Ect301 Linear Integrated Circuits, December 2021

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A 1100ECT30tl22l02 Pages:4

Reg No.: Name:

Fifth Semester B.Tech Degrdb Examination December 2021 (2019

Course Code: ECT301

Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hows

(Answer all questionq each question carries i marks) Marks

1 \ Define the parameter CMRR of an op-amp. (3)

Given that an operational amplifier produces an output voltage of 50 mV when
the input voltages V1 and V2 are equal tolOV and output voltage of lOV when

V1 : l0 mV and Vz :20mV. Determine the CMRR in dB.

2 Draw the ideal and practical voltage transfer characteristics of an op-amp. and (3)
explain the difference.
J Design an inverting amplifier for a closed loop voltage gain of 10. (3)
4 Draw the input-output waveforms for the circuit shown in figure below. (3)

,) op-amp.
Draw the circuit diagram of a triangular wave generator using (3)
6 Design a first order high pass filter for a cut off frequency of lkHz and (3)
maximum gain of 11.
7 Draw and list the functions of 555 timer IC pins. ' (3)
8 Explain the terms (i) Pull in time (ii) Capture range and (iii) Lock range with (3)
respect to a PLL.

Define the terms (i)Resolution (ii) Settling time and (iii) Monotonicity with (3)
respect to a DAC.

10 Explain the terms (i) Line regulation and (ii) Load regulation for a regulated (3)
power supply.

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(Answer onefull questionfrom each nodule, each quesfion carries 14 marks)
Module -1
11 a) Analyse the differential amplifier circuit using BJT and derive an expression (7)

for differential mode gain and collmon mode gain.

b) Draw the circuit diagram of a Wilson current source and derive an expression (7)

for output current in terms of the reference current.

L2 a)1. Define Slew rate and derive the expression for maximum input frequency at (7)

which an undistorted signal is obtained in terrrs of slew rate.

2. Define Input offset voltage and Input offset current,
.:l b) Determine the values of current Lr and Ir2 in the figure given below. Assume (7)

Vse : 0.7 V, Vr:25 mV and |r--l25-

Module -2
13 a) Derive an expression for voltage gain, input resistance and output resistance of (7)

a voltage series feedback amplifier.

b) Design a circuit to obtain the following transfer characteristics. Draw the input (7)

output waveforms also.

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t4s Analyze the circuit given below and derive an expression for the output (7)
':l voltage.



b) Draw the circuit of a Half wave Precision rectifier and explain its working (7)
Module -3
15 a) Draw the circuit diagram of a Wein bridge oscillator using op-amp and derive (7)

an expression for frequency of oscillations.

b) Draw the circuit diagram of a Band Pass filter and derive an expression for the (7)
transfer function.
16 a) Design a circuit to generate a square wave of frequency 2kJIz and amplitude (7)

l0 Vee using opamp. Assume that the duty cycle is ediral to 50%o.
b) Derive the transfer function of a second order Butterworth low pass filter. (7)
Module -4
17 a) With a neat functional diagram and waveforms, explain the working of a (7)

monostable multivibratorusing 555 timer IC.

b) With block diagram, explain the working a phase locked loop. (7)

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18c) Explaiu &e blek ai{rgrao of a v*age-controlH oscillator. (7)

Ut ,TyT. in detail my 3 applicatirrc of pLL.
. . (7)
*Id-ele _5

19 a) Explain fte uiorkiry of a flreh bp analog to digital converter.

b) Explain low currldt fold, 66sp ad,curr€nt
hsting are done rsing lC7Z3 (7)
; .: .. ::' . 'r: I :

voltage qulator.
'20 a) ' Explain fte working ofa successive approximation qpe ADc. (7)
' b) Eplain the worting of a weighted re istor q/pe DAc. Mention irs &au16l<s . (7)


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