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your money
A guide to the
Financial Services
Compensation Scheme
How FSCS protects your money 2

Contents About this document

About this document 2
This document tells you who
Always check that the financial services firm
you are dealing with is authorised 3
FSCS is and how we protect
1. Deposits 4
your money. You should still talk
2. Insurance policies 6
to your financial services firm
3. Insurance broking 7
to discuss how our protection
What is a financial
4. Investment business 7
applies to the products and services firm?
5. Mortgage (home finance) advice or broking 8
services you have bought Examples of financial services
6. Debt management 8
from it. firms include:
• banks
Who can claim compensation? 9
About FSCS • building societies
Find out more 10
FSCS is here to protect your money. It is the What is a financial
• credit unions
body which gives you automatic protection services product?
up to £85,000 if your bank, building society • insurance companies
Examples of financial services
or credit union goes out of business; and
• insurance brokers products are:
you’ll normally get your money back within
seven days. FSCS is funded by the financial • investment firms • current accounts
services industry and is free to consumers.
• financial advisors • savings accounts
So, whatever your money is for, it’s good to
know it’s protected. • mortgage brokers. • ISAs
We also cover a wide range of other financial There are limits to how much • insurance policies
products and services such as investments, compensation we can pay, and
• investments
pensions, financial advice, insurance broking, these are different for different
mortgage advice and arranging. Different types of financial products. • mortgages.
compensation limits apply.
How FSCS protects your money 3

Always check that the
About this document 2
financial services firm you are
Always check that the financial services firm
dealing with is authorised
you are dealing with is authorised 3 There are four main ways to check that a firm
is authorised:
1. Deposits 4
1. Check the documents the firm gave you –
2. Insurance policies 6
they often show a Firm Reference Number
3. Insurance broking 7 (FRN) or authorisation number.
What sort of firms What products does
4. Investment business 7 2. Check the firm’s website – the FRN or
does FSCS cover? FSCS cover?
authorisation number is often in the ‘legal
5. Mortgage (home finance) advice or broking 8
information’ section. We only cover financial services We cover six different types
6. Debt management 8 firms that have been authorised by of business:
3. Call the firm and ask for their FRN or
the Financial Conduct Authority
Who can claim compensation? 9 authorisation number (which is supplied 1. Deposits, such as money held
(FCA) or the Prudential Regulation
to them by the FCA or PRA). in bank accounts including
Find out more 10 Authority (PRA) to do business
cash ISAs
4. Use the Financial Services Register at in the UK. That’s why you should
www.fca.org.uk/register, which has details always check that the firm has an 2. Insurance policies, such as motor
of every financial services firm authorised FCA or PRA authorisation number, and home, or life insurance and
to do business in the UK. sometimes referred to as a Firm pension plans
Reference Number (FRN).
3. Insurance broking, including
advice about insurance policies
4. Investment business, including
financial advice or investment
products such as collective
investment schemes
5. Arranging and advice about
home finance, such as mortgages
The sections on the following pages
explain what each type of business 6. Debt management, under
certain criteria.
includes, and the compensation limits.
How FSCS protects your money 4

Contents 1. Deposits 2. The limit applies per authorised firm. This is important
because sometimes a firm operates more than one
About this document 2 FSCS protects your deposits, whether you’re an
brand under the same FRN or authorisation number.
individual or a company. A deposit is money in
Always check that the financial services firm This means individuals with accounts held under
accounts such as current and savings accounts,
you are dealing with is authorised 3 different brands with a firm operating under one
including cash ISAs. If your bank, building
FRN or authorisation number will only be entitled
1. Deposits 4 society or credit union fails, we may be able to
to a total of £85,000, regardless of the number of
pay compensation.
2. Insurance policies 6 accounts held.
3. Insurance broking 7 You should therefore check:
Compensation limit
4. Investment business 7 1. whether you hold deposits with a bank or building
We protect up to £85,000 per person society that shares an FRN or authorisation number
5. Mortgage (home finance) advice or broking 8 or company, per authorised firm. with another brand of that firm, and
6. Debt management 8
2. whether your total deposits with all those brands are
Who can claim compensation? 9 more than £85,000.
Find out more 10
There are two important Example
points to remember about the
If you have a current account with “Bank X” and savings
deposit compensation limit.
with “Bank Y” and they share one FRN or authorisation
1. The limit applies to individuals and companies, number, they are classed as a single firm for the
not accounts. This means that for joint accounts purposes of compensation. This means your limit for
the limit applies to each named account holder. compensation is £85,000 in total, shared across “Bank X”
So, for example, if you have a joint account with and “Bank Y”.
your spouse or partner, and no other accounts
of your own with that firm, you will each receive Current account Savings account
up to £85,000 under the deposit limit. So FSCS with Bank X with Bank Y
would protect up to £170,000 of savings in a
joint account.
Share one authorisation; classed as a single firm
Firm Reference Number (FRN): 123456

£85,000 compensation limit

How FSCS protects your money 5

Contents How to find out if your bank or building proceeds from releasing equity in a property.
society is part of a larger banking group This applies only to your main residence and
About this document 2
excludes buy-to-let properties or holiday homes.
Your bank or building society should provide this
Always check that the financial services firm General savings for a property do not qualify
information to you at least annually on your printed
you are dealing with is authorised 3
statement or electronically. There are three other ways • Money paid in relation to a marriage or civil
1. Deposits 4 to check: partnership or a divorce or dissolution of a
civil partnership
2. Insurance policies 6 1. Ask your bank or building society whether it
trades under different brands with a single FRN • A redundancy payout (whether voluntary
3. Insurance broking 7
or authorisation number. or compulsory)
4. Investment business 7
2. Visit FSCS’s website to check whether the bank or • Compensation paid for unfair dismissal
5. Mortgage (home finance) advice or broking 8 building society brands you have money with share
• Benefits paid in respect of a disability or incapacity*
a banking authorisation and whether all your savings
6. Debt management 8
are protected: www.fscs.org.uk/protected. • Compensation paid for personal injury*
Who can claim compensation? 9
3. Use the Financial Services Register at • Benefits paid under an insurance policy
Find out more 10 www.fca.org.uk/register to look up your banks’ and
• Compensation for a wrongful conviction
building societies’ FRN or authorisation numbers.
If any numbers are the same, they share a banking • Benefits paid on retirement
authorisation so one limit applies.
• Benefits payable on death
Temporary high balances • Compensation in respect of a person’s death
FSCS also protects certain types of deposits above
• A legacy from the estate of a deceased person or
£85,000 held by individuals. We protect certain
money held on behalf of a deceased person for the
“temporary high balances” up to £1,000,000 for a period
purpose of administering their estate.
of six months. (For deposit taker failures on or after
6 August 2020, this protection is extended to 12 months * There is no limit to the compensation payable for
from the date of deposit. Temporary high balance deposits relating to personal injury or disability or
protection reverts back to six months for amounts incapacity claims.
credited on or after 1 February 2021.) These are
If a firm fails and you need to make a claim for
exceptional and short-lived deposits which result from
deposits you have above £85,000, you will need to
certain major life events.
provide written evidence that your deposits qualify
Deposits which qualify as a temporary high balance are: as a temporary high balance. You can find further
information on the type of written evidence we
• Money deposited in preparation for buying a
require at www.fscs.org.uk.
property, the proceeds of sale of a property or
How FSCS protects your money 6

Contents 2. Insurance policies Compensation limit

About this document 2 FSCS can pay compensation if your insurance Our main aim is to get continuity
provider fails and cannot pay valid claims under your of cover for policyholders with
Always check that the financial services firm
policy or return your premiums. The types of policies long-term insurance contracts. This means, for
you are dealing with is authorised 3
we cover include motor, home, pet, travel and example, we may try to transfer your insurance
1. Deposits 4 payment protection insurance (PPI). We also cover policy to a new insurance provider. If this is not
long-term insurance products such as life insurance possible, the level of compensation we can pay
2. Insurance policies 6
or pensions - while pensions and annuities are often will depend on the type of policy you have:
3. Insurance broking 7 thought of as investment products, in reality they are
usually long-term insurance contracts. • Motor insurance, Employers’ Liability
4. Investment business 7
insurance and Professional Indemnity
We do not cover credit, marine, aviation or transport
5. Mortgage (home finance) advice or broking 8 insurance: the entire claim relating to the
business insurance.
third-party element of your insurance, and
6. Debt management 8
90% of any remaining elements of the claim.
Who can claim compensation? 9
• Death or incapacity of the
Find out more 10 policyholder due to injury, sickness
or infirmity: the entire claim.
• Home, pet, travel and payment
protection insurance (PPI) and other
general insurances: 90% of your claim.
• Pension savings or retirement income
(i.e. via an annuity): if it is provided
under a life insurance contract we will pay
the entire claim.
• Endowment policies or investment
bonds: these are long-term life insurance
policies, with a savings element, and we will
pay the entire claim.
How FSCS protects your money 7

Contents 3. Insurance broking 4. Investment business

About this document 2 FSCS can pay compensation if: FSCS can pay compensation if the firm concerned
has failed and cannot return your investments or
Always check that the financial services firm • you were mis-sold an insurance policy and lost
money owed, and you lose money because of:
you are dealing with is authorised 3 money and that firm failed, or
• bad or misleading investment advice
1. Deposits 4 • you were a victim of fraud, and the broker who
sold you the policy has gone out of business and • negligent management of investments
2. Insurance policies 6
cannot return your premiums or money owed
• misrepresentation, or
3. Insurance broking 7 to you.
• fraud.
4. Investment business 7 • The types of policies we cover include motor,
home, pet, travel, payment protection insurance We do not pay compensation if your investment
5. Mortgage (home finance) advice or broking 8
(PPI) and other general insurances. does not perform as well as you hoped.
6. Debt management 8

Who can claim compensation? 9 Compensation limit Compensation limit

Find out more 10 We can pay compensation of 90% We protect up to £85,000 per person
of your claim with no upper limit. per authorised firm.
We protect 100% of any compulsory element of
insurance, such as third-party motor insurance.
How FSCS protects your money 8

Contents 5. Mortgage (home finance) 6. Debt management

About this document 2 advice or broking If you hold money with a debt management
company that failed after 1 April 2018, FSCS
Always check that the financial services firm FSCS may be able to help if a firm has advised you
may be able to pay you compensation. But your
you are dealing with is authorised 3 to enter into a mortgage agreement that was not
debt management claim must meet all of the
suitable for you, and you lost money as a result. If the
1. Deposits 4 following criteria:
firm goes out of business and cannot pay back the
2. Insurance policies 6 money it owes you, we can pay compensation. Whilst • The firm must have failed on or after 1 April 2018.
we cover the advice, we do not cover the lending or
3. Insurance broking 7 • The firm must be authorised by the Financial
administration costs on the mortgage itself.
Conduct Authority (FCA) and hold client money.
4. Investment business 7
• The firm must have received or held the money
5. Mortgage (home finance) advice or broking 8
Compensation limit through a UK branch in connection with the
6. Debt management 8 regulated activities of debt counselling or
We protect up to £85,000 per person debt adjusting.
Who can claim compensation? 9 per authorised firm.
• The client money reconciliation process must
Find out more 10
show a shortfall in the amount of client money
the firm held for you.
• The firm (or its principals) must be unable to
meet claims for compensation.
• You must be eligible under FSCS rules.
Money that a firm holds under a debt management
plan may be covered, but FSCS does not protect
money that a debtor pays under an individual
voluntary arrangement arranged by insolvency
partners (which are not regulated by the FCA) or
debt advice.

Compensation limit
We protect up to £85,000 per person
per firm.
How FSCS protects your money 9

Contents Who can claim compensation? What does FSCS

About this document 2 not cover?
In general, individuals and small
Always check that the financial services firm We do not cover
you are dealing with is authorised 3
companies can claim compensation some financial products.
1. Deposits 4
from us. In the case of deposits, Here are some examples:

2. Insurance policies 6
large companies are also able to • Peer-to-peer lending

3. Insurance broking 7
claim compensation, although • Money held on pre-paid
credit cards
4. Investment business 7
some exclusions may apply.
• Christmas or other savings clubs
For general insurance, all policyholders are eligible to
5. Mortgage (home finance) advice or broking 8
claim on the compulsory element of the protected • ‘Boiler room’ scam investments
6. Debt management 8 insurance. Otherwise, small companies must have – ‘products’ sold by unauthorised
an annual turnover of less than £1m to be eligible to firms, often abroad, that defraud
Who can claim compensation? 9
claim compensation. customers of their money
Find out more 10
• Losses arising purely from
How long would it take to get my investment performance
money back? • Some electronic payment
In most cases, for deposits, FSCS aims to pay services (such as PayPal) or
compensation within seven days of a bank, building currency bureaux
society or credit union failing. We will pay any
• Insurance policies for credit,
remaining deposit claims, which are likely to be more
marine, aviation or transport
complex, within 15 working days.
For general insurance, we aim to make a payment
• Reinsurance
within 14 working days of agreement of the claim.
• Mortgage lending or
For payment protection insurance (PPI) claims,
FSCS aims to decide claims within three months.
For all other financial services products, we aim
to resolve claims within six months.
How FSCS protects your money 10

Contents Find out more

About this document 2

Always check that the financial services firm

you are dealing with is authorised 3
This leaflet explains how FSCS
1. Deposits 4
protects your money.
2. Insurance policies 6 For specific information about
3. Insurance broking 7 how this applies to your individual
4. Investment business 7 circumstances you should speak to
5. Mortgage (home finance) advice or broking 8 your financial services provider(s)
6. Debt management 8 or advisor.
Who can claim compensation? 9
If you would like more information
Find out more 10
about FSCS, including how to make
a claim, please visit our website at


or call us on

0800 678 1100.

© Copyright FSCS 08.2020 FSCS_item11_Aug2020

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