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1 Creative Writing Homework: Descriptive Writing

Write a description as suggested by this picture

Paragraph 1: Panoramic – describe the scene, broadly. Introduce the place,
events and atmosphere.
Paragraph 2: Zoom – focus your lens in on one segment of the image (draw a
box) e.g. the man’s hands on the frame of the plough.
Paragraph 3: Single line – emphasise the key feeling of your description in one
line, apart from the text. BE DRAMATIC!
Paragraph 4: Shift – focus your lens on another segment of the image (draw a
box) e.g. the horses’ bridle and reins.
Paragraph 5: Shift – focus your lens on another segment of the image (draw a
box) e.g. the plough as it tears at the surface of the soil.
Paragraph 6: Panoramic – zoom out to look at the scene as a whole, how has it
changed given the new perspective?

You must include:
• a range of descriptive devices
• a range of punctuation
• imaginative vocabulary
• varied structural features.
Plan before you write. Consider what you need to include (specifically) and where you will include it;
create a tick list.

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