significantly connected to
customer behavior. Future study efforts should be undertaken take into the account A range
from product category or explore different industry to ensure That application from That size
model cross diverse context. Should That research become applied in the alternative industry
arrangement, he Possible need required adjustment. Besides that, future research Possible
consider That utilization _ varied techniques, like as focus group And interview, For A Again
wide investigation.
Keywords: electronic services quality, Customer satisfaction, Customer believe, Consumer
behavior, On line shopping, Retail, Business, Information science, Marketing
1. Introduction
The Internet has played an important role in empowering consumers for more than a decade (
Pires et al., 2006). In fact, one influence of internet use that plays an important role is the
increasing rise of e-commerce. It can even be explained that currently worldwide e-
commerce sales are estimated to reach $1.92 trillion (Kalia & Kumalo, 2019). This growth is
actually caused by the continued increase in online users and the entry of big brands in the
international market. However, the proliferation of this has actually become one of the
factors that closes the scope of traditional management. Sales made through e-commerce are
actually different from direct retail outlets, online businesses can actually be used easily and
are able to make it easy for them to make orders and payments flexibly (Gulfraz,, 2022).
This is also supported by Karina et al., (2022) who stated that based on the 2021 Bank
Indonesia Annual Meeting report, e-commerce transactions in Indonesia are projected to
reach IDR 403 trillion in 2021. The number of consumers will increase by up to 51% in
August 2021. In fact, This is also supported by a report from Exabyte which shows an
increase in the number of people making online sales by 38.3% compared to previous months
(Chandra, 2021).
The number of E-Commerce users in Indonesia is expected to continue to increase until
2028, and the forecast indicator will increase to 112.77 million users in 2028. Seeing this
provides awareness that the use of e-commerce continues to be a scope of change that is
being developed through consideration. Consumers in online shopping. And the influence of
the Internet on consumer empowerment and the retail industry undeniable, shape our way
shop And interact with product And service.
Rapid technological progress has brought major changes in the cultural field norm. As a
result, consumer purchasing preferences have changed from traditional mortar companies to
online shopping. Real businesses have taken advantage of e- trading to interact with theirs
customer in the A effort to obtain A competitive edge (Lee & Lin, 2005). In the That world
from on line business, That market is very prone to to competition due date to That relatively
low barriers to entry (Wang et al Al., 2016). From customers viewpoint, exchanges between
online stores require minimal fees, making it easy for them to switch shopping preference
from one online retailer to another (Mutum et al Al., 2014). In the both of them In both real
and online retail contexts, the shopping journey plays an important role in shaping the future
customer behavior, which includes intent to repurchase, revisit a retail store, and engage with
it from mouth to mouth recommendation (Change & Wang, 2011).
That main challenge in the That world from on line shopping turn around ensure And
maintain customer satisfaction. To thrive in the highly competitive e-commerce landscape, a
very important thing success factor is That adoption from A strategy That prioritize serve
superiority. Company must consistently provides an exceptional service experience to its
customers, thereby encouraging them repeat purchases and foster customer loyalty (Gounaris
et al., 2010). To improve service quality, it is important for companies to improve customer
assurance with capabilities provide excellent service when problems or concerns arise, and by
providing solutions satisfy customers. To increase customer satisfaction, businesses must
focus on improving both product And serve quality to ensure That customer Can see That
benefit came from from That the products and services they receive ( Familiar & Maftukhah,
2015) . Reach a higher level customer satisfaction hinge on convey superior serve quality,
often generated in the positive behavioral intentions (Brady & Robertson, 2001). For e-
commerce success, quality a the website system, the information provided and the quality of
its e-services are of great importance factor (Sharma & Lijuan , 2015).
The topic of e-service quality has attracted the attention of several researchers. Attribute
related to the quality of e-services shows a strong relationship with the overall perception of
e-services. service quality, customer satisfaction, and intention to repurchase. However, this
attribute does not have a significant impact on Word of Mouth (WOM) (Blut et al., 2015). At
another place study conducted by Tsao et al. (2016), they examine how the quality of e-
services affects online loyalty, explicitly focus on That online shopping experience in
Taiwan. Theirs findings shows that system quality and electronic service quality have a big
influence perceived value, which, in turn, significantly influences online loyalty. Additionally,
Gounaris et al. (2010) found that the quality of electronic services led to positive results in the
three consumers Behavioral intent: purchase intent, revisiting a website, and engaging in
WOM. Blut (2016) presented evidence indicating that e-service quality has beneficial effects
on customers satisfaction, repurchase intent, and WOM for online shoppers in the US. As a
result, In short, existing research on e-service quality has different approaches and results
without giving anything definite conclusion (Gounaris et al., 2010).

Chang et al. (2013) emphasized that trust is a major factor in attracting e- trade buyers.
However, there needs to be more research exploring its effects quality 1 service on trust,
especially in the context of online business. Rasyid & Abadi (2014) investigated the impact
of e-service quality on trust in the broader service sector and revealed that trust is considered
an antecedent of service quality. Similarly, Saleem et al. (2017) conducted research in the
context of Pakistan's aviation sector and confirmed this trustworthiness plays an
indispensable role role in stimulating repurchase intentions throughout everything related to
service business.
Utilise A electronic services quality model with Wrong specification Can lead to A
overestimation from That meaning e-service attributes from quality (Blut et al Al., 2015).
Moreover, Blut et al Al. (2015) established hierarchical e-service quality that approach
demonstrated superior predictive capabilities for customer behavior compared to other
companies. established tools. However, it should be noted that only Blut (2016) has
empirically validated this a conceptual approach specific to online shoppers in the United
States. Remember research gaps mentioned above, this study seeks to empirically test Blut et
al. (2015) electronic services quality approach. Objective is to get a Comprehensive
understanding of how e-services work Quality impacts not only customer satisfaction,
purchase intention, and by word of mouth (WOM) But Also customer confidence And
possibility of revisiting A website.
Country culture, as observed by Blut et al. (2015), has been shown to impact implementation
from That electronic services quality build. As a result, This Study held A empirical
evaluation from That hierarchical approach For measuring quality of electronic services in a
novel cultural context, especially in Indonesia. The goal is to ascertain whether these models
are equally effective diverse country And cultural arrangement. Cultural difference in online
shopping behavior Possible also influences priority 1 attribute of electronic service quality,
although this aspect still unexplored, as show by Brusch et Al. (2019).

The aim of this research is twofold: (1) to evaluate the quality of electronic services
hierarchically approaches in new cultural contexts, and (2) draw a comparative analysis of 1
e-services quality perception in the two different cultural arrangement, Indonesia And
America America.
2. Background
Many researchers have put forward various characteristics and dimensions to measure e-
service quality. An initial investigation into the quality of e-services was conducted by
Dabholkar (1996) centers on how consumers formulate their anticipations regarding
technology-based independence of service quality . This research identifies five main
characteristics of 1 e-service quality, namely delivery speed, usability, dependability, fun
factor, and control. Research findings show That control And enjoyment appear as important
factor influence serve quality. Utility is also considered an important element in the quality of
service, although this is especially the case in cases involving be extended wait time And
That control group. In the contrast, speed from delivery And reliability is found to exert
invisible impact on services quality.
The SERVQUAL model was first proposed by Parasuraman et al. in 1985, still most widely
used approach to size serve quality. A number of studies is At the moment employ he, And
he continues to become extensively utilized (Alrubaiee & Alkaa'ida , 2011; Kansra &Jha,
2016; Kitapci et al., 2014). The SERVQUAL model has been modified to a great extent
variation by a number of researcher And held in the That world from on line company. Web
Quality (Barnes & Vidgen, 2002; Loiacono et al., 2002), eTailQ (Wolfinbarger & Gilly,
2003); ICE- Quality (Parasuraman et al., 2005); and the latest e-service hierarchy approaches
quality suggested by Blut et al Al. (2015).

Fig. 1. Conceptual model.

Loiacono et al Al. (2002) introduced the WebQual™ s c a l e , designed to evaluate
websites that offer products such as books, music, flight ticket, and hotel reservations. That
WebQual™ Characteristics including factor like suitability For That task, interactivity,
trustworthy, speed of response, easy to understand, easy to use, visual appeal, innovation,
emotional engagement (flow), consistent brand, on line completeness, And superiority to
alternative channel. This Study contribute to That field by provide researcher with validated
and reliable tools for assessing website quality. Additionally, it is increasing That understand
from Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by identifying That constituents user
friendliness And utility.
Furthermore, Barnes and Vidgen (2002) introduced a new approach to assessing e-services
quality, known as WebQual, with special emphasis on the importance of user friendliness
website. The WebQual assessment includes five key attributes: ease of use, design, quality of
information, trust, and empathy. As time goes by, this measuring tool has developed evolved
through several versions, culminating in the WebQual 4.0.
Focus groups were used in an additional study by Wolfinbarger and Gilly (2003) to expand
this eTailQ model for evaluating the quality of 1 e-services. The four dimensions consist of
element from This model: website design, customer service, privacy/security, And
satisfaction/reliability. Next, Pan, Ratchford, and Shankar (2002) studied 105 websites
merchants and 6,739 price observations for 581 products in eight different product categories.
Five features related to e-service quality were identified as a result of their research: cost,
product information, shipping/handling, comfort purchase, And reliability.

Zeithaml et al. (2002) synthesized existing knowledge about providing service quality via the
website And identified five primaries size: availability of information and content, ease of
use, privacy/security, graphic style, and satisfaction/reliability. In a study efforts of
Parasuraman et al. (2005), electronic service quality is divided into two different scales: scale
electronic service quality scale (ICE-QUALITY) and electronic service quality recovery scale
(E- RecS - QUALITY). ES-QUAL covers aspects 1 privacy/security, reliability, satisfaction,
efficiency, And individual attention, when E- Rec - QUALITY includes responsiveness,
compensation, and contact. The results of this study emphasize the important role of privacy
played in the That higher level evaluation made by customers about website.
Gounaris et al. (2010) explored the influence of service quality and customer satisfaction
from mouth to mouth (WOM) recommendation, repeat visit to website, And purchase inner
intention That context from on line shopping. They utilized That Web Quality scale, Which
consist of dimensions related to usability, information, and interaction, originally developed
by Barnes and Vidgen (2002). In addition, they integrate two additional factors, aesthetics
and after-sales service, introduced by Lee and Lin (2005), to assess the quality of electronic
services. Learning involved do 240 randomly selected online interview with user from an
Internet serve provider in Greece. That results shown the quality of that electronic service No
only directly positively impacted customer satisfaction but Also has both direct and indirect
impacts on customer behavioral intention, including revisit That website, participate in the
WOMAN communication, And make repeat purchase, especially through his influence on
Kitapci et al. (2014) conducted research to investigate the influence of various dimensions
service quality on patient satisfaction, next impact satisfaction on word-of- mouth (WOM)
communication and repurchase intention, and it potential relationship between WOM and
repurchase intention in the public health sector. They hire The SERVQUAL model, originally
developed by Parasuraman et al. (1985), as a framework for assess service quality. The
research results reveal that customer satisfaction plays a role a important role in influencing
WOM and repurchase intention, were found strongly interconnected.
Current methods for assessing the quality of e-services in online businesses have certain
limitations. As pointed out by Blut (2016), ES- Qual and eTailQ measurements are a must
have required criteria to effectively evaluation on line shop, make they inadequate For
explain customer dissatisfaction and their next shift to other online retailer. Other The
weakness of this measurement is its predictive ability regarding customer behavior. Although
eTailQ addresses 13 of the 16 attributes related to e-service quality, eTailQ only provides
ratings. eighth in its ability to predict outcomes and fails to evaluate customer service and
security (Blut et al., 2015). In contrast, WebQual may excel at predicting customer behavior,
But he own A narrower scope.
Given the shortcomings of current methods for assessing e-service quality, Blut et al. (2015)
proposed a hierarchical approach that utilizes meta-analysis to address this challenge. This
hierarchical approach offers a more comprehensive framework for coverage various online
store attributes. The research results reveal that the quality of electronic services is a built
around four key dimensions: website design, customer service, security/privacy, And
satisfaction. What is specifically important is That This hierarchical approach show Again
very good predictive ability For consumer behavior compared to to other which exists
After that, Blut (2016) conducted an empirical investigation to validate Blut et al. (2015)
model, utilise sample from 358 WE online customers. Research it results confirm the
construct of e-service quality , which corresponds to a higher level structure models of factors
linking perceptions of online service quality to be specific and actionable dimensions:
website design, fulfillment, customer service, and security/privacy. Moreover, This research
reveals that overall quality acts as a full mediator in relationships between dimensions and
result about compliance and security, when that's part of it mediates the relationship between
customer service and website design. Drawing from insights collected in a literature review,
the authors of this study chose to use a hierarchical approach model for evaluating the quality
of e-services in online business. Additionally, this study investigates That impact of 1 quality
of electronic services in the produce Good consumer behavior, including intention for
repurchase, from mouth to mouth (WOM) communication, And revisit on line shop. As
previously research recommend, these aspects influenced by factors like as satisfaction,
believe, And many kinds of quality size related with online store website.
Figure 1 illustrates a conceptual framework for assessing e-service quality in context online
shopping. This research adapts components from the model created by Gounaris et al. (2010),
Blut (2016), Rashid & Eternal (2014), and Kitapci et Al. (2014) to explore relationship
between customer satisfaction, customer trust, repurchase intention, word-of- mouth (WOM)
communication, And location revisit.
H1. Customer serve is positively related with whole electronic services quality.
Security/privacy, in line with Blut's (2016) definition, includes ensuring security credit card
payment and confidentiality from 1 piece of information shared. He is from most importantly
It is important for a website to prioritize aspects such as guarantee and security to improve it
credibility and overall service quality, as emphasized by Wang et al. (2015). Schmidt et al.
(2008) further emphasize this the important role of privacy and safety in effectiveness a
website, similar sentiments were also expressed by Fortes and Rita (2016). When customers
are engaged online purchases, they are usually asked to provide personal information,
including their personal information Name, address, contact number, And credit card details
(Blank & Beatty, 2008). Customer consistently raise concerns about websites' ability to
protect their information potency cheating activity follow A transaction. As a result, That
evaluation from website security and privacy play an important role in evaluating the quality
of online services shop. As A the result, us propose That follow hypothesis:
H2. Security/privacy exhibition A positive correlation with whole electronic services quality.

Satisfaction, as defined by Blut (2016), covers That set action addressed on ensure that
customers receive exactly what they ordered, which includes aspects such as delivery time,
order precision, And That condition from That delivery. He is worth take notes That That
evaluation from This just attributes can do it happen after the solution from payment. As state
by Liao & Keng (2013), post-payment dissonance between customers occurs more frequently
in world from on line shopping as compared to to offline shopping. This is especially due
date to That fact That customers need the opportunity to physically examine a product before
making a purchase. As a result, company must place A strong pressure on ensure That
punctuality from delivery, order accuracy, and the quality of delivery conditions provided to
customers with a high level of service quality. Order satisfaction efficiency is one factor very
important element from 1 electronic service quality. Because of that, we propose the
H3. Whole electronic services quality is positively related with customer satisfaction.
Trust occupies a central role in the decision-making process for customers considering it
online purchases (Fortes et al., 2017). Wu et al. (2018) provide a comprehensive definition of
trust as belief, confidence, sentiment, or hope regarding intentions or possible buyer behavior.
A lack of trust was identified as a major obstacle to achieving this goal widespread adoption
of e-commerce, as expressed by Chang et al. (2013). Oliveira et al. (2017) investigated the
evaluation of three important dimensions of customer trust: competence, integrity, and
benevolence, revealed that customers were characterized by high levels overall trust indicates
a greater propensity to engage in e-commerce activities. Previous studies described a
consistent positive relationship between e-service quality and trust, an observation noted in
research conducted by Chiou & Droge (2006), Cho & Hu (2009), Rasheed & Abadi (2014),
Wu et Al. (2010, 2018), and Alrubaiee & Alkaa'ida (2011). Especially, in the That health
industry, service quality is seen as not only providing a direct positive influence customer
trust but also has an indirect positive impact on trust, which is mediated by customers
satisfaction. The online shopping experience requires trust, not just in relationships between
internet merchants and customers but also in computer dependency system that carries out
transactions (Lee & Turban, 2001). Trust emerges as an important element in reduce
uncertainty, especially When That degrees from familiarity between That customer And
transaction security the mechanism is insufficient. In the light from This outlook, That follow
hypothesis is posted online business:

3. Methodology
This study focuses on a specific group of respondents who meet certain criteria that are
important for the purpose Study. The selection process involves screening respondents to
ensure that they have the most recent data memory utilizing online retailer websites. Selected
respondents fulfill the following requirements Criteria: They are Indonesian internet
consumers who have interacted with online retailers visit, make purchase, or utilise theirs
service in at least very in the That past six month. The target population of this research
includes Indonesian adult individuals, both men and women, who 17 years old age or older.
To assess the proposed model, a questionnaire was developed. Data collection was carried
out using an online survey in Google Docs, and a survey link distributed via social media
media platforms such as Facebook, LINE, and WhatsApp. Respondents are directed to a
Specific website Where they Can access That a list of questions through That provided link
And is requested to complete based on their recent experience with online stores in the last
six years month.
Whole electronic services quality Formerly defined as That whole superiority or superior
natural from That serve, following Zeithaml (1988). Three specific items were used to
measure overall e-service quality adapted from Blut (2016). To assess the construct of this
model, a combination of items is required collected from Web Quality, ES- Quality, And
eTailQ (Blank & Beatty, 2008; Parasuraman et Al., 2005; Wolfinbarger & Gilly, 2003). That
measurement from electronic services quality Formerly categorized as into the four
dimensions: website design, customer service, security/privacy, and satisfaction. As
submitted by Blut (2016), electronic service quality size is operationalized use A reflective-
formative model ( Ring et Al., 2012). That first order size For website design includes eight
attributes: information quality, website aesthetics, purchasing process, website comfort,
product choice, price offering, website personalization, And system availability. The first
level dimension of customer service includes two attributes: service level And return
handling/policy. Security/privacy first order dimensions including two attributes: security and
privacy. Finally, it consists of the first level satisfaction dimensions three attribute:
punctuality from delivery, order accuracy, And delivery condition.
The customer satisfaction scale was adapted from Fornell (1992), while the assessment
customer believe reliable on six items drawn from Gefen (2002), Lee And Turban (2001),
And Urban et al. (2009). Repurchase intention and word of mouth (WOM) were measured
using items from Zeithaml et al. (1996). The return visit to the site was built following the
approach outlined by Gounaris et Al. (2010). All This construction And That reflective items
used to size they is evaluated on a seven-point scale, with response options ranging from 1,
indicating “very don't agree," to 7, pointed out “strongly agree," as specified in Table 1.
In the This Study, We utilized part at least box (please) track modeling with That Intelligent
Help software to assess the reliability and validity of the measurements. Convergent validity
was evaluated using composite reliability (CR), factor loadings, and average variance
extracted (AVE). To meet That criteria established by Gefen et Al. (2000), We considered
convergent validity acceptable if the factor loading of each item exceeds 0.70, then the
composite reliability is above 0.70, and AVE surpassed 0.50. Our analysis showed that all
factor loading estimates were met This criteria, with That exception from T1 And SR1,
Which is Then DELETED. Additionally, Bootstrap t-statistics provide strong evidence of
convergent validity. AVE for each reflective construct in our study also exceeds 0.50, as
presented in Table 2. This road values show That A big proportion from That difference in
the every indicator is explain by his in accordance build, confirm convergent presence
In the This Study, We utilized three approach to evaluation discriminant validity: That
Fornell-Lacker criteria, cross-loading, and heterotrait-monotrait ratio (HTMT) correlation
criteria. As per the guidelines of Hair et al. (2010), discriminant validity is very important
ensuring that empirically constructed measures are different and do not capture the
phenomenon explained by other steps in the structural equation model. This criterion is met
when a Latent variables account for more variation in related indicator variables than any
other variable with other constructs in the same model, as originally proposed by Fornell and
Larcker (1981). To establish discriminant validity, we compared the square root of AVE
(shown in bold) on Table 2 with That correlation between other construction. Discriminant
validity is confirmed When the square root of AVE exceeds the correlation with other
constructs, as is the case with our research. Another approach to assessing discriminant
validity is through cross-loading, where, according to Chin (1998), each indicator loading
must be higher than all cross loadings. Table 3 clearly shows that each indicator loading
(those in bold) exceeds all its cross-loadings. That third method employed, That heterotrait-
monotrait (HTMT) comparison from correlation, set discriminant validity between two
reflective constructs if the HTMT value falls below 0.90, aligning with the recommendations
of Henseler et al. (2014). In our study, all constructs shows HTMT values below 0.90, as
shown in Table 4. Therefore, we have succeeded confirmed That discriminant validity of us
measurement model.
Cronbach's alpha Formerly utilized to evaluate That internal consistency reliability from We
measurement instrument. For exploratory purposes, it is usually recommended to use
Cronbach's alpha should to 0.7 or higher, although values from 0.6 or higher is Also
considered acceptable, as per guidance of Hair et al. (2011). In our study, all reflective
constructs were demonstrated reliability, as each of them displays a Cronbach's alpha value
exceeding 0.7 (starting from 0.770 up to 0.931), as outlined in the Table 2.
In this study, we consider dimensions of e-service quality, which include website design,
customer serve, security/privacy, And satisfaction, as second order construction use A
reflective-formative approach, as described by Ringle et al. (2012). Each is first order
constructs in this dimension are reflective. The relationship between e- service quality
attribute (first order construction) And That electronic services quality size (Second-order
construction) is formative. To assess the validity of these formative constructs, we held a
number of test, including inspection For multicollinearity And exam from That meaning and
signs from That burden. That results This evaluation revealed That all four e- service quality
dimensions are statistically significant (p < 0.01), and all are indicated positive signs, as
pictorial in the Table 5. Besides that, That Difference Inflation Factor (VIF) values for first-
order constructs (ranging from 1.607 to 3.065) is below the standard threshold of 3.3, as
recommended by Lee and Xia (2010). This shows that concerns related to multi- collinearity
is not permitted. As a result, we conclude that the construction is formative in accordance For
testing in structural model.
4. Results and Discussion
Validity Test Results
For each statement item, which in this study amounted to 12 statements, data was
obtained through a questionnaire distributed to 120 respondents. The statement item is
declared valid if it is more than 0.01. All customer service variable statement items are
declared valid, because the overall value of each statement item is greater than 0.01. All
security/privacy variable statement items are declared valid, because the overall value is
greater than 0.01. Furthermore, all statement items for the overall e-service quality variable
were declared valid, because the value was greater than 0.01. Apart from that, all customer
satisfaction statement items were declared valid, because the value was greater than 0.01.
The output results from the validity test for each variable are as follows:

Variable Statement Weights VIF

Customer Service CS 1 0.814 1,245

CS 2 0.574 1,036

CS 3 0.511 1,260

Security/Privacy SP 1 0.473 1,573

SP 2 0.440 1,048

SP 3 0.445 1,628

Overall E-Service 1,875

OESQ 1 0.479

OESQ 2 0.482 1,098

OESQ 3 0.417 1,801

Customer 1,649
CSA 1 0.542

CSA 2 0.506 1,024

CSA 3 0.327 1,642

Multiple Linear Regression Results

Original sample Sample deviation T statistics (|
(O) mean (M) (STDEV) O/STDEV|) P values
X1 -> Z 0.152 0.160 0.106 2,429 0.035
X2 -> Z 0.531 0.514 0.095 5,569 0,000
Z -> Y 0.341 0.331 0.150 2,274 0.025

Based on the table above, it can be stated that the hypothesis is accepted if the Sig (P.Values)
<0.05 and the T-statistic is >1.96. These results reflect the pah coefficients which are the results of direct
testing (direct effect) so that it can be concluded as follows:
 X1 has a positive effect on Z with a t statistic of 2.429 (p < 0.05)
 X2 has a positive effect on Z with a t statistic of 5.569 (p < 0.05)
 Z has a positive effect on Y with a t statistic of 2.274 (p < 0.05)

So, all of them are said to be interconnected and have a positive influence on one another.


The Influence of Customer Service on Overall E-Service Quality

The first hypothesis in this research is "Customer service has a positive effect on overall e-
service quality". From the results of statistical testing the data shows that customer service has a positive
and significant effect on overall e-service quality.
These results also strengthen the opinion of the Empty theory & Beatty, 2008 that when
customers are involved online purchases, they are usually asked to provide personal information,
including their personal information Name, address, contact number, And credit card details. Customer
consistently raise concerns about websites' ability to protect their information potency cheating activity
follow A transaction. As a result, That evaluation from website security and privacy play an important
role in evaluating the quality of online services shop.
With the dominant variable results, namely product price according to quality. From
respondents, the price of the product is very important if it is given very good quality.
So it can be concluded that the first hypothesis is accepted, namely that the customer service
variable has a positive effect on overall e-service quality.

The Influence of Security/Privacy on Overall E-Service Quality

The second hypothesis in this research is "Security/privacy has a positive effect on overall e-
service quality. From the results of statistical testing the data shows that security/privacy has a positive
and significant effect on overall e-service quality.
These results also strengthen the theoretical opinion of Liao & Keng (2013), post-payment
dissonance between customers occurs more frequently in the world of online shopping as compared to
offline shopping. This is mainly due to the fact that customers need the opportunity to physically
examine the product before making a purchase.
With the results of testing the validity of the dominant variable, namely online shopping, which
is used to maintain data privacy and security. According to respondents, data security and privacy are
very important for service quality and customer comfort.
So it can be concluded that the second hypothesis is accepted, where the security/privacy
variable has a positive effect on overall e-service quality.

The Influence of Overall E-Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction

The third hypothesis in this research is "Overall e-service has a positive effect on customer
satisfaction". From the results of statistical testing the data shows that overall e-service has a positive
and significant effect on customer satisfaction.
These results also strengthen the theoretical opinion of Brady & Robertson, (2001) which states
that achieving a higher level customer satisfaction hinge on convey superior serve quality, often
generated in the positive behavioral intentions.
With the dominant validity testing results, namely using the same online shop in the future as a
place to shop. Of the respondents who had customer satisfaction, they were truly satisfied when using
the same online shop to shop.
So it can be concluded that the third hypothesis is accepted, namely that the overall e-service
variable has a positive effect on customer satisfaction.
5. Conclusion
Based on the results of research conducted on the two methods for dealing with valid and influential
statements, namely using SmartPLS, it can be concluded that: (1) the customer service variable (X1) is
declared valid for each statement and has an effect on the overall e-service quality variable (Z); (2) the
security/privacy variable (X2) is declared valid in each statement and has an effect on the overall e-
service quality variable (Z); (3) the overall e-service variable (Z) is declared valid in each statement and
has a positive effect on the customer satisfaction variable (Y). So that all variables are interconnected
from one to another.

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