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Answer ten principles

a.) regulating cable TV prices - This government activity is motivated by a concern

about fairness, specifically about making sure that the prices for cable TV are
reasonable and affordable for consumers.
b.) providing some poor people with vouchers that can be used to buy food - This
government activity is motivated by a concern about equality as it aims to provide
assistance to those who cannot afford to buy food.
c.) prohibiting smoking in public places - This government activity is motivated by a
concern about efficiency as it aims to protect the health and safety of non-smokers and
reduce healthcare costs.
d.) breaking up Standard Oil - This government activity is motivated by a concern about
efficiency. The government broke up Standard Oil to prevent the market failure of
monopolies, which can lead to higher prices, reduced output, and reduced innovation.
e.) imposing higher personal income tax rates on people with higher incomes - This
government activity is motivated by a concern about equality as it aims to redistribute
wealth and reduce income inequality.
f.) instituting laws against driving while intoxicated - This government activity is
motivated by a concern about efficiency as it aims to prevent accidents, injuries and
deaths caused by drunk driving, and reduce healthcare and other costs.

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