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L4 29 Sep 2021

Ppl make food for pets

Medication w pets
Talk to reptiles
Pets death - ppl write obituary to pets and say and we can do interview w them - if u
hv watched 100 obituary, them u ll find out what do ppl miss art their pets
Interview ppl that adopt pets - black dog synondrome - black dog dun photograph
well - ppl dun like them cuz they black

In a group
divide the group and work - each person went for 3 hours - observe and review the
Present aiming and tell ppl the things that we dunno

Essay - a digital copy and hard copy

Animal looks at us all the time - emphasize - why? - draw the related to shamfulness
He is emphazing his bodies - naked - not thinking abt the animals - not act the cat

+ Animals do not feel shame - but dog does not feel shame - no human feel shame before
children or animals _ challenging the idea that animal is separate from human
- a contrast condsidered to be animals and human - if we dun have animals then we don’t have
human - we depend on them but we died the repentance - we convey all kind of animals - this is
when which human denied - we deny them shame, language,

Not a representation of animal - cat - making him feel shame - making him human
This is the art of his article

2 ways of seeing the animal -philosophical way - lack - lack of shame, animal, dress but human
can do all go those things
Is there any 3rd way to talk art the animal
What is the smug - What art ppl engage w pets and animals - another form of knowledge
we taking into account?

The philosopher ignore the fact that many researcher s know art the animals
Representation vs metaphor

Think another form of discourse - he talk about the nice ppl

This not a representation of cat, it is a cat

Animot - generalisation of animal
Animal have generalisation individuality

He is concern w the animals’ individuality - animals are individuals - taste, habits

Criticize the philosopher not seeing the animal - cuz when we see them - who decide them
- who are they? Who are we?

How do ppl treat with animals

The genocide
Instead of killing the Jews - Nazi make more of them - like ppl doing with the animals
- we breed them in order to be killed

When we think about the animals - Can they suffer?

In terms of ethics - No people can deny the animal cannot suffer

Ignorance - we learn how to not know certain things

- Secure ourselves we are not them
- Drawing attention to the fact
- They don’t differentiate between animals
- Draw attention the the animal at the same time
- Criticizing animal to hide the diversity, individuality of animals - Keep ourselves ignorant
- What kind of conclusion does them draw from the article

We have to recognise we are seen by animals - the main point

The cat don’t have a name mb because he doesnt wt the reader think he is dominating the cat

modality of engagement
- not feeling ashamed
- concept of being naked in front of a cat vs interact with a baboon
- intimacy? barbara want to individualise the baboon
- Barbara looks at the animals for a long time
- the cat makes me to feel ashamed - we think binary - they are dependent on each
other - interdependent - men is considered more intelligent then women - the
relationship between men and women were similar to the ways between animal and
human - its makes us aware we are human beings

Barbara criticizing the cats are very different from human cuz the engagment is different - one is
talking to animal - one is engaging with animal - the shift wanted to do is stop only talking art
histology and about animal - and they never cry and fail if we talk how we different about them

But if we talking about if they can suffer - then different - then we are sharing the world and suffer

if we think about how we treat animal then the whole potion would be different
We have institution and many things for the animals

in essay - Derrida is criticising

something different may happen if a dog lays beside and look into her eyes
Derrida is touching

Why Derrida talk about the name of the cat

- want the readers to think the cat he is talking the cat is the cat, not any other cat like Mary
- he tells the cat’s sex but not the name
- then we can focus on the animal
- individualize animal by giving them a name
if we cannot think in the stance of another people, then how we think in the stance of an animal

T2 4 Oct 2021

provide page number Quoatation

dont criticise Derrida

They have their own argument

Derrida argued about …
I agree ...

We need to show we have a good understanding of Derrida

The japanese clip reminds us of any Derrida’s piece

the normalisation of animal and experiments
Devine that violent is

slaughter house can violent come in other form

Mental violence
The animal become an object of transportation, eat - a kind of violence

who are the belligerents of this “war”?

Belligerent - like war ppl
irrefutable testimony - or war, Derrida thinks the future are going to be
like this
War - animal rights
technological advance
Biological way to see animal

logos - animal have their ability to think and principle and order and knowledge
Logical reasoning
come from logical reasoning
Empathy, pathetic -- feeling emotions - to convince sb to believe in sth
There is pursuation of logos
eg parents tell u sth, it compels u to do sth

We are over reliance of science - we are therefore I am

- I am better than animal because I can think
we are thinking too much on logos but forgot thinking about us

Derrida is good at deconstruction

If this is a stable system - the word is dependent on another word
- the meaning of word is unable - deconstruction is to stabilise the word

The idea of living but nonhuman

- why we singular human but other animals are so call animal
- under the label of animals

immorality and amorality

A - without
amorality - the absence of moral
We put ourselves to the animal’s perspective
3 Nov 2021
The service that they are heard
Can communicate w animal by looking at photo rather than looking at the actual animals
Disturb the communication

Language vs image
Image - presence of animal
Language - only focus on some point and cannot understand the whole picture

Describe how a session with an animal communicator normally takes place.

- Through ECG - the brain waves are highly connected to the emotions of the animals and the
- Usually have an appointment - zoom, facetime, email

Give examples of the kinds of messages that animal communicators say animals want to convey
to humans.
- They love humans, honour them and the nature and human, the earth and us are related to
each other
In the view of the animal communicators you have looked at, how do non-human animals differ
from human animals, and how are they the same?

4. For animal communicators, what is language? How does their understanding of language
(what it is and what it is for) differ from that of others we have discussed during this course?
- Verbal and non verbal communication
- How animal react to change, we can actually react to landscape and trees (all the nature
including us)
- Child are more able to have the ability to telepathy - until we are older we are aware the fact
that we are different from animals
- Language - they make us narrower and not expend it - squeezed out the ability to telepathic
with animal - language do not facilitate communication with animals
- Human - superior to animal - we already have our concept

Asia vd Western
- We don't really want to interfere with animal or spirit these kind of thing
- Some still think they are animal communicator and think they are able to communicate with
- White middle class speak for babies - did parents in HK talk to babies? Yes
- Difference parents (human) talk with animals
Why there are no african-american, asian-american
- A lot of white preoccupation is for horses - this is a demographic difference
- More white have pets in USA than asian or african american
- Since you are paying money to the animal communicator, you have certain
level of money - you are a middle class

Legal responses
- There is some disclaimers
- If they animal communicator said you animal is healthy, but your animal end
up died
8. How many of the communicators you looked at revealed what they charge
for their services? What is the average price? What do they claim that you
get for that? Would you pay for their services? Why or why not?
- Up to 600/h they will charge you more
- Are you projecting your own thoughts on my animal?
- There are some qualifications, authorities, media appearances, interviews to
make people think they are qualified
- People are testified - their lives are changed
- Scientific analysis - communicate through energy

The animal communicator are very self-satisfied

What are these animals are very happy
Why don't they ever say something negative
It's kind of an american based positive thinking they get channel through

This is a crap
Need these question to as a guide to structure the essay on their own term
as a social phenomena
Finally 2 sentence can be your though but also it is a kind of their professions
How do they say they do it and how do they do it?
Summarize the phenomena
L9 10 Nov
“Strike u without anger without hate”
everyone needs to eat meat - reality
1949 after WW2 - solder’s job they can get - in
slaughter house
production line is stressful - every 12s there’s animal being killed
men are smoking

Responsible of killing - the knocking (they are only the ppl killing the
place of comfort - many ppl work in the slaughter
Only 8 ppl did the actual killing - in slaughter house
-> only few ppl see the slaughter

modern vs industrial slaughter house

- learn to use the equipment
- need skills to kill

Gender dimension (imbalanced)

- 2 women in film
- 12 women in 800 workers
- x affection w animal
- I would be a machine - knocker - place responsibility in one person

People want to keep the job by using

the pods
- for supervisors to see they are
doing the jobs
a slaughter house is a
slaughter - responsibility
- x only workers but normal people too
- we are the one who create the demand which they are only giving supply

- workers in slaughter house
- people need to be in the “category” to get the job
- can white people get the job in slaughter house?

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