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UNIT 3 Vocabulary practice

Shopping Waste
1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of 4 Complete the text with the correct forms of the
the verbs and phrasal verbs in the box. words in brackets.
afford deliver exchange order (x2) rip off Disposable (dispose) London
purchase Every day over 50,000 rubbish trucks collect almost
I found the perfect present for my mum, so I 85,000 tonnes of (1) …waste…… (waste). They take
ordered it online. the rubbish to giant (2) …incinerators… (incinerate)
1 Excuse me, sir, are you intending to on the outskirts of the city. Large boats also take
……purchase…… that item? rubbish to massive landfill sites where it is (3)
2 Everything is reasonably priced in this shop. It …dumped… (dump) and buried. This is not a (4)
doesn’t try to …rip off… its customers. …sustainable… (sustain) solution though – 175
3 If you don’t like your present, you can take it back square kilometres of the UK are already being used to
and …exchange…… it for something else. dispose of rubbish, and the (5) …environmental……
4 Can you …afford… to buy that dress? It’s very (environment) consequences are huge. Some items,
expensive. such as unwanted fridges and other metal goods, are
5 They didn’t have my size in the shop, so I crushed and sent to China to be (6) …recycled…
…ordered… the coat online and it’s going to be (recycle) by (7) …manufacturers… (manufacture)
…delivered… to my house this week. there.
2 Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
I like to browse in shops when I’m looking for
presents for my friends. 5 Replace the underlined words with the correct
1 If I buy something and then decide that I don’t want forms of the phrasal verbs in the box.
to keep it, I usually return it for a refund . get through run out of take part in take up plug in
cut off
2 I think that second-hand shops are a great way to
find unique items at affordable prices. I need to charge my phone. plug in
3 I often find bargains at discount stores or 1 We’re going to start Pilates in the new year.
clearance sections . ……take up…
4 I usually wait until the sales to buy more expensive 2 She finds it motivating to participate in a team sport.
items like electronics or clothing . …take part in……
5 I think that sweatshops are unethical and 3 Mario made it to the final of the competition.
exploitative . …get through……
6 I think that top brands are often overpriced for the 4 The call was disconnected when we entered the
brand name. tunnel. …cut off……
5 I haven’t got any remaining battery. …run out
Idioms of……

3 Correct the mistakes in the idioms in the 6 Complete the sentences with suitable
sentences. One sentence is correct. prepositions.
I won’t give it the hour of day. time Charlie had to drop out of the match due to injury.
1 I am guilty of judging a page by its cover. 1 Did you get …to… to the semi-final?
…judging a book by its cover… 2 I think it’s time for me to get …in… shape.
2 Can you keep an eye up for a red belt? keep an 3 I plan to sign …up for… for horse-riding lessons
eye out… this summer.
3 Don’t worry, you are in sure hands with me. …in 4 Gina wants me to take part …in… a charity netball
safe hands… match.
4 As a rule of thumb, I avoid the shops on 5 My brother is working …out at… at a local gym.
Saturdays. Correct 6 I haven’t been able to get …through to… to Ben all
5 The problem is just the bottom of the iceberg. day.
…the tip of the iceberg…

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