Koyenabiswas UNCSW BEAT Day 1

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UNCSW : Sparks Dynamic Dialogues on Gender Equity 1.


- Written by Koyena Biswas ( Reporter)

“I raise up my voice — not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard. …
We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back.” ( Excerpt from speech of Delegate of

In a resounding commencement to this year’s AUMUN conference 2024 themed “Pax per
Praxis,” the opening session at UNCSW, guided by the Executive Board (EB), delved into the
intricacies of peace through actions. The session began with a comprehensive overview of the
Rules of Procedure (RoP), setting the stage for impassioned discussions.

The initial segment emphasised the interdependence of three key words: intersectionality,
vulnerability, and interrelations. Delegates actively engaged in deciphering intersectionality,
revealing its manifestation in oppression based on gender, sex, caste, and ethnicity. The
discussion then probed the root causes of conflict zones, spotlighting vulnerability rooted in
gender and economic status, with the homeless emerging as the most vulnerable.

The discussion shifted to the crux of the agenda, dissecting interrelations and resource
allocation in post-conflict areas. The EB asserted that “resource allocation largely dictates
one’s place in society,” leading to a somber reflection on hierarchy, impacting children’s
futures, women’s rights, and personal liberties.

As the second half unfolded with formal speeches from delegates , the impassioned delegate
of Palestine addressed to the committee on the gender-specific discrimination, displacement
challenges in Palestine and Gaza, and the imperative for human rights prioritisation. The
delegate of Spain advocated for feminine policies and international cooperation in order to
achieve gender neutrality and see woman in powerful positions; the delegate talking about the
current stance of Afghanistan where ‘women are everyday suffering from grave violation of
their basic rights’ with the soaring rise in suicide rates in the country, when delegate of
Madagascar countered the former of the complexities faced in implementing NAPs under
WPS to the delegate, to which, the delegate of Spain outlined proactive measures for gender
equality by 2025.

In a poignant moment, the discussions underscored the urgency of prioritizing and addressing
contemporary needs. The conference’s vibrant discourse promises a fervent pursuit of peace
through tangible actions.

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