International Express Intermediate - Workbook1

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INTERNATIONAL Se aii 4 Workbook “7 a Wt OXFORD Nao ya teh) INTERNATIONAL EXPRESS INTERMEDIATE Workbook Mike Macfarlane OXFORD Introduction “The rwelve unitsin the Workbook give you extra practice ofthe language in the Student's Book. Each Workhook unit has four sectioi Language focus has written exercises to practise the grammar in the Student’s Book. There are drills for extra practice on the Student's CD/Cassette, Pronunciation has listening and speaking exercises to give further pronunciation practice connected with the Student’ Book. Wordpower practises the vocabulary in the Student's Book, and presents ways 10 leam and remember words, Focus on functions practises language for socializing with colleagues. All the conversations are on the CDiassette. There are exercises to practise useful phrases from the conversations, Study tips © Use the CD/eassette with or without the Workbook, for example, in the car or ‘on a personal stereo. Play the exercises and conversations as often as you like. Stop the CD/eassetre and repeat useful words and phrases. + Write youranswersin the Workbook or write in a separate notebook. Use Workbook material for extra revision, for example, after Student's Book seviewunits. # Check your answers in the Answer key at the back of the Workbook. Refer to the Pocket Book for grammar explanstionsand useful social language. + Use a good dictionary, for example, the Oxford Wordpawer Dictionary and the Oxford Dictionary of Business English to help expand your vocabulary. + Study every day if possible, You can work for a few minutes ra complere an exercise then stop and do the next exercise later. The rule is, ‘A little, but often.” @3 Contents | Language Pronunciation |Wordpower | Focus on | focus functions. 48 Language focus Listening scripts p.78 Answer key pts | Pronunciation Wordpower | Focus on | functions UNIT 1 © Present Simple and Present Continuous Complete the magazine article about a new video project. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box. allow — be become delay know =—smake (x2) meee prepare sink use work JAN PHILLIP: Several people - twoof them. with TVcameras— ace rmaving.* 19 aliferent positions near the edge of a low elif, Below the citf thew: |s apertect peach and the blue Mediteranean Sea, Behind them, the mountains 2 beautiful. tis a wonderful place. Jan Philips snd heremall teem —_____ Sav corral er fran rporari ta Baa She___ 4a. commersial forthe ae every year. Sunshine Holidays then in thei big holiday promotion after New Year. Everybooy Decause they are behind schedule. Of course, ee q —__________ extra time for an outdoor camer shoot, because bad weather often work, But thietime the weather has baw cold grey windy days. Luckily the weather Is pa theymay be ale tofrch his evening itis now late afternoon, and Jan — the last scene, when the actors willy the beach, The oun the light the moment to calor “Action! 6 @ UNITT @ Present Simple and Present Continuous In the evening, Susan Cornish interviews Jan for her magazine, Write the Present Simple or the Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Use positive, negative, and question forms. Susan Jw SUSAN Jaw Susan Jan Susan Jay Susan Jan Susan Jan, are you doing‘ (you do} anything special now? If not, whar about a short interview? Fine, —_______________ 3 (I do) any more work today, solee's alk ‘Well, Jan, you've finished, bur with all thar bad weather, y badly behind schedule, ——__ (thar often happen)? No, 4 (it not happen) very much — at least, not this badly, thank goodness. But of course, > (things not usually go) exactly to plan, and ___ (something often go) a bit wrong, So _______7(lalwaysaddia little extra time ta the schedule. Butnot four days! No,and of course, —_____ (I think} about thenext step now. I have to get back on schedule with other projects as well Sowhen (you retuen) eo London? Tomorrow? Yes, ______ 1 weleave} early in the morning. And _______" (we stare) work oon editing in che aftemoon. —___ ? (you edit) the whole thing yourself? No, —___ (I not usually do) much of the editing work these days, My assistant, Lucas, very good. 14 (he generally do) most of that part of our work. 45 (you start) another project immediately? Several! And iT go) 10a lunchtime meeting tomorrow to discuss the most important ‘one, It's going to be aseries of programmes about food azound the world. You certainly don’t waate any dimet UNIT1 @ 7 8 @ UNITI © State verbs Stefan Herbst, Sunshine Holidays’ advertising manager, has been on the phone to Lisa, Jan’s PA, Use the sentences below to write Lisa’s memo to Jan, Replace the underlined sections with the state verbs in brackets. 1 Ivegot the feeling it’s ime for a meeting. (fee!) 3. Thursdays OK, but Friday is beter forme, (prefer) 4 The new kealian restaurant in Greck Street invery good. (like) § And ’mpretty sure. Jan will enjoy it, too. (think) Stefan Herbit phened earlier and wanes you te call back * He feels it's thine Ter a meeting. * He * Thursday + He «He © State and action verbs in the present tenses Janand Stefs reat their lunchtime meeting. Complete the sentences with the Present Simpl or the Present Coatinuous form of the verbs. Use positive, negative, and question forms, 1 have Jan T think we should order. What areyou having *? Steray The lobster’s great. They-have.* the best seafood in town here! 2 have Jan The ad sill isn’t completely ready, bur __* STFAN —Pmsorry, Jan, bur *a meeting with my boss at 2.30. 3 think Seana Jan Jan STRAIN __ tabout the deadline for the ad. Could you finish ir by next Tuesday? What? Our delivery date isnext Friday! But it might be possible if we work through the weekend. Bur, Stefan, —___* why you need to change the date, ‘Well, 'verecently arranged a meeting for all our branch managersnext week, —______ them on ‘Wednesday afternoon, and it would be a great chance to show them thead. Practice drills: Present Simple and Present Continuous @ 14,12,13 Follow the instructions on the Student's CD/Cassette. If hecessary, Cefer to the Listening scripts on p. 78. Oy Read the v 1 brings 3 4 deals 6 7 a knows 9 laughs 1 makes 12 offers 14 posi 15. stops 16 tastes 17 thinks 18 uses changes consists focuses introduces involves 10 Ieunches BB provides Pronunciation Verb endings in the Present Simple Jerbs aloud and tick (¥) the correct column. ited HITITTEEEE TTT | | l| @ 14 Listeaand check your answers. @ 14 Listen again and repeat the verbs, UNIT1 @ 9 Oiganbiag voeatiniry Read this introduction to.a cookbook by the well-known food writer, Mark Henderson. What is his advice? x x ‘When we think of a country, we No, we have to take a break from often think of itsfoodbefore almost the tourist areas, We have to take anything else. Take an example: the time to explore the back streets Japan. Doesn't sushicome to mind and county towns and wilages. We justas soon as cars of kimonos? Or have to avoid places with menus in Think of Britain. This tine, its fish five languages and find the local ‘and chips, isn't t? In other words, a people's cafés and family ‘ation’s food can be as much @ part restaurants. There we can find real of the national image as anything country cooking, There they cook else. And that's because food is ~ or _with fresh, natural ingredients and should bea vital partof a natonal with proper caw and attention. culture, just like its language and ‘customs, and its arts and crafts, Every year. | tryto exolore the food culture of a different country, and! ‘When Ivisit a new holday ‘collect lots of tradivonal recipes, destination, | always take the Here, I'm bringing together someof ‘chance to discover the local ood. my favourtes ftom around the Forme, this is the most interesting world. They're all simple tomake, thing about travel. Butthen .. thatk and each offors the authentie taste ‘myjob! And when | Say local foad,|.__ ofits own unique cuture. Enjoy the don't mean the massproduced, journey! ‘bady cooked frezen food that often oes with a package holiday ina popular holiday resort. Whatever the ‘hotel restaurant menu says, the Mark Hepderson authentic heart of the national ar Cuisine is certainly nothere. @ Compound nouns and word groups Combine the words in box A and box B to make compound nouns from the A B beck country frozen | | food holiday resort holiday package weet town 1 buck sarees 4 s 3. @ Word fai Loolcin the ext for words to complete the table Verb Noun Adjective cook — ‘cook /cooker nationalize —___/nationaliy —- care ——= careful diffe difference 10 @ UNIT4 Introductions and greetings. Welcoming a visitor ‘Tim Wright worked with Jan on last year’s commercial. She sees him asshe arrives at Sunshine Holidays with the new one. Complete their conversation, Usethe phrases in the box. Everything's going fine, thanks. sn it’s good wo see you again, too. How are things going? Niveto seeyou again! haven't seen you for ages! TAN Timp Het Tin Yes, it’s been a long time, —___ 2 JAN And = 1 suppose we last meta year ago. TM That's right, So... are you busy? —____ Jan —____________ $ We've just finished your new TV commercial. Look, this is it! ‘A young assistant, Lucy Lang, comes to take Jan to Stefan Herbst’ office. ‘Complete the conversation, Use the phrases in the box. Did you have any problems finding us? How doyou do. Pin Lucy Lang, Mr Herbst’ assistant, You must he Ms Phillips. Lucy Er, excuse me. et es Jan Yes, thar’ right. Luer Nt How do you do. Jan = 3 Lucy Mr Herbst is expecting you, so would you like to come this way? JAN Thank you. Loc 4 Jan No, nor atall. You see, P've been here several times before Stefan is waiting in his office with a colleague, Complete their conversation. with Jan. Use the phrases in the box Pd like to introduce you to theirboss,... Pleasedo meet you. fot too had, thanks, Fine. Then pleasecall me'Tina «= please call me Jan. Sreax Come onin, Jan, andtake s seat. How sre you? Jan I A bir tied thought STAN Of course, But listen, Jan, before we meet the branch managers, ‘Tina Marlowe. She's Director of Retail Operati Tina - Jas It’s good to meet you, too. Tix Thank you forall the hard work, Ms Phillips. Jax Rah cece e ee Tins eel StEAN Good, now, Jan, would you like some coffee? G 18 Listen to the conversations and check your answers. CPAABKyp. 20-1 bp.27 UNIT? @ 1 UNIT 2 @ Past Simple and Present Perfect Simple Complete the text with the Past Simple or the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets, ‘The Internet bas bten (be) with us formany years ~since the 1970s, in fact. That ______. * (be) when scientists first - (nvent) the system because they {nced) to exchange information quicidy and safely Of course in those days most people * (nat know) about the Internet, and they certinly (not vse) it tis easy to forget that (happen) only since the 1990s, It___* (be) about 1995 when the biggest names in the internet business ~ names like AOL, and Yahoo ~ really __" begin) the worldwide internet revolution, ‘Over the years, the Internet _______ " bring) a world of {information into people's homes, and it ____ (give) people new ways of communicating It_______'? (create) new ways of doing business, toa One of theseis the online euction system of eBay. This allows anybody to sell almost anything to the buyer with the highest offer. Now many millions of people _________'* add) this to their other sctvities on te Internet © Past Simple questions Read the frst part of a publicity handout about eBay THE STORY BEHIND eBay Piorro Omidyar the founder of eBay, was bor in Pars in 1967, but moved. with his famly to America at the age of six There, he taught himself to program when he was sill only thiteen He went to college near Boston, but after two years he got a summer ob as a Macintosh programmer in Silicon, Valley Cafornia started and worked with several new internet companies. He also began thinking about better ways to buy and sell online, In 1995, Pierre had his big, idea: deople competed to buy in ordinary auction sales, so why not do the same thing online? It look him just one weekend at home to write the program. It wes cheap and simpla, and it let users do jusi thre things: ist items for sale, find out about them, and make cffers, or bids, He frst called the site Auctor Web, then changed the nare io ExhoBaycun, and then to At frat, the site developed slowly, bullhrough word-of- ‘mouth publicty it soon began to take off | | | | Inte net ow yours Per ple mote praccal eefene she Youare a publicity officer areBay. Write FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) for the following answecs. 1 Where suas Pierre born? In Paris, France. 2 When —___ When he was still only thicteen, 3 How by starting and helping to butld several new internet companies, 4 What year In 1995, ee Just one weekend. 6 How Through word-of-mouth publicity. © Present Perfect statements Below isa page from a journalist’s notebook with six questions about eBay. Read the second partof the publicity handout and answer them. Change the underlined nouns to verbs eBay TODAY ‘ne company nas tecome a global success story anais ore of ne workd'stastest= rowhg businesses. Hore are just a few facts and figures to show how sucvessful Bayis todey, Inadaiton to eBay n theUSA there has been riselo 27 sies around the world, ‘with varius diflarences due fo local corcitions andcultures, Giobally there has boon grow in the number of usere io over 100 milion. In Chinathe number of usershas increased by over 100% compared wit just ‘sxmonths ago. ‘Used vehicle sates are now ou mostimportant category, and sales for he ast twelve months have seen a rsa to over $6 btlon. Earnings have jumped ty ever 20% annually for many yoare. ‘The comany has produced apraft increase to $442 milion ‘or this lastyear. o6O:6 oo 6 Questions and answers Onerease in annvel earrings? Prival earnings have Increased by over 80% for many yaars. Okie n the number of users World-wide? © Sraut in the nmber of users in China in the last sx months? @ Pise in profits in the last tuelve months? @ Trerease in the nmber of eBay sites outside America? @ Growh in vsed vehicle sales? UNIT2 @ 13 © Used to+ infinitive Jean Blanc and Helen Reece are among the hundreds of thousands of people whore eBay traders. Complete their conversation with che correct form of used to anda verb from the box. [comme do ge sell take think Jean How did you get into this sort of work? HELEN Well, Lused to go. ' to local auctions and buy old pieces of china —plates, bowls, and so on. JeAN ‘And what —___? with them? os HELEN ‘Nothing at first. Then | started selling some pieces. Jeans Where them HitiN ——_Atantique markets. The trouble was that pieces sometimes —_____________ months to sell. Now, with eBay, it's much better. ... But tell me, what's your story? Jean —___________ from my homein Amiens to Rouen every day. I worked ara camera repair shop there. Unfortunately, [didn’t ____ ® the boss. Bur then Istarted repairing and selling cameras through eBay. Acfirst, —___ ofitonly asa hobhy, butnow Ido it full-time. © Object questions Helen Reece is abroad on a buying trip, and sheis calling her office in London. The connection is bad, ard her assistant, Jamie Smith, has to repeat information, Write Helen’s questions. Jaz While you're in Paris, you need co see somebody called Modame XXXXXX, Ham — Whodolneedtosee? 0 Javit Madame Beaumont. You need to meet her because she XXXXKX, Hen EE ——________? JAMIE ‘Because she may be an important new supplier. She wants to vofec you a XXXXXX, Hons 3 Jan A Meissen bowl. And she wants to meet you in XXXXXX Hees ‘ Jamun In Vitry-sur-Seine, on the edge of Pari. She'd like to meerat the Caié Astra in the Rue Balzac at XXXXXX. Ha s Jase At 10.00. But ifyou can’t meer her then, you can eallher on XXXKXX to change che time i are Jae 91.2137, 14 @ UNIT2 © Subject questions Jamie has information about eBay sales and other things, 190, bur the ‘connection is still bad. Write Helen's questions, Janse ‘Over XXXXXX items sold yesterday, Hrs How many items sold yesterday? Jamie Over 40, The XXXXXX went for the highest price ~ €2,280! Het ed JAMIE ‘The set of Wedgwood plates. XXXXXX bought them in the end, HEL Jani Someone from Birmingham called Mr Cooper, Now, ler's see, ‘what else is there? Oh, yes, the XXXXXX has arrived from, Dublin at last. fia : Jame The pair of porcelain figures. But unfortunately they didn’ send one of the other things. That was the XXXXXX, Heey | —_ Jante The china tea set. And, finally, about XXXQCKX emails are waiting for you here. Hen | 6 Jase About 150, so you'd better come home soon and deal withthem! @ Practice drilis: Past ple and Present Perfect Simple @ 2.1,2.2,2.3 Follow the instructions on the Student's CD/Cassette. If necessary, refer ro the Listening sexipts on p. 79, Piston. Pronun: jon -ed endings in the Past Simpl: Read the veri aloud and tick (/) the correct column 1 added 2 arrived 3 called 4 employed 3 6 7 8 established founded helped sgucssed 9 included 10 launched 11 learnt 12 negotiated 13 opened 14 operated 15 promoted 16 registered HLT TTETTE TTT is @ 24 Listen and heck your answers. G 24 Listen again and cepeat che verbs UMIT2 @ 15 Dictionary skills Acolleague is preparing a paper about the Intemnet, and she has written some language queries. Answer them from the dictionary entries. Retail sales: the online effect In the 1990s, online shopping startedhaving a real eet ', Some people believed that it ___' disaster for traditional shops ~ and for millions of f Ieis certainly tue thatthe + changing the world in any ways including the way we do —__* with each other However, peopleare bad at seeing the future,and reality is turing ______ to be very different + ealy expectations. With their skilful ‘moveinto online shopping, traditional ____* > like Wal-Mart are in fact seeing _______ in both customer numbers and profits. xoffect /olfekt/vero(T) 1 mabesb/sih change pexpand eee ver 0 eo ; { ines co eis ee Thies en Mas crs wen gore | } ‘esol rubies sewn be afteting her war. ted : Cociocminiioninns | MOMRARNG Aspe pun () ange pen | __ ares (OF land, seat, Sky UG fcjine, ; “xexpansion ik’ Pepente! noun ection j aes | “offbsccming bigger orthestateof beineigger business /‘bimas/ noun 4 [U) buying ant «Man before oe ; | sengase way earime oN Seasicuionineoecasclba cease? -Amoant /mien/serb (9 (et,ppmoant/ment/) ‘welfferent dikert/ mg 4 aileron tramp. “termennmstanennenr ‘abisth) not the same he ey was dforent Jram anything Thad seen before i ~ eve innsnltoaceoasell : us Train | retailer rite’ noun {Cl a person. ot ‘A Gramatic. /dsemmuh’ a) 4 notcouble ur | Someanywhosellspmodstotepubieinashop sulden and) ofen. surprising. @ dramatic. sins a Chane taease apie ; impressive: the fins dramatic opening sone dremetcaby oa i Sseserincenerseneecentablocaran oie ‘keffect /Mekt/ noun 4 (CUI (an) effect (on ‘bioth) achangethatiscaused by sty a result: meets aetaratnon telah andres 18 @ UNIT? a Answering the phone. Making and changing appointments Consumer journalist, Susan Lau, wants an interview with Rob Tucker, CEO of Faraway, Complete her conversation with his PA, Lyn Hall. Use the phrases in the box. What time would suit y Pil put you through, The reason P'mphoning is. like tospeak io Me Tu 'm sorry his line is engaged. Would Monday suit him Lyn Good morning. Faraway Flights. How can I help you? SUSAN Hello, This is Susan Lau, — Lyw Ah, Miss Lau, yes of course, —___ 2 One moment, please «. . —___— Suse Ohdeas _# make an eppointment for my interview with him next week. Ly ‘Oh, yes, [know about that: I have Mr Tucker’ diary here so, ‘would you like to make an appointment now? Si ee ee Las ‘Yes; he's free on Monday morning. ‘ Susin _Let’s say 10.00. LYN Good. Pll pass that onto Mr Tucker ‘There is a problem with the appointment and Rab Tucker calls back next day, Complete his conversation with § an. Use the phrases in the hox { Yes, Wednesday suits me fine. | ...something important has come up. Tm afzaid I'm tied up all moming on Monday. Tm afraid 'm nor available on Tuesday. Could you make it next Tuesilay? ..could we put off our Monday meeting? Suse Susan Lau speaking. Row Ob, hi, Susan, it’s Rab Tucker here. Ir's about the interview. SUN Oh,is there a problem? Ros Yes, I'm sorry to have to ask this, but —___ You see —_____________ 2 Susy Ohdear! Row Moaesm meets A ESE , Lev fix a different day: ‘ Susans s ‘What about Wednesday? Ror an eae ‘ Lets say 10.00 again. @ 255 Listen to the conversations and check your answers. RBA Biikyp 25-6 UNIT2 @ 17 UNIT 3 © Compara ‘Complete the newspaper article with the comparative forms of the adjectives in brackets e adjectives Young Europeans cross borders ‘While the Brussels politicians and eurocrats slowly town ‘I ove Sweden very mucky she says, "but nightlife argue their way towards a closer. ' (close) ‘here stops hours —___ (ear han European Union, young people are creating a here,’The conversation among Perilla nd her fhendsis 2 (united) Europe in theit own way. mainly in Spanish. But from time 0 time they use Engiish Take « lookat life through the eyes of freelance and lalian, for this group is ___* Journalist Pemila Ulsten, who 1s 26 ané Swedish. She (cosmopolitan) than most, As wellas her bayfPiend, ‘was bom in Malmd, andmoved to Stockholm when she Felipe and two colle sarted work, but now she has moved much es -all Spanish there are an Malian and his Irish fianede * (ft) away, to the other end of Multinational, multilingual groups of fiends like urope.She has chosento live in late-night high-energy ersare becoming Madrid I find that Pernila feels." * (exciting), she says {keen to le —" (common), isso much bung people are languages than or parents were, and Peril wrtes- in Spanish for several magazines. they re also —_ (enthusiastic) “Hewas difficultto find work ac first bat Pm hon leaving home to workin other eomniries —_______*(confident) aboutmy Spanishnov, But does she think thisis true ofeseryone? “Well, 1 ‘ve studied hand and its ruc * suppose it's _ fame) of people (a00d) these days.” ihe faigh level of Tonight Pemnila anda group of fiends have beea to education and with work sie that ansfer easily from anopenirconcer: Now iti? am malthey arent of ons contr ie another sme ara — noes ile, the crowd at El Bonanro'y in the lively La Latina part of for empl 13 @ uNiT2 @ Comparative adjectives Weite complete sentences, Use the comparative forms f the adjectives, including forms with more and fess 1 Pernilla's Spanish used to / much fluent /itis now Pornilla’s Spanish used to be much less fluent than itis nous. Her home town, Malmé, / muck small / Madrid 3. She feels that Madrid /a lot lively / Malmé ‘Nightlife back in Sweden / much active/ in her new home S She thinks that many young people / alot cosmopolitan / their parents © as... as, Write sentences about Pernilla, Use ds .. a8 OF not a8. as 1 At first, Pernilla’s Spanish / good/ it isnow first, Pernlla’s Spanish was not as rood as itis now, 2. Nowa lot of people say her Spanish /good /her Swedish 3. At Bieveyfinding work / easy Hit snow 4. Now working in Spanish / easy /working in Swedish © Superlative adjectives Persilla and her friends are talking about language learning. Complete the conversation with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets Pexvitta When you look back, it seems your mother tongue was theeasiest.| (easy) to learn. Children just learn itas part of living. Feuer Butactually,it may be ______* (hard) to learnt Afterall, children practise tall the time, and i still rakes them years. Puak But what about foreign languages? Since I’m Spanish, I find French and Italian are easy because they're 3 (close) to Spanish, English is hardes, and “s * (difficult) of allis And what about completely different languages? Chinese is man, —_—_—_______ ‘dissant) one I've tried. FIoxa ‘Ofcourse, it helps if you really like the sound of a language. think Italian is ________ ® (beautiful) language. PrRxttté Maybe that’s got something to do with your Ialian fiancé! Fiusa What, Roberto! He's —____° crazy) man in the world! No, [love Italian inspite of Roberto! UNITS @ 19 Underline the eleven relative clauses in the text. The clauses all begin with swho, which, that, where, or whose. Then correct the text by adding commas to the six Type A clauses~ clauses with ‘extra’ information, Simultaneous ‘A arge group of students from allover Europe ar visitng the European Pariament. They are siting n the central chanber, the huge tall where MEPS meet to discuss Europe's new laws, Tre personthat they are listening is ere of the MEPs. Glenys Kinnock whose cwa language is Erglsh scommuricating with giver In several dierent ianguages at ine same ime, 38 1S ong this throgh. the simultareous varslation headsets ‘whieh the tudes wesing,Seme students ar listening to Channel 1 whichis ving Mig Kinnoce’s though in perfect Geran. Ohers who have timedo Charnel 11 a receiving thesame tioughts in excelent Swedish Siuitaneess tranation fist coh jmt@/use at Nurembera, where tras of Naz leaders took place alr World War I fis something that requires vey great sk. The people whe do this amuing job have to iste, undestand: at. an¢ translete 3 speater’ eas che same speed a5 neo seis taking. skills Thece cays, wth so many EU members, there are 420 posite language ‘pairs Tistmeans thatthe tanslatos atthe European Parliarent who all used to work clrecly into their own Fanguage now often werk frm ore foreign languige inte another Accurate translation which was always diffult may ow sonetimes be mpossiie © Relative clauses:TypeA Complete the article using the words in brackets and the highlighted notes below. Remember to add commas. Estonia SL ee) Petar) Ua) Be CET PTS AL Penne) Estonlans ra heavily *into’ the Internet and email, eeu ete Be ea oes dune ea First of three to get inependence from the Soviet Union. ‘Has one of the EU's fastest growing economies. Three _ northern lights, {el lndopondonc from the Kova nonin 084, ‘Thefirst ofthe three to is adepuadence from the Sait Union 2 @ UNIT3 © Relative clauses:TypeB Combine the pairs of sentences to form single sentences about languages, Make the sceond sentence into a relativeclause with who, which, oF that. 1 The Swiss are the only people inwestern Europe. They have four offiial languages ~ German, French, Italian, and Romansch. The official languages ~ Germann Frente ‘The man was Pole called Ludorie Zamenhof. Heinvented Fsperamo, 3, Saame is the name of the language. Laplanders in Finland use it. 4 Catalan, Galician, and Basque are all languages. People speak them in different partsof Spain, 5 ‘The people speak Basque. They live in North-East Spain and South-West France. © Practice drills: comparison of adjectives and superlatives @ 24.22 Follow thei necessary, refer co the Listening s Pronunciation Word stress dane fn the Student's CP/Casserte. IF :pts on p. 80. Read these words aloud and mark the stressed syllable, 1 China 2 Germany 3 Canada | chinese German Canadian 4 Ialy 5 Russia 6 Japan Italian Russian Japanese 7 Poland 8 Hungary Polish Hungarian (3.3 Listen and check your answers. (D 3.3. Listen again and repeat the words. units @ 21 TMD Personal attitudes ‘Dara-Flash Grnioteh wants to adwertioe the neo post of Director — Balt Region in an English newspaper. At present the adver is too long Shorten it by changing the underlined phrases for single words from the box. analytical confident. diplomatic enthusiastic flexible innovative motivated punctual responsible thorough Data-Flash GmbH is looting for a person who lores hisiher work and is hl of new igeas in order to head our ‘ew operation in the Balle region. As this pat of the world te ehapng apy, He param met be hagoy and ahle to skange plans quichty when narestary ane ‘il lsc be good af dealing with peogle without making ‘them angry. Our future Drestor wil be someone whe ‘we can fully trust and will aiso be very certain of histher ability to succeed dus to an oxcolent roc suce 22 @ UNITS ing opinions. Agreeing and disagreeing. Participating in a meeting or discussion Claudia Stamitz, CEO of Data-Flash, is discussing the new Baltic region operation with her Sales Director, Harry Brice, and Finance Director, Marat. Complete their conversation, Use the phrasesin the box, fiche! You could be right, but Sorry, bat could you explain what you mean by that? Personally, I think Then let's move on to the next topic Excuse me, Could I come in here? ‘w Would you like to start? Do we all agree then? Yes, I'd go along with that. ‘Tne aim of this meeting isto Chaupta Right. Let’s start. - ee discuss our new operation in the Baltic region. First, we have to decide on the best place to open. So, what are your views? ere eS es Hasy Well, until recently, thought we should open in Stackholm, burl now feel that we should look to the east. Chavos Hairy Yes, Imean the eastem Baltic states— Estonia, Latvia,and Lithuania, They’re small, but they're dynamic and their economies are growing fast. Midge oa: much lower there than in Sweden ~or Finland, CLaupA ‘That's avery good point. Bur which one should we choose? Hauer S Estonia could be the right place.'There are alot of skilled technical people there. MICHEL tame I small. What about Lithuania? The population is bigger, and it's got probably the fastest-growing economy in the whole EU. I think weneed to find out more about all three Baltic stares in order to— HARRY haves ake a wip over there next week, so I siggest that I do some research and report back to our next meeting. Mice od idea! CLAUDIA I think 30, too. : Mice Yes, definitely. Gea tithignyehttae ‘That's our new Baltic Regional Director... @ 3.4 Listen to the conversation and check your answers. A 9p.21-2 units @ 23 UNIT 4 © Present trends Use the charts to help you complere the text. Use the Present Continuous form of the correct verb in brackets. falli 9 Rte) _costs | - 26 @ UNITS @ Past trends and prepositions Look at the charts showing economic development in China. Complete part of amagazine article with at, by, from, or to. Is China the new consumer giant? ECONOMICGROWTH DIRECTFOREIGN INVESTMENT ‘Companies ~forsignand local - arealmost certainly investing toomuch * their manufacturing operetions. The problem is that most people are Still poor: Although average ‘oarnings roto by about 29% Fatotal $1,120 42001 and 2004, tho majority ofthis still ‘went on basi¢s suich as food, Average disposable income amounted only ‘$545 per year: This problem started to become clear to Motorola #2008, when the increase innales of Te may be true that we are now living ina global village, but different parts of it are behavingin very different ways. ‘From ‘2001 ___ + 4004, ‘most big BU economies grew 2h per year or loss. Atthe same time, Chinese growthrose 575% 02% per year. At theend of 2002, the dato of the last official estimate, China's population stood __* 128billion, and annual population growth was estimates peryear: “00D ‘These statistics, along with China's recent entryio the World Trade Organization, ‘meant that thousands of foreign companies saw China asthe ‘great new consumermarket. $44 billion, annual forvign inveatmont in China ‘was already high in 2001, andin the following two years it increased —__ a further $7 billion per vear '® atotalof$58 billion in 2003. Motorola provides a good example ofheary foreign investmentin China Salosof Jocally manufactured mobile phones grew £ zero in 1867 sor billion in 2002 8 14% of company sates, this made China the company's second most important market ‘after North America. Past and present trends, and prepositions Complete the next part of the article about China with between, in, of, oF to. mobiles began to slow down at a ‘market penetration level only about 20% “Atthe same time, local competition got much stronger. By 2004, over omanufacturors were inthe market with more then 800 models. Although the markot is still expanding from 2004s 80 million sales amaximum total * perhaps 109 milion units per year, supply is soon going io reach 200 million. Already the result isfalling prises and rer slow profits, ‘The same is true forcars and other vehicles. Salesrose dramatically by 75% "009, but that was from avery lowhase "15 cars per 1,000 people (compared with 700 in the USA) Foreign firms are putting in over $20 bullion "new investment, ‘und there are also 129 local manufacturers. 8 thenext few years production ‘capacity is likely to reach mere ‘than 200% sates demand UNIT4 @ 25 26 @ UNITa © Trends: adjective plus noun ‘Study the results for two divisions of the London advertising agency WBK Associates, Then write sentences, choosing appropriate adjectives from box ‘And nouns from box B, foreach year, A B “ (tie steady sharp dramatic rise fall ee TK 1 [2002.0 te fall 10 £57, 3 Online advestising 4 5 6 © Practice drills: adjectives and adverbs @ 41,42 Follow the instructions on the Student's CD/Cassette. If necessary, refer tothe Listening scripts on pp. 80-1, Pronunciation The sounds /u:/ and /u/ Read the words aloud and mark the sound a ob, a food /ui! book /a! 1 boot ae 9 truth — 2 look ae 10 whose ee 3 choose = 11 book a= 4 t00 12 good = 5 wok = 13 would = ___ 6 foot = 14 cruise = 7 should = ___ 15 shoot = 8 lose seat: 16 could = @ 42 Listen and check your answers, @ 43 Listen again and repeat the words. Food Qo: > | Srosie 5 Bat ano Revrasnnne ~ Starters ~ Spicy vegetable (oup Smoked (alwon terrine harinatea rollmop herring, Stenmed afparangas with butter 1 Main courses « (Griled orqnic Yom chop with fresh wit Goce Breast of chicen Sautéed in white Sea basi with roagt femme! (tw: Ran-fried fit (teak in w pepper fawe Baked aberyine wionifakn Deigerty ~ ‘rffee paditing with cream foarkid Victoria plat Boked apple tart Called raspberries with crea You have invited two business visitors to lunch in a restaurant, Neither of them speaks much English. Read the mena and the profiles of your two guests. As the host, which dishes would you recommend? Guest A A Spanish visitor who enjoys spicy food burdoesn't like fish and would prefer not to eat red meat, She likes sweet things. Guest B ‘A German visitor who is « vegetarian, He sometimes eats fish when abroad, bat doesn't like smoked or spicy food. Henever eats dessert. ‘Your guests accept your recommendations. As the host, make a noteof their orders so youcan rell the waiter. Starters: Guest A Guest b Main courses: Guest A Guest B Desserts Guew A Guest B se fagiedieas fron the mins @ thar beldag ta cach grou Group Ingredients Methods of prepar Fruit —tlums _ beached ich Meat — ‘Add to the table above (a} the method of preparation in the menu, and (b) another method that you know, UNIT 4 @ 27

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