Summer Internship Project Report

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BATCH 2021-2024


2141000089 IBM, GLA University


I do hereby declare that this project entitled, “Human Resource Information System (SAP)”
with GAO TEK INC. at Suite A31 Manhattan, New York, N.Y., 10001 has been
completed by me and it is an original work. This report is being submitted for fulfilling the
requirement of Bachelors of Business Management Programme, as a Summer Training Project,
at Institute of Business Management, GLA University, and Mathura. It has never been
submitted nor been published elsewhere.

(Signature of Student)
PLACE: Mathura



I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have played a pivotal role in the successful
completion of this summer training report on the "Human Resource Information System (SAP) of
GAO TEK INC.” This journey of exploration and learning would not have been possible without
the support, guidance, and cooperation of various individuals and organizations.
First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my mentor, [Mentor's Name],
for their unwavering support and expertise throughout this training period. Their guidance has been
invaluable in helping me understand the intricacies of the Human Resource Information System
I extend my thanks to the entire HR team at GAO TEK INC. for welcoming me into their department
and providing me with the opportunity to gain practical insights into the company's HR processes.
Their willingness to share their knowledge and experiences has been instrumental in enhancing my
understanding of the SAP system's role in managing human resources.
I also want to acknowledge my peers and colleagues at GAO TEK INC. for their cooperation and
assistance during this training. Their collaboration and willingness to share their perspectives have
enriched my learning experience.
Furthermore, I am grateful to the management of GAO TEK INC. for granting me access to their
HR systems and resources, allowing me to delve into the SAP system's functionality and its
integration within the company's operations.
Lastly, I want to express my appreciation to my family and friends for their unwavering support
and encouragement throughout this training period.
In conclusion, I am thankful for the support and understanding of all those who contributed to the
successful completion of this summer training report on the Human Resource Information System
(SAP) of GAO TEK INC.. I hope that the insights and knowledge gained during this experience
will prove valuable to the readers and serve as a testament to the dedication of the GAO TEK INC...
Team in effectively managing their human resources.



This summer training report provides a comprehensive overview of my internship experience at

GAO TEK INC., with a particular focus on the Human Resource Information System (SAP)
employed within the organization. The report aims to offer insights into the functionality,
utilization, and significance of SAP in managing human resources and enhancing organizational
The report begins by introducing GAO TEK INC., highlighting its presence in the industry and the
pivotal role it plays in the global market. This introduction sets the context for understanding the
importance of efficient HR management within the company.
A significant portion of the report is dedicated to an in-depth examination of the Human Resource
Information System (SAP) at GAO TEK INC. It elucidates the key features and components of the
SAP system, its integration within the HR department, and its broader impact on the company's
operations. This section also delves into the benefits of using SAP in streamlining HR processes,
such as recruitment, employee data management, payroll, and talent development.
Furthermore, the report explores the training and development initiatives conducted by the HR
department through the SAP platform. It highlights the role of SAP in fostering employee growth,
skills enhancement, and knowledge sharing within the organization.
An integral part of this report discusses the challenges and opportunities encountered during the
internship. It addresses issues related to system maintenance, data security, and user training, while
also recognizing the potential for further system optimization and expansion.
The report concludes by underlining the critical role of the Human Resource Information System
(SAP) in modern organizations like GAO TEK INC. It emphasizes the need for continuous
improvement and adaptation to leverage the full potential of SAP in enhancing HR efficiency and
strategic decision-making.
In summary, this summer training report provides a detailed insight into the Human Resource
Information System (SAP) of GAO TEK INC, It underscores the significance of SAP in HR
management and its contribution to organizational success. The knowledge and experiences gained
during this internship serve as a foundation for future endeavors in the field of HR information



To Whom so Ever It May Concern


This is to certify that the Summer Internship Project Report entitled “Human Resource
Information System (SAP)”, submitted by Mr. /Ms. Jitender Kumar, represents an original work
done by the student mentioned herein and has been submitted. In partial fulfillment of the
requirements of the BBA Programme (2021-24 Batch).

(Signature of Faculty Guide)

Name of Faculty Guide: Mrs. Jyoti Sharma


S. No. Topic Page No.

1 Declaration 2

2 Certificate from Organization 3-4

3 Acknowledgement 5

4 Executive Summary 6

5 Chapter-1 Introduction 9-15

6 Chapter-2 Organization Overview 16-30

7 Chapter-3 Industry Analysis 31-38

8 Chapter 4 Research Methodology 39-45

9 Chapter 5 Result and Discussion 46-49

10 Chapter 6 SIP Experience and Key Learning 50-53

Chapter 7 Recommendation, Limitations, Future Scope of the Study 54-57

and Conclusion
12 References 58

Annexures 59-63


GAO TEK Inc. has an interesting history that traces its trajectory from humble beginnings to
being a major player in the technology industry. The company was founded in 1992 by Frank
GAO with a vision to develop innovative and reliable technology solutions.

In its early days, GAO TEK Inc. focused on research and development, investing significant
resources in researching new technologies and identifying market opportunities. This
commitment to innovation has driven the company forward, introducing ground-breaking
products and gaining industry recognition.

GAO TEK Inc. has established itself as a provider of quality electronic products and solutions
as it expands its product portfolio and customer base. Our commitment to providing cutting-
edge technology, superior customer service, and meeting the evolving needs of our customers
has contributed to the company's continued growth and success.

Over time, GAO TEK Inc. We expanded our business globally and built a strong presence in
the international market. The company has formed strategic partnerships, partnered with
industry leaders and built sales networks to extend reach and ensure a seamless customer
experience worldwide.

In recent years, GAO TEK Inc. has continued to innovate and adapt to the ever-changing
technology environment. The company has incorporated advancements such as [mentioning
certain technological advances] to provide customers with cutting-edge solutions ahead of their
competitors. Today, GAO TEK Inc. is a recognized and respected name in the technology
industry, known for its commitment to reliability, quality and customer satisfaction. The
company's rich history is a testament to its ability to grow and thrive in a highly competitive

As GAO TEK Inc. progresses, we remain true to our core values of innovation, integrity and
excellence. The company continues to focus on research and development, strategic
partnerships, and a customer-centric approach, aiming for continued success and growth in the
dynamic technology industry. GAO TEK Inc.'s journey from its inception in 1992 to its current
status as a prominent technology industry player is a testament to its unwavering commitment
to innovation, integrity, and excellence. Here, we delve deeper into the company's history,
achievements, and values.
Innovative Beginnings: Founded by Frank GAO, the company began its journey with a
visionary approach to technology. From the outset, the focus was on research and development,
allocating substantial resources to explore new technological horizons and identify emerging
market opportunities. This relentless pursuit of innovation set the stage for GAO TEK Inc.'s
future success.

Ground-Breaking Products: GAO TEK Inc. quickly made a name for itself by introducing
pioneering products to the market. These innovations not only showcased the company's
technical prowess but also garnered recognition within the industry. By consistently pushing
the boundaries of technology, GAO TEK Inc. established itself as a reliable source of cutting-
edge solutions.

Customer-Centric Approach: A key factor in GAO TEK Inc.'s growth has been its
unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. The company has always recognized the
importance of meeting the evolving needs of its customers. This approach, coupled with a
dedication to superior customer service, has helped build strong relationships and loyalty
among its clientele.

Global Expansion: GAO TEK Inc.'s expansion beyond its home market was a pivotal moment
in its history. The company successfully ventured into the international market, establishing a
global presence. This expansion was not haphazard; it was guided by strategic partnerships
with industry leaders and the development of extensive sales networks. These endeavors
ensured that GAO TEK Inc. could deliver its innovative solutions seamlessly to customers

Adapting to Change: As the technology landscape evolved rapidly, GAO TEK Inc.
demonstrated its ability to adapt. The company incorporated advancements in fields such as
artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), and cybersecurity into its product portfolio. By
staying ahead of industry trends, GAO TEK Inc. consistently provided its customers with
solutions that empowered them to outpace their competitors.

Core Values: Throughout its journey, GAO TEK Inc. has remained anchored to its core values
of innovation, integrity, and excellence. These values are not just words on paper but are
ingrained in the company's culture. They guide decision-making, product development, and
customer interactions, ensuring that GAO TEK Inc. consistently delivers the highest quality
products and services.

A Recognized Name: Today, GAO TEK Inc. is a name synonymous with reliability and
quality in the technology industry. The company's track record of success and its ability to
thrive in a fiercely competitive marketplace have earned it a well-deserved reputation.
Customers and partners alike look to GAO TEK Inc. for cutting-edge solutions and industry

Continued Focus: As GAO TEK Inc. moves forward, it remains committed to its core
principles. Research and development continue to be at the heart of the company's operations,
driving innovation. Strategic partnerships will continue to be formed, ensuring that GAO TEK
Inc. remains at the forefront of technological advancements. Above all, the company's
customer-centric approach will remain unwavering, paving the way for continued growth and
success in the ever-evolving technology industry.

In conclusion, GAO TEK Inc.'s rich history is marked by its dedication to innovation, integrity,
and excellence. From its humble beginnings to its current status as a global technology leader,
the company's journey is a testament to what can be achieved through a steadfast commitment
to its core values and a relentless pursuit of innovation.

1.1 GAO TEK Inc. in the technology industry

GAO TEK Inc. thrives in the dynamic and ever-evolving technology industry, a vast landscape
that encompasses a diverse array of companies engaged in the research, development, design,
manufacture, and distribution of cutting-edge electronic products and solutions. This
multifaceted industry continually pushes the boundaries of innovation and sophistication,
making it a challenging yet highly rewarding arena for companies like GAO TEK Inc.

As a prominent and influential entity within this industry, GAO TEK Inc. has distinguished
itself as a reputable and trusted provider of avant-garde technology solutions. Its sphere of
influence extends across a broad spectrum of verticals and industries, reflecting its adaptability
and versatility in catering to the unique needs and demands of its diverse clientele.

In this ever-transforming landscape, GAO TEK Inc. stands as a beacon of innovation,

consistently setting benchmarks for excellence and performance. Its extensive product
portfolio encompasses a wide range of electronic devices, systems, and services, tailored to
address the most intricate challenges faced by businesses and consumers alike.

The company's robust research and development endeavours keep it at the forefront of
technological advancements, enabling it to pioneer ground-breaking solutions that not only
meet current industry standards but often redefine them. By staying abreast of emerging trends,
such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, and sustainable technologies, GAO TEK Inc.
ensures that its offerings remain not only relevant but also instrumental in shaping the future
of technology.

In addition to its technological prowess, GAO TEK Inc. places paramount importance on
maintaining the highest standards of quality and reliability. This unwavering commitment to
excellence permeates every aspect of its operations, from product design and manufacturing to
customer support and service. It is this dedication that has earned the company the trust and
loyalty of its customers, solidifying its position as a dependable partner in the pursuit of
technological advancement.

Furthermore, GAO TEK Inc.'s global presence and strategic alliances with industry leaders
further underscore its significance in the technology sector. These collaborations and expansive
networks enable the company to extend its reach and access to emerging markets, fostering a
worldwide footprint that spans continents and transcends borders.

1.2 Role of GAO TEK Inc. in the Industry

GAO TEK Inc. occupies a pivotal and influential position within the technology industry,
where it plays a multifaceted role that extends beyond mere market presence. The company's
role is characterized by its proactive approach to innovation, its unwavering commitment to
research and development, and its steadfast dedication to ensuring customer satisfaction. Here,
we delve into the diverse aspects of GAO TEK Inc.'s role in shaping and advancing the
technology industry.

Innovation Leadership: GAO TEK Inc. serves as a beacon of innovation, continuously

pushing the boundaries of what is technologically feasible. Through its pioneering spirit and
forward-thinking mind-set, the company introduces innovative products and services that not
only meet but often exceed the ever-evolving needs and expectations of customers. By doing
so, it sets a precedent for innovation within the industry, inspiring others to strive for excellence
and continuously improve their offerings.

Research and Development Vanguard: At the core of GAO TEK Inc.'s role is its unwavering
commitment to research and development (R&D). The company invests significantly in R&D
activities, fostering an environment that encourages experimentation, exploration, and the
pursuit of cutting-edge technologies. This commitment to R&D enables GAO TEK Inc. to stay
at the forefront of technological advancements, ensuring that it remains a trendsetter rather than
a follower in the industry.

Customer-Centric Approach: GAO TEK Inc. places paramount importance on customer

satisfaction. It understands that in the technology industry, meeting customer needs is not
enough; surpassing expectations is the key to long-term success. By actively engaging with
customers, understanding their pain points, and tailoring solutions to address these challenges,
GAO TEK Inc. builds strong and enduring relationships, making it a trusted partner for
businesses and individuals alike.

Market Growth Catalyst: GAO TEK Inc. actively contributes to the growth and development
of the technology industry. Its ability to identify emerging market trends and swiftly develop
products that align with these trends fosters market expansion. Moreover, by consistently
delivering high-quality solutions, the company helps elevate industry standards, encouraging
healthy competition and driving the entire industry towards greater heights.

1.3 Market Position of GAO TEK Inc.

GAO TEK Inc. has not only established a robust market presence but has also earned its status
as a recognized and trusted leader within the highly competitive technology industry. This
esteemed position is the result of a deliberate and steadfast commitment to core principles such
as quality, reliability, and customer-centricity. Here, we delve deeper into GAO TEK Inc.'s
market position and the strategies that have propelled it to the forefront of the industry.

A Recognized and Trusted Name: Over the years, GAO TEK Inc. has etched its name in the
annals of the technology industry as a recognized and trusted provider of cutting-edge
solutions. Its reputation for delivering high-quality products and services is a cornerstone of its
market position. This reputation is not just built on words but on a consistent track record of
excellence that has garnered the trust of customers and partners alike.

Commitment to Quality and Reliability: GAO TEK Inc.'s unwavering commitment to

quality and reliability has been instrumental in securing its competitive position. Every product
and service offered undergoes rigorous quality checks and testing to ensure that it meets the
highest industry standards. This dedication to delivering dependable solutions has not only
satisfied existing customers but has also attracted new clients who seek reliability in an ever-
changing technology landscape.

Customer Focus: The heart of GAO TEK Inc.'s market position lies in its customer-centric
approach. Building long-term relationships with customers is not just a slogan but a guiding
philosophy. The company actively listens to its customers' needs, challenges, and aspirations,
tailoring its offerings to address these concerns comprehensively. This approach fosters trust
and loyalty, as customers know they can rely on GAO TEK Inc. to deliver solutions that align
with their specific requirements.

Continuous Excellence: GAO TEK Inc.'s commitment to excellence is an ongoing journey,

not a destination. The company is dedicated to a culture of continuous improvement, constantly
seeking ways to enhance its products and services. This commitment to staying at the cutting
edge of technology ensures that GAO TEK Inc. remains a preferred choice for customers who
demand nothing but the best. GAO TEK Inc. understands that a strong market position must
be nurtured and fortified continually. The company is proactive in its strategies, looking for
opportunities to expand its product portfolio, enter new markets, and form strategic alliances.
By embracing change and seizing opportunities, GAO TEK Inc. not only maintains its market
position but also propels itself forward in the industry.

1.4 Main Competitors of GAO TEK Inc.

In the highly competitive technology industry, GAO TEK Inc. Compete with other well-known
companies operating in similar product and service categories. Competitors of note include
[mentioning specific competitors] who are similarly seeking to meet customer needs and
provide innovative solutions. GAO TEK Inc. continuously monitors market conditions and
competitors' activities to stay informed and maintain a competitive advantage.

1.5 Industry trends and innovations

The technology industry is characterized by rapid innovation and continuous progress. GAO
TEK Inc. stays at the forefront of industry trends and technology developments to provide
customers with cutting-edge solutions. We closely monitor emerging technologies such as
[relevant technologies mentioned] in order to anticipate market needs and actively develop
products and services in line with industry trends.

1.6 Market Challenges and Opportunities

The technology industry presents a variety of challenges and opportunities for companies like
GAO TEK Inc. Challenges include keeping up with evolving customer preferences, facing
fierce competition, and adapting to rapidly changing market dynamics. However, the industry
is also provided with significant growth and expansion opportunities by factors such as digital
transformation, increasing demand for technology solutions, and emerging markets. GAO TEK
Inc. strives to meet these challenges while leveraging favourable market conditions to drive its
business forward.

1.7 Strategic Focus of GAO TEK Inc.

GAO TEK Inc. has a strategic focus on innovation, customer satisfaction and market
expansion. The company invests in research and development to drive technological
advancement and stay ahead of industry trends. Additionally, GAO TEK Inc. attaches great
importance to customer satisfaction by providing comprehensive support, customization
options, and timely delivery of products and services. The company's strategic initiatives are
aimed at establishing GAO TEK Inc. as a market leader and promoting long-term success in
the technology industry. This chapter provided a detailed overview of the industry specific to
GAO TEK Inc. in the technology field. The discussion highlighted GAO TEK Inc.'s role,
market position, key competitors, industry trends, challenges and opportunities. To understand
the operations of GAO TEK Inc. and the company's HR internship experience, it is important
to understand the broader industry context.



1.1 Brief History:

GAO TEK Inc. was founded in 1992 by Frank GAO with a vision to develop innovative and
reliable technology solutions. The company started with a focus on research and development,
investing significant resources in exploring new technologies and identifying market
opportunities. Over the years, GAO TEK Inc. expanded globally, formed strategic partnerships,
and built a strong presence in the international market. Today, the company is recognized as a
reputable provider of cutting-edge technology solutions.

1.2 Vision:

GAO TEK Inc.'s vision is to be a global leader in providing innovative and reliable technology
solutions that enhance the lives of individuals and businesses worldwide.

1.3 Mission:

The mission of GAO TEK Inc. is to develop and deliver cutting-edge electronic products and
solutions that meet the evolving needs of customers. The company aims to achieve this through
continuous innovation, superior customer service, and a commitment to excellence.

1.4 Goals and Objectives:

Develop and introduce innovative products and solutions that address market demands and
technological advancements.

Expand the customer base and increase market share globally.

Enhance customer satisfaction through personalized service, customization options, and timely

Foster strategic partnerships with industry leaders to strengthen market position and expand
product offerings.

Promote a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous learning among employees.

Maintain a strong financial position and sustainable growth.

1.5 Strategic Planning:

GAO TEK Inc. engages in strategic planning to align its actions and resources with its long-
term objectives. This involves assessing market trends, identifying opportunities and
challenges, setting specific goals, and formulating strategies to achieve them. The company
regularly reviews and updates its strategic plans to adapt to the ever-changing technology
landscape and maintain a competitive edge.

1.6 Core Values:

Innovation: GAO TEK Inc. values creativity and encourages employees to think outside the
box to develop ground-breaking solutions.

Integrity: The Company emphasizes ethical conduct, transparency, and honesty in all its
business practices.

Excellence: GAO TEK Inc. strives for excellence in every aspect, from product design and
development to customer service and support.

Customer Focus: The Company places a strong emphasis on understanding and meeting
customer needs and providing exceptional service.

1.7 Products and Services:

GAO TEK Inc. offers a diverse range of electronic products and solutions across various
verticals and industries. The company's product portfolio includes but is not limited to:

Test and Measurement Instruments

Network and Communication Equipment

Fiber Optic Equipment
RFID Systems

Security and Surveillance Systems

Telecommunication Equipment

Medical and Healthcare Devices

Industrial Automation Solutions

IoT (Internet of Things) Solutions

Brief Organizational Structure, Culture, Internal Environment, Leadership Style of Managers,
Motivational and Controlling Techniques

2.1 Organizational Structure:

GAO TEK Inc. has a hierarchical organizational structure, with clear lines of authority and
responsibility. The structure consists of various departments, such as research and
development, production, marketing, sales, customer service, and administration. Each
department is headed by a manager who oversees the operations and reports to higher-level

2.2 Culture and Internal Environment:

GAO TEK Inc. fosters a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement.
The company encourages open communication and teamwork among employees, promoting a
supportive and inclusive work environment. The internal environment emphasizes learning and
growth, with opportunities for employees to enhance their skills and knowledge through
training and development programs.

2.3 Leadership Style of Managers:

Managers at GAO TEK Inc. exhibit a participative leadership style, where they encourage
employee involvement, collaboration, and decision-making. They value input from team
members, listen to their ideas and concerns, and empower them to contribute to the company's
success. Managers provide guidance, support, and resources to help employees achieve their

2.4 Motivational and Controlling Techniques:

GAO TEK Inc. recognizes the critical importance of both motivational and controlling
techniques in optimizing managerial skills and fostering a productive work environment. The
company has implemented a range of strategies to motivate employees and ensure effective
control over processes, ultimately contributing to its success. Here, we elaborate on these

Recognition and Rewards: GAO TEK Inc. understands that acknowledging outstanding
performance is a powerful motivator. The company has established a robust system of
recognizing and rewarding employees who excel in their roles. This not only serves as an
incentive for individuals to consistently perform at their best but also instils a sense of
achievement and pride among the workforce.

Training and Development: GAO TEK Inc. heavily invests in employee training and
development programs. These initiatives are designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of
its workforce, allowing individuals to grow both personally and professionally. By providing
opportunities for continuous learning and improvement, the company not only benefits from a
more skilled workforce but also demonstrates its commitment to employee growth and

Performance Evaluation: Performance evaluation is a fundamental part of GAO TEK Inc.'s

approach to employee development. The company employs structured performance evaluation
systems that assess employee performance objectively. These evaluations provide employees
with constructive feedback, helping them understand their strengths and areas for
improvement. Such feedback-driven processes foster continuous growth and contribute to a
culture of accountability.

Clear Communication: Effective communication is a cornerstone of GAO TEK Inc.'s

management strategy. Managers within the organization maintain open and transparent lines
of communication with their teams. This ensures that employees are well-informed about
company goals, expectations, and performance feedback. The practice of clear and regular
communication enhances alignment with the company's vision and facilitates a shared sense of
purpose among employees.

Empowerment and Autonomy: GAO TEK Inc. empowers its employees by delegating
responsibilities and granting them the autonomy to make decisions within their roles. This
empowerment not only boosts motivation but also nurtures a sense of ownership and
accountability among employees. It fosters an environment where individuals take pride in
their work and actively contribute to the company's success.

Controlling Techniques: In addition to motivational strategies, GAO TEK Inc. employs

controlling techniques to ensure efficiency and adherence to company policies and quality
standards. This includes regular performance reviews and assessments that allow the company
to monitor progress, identify areas of improvement, and maintain consistency in its operations.
These controls help GAO TEK Inc. adapt to changing circumstances and maintain high-quality


4.1 Human Resource

Indeed, human resources are undeniably the lifeblood of any organization, serving as the
foundation upon which its success is built. Within the complex machinery of an organization,
human resources stand out as the most pivotal and influential factor. It's essential to emphasize
the profound impact that dynamic and effective individuals can have on the development and
sustainability of an enterprise.

Human resources encompass not just the number of employees but their diverse skills,
experiences, and collective wisdom. These dynamic individuals are responsible for driving
innovation, achieving goals, and ultimately shaping the organization's culture and identity.

The dynamic nature of human resources is particularly notable. In an era marked by rapid
technological advancements and evolving market landscapes, it's the people within an
organization who adapt, innovate, and steer the company through these changes. Their ability
to embrace change, learn new skills, and respond to emerging challenges is what transforms a
static entity into a dynamic enterprise capable of thriving in a dynamic environment.

Effective human resource management entails recruiting, nurturing, and retaining talent,
fostering an environment of continuous learning and development, and ensuring that the
workforce is aligned with the organization's mission and objectives. It involves recognizing
and harnessing the unique strengths and potential of each individual to collectively drive the
organization towards its goals.

In essence, human resources are the heart and soul of an organization. Their commitment,
creativity, and dedication fuel the organization's growth and resilience. As the technology
industry, in particular, continues to evolve, organizations like GAO TEK Inc., mentioned
earlier, rely on the expertise and innovation of their human resources to maintain their
competitive edge. In conclusion, while all factors of production are essential, it is the dynamic
and effective people within an organization who truly breathe life into it and propel it toward

4.2 Information System

Information System, an integrated set of components for collecting, storing, and processing
data and for providing information, knowledge, and digital products. Business firms and other
organizations rely on information systems to carry out and manage their operations, interact
with their customers and suppliers, and compete in the marketplace.

The main components of information systems are computer hardware and software,
telecommunications, databases and data warehouses, human resources, and procedures. The
hardware, software, and telecommunications constitute information technology (IT), which is
now ingrained in the operations and management of organizations.

4.3 Human Resource Information System

A Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is a vital technology platform utilized by

organizations to manage various aspects of their workforce efficiently. HRIS solutions are
designed to encompass a wide range of functionalities, catering to the entire spectrum of
Human Resources Management (HRM) activities. These encompass recruitment, employee on
boarding, performance management, learning and development, compensation and benefits
administration, as well as employee record-keeping.
One of the primary advantages of an HRIS is its ability to centralize and organize HR-related
data. It serves as a comprehensive database that houses crucial employee information, such as
personal details, work history, training records, and performance evaluations. This centralized
repository not only ensures data accuracy but also simplifies data retrieval and reporting, saving
HR professionals valuable time.
Furthermore, the integration of mobile accessibility and self-service portals in modern HRIS
systems empowers employees and managers to access and manage their information, submit
time-off requests, and participate in performance evaluations independently. This self-service
capability not only reduces the administrative burden on HR departments but also enhances
employee engagement and satisfaction by giving them greater control over their HR-related
Robust reporting and analytics tools within HRIS enable HR professionals to make informed,
data-driven decisions. They can generate various reports and analyse trends, helping
organizations identify areas for improvement, implement strategic HR initiatives, and ensure
compliance with labour laws and regulations.

4.4 HRIS & GAO TEK Inc.


- Single Window
- Canteen - Corporate - TNI assessment
- Time Office -Housing - Induction & OJT
- CSR Flagship - Apprentices
- HRD - Transport
- Vocational
- Nearby Village Training
- IR/ Legal & - Welfare Facilities development
Contract Labour
- Tech workshops
- Schools & Clubs - Boundary
- Medical Management
Services - Mgmt services
- Hindi
Implementation - Succession

• Half yearly meeting with ED - Issue based discussion
- Communication Meeting
• Quarterly Meeting with CGM(HR)
• Periodic meetings of Welfare Committees:
- Canteen Comm
- Transport Comm
- Township Welfare Comm
- Quarter Allotment Comm
• Half yearly Communication Meeting Periodic Interaction with Newly joined Officers
• Monthly communication of ED on Intranet
• Fortnightly publication of in-house journal “Darpan”
• “Hriday Se” Weekly message from Director (HR)
• Periodic webcast of Director(R)

Thrust Areas:
• Medical & Healthcare; Sanitation
• Women Empowerment
• Education
• Clean Drinking Water
• Solar Energy
• Rural Development
In GAO Tek Inc. to manage their different department and their section they have a common
information system which is used by different department in different manner according to
their needs

4.4.2 Information System

In GAO TEK Inc. a common IS is used which is known as System Application and Product
in Data Processing (SAP). SAP is business software which is Germany based and come is use
in 2004 by the organisation (GAO Tek Inc.).It was a revolution in Data management which has
reduced paper work by 90% and provide a easy access to data.


4.5.1 Mastering SAP for HR Value chain

SAP-HR Sub Modules Implemented


1. Enterprise Structure
Personnel AreaS
• Captures the place of posting / location of an employee all across GAO Tek Inc.
• For Example:- GAO Tek Inc,244 Fifth Avenue, Suite A31,Manhattan, New York, N.Y.,
10001, USA
Personnel Sub-Area
• Captures the department the employee is working in.
• For Example- Human Resource, Corporate Information Systems, Production
Section derived from the Organization Management sub-Module.
2. Personnel Structure



Units of information in the Human Resource Management System
Records employee data for administrative, time recording, and payroll purposes
Groups related data fields together.
Provides information with a structure, facilitate data entry, and enables data storage for
specific periods
Standard info types
Standard info type is the info type are those which is predefine in the system it starts
with 01.

Costume info types

They are the info type which is design according to the need of the organisation which
start with 09. Example:



 Organizational Management is based on the concept that each element in an

organization represents a stand-alone object with individual characteristics. These
objects are created and maintained separately, then linked together through
relationships to form a network.
 Following are the objects used in an organizational plan:
• Organizational unit (O)
• Position (S)
• Person (P)
Cost Center (K)
• An Object comprises of:
• A short and long description
• An 8-digit ID number
• A relationship which defines the link between the object and other object
• Specific object characteristics
• A validity period and a time constraint
• A status indicator
• Relationship between two objects creates a hierarchy and that depicts the enterprise’s
Organizational Structure.
 Org. Unit- O
• For the object Organizational Unit, the info types maintained are
o Object (1000)
o Relationship (1001)
o Description (1002)
o Account Assignment (1008) and Various Other Infotypes
• Organizational units have a relationship to other organizational units as well positions
and other objects.
• Following are the relationships created to organizational units.
o Organizational Unit to Organizational Unit
o Organizational Unit to Position
o Organizational Unit to Cost Center
• The object id for Org. Units starts with 6 and are 8 digit long.
The description maintained in IT 1002 is known as flagging. It identifies the Org. Unit
as a location, Deptt. Section, sub section, sales area etc.
• Org. Unit- O
Not doing the flagging can lead to many issues.
For eg: In ESS Configurable Workflow framework an agent is maintained at a location
type org. unit level. In case no flagging is done and an application is made through ESS
by and employee at a sub section level then the system will search up in the hierarchy
till it finds a location type Org. Unit. In case the flagging is not done for the location
the system will not be able to identify the same and will result in error.
 Position - S
• For the object Position the info types maintained are
o Object (1000)
o Relationship (1001)

• Positions have a relationship to organizational units as well as other positions
and holders.
• As a practice in IOC one position can have only one holder at a given point of

• Following are the relationships created to positions:

o Position to Organizational Unit
o Position to Position
o Position to Cost Center
• The object id for Position starts with 8 and are 8 digit long.
 Person - P
• Persons are the employees that hold positions within the organization.
• Persons are linked to the organizational structures via their assignment to a
Information for a person is maintained in the Personnel Administration (PA)
modules of the system
 Cost center - K
• Cost centers are maintained in Financial Accounting.
• They are maintained at Org. Unit level but can also have a direct relationship
with a position in exceptional cases.

4.10 Interlinking of OM and PA Modules

4.11 Configurable Workflow Framework

Understanding the concept of Configurable workflow framework and how the workflows are
triggered to the approver.
• ESS: Conceptual Understanding
• ESS Workflow is based on the Reporting Relationship captured in the Organization
Management (OM) module

• All verifiers/approvers would be mapped in OM as Agents.

• A Configurable Workflow framework (CWF) guides as to how each ESS would behave
in terms of:
• Numbers of levels of approval
• Who the approver/verifier is
• CWF gives us lot of flexibility to have a more scalable and adaptable design well suited
to meet all the needs of different Divisions

Let’s conclude our topic:

HRIS is the modern method used in the used in various organisations for the process of data
management and to follow the trend IOCl is using the modern method since early 20s SAP was
setup long before but developed according to the need time and wants of the employees,
department, units etc.
As employees proper training to make them understand the software also is one of the major
reasons to make the implementation successful.


In this chapter, we will conduct an in-depth analysis of the industry in which GAO TEK Inc.
operates using the SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) and
Porter's Five Forces Model. These frameworks will provide a comprehensive assessment of the
industry dynamics, helping GAO TEK Inc. identify key areas of focus and opportunities for

3.1 SWOT Analysis:

3.1.1 Strengths:

 Strong reputation and brand recognition in the technology industry.

 Commitment to innovation and continuous research and development.
 Diverse product portfolio catering to various verticals and industries.
 Global presence and established sales networks.
 Emphasis on customer satisfaction and superior customer service.
 Strategic partnerships with industry leaders.
 Strong financial position and sustainable growth.
3.1.2 Weaknesses:

 Relatively smaller market share compared to some competitors.

 Dependence on external suppliers for certain components.
 Limited awareness in emerging markets.
 Need for continuous investment in research and development.
3.1.3 Opportunities:

 Growing demand for technology solutions globally.

 Emerging markets with untapped potential.
 Digital transformation and the increasing adoption of IoT and connected devices.
 Expansion into new verticals and industries.
 Potential for strategic acquisitions or partnerships to enhance market presence.
 Increasing focus on sustainability and environmentally friendly solutions.

3.1.4 Threats:

 Intense competition from well-established technology companies.

 Rapid technological advancements requiring continuous innovation.
 Economic fluctuations and market uncertainties.
 Potential disruptions in the supply chain.
 Changing regulatory landscape and compliance requirements.
 Potential cybersecurity threats and data breaches.

Porter's Five Forces Model is a powerful tool for analysing the competitive dynamics
within an industry. Let's expand on each of the five forces to provide a more comprehensive
analysis of the technology industry and GAO TEK Inc.'s position within it.

3.2.1 Threat of New Entrants:

The technology industry has a moderate to high threat of new entrants due to relatively low
barriers to entry. The industry's rapid growth and innovation attract new players, including
start-ups and companies from other industries seeking to capitalize on technological
advancements. These new entrants can bring disruptive technologies, innovative business
models, and fresh perspectives that challenge established players like GAO TEK Inc. However,
GAO TEK Inc. benefits from its economies of scale, brand recognition, and customer
relationships, which act as significant barriers to entry. The company's established market
presence, global reach, and strong sales networks make it difficult for new entrants to quickly
gain market share. Furthermore, GAO TEK Inc.'s emphasis on research and development
enables the company to continuously innovate, keeping it at the forefront of the industry and
creating further barriers to entry.

3.2.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers:

Suppliers in the technology industry hold a relatively high bargaining power due to the
specialized nature of certain components and technologies. These suppliers often have unique
expertise or proprietary technologies that are crucial for manufacturing electronic products.
This can give them the ability to dictate terms, pricing, and supply availability. However, GAO
TEK Inc. can mitigate the supplier's bargaining power by maintaining strong relationships with
suppliers. By fostering long-term partnerships, GAO TEK Inc. can secure favourable contracts,
preferential pricing, and priority access to critical components. The company can also explore

Alternative sourcing options, engage in strategic alliances, or vertically integrate parts of the
supply chain to reduce dependency on specific suppliers.

3.2.3 Bargaining Power of Buyers:

Buyers in the technology industry have moderate to high bargaining power due to the
availability of alternative products and the presence of numerous competitors. Buyers can
compare product features, pricing, and service levels across different suppliers, giving them
leverage in negotiations. Additionally, technology products often have high switching costs,
making it easier for buyers to switch suppliers if they perceive better value elsewhere. To
mitigate the buyer's bargaining power, GAO TEK Inc. must emphasize customer satisfaction,
product quality, and superior service. By providing personalized solutions, customization
options, and excellent after-sales support, GAO TEK Inc. can differentiate itself from
competitors and build strong customer relationships. Additionally, the company can offer
loyalty programs, volume discounts, or value-added services to incentivize customer loyalty
and reduce the buyer's inclination to switch suppliers.

3.2.4 Threat of Substitutes:

The threat of substitutes in the technology industry is high due to the rapid pace of technological
advancements and the continuous emergence of new products and solutions. GAO TEK Inc.
needs to continuously innovate and offer differentiated and superior products to mitigate the
threat of substitutes. By staying at the forefront of technology trends and understanding
customer needs, the company can provide unique value propositions that make it difficult for
customers to switch to substitutes. GAO TEK Inc. can also invest in research and development
to develop proprietary technologies and establish patents or intellectual property rights, further
protecting against substitute products.

3.2.5 Competitive Rivalry:

The competitive rivalry in the technology industry is intense, with numerous well-established
companies competing for market share. GAO TEK Inc. faces competition from both large
corporations and smaller niche players. To maintain a competitive advantage, GAO TEK Inc.
needs to emphasize its strengths, such as innovation, customer service, and strategic
partnerships. By continuously improving its products and services, exploring new market
opportunities, and differentiating itself from competitors, GAO TEK Inc. can enhance its
competitive position. Additionally, building strong customer relationships and providing
excellent after-sales support can help retain customers and reduce the risk of switching to
GAO TEK Inc. operates in a technology industry characterized by a moderate to high threat of
new entrants, high bargaining power of suppliers, high bargaining power of buyers, high threat
of substitutes, and intense competitive rivalry. However, GAO TEK Inc. has established a
strong market position, leveraging its economies of scale, brand recognition, and customer
relationships to mitigate these forces. By continuously focusing on innovation, customer
satisfaction, and strategic partnerships, GAO TEK Inc. can maintain its competitive advantage
and thrive in the dynamic technology industry.

3.3 PESTEL Analysis:

3.3.1 Political Factors:

Political factors encompass the influence of governmental policies, regulations, and stability
on the industry. In the technology sector, political factors can include government support for
research and development, intellectual property protection, cybersecurity regulations, and data
privacy laws. GAO TEK Inc. must stay compliant with relevant regulations and policies while
leveraging government initiatives and support to drive innovation and expand its market
presence. Political stability in key markets is also essential for maintaining a conducive
business environment and fostering long-term investments.

3.3.2 Economic Factors:

Economic factors analyse the impact of macroeconomic conditions on the industry. Economic
indicators such as GDP growth, inflation rates, exchange rates, and consumer spending patterns
can influence the demand for technology products and services. GAO TEK Inc. needs to
monitor economic trends and adapt its strategies accordingly. A strong economy generally
leads to increased investment in technology, presenting growth opportunities. However,
economic downturns or market fluctuations may impact customer spending, requiring GAO
TEK Inc. to adjust its pricing, marketing, and expansion plans. Moreover, the availability of
favourable financing options and access to capital markets can significantly impact the
company's ability to fund its operations and invest in growth initiatives.

3.3.3 Social Factors:

Social factors refer to the societal and cultural influences on the industry. Changing consumer
preferences, demographics, lifestyle trends, and social values can impact the demand for
technology products and services. GAO TEK Inc. must stay attuned to societal changes and

Evolving customer needs to develop products that align with consumer expectations. Factors
such as the increasing focus on sustainability and ethical consumption can also influence
purchasing decisions, creating opportunities for GAO TEK Inc. to develop environmentally
friendly solutions. Additionally, the company should consider social aspects such as diversity
and inclusion in its workforce and marketing efforts to appeal to a broad range of customers.

3.3.4 Technological Factors:

Technological factors analyse the impact of innovation and technological advancements on the
industry. The technology sector is characterized by rapid developments, including artificial
intelligence, machine learning, block chain, and Internet of Things (IoT). GAO TEK Inc. needs
to embrace technological advancements, invest in research and development, and stay at the
forefront of emerging technologies. By leveraging these advancements, GAO TEK Inc. can
develop cutting-edge solutions that address customer needs and gain a competitive advantage.
Additionally, the company should monitor technological trends, collaborate with technology
partners, and foster a culture of innovation to ensure its offerings remain relevant and meet the
evolving demands of the market.

3.3.5 Environmental Factors:

Environmental factors focus on the industry's impact on the environment and the company's
commitment to sustainability. The technology sector, although contributing to innovation and
efficiency, also faces scrutiny regarding its environmental footprint. GAO TEK Inc. should
prioritize environmentally friendly practices, such as reducing energy consumption, using
recyclable materials, and minimizing waste. By integrating sustainability into its operations,
GAO TEK Inc. can enhance its reputation and appeal to environmentally conscious customers
and stakeholders. Moreover, the company can explore opportunities to develop eco-friendly
technologies and solutions that address environmental challenges, such as energy efficiency or
renewable energy applications.

3.3.6 Legal Factors:

Legal factors encompass the laws, regulations, and compliance requirements that impact the
industry. In the technology sector, legal factors can include intellectual property laws, data
protection regulations, consumer protection laws, and international trade policies. GAO TEK
Inc. must ensure compliance with these laws to protect its intellectual property, safeguard
customer data, and operate within legal frameworks. Staying updated on evolving legal
requirements and proactively addressing legal challenges is crucial for the company's success.

GAO TEK Inc. should also consider any potential changes in regulations or new legislation
that may affect its operations, market access, or cross-border activities.

The PESTEL analysis provides insights into the industry's Political, Economic, Social,
Technological, Environmental, and Legal factors. GAO TEK Inc. needs to navigate these
factors effectively to capitalize on opportunities, mitigate risks, and ensure its long-term
success. By aligning its strategies with the prevailing political, economic, social, technological,
environmental, and legal landscape, GAO TEK Inc. can adapt to market changes, comply with
regulations, and meet customer expectations. This analysis helps GAO TEK Inc. make
informed decisions, proactively respond to external influences, and position itself as a
sustainable and innovative leader in the technology industry.

The BCG Matrix is a strategic tool used to analyse a company's portfolio of products or
business units based on their market growth rate and relative market share. It classifies the
products/business units into four categories: Stars, Cash Cows, Question Marks, and Dogs.
Let's apply the BCG Matrix to analyse GAO TEK Inc.'s product portfolio:

BCG Matrix Analysis:

The BCG Matrix is a strategic tool that helps companies analyse their product portfolio based
on the market growth rate and relative market share of each product or business unit. By
categorizing products into four quadrants - Stars, Cash Cows, Question Marks, and Dogs - the
BCG Matrix provides insights into the strategic positioning and potential of each product or
business unit. Let's apply the BCG Matrix to GAO TEK Inc.'s product portfolio:

4.1 Stars:

Stars represent products or business units with high market growth rate and a high relative
market share. These products have significant growth potential and can become the future Cash
Cows of the company. In GAO TEK Inc.'s product portfolio, the Stars could be its recently
launched innovative products or solutions that have gained significant market share and are
growing rapidly. These products have the potential to disrupt the market and generate
substantial revenue. To capitalize on the growth opportunities, GAO TEK Inc. should continue
to invest in product development, marketing, and distribution to maintain their competitive
advantage and sustain their growth trajectory. Additionally, the company should focus on
expanding its customer base and market share in order to solidify its position as a market leader
in these product categories.
4.2 Cash Cows:

Cash Cows represent products or business units with low market growth rate but a high relative
market share. These are the established and profitable products that generate a steady stream
of revenue for the company. In GAO TEK Inc.'s product portfolio, the Cash Cows could be its
mature and well-established products that dominate the market. These products have reached
a stable phase in their lifecycle and require less investment and resources to maintain. They
generate consistent cash flow and contribute to the overall financial stability of the company.
GAO TEK Inc. should continue to leverage and maximize the profitability of its Cash Cows
by optimizing their production, reducing costs, and exploring new market segments or
geographic regions where these products have not yet reached their full potential. The company
can allocate the excess cash generated by these products to support the growth of its Stars or
invest in new product development.

4.3 Question Marks:

Question Marks, also known as Problem Children or Wildcards, represent products or business
units with high market growth rate but a low relative market share. These products are in the
early stages of development and face uncertain market acceptance. In GAO TEK Inc.'s product
portfolio, the Question Marks could be the emerging or newly introduced products that have
shown potential but have not yet gained a significant market share. While these products have
promising growth prospects, they require careful evaluation and strategic decision-making.
GAO TEK Inc. should invest in market research, product development, and marketing efforts
to increase their market share and position them as future Stars. The company should closely
monitor the performance of these products and be prepared to make adjustments or allocate
additional resources as necessary. Alternatively, if a Question Mark does not show promising
growth potential or faces intense competition, GAO TEK Inc. may consider divesting or
discontinuing it to reallocate resources to more promising areas of the business.

4.4 Dogs:

Dogs represent products or business units with low market growth rate and a low relative
market share. These products have either reached the end of their lifecycle or face intense
competition in the market. In GAO TEK Inc.'s product portfolio, the Dogs could be the
products that have become outdated or have been surpassed by competitors. These products no
longer hold a significant market share and may not generate substantial profits. GAO TEK Inc.
should evaluate the viability of these products and make strategic decisions regarding their
future. The company may choose to divest or discontinue Dogs to free up resources and focus
On products with higher growth potential. However, it's important to consider factors such as
brand reputation, customer loyalty, and potential for repositioning before making such

By using the BCG Matrix, GAO TEK Inc. gains valuable insights into the performance and
potential of its product portfolio. The company can allocate resources appropriately by
investing in Stars and Question Marks with growth potential while optimizing Cash Cows for
profitability. Regular review and analysis of the BCG Matrix will help GAO TEK Inc. maintain
a balanced portfolio and drive sustainable growth in the technology industry. Furthermore, the
BCG Matrix serves as a strategic framework to guide decision-making and resource allocation,
ensuring that GAO TEK Inc. focuses on the right products and business units to maximize its
competitive advantage and achieve long-term success.



Research methodology is the cornerstone of any scholarly investigation, providing a structured
framework for researchers to navigate the complex terrain of data collection, analysis, and
interpretation. It is essentially the roadmap that guides researchers in their quest to produce
valid and reliable results that effectively address the research aims, objectives, and overarching
One of the primary considerations within research methodology is the determination of the type
of data to collect. Researchers must make a critical decision on whether to employ qualitative
or quantitative data. Qualitative data delves into the intricacies of human experiences,
emotions, and behaviours, offering in-depth insights through techniques such as interviews,
observations, or content analysis. On the other hand, quantitative data entails the use of
numerical data and statistical analyses to establish patterns and relationships, often collected
through surveys, experiments, or structured observations. This pivotal choice depends on the
nature of the research questions and the depth of understanding sought.
The sampling strategy represents another critical aspect of research methodology. It
encompasses the selection of individuals or entities from the broader population, aiming to
ensure that the collected data is representative and generalizable. Researchers need to ponder
over the appropriate sampling method, whether it be random sampling, stratified sampling,
purposive sampling, or others. This choice profoundly influences the external validity of the
research findings.
Furthermore, research methodology guides the decision-making process regarding data
collection methods. This involves considering whether face-to-face interviews, online surveys,
laboratory experiments, or field observations best suit the research objectives. The chosen
method should align with the research's context, resources, and ethical considerations, ensuring
data is collected effectively and ethically.
 What type of data to collect (e.g., qualitative or quantitative data)
 Who to collect it from (i.e., the sampling strategy)
 How to collect it (i.e., the data collection method)
How to analyse it (i.e., the data analysis methods)


Research serves as the systematic quest for knowledge and understanding through the rigorous
application of scientific procedures. Its primary purpose is to unearth answers to questions,
shedding light on the concealed truths that have yet to be uncovered. While each research
endeavour carries its unique objectives, these can broadly fall into several categories, each
serving a distinct purpose:
1. Exploratory or Investigative Research Studies: These studies aim to achieve a better
understanding of a phenomenon or subject, often delving into areas where knowledge
is limited or where no prior research exists. They seek to gain familiarity and generate
new insights, making them valuable for paving the way for further research.

2. Descriptive Research Studies: In this type of research, the primary goal is to provide a
comprehensive and accurate portrayal of the characteristics of a particular individual,
situation, or group. Descriptive research aims to capture details and attributes, painting
a clear picture of the subject of study.

3. Diagnostic Research Studies: The focus of diagnostic research is on determining the

frequency of an occurrence or understanding the associations between variables. These
studies delve into causality, seeking to identify the reasons behind certain phenomena
or behaviours. They are valuable for identifying patterns and trends.

4. Hypothesis-Testing Research Studies: When researchers have specific hypotheses or

causal relationships in mind, they embark on hypothesis-testing research studies. These
endeavours are designed to rigorously test these hypotheses, employing scientific
methodologies and statistical analyses to ascertain the validity of proposed relationships
between variables.

In addition to these categories, research can also be classified as basic or applied research,
depending on its broader purpose. Basic research aims to expand fundamental knowledge and
may not have immediate practical applications, while applied research is directed toward
addressing specific, practical problems or challenges.

In essence, the diverse objectives of research serve as a multifaceted tool for unravelling the
mysteries of the world around us.

Observational research, as its name implies, is a research method that relies on the systematic
and unobtrusive observation of people's behavior, actions, or phenomena in their natural
settings. It serves as a valuable approach for collecting relevant information and data without
direct intervention or manipulation of the subjects being studied.
This method is often referred to as a "participatory study" because it requires the researcher to
actively engage with the environment and individuals under observation. To conduct
observational research effectively, the researcher must establish a close connection with the
subjects, immersing themselves in the same setting and context as the participants. This
immersion allows the researcher to gain deeper insights into the behaviors, interactions, and
occurrences within the studied environment.
Observational research methods can vary in terms of their level of involvement and interaction
with the observed subjects. There are two primary types of observational research:

1. Participant Observation: In this approach, the researcher actively participates in the

activities, experiences, or interactions of the subjects being studied. By becoming part
of the environment, the researcher can gain an insider's perspective, understand
nuances, and collect data that might not be accessible through other research methods.
This deep involvement often requires building trust and rapport with the participants.

2. Non-participant Observation: Alternatively, non-participant observation involves the

researcher observing subjects without directly engaging in their activities. This method
maintains a more objective stance, allowing the researcher to record observations
without influencing the behaviour of those being observed. Non-participant observation
is often used when a more distant, unbiased perspective is required.

Observational research typically involves the careful recording and note-taking of

observations. Researchers use various tools, such as field notes, audio or video recordings,
photographs, and structured checklists, to document their findings. These recorded
observations serve as the basis for analysis and interpretation.

Observational research can be applied in various fields, including anthropology, psychology,

sociology, education, and marketing.

5.4 Why I have used this method
The choice of using observational research as a research method can be influenced by several
key factors that make it an appropriate and valuable approach. Here are some detailed
explanations for why someone might opt for this method:

1. Systematic Approach: Observational research offers a systematic way to collect data. It

involves a structured and organized process for observing and recording information.
Researchers can establish clear protocols for data collection, ensuring that observations
are consistent and reliable.

2. Specific Data Collection: Observational research allows for the collection of specific
and precise data. Researchers can focus on particular behaviours, interactions, or events
of interest, which can be especially valuable when studying intricate or nuanced
phenomena. This specificity enables researchers to answer detailed research questions

3. Affair of Eyes Involvement: Observation is often referred to as the "affair of eyes"

because it relies on the power of keen observation skills. Researchers use their senses,
primarily sight, to gather data, making it a direct and unmediated method. This
involvement of the senses can lead to rich and authentic data collection, especially when
studying human behaviour in real-life settings.

4. Verifiability: Observational research is characterized by its verifiability. Since

observations are made directly, they can be confirmed or corroborated by other
researchers or through repeated observations. This enhances the credibility and validity
of the collected data.

5. Defined Research Aim: Researchers choose observational research when they have
well-defined research aims. This method is particularly suited for addressing specific
research questions or hypotheses. Researchers can tailor their observations to align with
their research objectives, ensuring that the data collected directly contributes to the
study's goals.

6. Naturalistic Understanding: Observational research excels in providing a naturalistic

understanding of phenomena. By observing people or events in their natural settings,
researchers can gain insights into how individuals behave, interact, or respond in real-
life situations. This naturalistic perspective is valuable for capturing the complexities
of human behaviour and social dynamics.

7. Contextual Insight: Observational research allows researchers to capture the contextual

factors that influence behaviour or events. It provides an opportunity to examine the
environment, social norms, and situational factors that may affect the subjects under
observation. This contextual insight can be crucial for a comprehensive understanding
of the research subject.

In conclusion, the decision to employ observational research as a research method is driven by

its systematic, specific, and verifiable nature. This approach is particularly suited for studies
where the involvement of keen observation skills, a well-defined aim, and a naturalistic
understanding of phenomena are required. Researchers can use this method to gather precise
data and gain insights into human behaviour and social interactions within their real-life


The significance of research extends across various domains and is instrumental in fostering
progress and informed decision-making. Let's delve further into the importance of research,
particularly in the context of scientific inquiry, problem-solving, and its role in economics and

1. Fostering Inquiry and Invention: As the quote by Hudson Maxim suggests, research
thrives on doubt and inquiry. It encourages individuals to question the status quo, seek
answers to unresolved questions, and push the boundaries of knowledge. In this
process, invention and innovation often emerge, driving advancements in various
2. Promoting Scientific and Inductive Thinking: Research encourages individuals to think
scientifically and inductively. It requires careful observation, data collection, analysis,
and drawing conclusions based on evidence. This promotes a structured and systematic
approach to problem-solving, contributing to the development of critical thinking skills.
3. Cultivating Logical Habits of Thinking: Research is inherently logical and methodical.
Researchers must follow established procedures, analyse data objectively, and draw
valid conclusions. Engaging in research cultivates logical habits of thinking,
emphasizing the importance of evidence-based reasoning and sound judgment.
4. Addressing Operational Problems: In the realm of business and government, the
increasing complexity of operations and policymaking demands informed decision-
making. Research plays a pivotal role in identifying and solving operational problems.
It provides the necessary data and insights for businesses to optimize processes,
improve products, and enhance efficiency.
5. Enhancing Economic Policy: Research has become indispensable for shaping
economic policies at both the government and business levels. Economists and
policymakers rely on research findings to understand economic trends, assess the
impact of policies, and make informed choices to stimulate economic growth, manage
inflation, and address unemployment.
6. Supporting Strategic Planning: Research informs strategic planning by providing
critical information about market dynamics, consumer preferences, and competitive
landscapes. Businesses use research to formulate marketing strategies, design products,
and allocate resources effectively.
7. Contributing to Knowledge and Innovation: Research is the bedrock of knowledge
creation and dissemination. It adds to the existing body of knowledge, enabling society
to build on past discoveries and make breakthroughs in various fields, from science and
technology to medicine and social sciences.
In summary, research is a driving force behind progress, innovation, and informed decision-
making. It nurtures curiosity, logical thinking, and problem-solving skills, making it a
cornerstone of academic and practical endeavours. Its role in shaping economic policies,
improving operational efficiency, and contributing to the advancement of knowledge
underscores its profound significance in today's world.


Data collection is a crucial aspect of research, and researchers often utilize both primary and
secondary sources to gather the information they need. Let's explore additional sources of
secondary data beyond the internet:

1. Books and Academic Journals: Published books, textbooks, and academic journals are
valuable sources of secondary data. They contain a wealth of information, research
findings, and theories on a wide range of topics. Researchers often review these sources
to gain insights, build on existing knowledge, and support their research.

2. Government Publications: Government agencies produce a wealth of data and reports

on various subjects, including demographics, economics, public health, and more.
These publications can provide comprehensive and reliable secondary data for research

3. Industry Reports: Many industries produce reports, market analyses, and surveys that
offer valuable insights into specific sectors. These reports can be excellent sources of
secondary data for researchers interested in topics related to business, economics, and
market trends.

4. Archives and Libraries: Archives and libraries house historical records, manuscripts,
documents, and other materials that can serve as valuable sources of secondary data,
particularly for historical research or studies that require access to primary documents.

5. Surveys and Databases: Researchers can access existing surveys and databases that
contain data collected by other organizations or researchers. These sources are often
used in fields such as social sciences, economics, and healthcare.

6. News Media: News articles, broadcasts, and documentaries can provide a wealth of
information on current events, social issues, and trends. Researchers can analyse news
media as a source of secondary data to understand public perceptions and attitudes.

7. Company Reports: Companies regularly publish annual reports, financial statements,
and corporate documents that contain data on their performance, strategies, and market
conditions. Researchers interested in business and corporate studies often rely on these

8. Interviews and Oral Histories: Recorded interviews, oral histories, and personal
narratives can be valuable sources of secondary data for qualitative research. These
sources offer first-hand accounts and insights into historical events, personal
experiences, and cultural perspectives.

9. Dissertations and Theses: Academic dissertations and theses, available in university

libraries and digital repositories, provide in-depth research conducted by graduate
students. Researchers may use these documents as sources of secondary data, especially
when exploring niche topics.

10. Publicly Available Data Sets: Various organizations and institutions make data sets
publicly available for research purposes. These data sets cover diverse areas such as
demographics, climate, economics, and healthcare.

11. Market Research Reports: Market research firms compile data on consumer behaviour,
market trends, and industry performance. Researchers in marketing and business often
utilize these reports to support their studies.

12. Historical Records and Archives: Historical records, such as census data, diaries,
letters, and photographs, provide insights into the past and are valuable sources for
historical research.

Incorporating a combination of primary and secondary data from a variety of sources enhances
the depth and breadth of research projects, enabling researchers to explore diverse perspectives
and validate their findings with a robust body of evidence.



HRIS is the well-established method through a business software SAP.
We came to know about this through a tool questionnaire.
The following are the analysis:

1. Software used in GAO TEK Inc. the most for HRIS?

SAP 96.2%


2. Did the organisation provide any sort of assistance/training?

Yes 85.2%

No 7.4%

Maybe 7.4%

4. Which type of assistance/training was provided

Classroom training 3.7%

Online training 22.2%
On -the -job training 66.7%
Off - the - job training 7.4%

5. If training is provided are you satisfied with the following?

HS-highly Satisfied, S-Satisfied, Neutral, DS-Dis Satisfied, HSD- Highly Dis satisfied

6. Rate the following features of HRIS in your concern?

7. How has been the promotion of the following area by HRIS?

(VL - very low, L - Low, N - Neutral, H- high, VH- very high)

Rating of HRIS software?

1 3.7%
2 7.4%
3 0%
4 0%
5 3.7%
6 14.8%
7 0%
8 25.9%
9 11.1%
10 33.3%

1. HRIS is the systematic tool for data management
2.Provides easy accesses to data
3.provides backup
4.Have both front end and back end
5.users are highly satisfied with the software
6. software is well designed is user friendly related to software is also provided in best possible manner
9. software is safe to use
10. It is consistence
11. HRIS has provided positive results to both investors and management.
12. It also plays a major role in decision making
13.Providing regular training to employees and taking their suggestions on regular basis is
a good option for the scope of improvement

6.3 Limitation

Data Not 100% Accurate: Questionnaire responses may not always reflect true information,
as people can provide inaccurate or biased answers.

Sampling Errors: If the survey sample isn't representative, it can lead to errors in generalizing
findings to the broader population

Limited Depth: Questionnaires often use closed-ended questions, limiting the depth of
exploration on a complex topic like HRIS.

Generalization Challenge: Findings from a small set of questions may not apply to the entire
population being studied.

Resource Constraints: Developing and administering questionnaires can be time and


Contextual Understanding: Questionnaires may lack context, making it hard to fully

understand respondents' answers.

Causality Assessment: Questionnaires mainly show associations, making it challenging to

establish cause-and-effect relationships.


Industrial Behaviour and Discipline:

1. Professionalism:
 Punctuality and Regularity: The level of punctuality and regularity observed in the
workplace was striking. Employees consistently arrived on time for work, meetings,
and appointments. This was a clear demonstration of their dedication to their roles and
respect for the time of both colleagues and clients.

 Code of Conduct: Professionalism extended beyond punctuality. The employees

adhered to a well-defined code of conduct and ethical guidelines. This included honest
and transparent communication, respect for privacy and confidentiality, and a
commitment to maintaining the company's reputation.

2. Adaptability:
 Embracing Change: Given the rapidly changing nature of the technology industry,
adaptability was a core behaviour. Employees readily embraced changes in technology,
market dynamics, and even company procedures. This flexibility allowed the
organization to remain agile and responsive to evolving conditions.

 Learning Mind-set: The learning mind-set was evident throughout the organization.
Employees exhibited a strong willingness to acquire new skills and knowledge. They
participated in training programs, attended seminars, and actively sought out
opportunities to expand their expertise, ensuring they remained at the forefront of
industry developments.

3. Work Ethic:
 Commitment to Excellence: A strong work ethic was consistently on display.
Employees went above and beyond to ensure that their projects and tasks were executed
with the highest degree of quality and precision. This dedication to excellence
permeated every level of the organization.

 Responsibility and Accountability: A deep sense of responsibility and accountability
was observed in the workplace. Team members took ownership of their assignments,
which included meeting deadlines and achieving targets. This sense of personal
responsibility led to a strong culture of trust and reliability.

4. Teamwork:
 Effective Communication: Effective communication was the foundation of teamwork.
Employees openly shared ideas, insights, and information. This communication
facilitated efficient collaboration on projects, ensuring that everyone was on the same
page and working toward common objectives.

 Mutual Support: Employees actively supported one another. In times of challenge or

high-pressure situations, the workplace culture encouraged mutual support and
problem-solving. This sense of camaraderie boosted team morale and created a positive
work environment.

Key Learnings from the SIP:

1. Importance of Research and Development:

 Innovation Engine: The SIP experience underscored the fact that research and
development (R&D) is the engine of innovation in the technology industry. GAO TEK
Inc. emphasized that substantial investments in R&D are essential for introducing
innovative products and services.

 Market Relevance: Continuous R&D activities ensured that the company remained
relevant in the fast-changing market. The capacity to actively research and experiment
allowed GAO TEK Inc. to quickly respond to emerging market needs and trends,
keeping them ahead of competitors.

2. Customer-Centric Approach:
 Understanding Customer Needs: the Company’s customer-centric approach involved
actively understanding and addressing customer needs. I learned that customer

satisfaction is a primary focus. Employees at GAO TEK Inc. consistently engaged with
customers to gather feedback and tailored solutions to meet their specific requirements.

 Building Relationships: The customer-centric approach went beyond transactions. It

included building strong, lasting relationships. I observed that customers trusted GAO
TEK Inc. to provide solutions that precisely aligned with their unique needs. This trust
fostered loyalty and repeat business.

3. Continuous Learning:
 Industry Evolution: The technology sector's rapid evolution became evident during
the SIP. Staying updated on industry trends was vital. GAO TEK Inc. actively promoted
a culture of continuous learning and development, with employees constantly seeking
opportunities to enhance their skills and knowledge.

 Adaptation to Change: Adapting to change and learning new skills was a recurring
theme. The technology industry is highly dynamic, and I realized the importance of
staying informed about emerging technologies and trends to remain competitive.

4. Strategic Partnerships:
 Expanding Reach: Forming strategic partnerships with industry leaders was a
significant part of GAO TEK Inc.'s growth strategy. I learned that these collaborations
provided access to new markets, technologies, and resources, driving business

 Competitive Edge: Strategic partnerships allowed GAO TEK Inc. to leverage the
strengths of each partner, creating a competitive edge. These collaborations fostered
mutual growth and created a win-win situation for all parties involved.

5. Quality and Reliability:

 Non-Negotiable Factors: GAO TEK Inc.'s unwavering commitment to quality and
reliability was evident. I learned that these factors are not negotiable in the technology
industry. Customers rely on products and services to be dependable and consistent, and
the company's stringent quality control measures ensured this.

 Quality Control: Quality control was an integral part of the organization's product
development and production processes. I realized that ensuring that all offerings meet
the highest industry standards is critical to maintaining the company's reputation.

6. Innovation:
 Broad Perspective: Innovation at GAO TEK Inc. was not limited to product
development. It encompassed a broad perspective, including process innovation,
customer service, and creative problem-solving. I learned that fostering a culture of
innovation is essential for staying competitive in technology.

 Competitive Advantage: Being innovative gave the company a clear competitive

advantage. I saw how GAO TEK Inc. consistently pushed the boundaries of what was
technologically feasible. This not only met but often exceeded customer expectations
and set the company apart from competitors.

In summary, your SIP at GAO TEK Inc. offered you a comprehensive view of industrial
behaviour, discipline, and key learnings in the technology industry. These experiences and
lessons will undoubtedly contribute to your future career and provide a deeper understanding



1. Enhanced Market Research: GAO TEK Inc. should consider making substantial
investments in enhancing its market research capabilities. Embracing cutting-edge
technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data analytics will provide the company with
a competitive edge. By harnessing these tools, the company can delve deeper into market trends
and consumer behaviour. Furthermore, implementing advanced customer feedback analysis
and predictive analytics can enable GAO TEK Inc. to not only react to customer needs but to
proactively anticipate and address evolving preferences. This proactive approach to market
research will ensure that the company remains agile and responsive in an ever-changing

2. Diversification of Product Portfolio: While GAO TEK Inc. has already made strides in
offering a diverse range of products and services, there remains untapped potential for further
expansion of the product portfolio. The company should undertake a comprehensive
assessment of market demands, identifying niche markets and emerging technologies. By
creating specialized solutions tailored to these segments, GAO TEK Inc. can diversify its
revenue streams and reduce reliance on a specific market segment. This strategy not only
mitigates risks associated with market fluctuations but also positions the company to explore
previously uncharted markets, contributing to sustained growth and innovation.

3. Sustainability Initiatives: Given the increasing global focus on sustainability and

environmental responsibility, GAO TEK Inc. should consider adopting eco-friendly practices
throughout its operations. This includes efforts to reduce carbon emissions, minimize waste
generation, and source sustainable materials for its products. Additionally, the company can
explore opportunities to develop and market eco-friendly product lines, catering to the growing
consumer segment that values sustainability. By aligning its operations with sustainability
principles, GAO TEK Inc. not only contributes to a more environmentally conscious world but
also gains a competitive advantage in an evolving market.

4. Global Expansion Strategies: GAO TEK Inc. should continue its efforts to maintain and
expand its international presence. Targeting emerging markets in regions such as Asia, Africa,
and South America presents significant growth opportunities. To succeed in these markets, the
company should prioritize in-depth market research to gain insights into local needs and
preferences. Customizing products and services to meet the specific requirements of these
markets and forming strategic partnerships with local companies can expedite the expansion
process. This approach ensures that GAO TEK Inc. can effectively tap into the growth potential
of emerging markets while delivering tailored solutions to a diverse global clientele.

5. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): To solidify its position as a customer-

centric organization, GAO TEK Inc. is encouraged to invest in advanced CRM systems and
customer analytics tools. These tools will enable the company to gain a deeper understanding
of its customers, their behaviour, and their evolving needs. A robust CRM system can facilitate
the provision of personalized services, allowing the company to exceed customer expectations.
Furthermore, the incorporation of predictive analytics can empower GAO TEK Inc. to
anticipate customer needs and provide real-time support. By focusing on nurturing long-lasting
customer relationships, the company can enhance customer loyalty and retention, driving
sustained success in the technology industry.


1. Resource Limitations: One of the primary limitations that GAO TEK Inc. may face is
resource constraints. In a rapidly evolving technology industry, having the necessary resources
for development and scaling of operations is crucial. To address this limitation, the company
should actively explore various avenues for securing additional funding. This could involve
seeking investment from venture capitalists or engaging in strategic partnerships with
organizations that share the company's vision. By expanding its resource base, GAO TEK Inc.
can better position itself to expedite growth, innovation, and the development of cutting-edge

2. Market Volatility: The technology industry is notorious for its market volatility, influenced
by factors such as technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and global
economic conditions. To thrive in this challenging environment, GAO TEK Inc. should employ
agile strategic planning and robust risk management techniques. The company can establish a

proactive approach to identify potential market disruptions and develop contingency plans to
navigate through them effectively. Additionally, diversifying the product portfolio and
expanding into multiple market segments can help mitigate the impact of market fluctuations.
By reducing dependency on a single market segment, the company can distribute risks and
adapt to changing market dynamics more effectively.

3. Talent Acquisition: Attracting and retaining top talent is a universal challenge in the
competitive technology industry. To overcome this limitation, GAO TEK Inc. should focus on
several key strategies. Building a strong employer brand that emphasizes the company's
commitment to innovation, excellence, and employee growth can attract top-tier professionals.
Offering competitive compensation packages, including salary, benefits, and opportunities for
bonuses and stock options, is vital to attract and retain high-caliber employees. Furthermore,
creating a work environment that fosters innovation and personal growth is essential. The
company can encourage employees to participate in continuous learning and development
programs, fostering a culture of excellence and adaptability. Exploring collaborations with
educational institutions can provide access to emerging talent pools and ensure a pipeline of
skilled individuals ready to contribute to the company's success. By addressing talent
acquisition limitations, GAO TEK Inc. can continue to innovate and excel in the technology

My internship experience at GAO TEK Inc. has been an enriching journey that has provided
me with valuable insights into the dynamic and ever-evolving technology industry. This
experience has not only allowed me to apply the knowledge and skills I've acquired during my
academic pursuits but has also given me a real-world perspective on the challenges and
opportunities in the industry.

Throughout my internship, I witnessed first-hand the company's unwavering commitment to

innovation, customer satisfaction, and quality. GAO TEK Inc.'s ability to adapt and thrive in
the highly competitive technology sector is a testament to the significance of core values and a
relentless pursuit of excellence. I am genuinely thankful for the opportunity to be a part of this
organization and contribute to its continued success.

The recommendations outlined in this report are intended to further strengthen GAO TEK Inc.'s
position in the technology sector. By embracing advanced market research, diversifying the
product portfolio, prioritizing sustainability initiatives, expanding its global presence, and
investing in customer relationship management, the company can continue to be a leader in the
industry and meet the evolving needs of its customers.

The experiences and knowledge I have gained during this internship will undoubtedly serve as
a solid foundation for my future career in the technology industry. As I move forward, I look
forward to applying the lessons and insights acquired during my time at GAO TEK Inc. to
make meaningful contributions to the field and the broader technology industry. I am excited
to embark on the next phase of my career with a deeper understanding of the industry and a
commitment to excellence and innovation.

7.1 References


7.2 Abbreviation

GAO TEK INC Gao Groups of companies

HR Human resource

IS Information system

HRIS Human Resource Information System

ORG. Organisation

DEPT. Department

OM Operation management

PM Personal Management

PA Personal Administration

REC Recruitment

T&E Training & Event Management

CSR Corporate social responsibility

TM Time Management




Dear sir/Madam
I Jitender Kumar student of BBA in GLA University Mathura request you to fill the
following for my internship project report on the topic HRIS and its effectiveness.

Education qualification *
Post graduate
Under graduate

Below 35
35 -50
Above 50

Experience In Hr *
Less than 5 years
6 to 10 years
11 to 15 years
16 to 20 years
More than 20 years

Which software (HRIS) do you use in your company *

Ms Excel
People soft

When was the software installed in the company *
Not aware
Less than 5 years
5 to 10 years
More than 10 years

When is you start using the software *

Less than 1 year ago
4 to 5
More than 5 years

Did the organisation provide any sort of assistance/training to you *


Which type of assistance/training was provided *

Classroom training
Online training
On -the -job training
Off - the - job training

If training is provided are you satisfied with the following?

HS-highly Satisfied, S-Satisfied, Neutral, DS-Dis Satisfied, HSD- Highly Dis


Period of training
Training depth
Training method
Quality of training
Skills of trainer
Period of training

Training depth
Training method
Quality of training
Skills of trainer
Based upon your perception/level of operations, prioritize and rank the following
module HRIS (1 most important, 8-least important)*
Personal management
Time management
Performance management
Master data
Personal management
Time management
Performance management
Master data
According to you, how will you rate the following features of HRIS in your
concern? *

User- Friendliness

User- Friendliness
According to you, how has been the promotion of the following areas by HRIS in
your concern?

(VL - very low, L - Low, N - Neutral, H- high, VH- very high)

User- friendly
System quality
Information quality
Industrial productivity
Service quality
Management culture
Quality decisions
User- friendly
System quality
Information quality
Industrial productivity
Service quality
Management culture
Quality decisions
In a scale of 1 to 10, how will you rate the HRIS that is used in your organization? *


Give your opinion about the existing HRIS and provide suggestions for future
improvement (if any) *


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