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No ON Page Ranking Factors

1 Title tags

2 Meta descriptions

3 User friendly URL

4 H1 tags

5 Optimize images

6 Image Alt Tag

7 The beginning of your post

8 Use outbound links

9 Fresh content

10 Publish long form content

11 Keyword Desnsity

12 Keyword Proximity

13 LSI Keyword

14 Breadcrumb

15 Internal Link

Improve pagespeed

28 Add social sharing buttons

29 Maximize CTR

Use rich snippets, schema, and


31 Make fonts easy to read

32 Reduce bounce rate

33 Make your site mobile-friendly

34 Canonical

35 Backlink Anchor Text

36 Bullet Symbol
37 Use Info - Graphy
38 Use Table
39 Use Emuji
40 Put Video On Page
41 Short Paragraph
42 Google Anaytics Setup

43 Google Search Console setup

44 Use Business Email id

45 NO Hiden Content
46 No Clocking
47 NO Door way

48 AMP

49 Non 404 Deadlink

50 SSL Certification
Impect in Website
Title tags are displayed on search engine results pages (SERPs) as the
clickable headline for a given result, and are important for usability, SEO,
and social sharing.
Meta descriptions can however impact a page's CTR (click-through-rate)
on Google which can positively impact a page's ability to rank.

While user-friendly URLs are helpful for visitors, most webmasters are
more concerned with creating search engine-friendly URLs. These URLs
include important keywords that describe the content of the page

Heading tag is H1, H2, H3…etc Putting the right keyword inside the
heading tag can help you boost seo ranking for your website
Optimize Images is Important for webpage rank
This includes visitors using browsers that cannot display images or have
image display disabled, visually impaired visitors, and visitors who use
screen readers.
"Main Keyword" comes in first paragraph under 100 word.

Link to 1-2 authoritative sites. Linking to reputable sources adds trust to

your site in Google’s eyes. Plus, it’s a great way to offer your readers
additional value by pointing them to new resources they can discover.

"Content is a King" fresh content is important for website ranking

Content 2,000 words performs better in search and gives you ample room
to naturally add keywords throughout the page. so that’s something to
keep in mind. As you can see, the higher the word count, the higher the

Keyword density refers to the number of times a keyword appears on a

given webpage or within a piece of content as a ratio or percentage of the
overall word count it is important for webpage ranking

The keyword proximity refers to the distance between the search term's
individual keywords It is important for boost page

LSI is short for latent semantic indexing, a term used to describe how
search engines relate similar words or phrases to return search results.

Breadcrumbs are links that allow a user to track their path from the page
they are currently viewing to the home page of your website.

Link internally within your site to important posts and pages. This keeps
Googlebot on your site longer, which means more pages get crawled on
your site. It also helps improve visitor “time on site” — meaning more
opportunities to convert traffic into conversions.
A fast website is one of the quickest (no pun intended) paths towards
better conversions. Google measures bounce rate and dwell time. A slow
website impacts the user experience, and therefore can ding you in the
SEO department. The speed of your server is just one more factor that
plays into good on-page SEO.

There are a number of things you can do to speed up your website.

Minimize HTTP Requests
Reduce server response time
Enable compression
Enable browser caching
Minify resources
Optimize images
Optimize CSS Deliver
Prioritize above-the-fold content
Reduce the number of plugins you use on your site
Reduce redirects
You can grab a free social sharing widget, just like the one we’re using
right here on the site.
more clicks, more relevancy. Google will usually give you a bump in
search results. You can maximize your CTR by writing extremely
compelling copy that is geared towards making people click.
Including structured data markup in web content helps Google algorithms
better index and understand the content.

Hard to read fonts make it hard on visitors. If people have trouble reading
your content, it’s almost a sure bet they will click the back button

High Bounce rate it effect on website ranking

Google’s mobile update means sites that are not mobile-friendly will have
a harder time showing up in mobile search. This doesn’t affect desktop
search results, but if you get heavy mobile traffic your site will definitely
see a dip in traffic. Regardless, moving to a responsive website should be
top priority

A canonical tag (aka "rel canonical") is a way of telling search engines that
a specific URL represents the master copy of a page. Using the canonical
tag prevents problems caused by identical or "duplicate" content
appearing on multiple URLs.
It is help for increase Page authority
It is help to increase readebiity score
Use for Increase user engagement ratio
use table in website help to easy understand
cartoon carector between word it is help to decrease dwell time
use video help to increase trust factor
help to increase readable score
Tracing website record
Google Search Console is a no-charge web service by Google for
webmasters. It allows webmasters to check indexing status and optimize
visibility of their websites
Business email id effective for branding
Hiden content is part of blackhate seo
Hiden content is part of blackhate seo
Hiden content is part of blackhate seo
Accelerated Mobile Pages is an open-source coding standard for
publishers. The aim for AMP is for publishers to be able to load their sites
quickly on mobile since mobile responsive could be clunky and slow
because desktop resources are heavy and plenty
Single Deadlink 404 effect in website reputation

This is important because the information you send on the Internet is

passed from computer to computer to get to the destination server.
SR No Checklist
1 Start Title Tag with Your Keyword

2 Leverage SEO-Friendly URLs

3 Add Modifiers to your Title

4 Wrap your Title in an <H1> Tag

5 Dazzle with Multimeia

6 Wrap Subheadings in H2 Tags

7 Drop Your Keyword in First 100 Words

8 Responsive Design

9 Use Outbound links

10 Internal Links

11 Boost Site Speed

12 Sprinkle LSI Keywords

13 Image Optimization

14 Use Social Sharing Buttons

15 Post Long Content

16 Boost Dwell Time

17 Include Common Ask Question

18 Add Summaries
Your Title Tag is the most important on page SEO Factor, The closer the keyword is to
the beginning of the title tag,the more weight it has with search engines.
Avoid ugly URLs, Make you page's URL short and keyword rich , An industry study
found that shorter URLs rank better in goolge.
Adding modifiers like "2016", "Best", "guide", & "review" help you rank for long tail
versions of your target keyword.
The H1 tag is your " headline tag" Most CMS's automatically add the H1 tag to your
blog post title. some themes override this setting, Check your site's code to make sure
your title gets the H1 love it deserves.
Engaging Images, videos and diagrames can reduce bounce rate and increase time on
site two critical user interatction ranking factors

Include your target keyword in at least one subheading and wrap it in an H2 tag
Your Keyword should appear in the first 100 words of the article
Google started penalizing mobile unfriendly sites in 2015, They're likely to crack down
even more in the future. if you want to make your site mobile friendly, I recommend
responsive design
outbound links to related pages is a relevancy signal that helps google figure out your
page's topic, A recent study found pages with outbound links outrank pages without
outbound links
Add 2-3 Internal link to every post. if you want to see a great example of internal
linking, check out wikipedia
Google has stared that page speed used as ranking signal, 75% of users wouldn't re-
visit a site that took longer than 4 seconds to can boost your site speed by
using a CDN, Compressing images, and switching to faster hosting.
LSI keywords are synonyms that google users to determine a page's relevancy.
sprinkle them into every post
Make sure image file names include your target keyword and that your target
keyword is part of your image Alt Text.
The more likely someone is to link. A study by BrightEdge found that prominent social
sharing buttons can increase social sharing by 700%
Longer countent tends to rank signigicantly higher on Google's first page ( word
count 1890)
Increase your average dwell time by writing long, engaging content that keeps people
It's such an easy thing to do, but it's commonly overlooked. AnswerThePublic does a
great job of surfacing questions
Summaries are also hidden gems. We see Google seeking out summaries for content
all of the time. They are providing summaries in featured snippets and in different
SERP features to help sort of distill information for users.
SR NO Checklist
1 Pinging

2 Blogging
3 Guest Posting
4 Link Building
5 Image Submission
6 Video Submission
7 Document Sharing
8 PPT Submission
9 Forum Submission
10 Event Submission
11 Web 2.0 Submission
12 Question and Answer
13 Social Bookmarking
14 Article Submission
15 Search Media Engagement
16 Bookmarking Submission
17 Classified Submission
18 Press Release Promotion
19 Infographics Submission
20 Search Engine Submission
21 Local Director Submission
22 Local Listing & Yellow page submission
Pinging will notify search engines about the newly published or updated blog or posts
in your website

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