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About the Author

Lunaea Weatherstone
is a priestess, writer, teacher, and tarot counselor who has served the pagan community for over
twenty-five years, since her days as owner/publisher of SageWoman magazine. As the Grove Mother
for the Sisterhood of the Silver Branch, she offers year-long online programs on Goddess spirituality.
She has been working with the tarot for more than forty years.

about the artist

mickie mueller
is an award-winning and acclaimed fantasy, fairy, and myth artist. Mickie enjoys creating magical art
filled with fairies, goddesses, and folklore beings. She works primarily in a mixture of colored pencil
and watercolor with magical herbs corresponding to her subject matter.

mystical cats


Llewellyn Publications

Woodbury, Minnesota

Tales of the mystical cats© 2014 by Lunaea Weatherstone; Art by Mickie Mueller. All rights
reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any way, including use of the
Internet, without the written permission of Llewellyn Publications, except for brief quotations
included in major articles and reviews.

FirstEDITIONFirst Printing,

Book design by Rebecca Zins

Cover design by Ellen
Lawson Illustrations © 2014
by Mickie Mueller

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ISBN 978-0-7387-3388-

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Llewellyn Publications
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2143 Wooddale Drive Woodbury, MN 55125-
To Muffy, Kaga, Willow and Morpheus, with all the love you gave me. And to Renée McElwee
and all the other strong and passionate humans who do animal rescue; May Bast bless your

To all my family, both human and furry, especially Willow and Garfield, who sat on every piece
of art for this cover. Also to my dear Mar-Mar, who always asked me every time I talked to her
for two years: "How's the cat deck going?" We love you, Mar, for always!
expressions of

Gentle thanks to Barbara Moore for the opportunity to create a cat tarot for Llewellyn. For a crazy cat
in the making, no project could please me more. Thanks to Mickie Mueller who made this project a
joy from start to finish. You are the cat's pajamas! Catnip Mice are offered with gratitude to Becky
Zins and Lynne Menturweck at Llewellyn for all their loving work on this project.

A special thanks to the specific cats featured in this deck:

Abu, Arthur, Aspen, Cleo, Frida, Garfield, Grayson, Helen, Hildy May, Juno, Kaga, Lexi, Mr.
Kitty, Morpheus, Muffy, Mustachio, Needles, Obi, Omar, Pricilla, Purrsephone, Rosie, Shiloh,
Shizuka , Smokey,
Tabitha, Tomas, Tyler, the Two Willows, Zane

and to all the cats whose names we don't know but whose spirit shines through anyway.

~ Lunaea

For millennia, all the cultures of the world have tried to understand the mystical nature of the cat. No
other creature has inspired more tributes in art, literature, and music. Folklore is full of tales of cat
magic. What truly lies behind the cat's knowing gaze will forever remain a mystery to its human
companions; Cats are good at keeping their secrets. This deck offers a glimpse into a hidden realm of
feline enchantment that exists alongside the everyday lives cats share with us. This is a magical other
world where our own cats inhabit, perhaps in their imagination or ancestral memory, but who knows?
Maybe they'll travel there when we're not looking.

Cats are not just pets. They are the rightful descendants, in all their furry glory, of the Cat Goddess.
As your cat sits quietly curled up on his favorite cushion, watching the world with half-closed eyes,
he is reminded that ancient wisdom is the heritage of this eternally mystical creature.
The structure of the

The first card in tarot is traditionally called the fool, and tarot in general is often referred to as "the
fool's journey" as the archetypal seeker moves through each of the cards on a journey of self-
discovery. Of course, a cat is nobody's fool. But it shares the attributes of the Fool card:curiosity,
openness to chance, the ability to live fully in the moment. In this deck, the Cat is your guide and
advisor as you travel through the mystical feline world.

The Mysteries of the Cat: Major Arcana

All tarot decks are made up of two parts: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana (arcana is a word
meaning "secrets"). The main cards have names like the Empress, Death, and the Lovers. When a
Major Arcana card appears in a reading, it can be interpreted as an important event, life experience,
or spiritual work. The major cards generally receive more attention and meaning in a reading than the
Minor Arcana cards. The Majors display universal archetypes that ask you to pay attention and take a
lesson throughout your journey through life. In this deck, the Elders are the Mysteries of the Cat,
feline interpretations of these universal soul lessons.

The mysteries of the cat are:

Traditional - Mystic Cats Tarot

The Fool - The Cat
The Magician - Magical Cat
The High Priestess - The High Priestess
The Empress - The Empress
The Emperor - The Emperor
The Hierophant - The Priest
The Lovers - The Lovers
The Chariot - The Chariot
Strength - Strength
The Hermit - The Hermit
The Wheel of Fortune - The Wheel of Justice - Consequences
The Hanged Man - The Floating Cat
Death - Death
temperance – grace
the devil – The Demon Cat
The tower - The tower
The star - The stars
The moon - The moon
The Sun - The Sun
Judgment - Good kitty
The World - The World
The Clans of the Cat: Minor Arcana

The Minor Arcana cards are divided into four suits, like a deck of cards, and are often interpreted as
having to do with day-to-day experiences and passing events. In this deck, the traditional meanings of
the cards are retained, and the four suits are now visualized as four clans of cats.

Traditional – Mystic Cats

Wands - Fire
Cups - Sea
Swords - Sky
Pentacles -Earth

Although each cat is unique, they have common affinities and traits that are determined by their clans,
both by heredity and clan culture. It would be hard for an independent Sky Cat to feel at home among
the crowd-minded Earth Cats, or for a dreamy, psychic Sea Cat to understand the compelling
restlessness of adventure that motivates a Fire Cat. Your own cats also belong to one of the clans,
although they may not choose to reveal it to you. By observing and deepening your knowledge of the
characteristics of the clan, you can get to know them better and also yourself.

Cat clans comprise all breeds, and it is not just blood relationship that determines membership in a
particular clan. Littermates may be found separated by individual preferences; for example, a kitten
born to a SkyClan mother may find a more harmonious life among SeaClan, or a FireClan tom may
find his mate among EarthClan. As with humans, temperament and personal destiny determine one's
true clan.
court cards

Traditionally, each suit in the Minor Arcana contains four court cards, which are called page, knight,
queen, and king (or variations on these names, such as princess and prince instead of page and
knight). When court cards appear in a reading, they are often interpreted as representing a particular
person, based on general personality traits or the role that person plays in a situation. This could be
the person receiving the reading (the querent) or another person who is involved in the querent's life
(or may soon be involved). All court cards can represent both men and women in a reading, as it is
qualities and energies that matter, not gender roles.

In this deck, the court cards are jack, tom, queen, and king. Kittens can represent younger people,
obviously, but more generally they represent the process of learning and exploring something new,
sometimes called "beginner's mind." Toms are always on a quest or task of some kind, and represent
the goal-seeking or adventurous part of the personality. His actions vary depending on his clan's
priorities, such as aggression (Sky Clan) or protection (Earth Clan).

Queens rule their clans through wisdom. They represent a stimulating and encouraging influence, as
well as other feminine qualities such as intuition and clear communication. Kings rule their clans
through personal power and charisma, setting territorial boundaries and providing protection. They
represent masculine qualities such as leadership, dominance, and authority.

For more information on court cards, I recommend Understanding the Tarot Court by Mary
K. Greer and Tom Little, published by Llewellyn.
How to use the cards

shuffling the cards

Shuffling a deck of tarot cards doesn't always have to mean shuffling in the usual way, like you
would a deck of cards. One of my favorite techniques (learned from Shekhinah Mountainwater) is to
deal all the cards out on a large surface, such as a table or on the floor, and then "shake" them with
both hands, moving them widely across the surface until they feel just right. mixed. There is a time
when the energy of the cards seems to settle, and you will know when they are in the right place.
Leave the cards spread out on the surface, and then just tap and choose your cards. I use my non-
dominant hand (left, in my case, since I'm right-handed), and place it on top of the cards until I feel a
warm tingle on the one to pick up. Do this for as many cards as are in your reading.
If you want to shuffle in the usual way, consider how you will know when to stop. Experienced tarot
readers may have a set number of times they shuffle the deck or may be familiar with when the cards
feel well shuffled. If you're just getting started with tarot, it may help to tell yourself (and the cards!)
that you will shuffle a certain number of times, maybe five. This allays any concerns about whether
you've done it "correctly" and allows the cards to work with you to present the exact cards for your

After shuffling, many readers cut the cards. This is a tradition that I consider primarily ceremonial, a
way of indicating that the time to shuffle the cards is over and the time to read them is at hand. If you
choose to cut the cards, I suggest that you find a way that feels good and do it the same way every
time. Not only does it strengthen the ceremonial tradition I mentioned, but it also keeps you from
questioning yourself. I cut the cards into three stacks, using my left hand, and then stacked them
again in a different order. I then do this two more times, for a magical effect three times three. I
lightly tap on the top of the deck three times, sort of like a knock on the door of fortune telling. And
then I lay out the cards, dealt from the top of the deck.
reading the letters

The tarot is a visual tool, so the first and most important thing is to look at the cards. Take your time
and step into the picture, imagining yourself within its landscape. Then close your eyes and visualize
the card, remembering what you have seen. Often the most important part of the images on the card
will be what lingers in your mind. Opening your eyes again, take note of the card's layout, colors, cats'
expressions, and their body language. Everything in the tarot adds to the symbolic meaning.

Once you've spent the time looking at the card, read the card's description and the advice the Cat
offers you. Cats spend a lot of time watching us, and they have a lot of advice and feedback to offer.
While it's always a good idea to listen to a cat's advice, be sure to use your intuition to understand
the message from your own point of view. The description and advice are written as if the card
concerns you personally, but consider whether they might refer to someone else or perhaps the
situation itself. For example, the empress card symbolizes maternal love and care, which may have
to do with her own ability to provide that love, your need for that love or the opportunity to use
mothering qualities in the situation you are asking about (among many other possible
interpretations). ).
Let the descriptions be a starting point.

For more information on working with the Mystic Cats Tarot, see the chapter on spreads.
About rollbacks

When using the cards in one reading, you can choose to read them all upright or consider what it
means when a card is inverted (upside down). The important thing is to be consistent. Let your cards
know if you'll be considering reversals or not, so they know how to present themselves and you don't
start to doubt yourself and interrupt the flow of your reading. If you decide that you will read all the
cards upright, then turn the cards upside down when interpreting the reading.

Just as there are many possible interpretations for upright cards, there are many ways to consider
what a card means when flipped. It does not always signify a more negative energy or situation than
what is shown on the card; in fact, with some challenging cards, a reversal can add a more positive
spin to its meaning. Revocation interpretations are offered for each card if you choose to use them.

Care and feeding of your terrace

The "proper" way to care for a tarot deck is whatever feels right for you. Some people feel that
cards retain their energy better in their original box. Others look for special boxes or bags that
reflect the aesthetic of the particular deck (for example, our artist, Mickie Mueller, offers tarot bags
printed with images from the deck). The important thing is to always treat your cards with respect.
Put them away when you're done using them. If you do it with your full attention and with the
intention of honoring your tarot deck as a divination tool, you will feel that energy when you draw
them out again and it will continue to grow over the years. Building a strong and intimate
relationship with a deck takes time. You may want to stock your deck with special crystals or other
stones to help clarify and enhance your energy. Cat's eye and tiger's eye are the perfect stones to
invoke the mystical nature of the cat.
Place a tumbled stone in a small bag with some dried catnip and keep this amulet with your mallet
as an offering to the cat goddess.
the mysteries of
the cat
Major Arcana
0 • The cat

How wonderful it is to be a cat! No creature is more graceful, mystical, wise, or brave. All of our
senses are deeply attuned to understand and be part of the planes of existence, both seen and unseen.
Each plant, each stone, each breeze, each sound is clearly perceived and received with curiosity.
Everything we encounter is experienced to the fullest and most real. We walk through life always
ready to experience every chance adventure. No one needs to remind cats to stop and smell the
flowers. We know very well that the flowers were placed there just for us.

cat's advice

Would you like to walk the path of the cat? The first step is to be fully present exactly where you are,
right now. Ask yourself what would make you happy, and then welcome the opportunities that
follow. Your nose will lead you to your bliss if you let it. Open your eyes to beauty. Awaken your
spirit to marvel.

If the card is reversed...

A life that is purely random can be difficult, even stupid. Too much wandering can leave you clanless
and alone, especially in later years. Living in the moment is not an excuse for carelessness or
irresponsibility. Keep your paws on the ground.
I • Magic Cat

Cat Magic is so simple and yet so profound, the easiest to understand and the most challenging to
practice. It is the art of attracting all the good things you should have according to the laws of nature
and the blessings of the Cat Goddess. Performing ceremonial magic, as this cat does, focuses the
intention towards a specific goal. This cat is using his innate powers to create an elemental spell. The
mystical symbols of Earth, Sky, Fire and Sea float at his command. Using these magical energy
building blocks, the cat does his bidding in the world.

cat's advice

You have the power to create your own reality, and that power is growing only by paying attention to
it. Focus on the positive, not the negative. Believe that you can bring what you want. The traps and
magic tools are not the important part; Believing in you is the secret of cat magic.

If the card is reversed...

It is possible that you feel that you are not in control of what happens to you and that, no matter
how hard you try, you are blocked and frustrated. Examine your attitudes about what is possible
and your own role in the development of your life. Are you willing to claim your innate power to
shape your world?
II • The Priestess

Deep in her amethyst cave, the Priestess awaits you. The vibrations of the crystals resonate with her
purring, amplifying the energy that radiates from her being. For thousands of years, our priestesses
have lived here and nurtured their inner knowledge. The priestess is the heir to her wisdom. When
her lives run out, another priestess will take her place, adding her predecessor's consciousness to her
own. The cat's mysteries of grace, silence, love and merciless death are all within her. She sees
through the veils of illusion and offers only the truth. She looks into her eyes and she sees the real

cat's advice

You are ready for the next stage of your spiritual development: trusting your own inner guidance.
The call of your soul towards what enriches it must not be denied. Find a sacred space where you can
be still and listen to the Divine, whatever that means to you. You also have ancient wisdom handed
down by your ancestors.

If the card is reversed...

You may resist or mistrust your inner voice, perhaps because paying attention to it would mean
taking steps you are unwilling to take. Denying the needs of your soul only leads to misery. If a
sacrifice is required, you will find the strength to do it. Be careful not to allow others to deny your
own deep wisdom.
III • The Empress

Is there anything more beautiful than a mother cat and her kittens? Of all the things we hold sacred,
this bond is the most precious. Our Empress is the embodiment of maternal love, and with each
generation we honor her with a special place in our hearts. From the moment her little ones are born,
she nurtures them with her body, fiercely defends them, and faithfully cares for them. She would die
for them if she was about it. And yet, she knows that her duty is to care, not consume. When her
kittens are ready, she encourages them to go into their own lives and looks at them with tender pride.

cat's advice

The care and support you need is available to you. This may come in the form of material wealth or
nutritional help, but regardless of the circumstances, you can trust that it is given with love and
without expectations or conditions. You also have this unconditional love within you. Let it nurture
others as you would nurture yourself. The cycle of love is endless.

If the card is reversed...

If you have been hurt by mothering (whether from your own mother or from someone else in a
mothering role), you may prevent access to your own mother nature. Or you cannot allow others
to care for you, for fear of being suffocated by the obligation. Find a way to release and heal these
old patterns.
IV • The emperor

Our magnificent Emperor rules the four cat clans with regal calm and perspective. His primary
concerns are maintaining territory boundaries and ensuring the future well-being of all cats. Clans
may fight and fall on hard times, but when the Emperor intervenes, his authority is always accepted.
His power comes from within, not from brutal conquest or dominating others into fawning
submission. He knows who he is. The empire is vast and its responsibilities are great, but each of us
feels truly seen when the wise gaze of the Emperor falls upon us. True leadership combines heart and
mind for the benefit of all.

cat's advice

Hold on to the things that you know are right and good. Use your power wisely for the benefit of
those in your care. If you are the one who needs support, make sure that those you ask for help are
trustworthy. In either case, set firm boundaries. Don't give away your own power.

If the card is reversed...

Overtaking others and demanding that they accept your will is not true leadership. Learn to share
power so that everyone feels useful and valuable. If you yourself are under the thumb of an
oppressive leader, speak up and make changes for the good of all.
V • The priest

Cats follow their own conscience. We think for ourselves. No external authority can tell a cat what is
sacred and worthy of reverence. But we do have traditions and teachings that are transmitted and
respected. In our holy temples, the priests are responsible for preserving and interpreting the
mysteries of cats, the tales of the clans, and the songs of the cat goddess. The rites must be observed,
and we honor the priest for his willingness to dedicate his life to this service. If our faith in ourselves
falters, he gets our paws in the way.

cat's advice

Having more structure and discipline in your spiritual life can be helpful now. Even the most
independent thinker can benefit from the guidance of those who are knowledgeable and experienced
in the holy teachings. The great religions and mythologies house vast treasure troves of wisdom, all
born from the same longing for understanding and meaning. Look for universal truths from reliable

If the card is reversed...

Dogma and rigid thinking can stifle spiritual growth. Do not impose your beliefs on others or let
them impose theirs on you. Don't confuse the trappings of religion with a true religious experience.
Seek the deeper meaning and reject those who oppose the exploration of the truth.
VI • Lovers

When cats come together in love, they create a paradise just for two. Hours are spent in a furry
embrace, and the wonders of the world are enjoyed even more because they are shared. The
connection between hearts and minds continues even in sleep, as lovers dream the same dreams.
Nothing can come between a united couple; Small irritations may cause a hiss from time to time, but
their love is greater than any dispute. When the two are separated by death, they know that it is only a
matter of time before they are reunited in the next life, and oh what a happy reunion it will be!

cat's advice

Give yourself to love, in whatever form it offers. Perhaps this is your partner, the one that makes
your heart purr. Or maybe it's something you really love and want to give yourself wholeheartedly: a
life change, a project, a clan or a friendship. Know that you will be received with great love and that
you will be in a safe place to open up to your dreams.

If the card is reversed...

Love may seem like a fight right now, but remember that the fight can be worthwhile too. Working
on a place of deeper love is a significant undertaking for true soulmates. If the situation at hand is
not relationship oriented, it may be that your heart is pulling you in one direction and your head in
another. Clarify what you really love.

VII • The chariot

Cats enjoy the thrill of seeing how far our personal power will take us. Not just feats of physical
prowess: our innate magnetism and psychic strength carry us through any challenge. This cat is in
command of his steeds animated only by the focused intent of his will. He knows where he wants to
go and, without a doubt, he will get there. When a cat is in full control of its own destiny, no
obstacle in its path will impede its progress.

cat's advice

You are in charge of your life. When you believe in your purpose, the universe will work with you to
move toward greatness. Your success is assured, but you must take steps to get it going. Don't let
anyone else drive your car now; interference from others, or even assistance if not requested, can
impede your progress. Clarify your intentions, make a plan, gather your resources, and then move on.

If the card is reversed...

Your progress has stalled and stopped. Determine the cause so you can start moving again. Do you
lack confidence in yourself? Have others questioned your chances of success? Is your plan missing a
vital step? This is not the end of the race, just a short stop to gather for the next phase.
VIII • Force

Instinct is a powerful force. No creature knows this better than we do. We are guided by our instincts,
which tell us when we are safe or in danger, when to act or stay still, what to eat, who to trust. But we
are not slaves to these natural inclinations; We are too evolved for that. Cats are masters of self control
when required. Even the most powerful impulse of our nature, to hunt down our prey, can be mastered
by our strength of character. Nothing is fiercer than a cat, and when we choose, nothing is softer.

cat's advice

Others may act from ignoble impulses and motivations, but you remain true to your moral
convictions. You have overcome your base instincts to choose the higher path. Your courage and
strength run deeper than you know. Draw them to get you through any challenge.

If the card is reversed...

Don't make excuses that some things are beyond your control. Take responsibility for your decisions
and actions. You are strong enough to overcome any obstacle, including those that come from within.
Tap into your inner reserves of courage and nobility.
IX • The hermit

The hermit retires to the highest branches of a magical pomegranate tree to meditate on its mysteries.
Though he prefers solitude from him, occasional visitors are welcome, but, like pomegranates, the
hermit does not readily offer the fruits of his wisdom. There must be some effort involved; The
ancient tree of knowledge must be climbed. Only when far removed from him does the hermit have
the perspective to see far and the detachment to come to a calm understanding of what he observes.
Cats who are on the active run of life's adventures can't always see the big picture. The hermit sees
and understands.

cat's advice

Get away from the bustle of your daily life and find the inner stillness you need. Don't expect to
understand the deeper meaning of life if you are constantly involved in activities and occupations.
Wisdom requires making time for introspection.

If the card is reversed...

Too much loneliness is as harmful as too much society. Even the most dedicated loners need some
connection to others to keep things in perspective and prevent an inner downward spiral. Consider
whether you have withdrawn too much from the world, and if so, consider your reasons.
X • The Wheel

At the center of the universe is a great Cosmic Wheel. This wheel is kept in motion by a jack, of
course, at whose whim it spins fast or slow. All the elements are present: the Earth, the Sky, the Fire,
the Sea and all the clans that are made of these elements. From this Wheel flows the essential energy
of all creation. Call it fortune, fate, luck, or whatever you want, it's always changing, just like we are.
All life revolves on the dancing legs of the spinner of the wheel.

cat's advice

Things are in motion that are beyond your control. The task now is to get in alignment with what the
universe intends for you. Be on the lookout for signs that will guide your next action. Trust that all
will be well, and remember that wherever you are on the Wheel of Fate, you will soon be somewhere
else; just wait for the wheel to turn.

If the card is reversed...

The inverted wheel card has the same meaning as the vertical wheel, although you may feel the
effects of the twist of fate more strongly. Focus on the center of the wheel and your elemental balance
to regain your own centering.
XI • Consequences

A simple ball of string: one of our favorite toys. We love to chase it, untangle it, grab it and shred it as
it falls across the floor. But this cat hasn't paid attention to where his wild game has led her. Rolling
the ball through brambles and rough ground, ripping her tangles, she has inevitably tangled herself.
There is a right way and a wrong way, even in the game. It's all very well to lose yourself in a hunting
fantasy, but you should never lose sight of the consequences of carelessness. The game must be
balanced with awareness.

cat's advice

Observe your actions and assess what their long-term consequences may be. Are you making
responsible and ethical choices? Are you paying attention to where you're going? Be careful not to
catch any unwanted tangles that complicate matters, and keep an eye on your progress. Keep in mind
that the way you start things influences your end result.

If the card is reversed...

Negative entanglements are beginning to loosen, and with careful deliberation you can get yourself
out of a tight spot or unfair situation. Follow your actions back to the beginning to understand the
lessons learned along the way and see how you can do better next time.
XII • The floating cat

This cat has achieved true freedom of spirit and the perfect peace of detachment, so much so that she
has shed gravity and floats dreamily among the holy morning glories of illumination. Visions with
deep meaning come to those who can surrender what they think they know and open to what is not yet
known. By changing perspective and looking at the world from a different point of view, greater
understanding is achieved. Is the cat dreaming? Who can say? What matters is that by returning her
paws to the ground, that new point of view will remain, the feeling that anything is possible if she

cat's advice

Let go of your preconceived ideas of what is possible. Turning established ideas on its head allows
creative brilliance to flow effortlessly. Morning glories are a symbol of mind expansion, and like the
cat, all you need is the will to be amazed. When you let go of your attachment to gravity, what
remains is lightness. Lighten and expand into infinite possibility.

If the card is reversed...

The inverted floating cat has the same meaning as when the card is upright, but with the added caveat
that manifesting your imagination and inspiration in your everyday life can be challenging on its
own. To help reinforce your expanded vision of what is possible, find other people who share your
desire for expansive thinking.
XIII • Death

Of all the Mysteries, death is the deepest. This is what we know: every time we enter a body, we are
fully alive. No moment is wasted or unimportant. Sleeping or waking up, alone or in company, in joy
and even in suffering, we are totally committed to being present. So when the time comes to leave
that body, the life lived in it is complete. Whether that time was short or long does not matter. We
leap into infinity, leaving the dear old body behind. The next life awaits you.

cat's advice

Be aware of the finite nature of things. If it's time to let go of something, let it go. Holding on to what
no longer serves you keeps you at a fixed point on your evolutionary path. Release what is finished so
that new life can come to you. Be thankful for every lesson and gift along the way.

If the card is reversed...

You may allow grief and loss to dominate your thoughts and feelings instead of accepting the new
life you want to enter. Keeping and nurturing sad memories does not honor what you loved or allow
you to release it in peace. Hold a ceremony to honor what has passed and embrace a sense of closure.
XIV • Grace

Cats move with such grace and finesse that it may seem effortless, but it takes balance and a
willingness to look foolish if we fall or falter. This mixture of control and freedom is what gives us
balance. Our dignity comes from both inner and outer grace. True grace means adapting to your
circumstances, allowing the waves to crash harmlessly around you without defensiveness. When you
open yourself to vulnerability, you will meet any challenge with greater wisdom. Cats move with
perfect composure between the worlds, always guided by our own serene spirit.

cat's advice

Find that place of inner harmony that allows you to move through any challenge with balance and
grace. If you find yourself out of balance, assess what it takes to get you stable again. Your ability
to adapt to changing circumstances will make you confident in even the stormiest of times. seek

If the card is reversed...

The situation may be too overwhelming to find your footing right now. Have compassion for your
limitations; Sometimes things are out of balance and annoying. Take care of your health to manage
your stress, and be sure to respect body, mind, and spirit throughout this difficult time.
XV • Demon Cat

Ruthless, sinister, toying with prey and indulging in its pain, this is what some ignorant people
believe to be the nature of all cats. In truth, most cats are not cruel, but the potential is within each of
us if we shed our veneer of civilization.
Cut off from love and gentleness, nature becomes all tooth and claw. Whether due to abuse or neglect
or simply difficult circumstances, the worst part of a cat's character can come to the fore. Many of us
have felt that this demon threatens to invade us. Most of us manage to restrain evil impulses, taming
our tempers, smoothing our wavy coats. The Demon Cat is trapped within the thicket of his own evil.

cat's advice

Your demons have gotten a hold of you, causing a separation from your better nature. You may feel
trapped in the dark, unable to find the light. If you're not the one fighting demons, consider this card
a warning. Avoid situations where you may be tempted to stray from your right path. If you're
feeling scared, turn and run the other way. Stay away from the claws of the demon cat.

If the card is reversed...

Your spirit has turned to the light, and deliverance is near. The hold that harmful habits or actions
have had on you is diminishing and may be eliminated entirely. Bring your willpower to the fore and
make permanent positive changes. Seek the support of encouraging allies to help you through this
time of transition.
XVI • Tower

Cats prefer things to remain stable, and we always pause to consider the situation to make sure it's
safe before proceeding. Alas, not all things are under our control. Sometimes even a trusted structure
will collapse unexpectedly, snapping us out of our rest with startling violence. This is not a time to
hesitate: survival depends on rapid adaptation to changed conditions. In those moments, instinct takes
over. Spinning in the air, we find the horizon and orient ourselves to land safely, absorbing the shock
with supple grace.

cat's advice

As soon as you feel your foundation start to shake, if you anticipate your fall and let your natural
survival instinct kick in, you'll have time to turn the air and land on your feet. Take advantage of the
height from which you fall: a shorter drop may not allow graceful rotation and a safe landing. Learn
the lessons that come from the fall: adaptability, perspective, resourcefulness, and confidence that has
been tested and proven to be true. Your abilities serve you well in times of change and crisis.

If the card is reversed...

The changes may have left it adrift and ungrounded, unable to get its feet back on solid ground. A
feeling of psychic vertigo makes it difficult to know which side is up or which direction to take next.
Wait and let the dust settle before taking any further action.
XVII • Stars

When Bast gave birth to the universe, he blessed each of his creations with a connection to cosmic
consciousness. Cats are aware of this from the kitten. We know that we are part of something bigger
than ourselves. Like the stars, we are brilliant, perfect, unique, and linked to a common origin as we
live out our individual destinies. This is the great Mystery of faith: trusting that there is meaning and
intention in the pattern of our lives. When we look up and contemplate the Great Lion, we know that
we, too, are made of stardust.

cat's advice

Never doubt that you are unique and precious. You are a vital part of the great dance of the
cosmos. Have faith that everything in your life is unfolding exactly as intended. Trust that the
pattern will become clearer to you in time. Choose your next actions knowing that you are being
divinely guided.

If the card is reversed...

Fear, or even a crisis of faith, can make you feel very small and alone in the universe. Although
others may support and comfort you, the essential spark of hope must come from within. Use this
challenging time as an opportunity to clarify your spiritual values and find the foundation for what
you believe.
XVIII • Moon

When the planet turns its face toward darkness, our nocturnal nature draws us into the enchanted
realm we know simply as the Moon. This is a domain of dreams that we explore with our fully awake
senses. The subconscious spills over into consciousness, allowing us to see what is not revealed by
sight alone. Strange sounds reach our ears, intoxicating perfumes reach our nostrils, things appear that
only emerge in the dark. We creep softly, following our moon shadows across the colorless world.

cat's advice

Everything is not immediately known under the moon, as it waxes and wanes from dark to light to
dark again. Allow time for more to be revealed, and don't trust what you see as the whole truth. Be
aware of secrecy, mystery, and things that are not obvious and must be discerned with both the inner
and outer eye. Trust your intuition.

If the card is reversed...

You may have a hard time allowing the possibility of things you can't perceive with your daytime
mind, the rational and analytical parts of yourself. This can block intuition and dream messages,
perhaps even erase any memory of your dreams. Explore your resistance to go deeper within
XIX • Sun

Oh blessed sun! To bask in your warmth, feel the welcoming warm rays on the fluffy underside - this is
the height of happiness. Of all the pleasures that the Goddess Cat has given to her beloved children, the
Sun is the most sublime. All things grow stronger in its light, all life gathers energy and illuminates it
anew. Nothing is impossible for those who are made of sun. We are golden, we are dazzling, we are

cat's advice

This is a time of sweet happiness for you, when you are deeply grateful for your blessings. You
can relax and trust that all is well, and all will be well. Let any lingering doubts burn away like
mist in the morning sun. Stretch and expand in the boundless glow of joy.

If the card is reversed...

The reversed Sun card has the same meaning as when the card is upright, with the added meaning
that you may have trouble believing how good things really are.
XX • good kitty

Cats are not ashamed. Although we may misbehave or make unfortunate choices at times, it does not
affect our judgment of ourselves as essentially good. We learn from our mistakes and grow in
wisdom throughout our lives so that our older years are serene. The cat goddess has blessed us and
told us that we are worthy of praise, and how could it be otherwise, when we are made in her image.
We are all good kitties.

cat's advice

Judge yourself honestly and assess what you need to change to fulfill your life's greater purpose.
Look clearly at your mistakes and failures, then forgive yourself and release any guilt or shame.
Embrace the love of the Cat Goddess and make it shine on yourself and others. Lick your paws and
move on with a lighter heart.

If the card is reversed...

When you have reached a place of self-acceptance and clarity about yourself, turn your attention to
the larger community: your family, your clan, anyone else within your sphere of influence. How can
you help others feel better about themselves? How can you expand the blessings of compassion to
benefit everyone? Where do you need to forgive?
XXI • The world

The world belongs to the cat. Every leaf on every tree, every stone and grain of sand, every season in
the eternal dance of the revolving planet belongs to us. We are happy to share it with others, as the
infinite variety of creation is what makes life so interesting. What a pleasure it is to contemplate the
immensity and beauty! It would take more than nine lifetimes to fully appreciate all the gifts and joys
in the world, but this timeless moment is blessing enough. The greatest of the Mysteries of the Cat is
this: life is good. A deep peace makes the soul fill with joy.

cat's advice

It's all coming together for you now, and the goals you've longed for are within your grasp. This is a
time of completion, when something has come to fruition and can be released with a sense of
satisfaction. The world is conspiring in your favor to bring you everything you need for peace and
fulfillment. As your human poet Robert Louis Stevenson said, "The world is so full of various things,
I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings," or as cats.

If the card is reversed...

You may feel cut off from the world, detached and disinterested in the things that normally give your
life meaning. This may indicate a need to end something that has been hanging on the edges for some
time, something that you have been reluctant to admit has run its course. Letting go will allow you to
look to new horizons with hope.
the cat clans
Minor Arcana
Tales of the Fire Cats
All cats love warmth. We seek out sunny spots, stretch out on the hearthstones, and curl up together
in warm company. To the FireClan cats, the flame is more than mere heat. It is a symbol of the light
that burns within, the brave and noble cat spirit that strives for excellence. Fire cats are skilled
warriors when the cause is fair and passionate lovers when seeking a mate. Daring adventurers and
visionaries, they love the dark night as much as the fire that illuminates it. Curiosity and boldness
often lead them into challenging situations as they are quite intrepid.

The origins of the Fire Clan are obscured by time and legend, as the Fire Cats are great spinners of
exaggerated tales of prowess and conquest. They claim descent from the Sun Goddess, Sekhmet, and
it is true that they have a long heritage as temple guardians and priests. The most spiritual of the
clans, the fire cats seek the mystical prey that feeds their souls.
ace of fire

You are entering FireClan territory. Its emblem signifies a place where daring, courage and creativity
can thrive. The cats you find here will challenge you and push you towards greatness. The path of the
cats of fire is the path of action.

cat's advice

Creative opportunities are available to you now, as well as the energy and willpower to seize them. If
you're considering a new endeavor, the time is right. Enthusiasm will move you forward if you pursue
the things that interest you passionately. If you drew this card for a question, the answer is yes.

If the card is reversed...

The fire has gone out and power is low for the matter at hand. Conserve your resources until you feel
the passion again. What will reignite your interest? If you drew this card for a question, the answer is
"not yet."
two of fire

Pausing between worlds, a cat considers his options. Adventure is outside, in the deepening darkness,
far from the shelter and safety of lighted dwelling. Fire cats live for adventure, but going from the
safety of where you are to the potential of where you could be is no rushed affair. From the
threshold's point of view, the cat takes all the time he needs.

cat's advice

There is a chance of a profitable opportunity ahead, but it may not be the right time to make your
move. Consider carefully. A discreet time of observation and meditation may serve you better
than charging ahead.

If the card is reversed...

What are you waiting for? This question is not rhetorical. Consider what still needs to be known or
acquired before you act. Gather more information from others if you need to, but above all, trust your
three of fire

Cats are curious creatures. We want to know what is waiting behind the closed door, what is out of
sight or out of reach. Leaping into the unknown takes courage, but how else can we go from darkness
to enlightenment? This bold cat is taking a leap of faith. Something just out of sight has drawn her,
perhaps it is the mystery itself that draws, the desire to satisfy her curiosity about the source of the

cat's advice

It's time to leave the safety of the known. Your next step forward requires some risk, but the
rewards will outweigh it. You've been in the dark long enough. If you want to find enlightenment,
you must jump into the light.

If the card is reversed...

Taking risks is how we learn and grow, but something in this situation requires further examination and
can be dangerous. Look before you jump.
four of fire

Each clan has its own ancient rituals and rites of passage, its own ways of connecting with sacred feline
nature. For the Fire Cats, the most spiritual of the clans, the source of all mystical power is light. In its
many temples, they meditate on the sparkling mysteries and adore their own beauty that shines from

cat's advice

Worldly practices will not fully feed your spirit. Make time for wonder, beauty, magic, and
connection to the sacred. If you have a ritual or spiritual practice, give it more time and attention on a
daily basis. If you don't have such a practice, it may be time to create one. Look for the light.

If the card is reversed...

The Four of Fire reversed has essentially the same meaning as when the card is upright, with the
added message to draw others into your rituals and explorations of the mystical light within.
five of fire

The best way to learn new skills is through play, and we excel at this from a young age. Even the
smallest kittens will pounce, stalk and learn the postures of aggression and submission. The spirit of
the tiger comes roaring from tiny throats as they harshly turn over their velvet-pawed littermates. It's
all fun and will keep them in good stead when they face adult challenges one day.

cat's advice

Participating in the competition can improve everyone's skill level, but make sure it's friendly. If
there is tension, defuse it with humor and good sportsmanship. Remember that everyone is on the
same side.

If the card is reversed...

Someone in this situation is out for blood rather than competing for common goals. He must face
conflicts and disputes before he can move forward.
six of fire

What does an alpha cat do? Some cats are natural leaders, either through victory in mating battles or
success in claiming territory. Others inspire only by the warmth of their personal charisma. Tokens of
admiration are offered to these nobles and are graciously received. When a cat is worthy of respect,
we do not hesitate to give it to him. All clans benefit from the presence of such a specimen.

cat's advice

If you are offered a leadership role, accept it with grace and gratitude. This is an opportunity for you
to use your gifts to the fullest, and you have earned it. Accept the responsibilities that come with
personal achievement. Let your example inspire others to greatness too.

If the card is reversed...

Don't let a position of power go to your head. Respect that is given can be withdrawn just as quickly.
Others may have already turned on you out of jealousy or resentment. Take care now to act with
seven of fire

Fire cats never walk away from a fight when the right is on their side. The challenges of the territory
are decided not only through physical prowess, but by the intensity of personal power. When a cat
faces opponents who want to take him out of his rightful place, he defends them with a show of
strength and courage. These cats will not pass!

cat's advice

Even though it may seem like the odds are stacked against you, you are in a position of power as
long as your cause is just. Others may challenge you and test your commitment to your chosen
course. Stay true to your ideals.

If the card is reversed...

Constant defensiveness is exhausting. If those who oppose you will not back down or if you
continually feel in danger or under attack, this may not be the place to stand. Consider moving on
or finding new ways to compromise.
eight of fire

We have all felt it. It often occurs at transition times of the day (sunrise or sunset), but it can overtake
us at any time. An inexplicable need for speed, a drive to run as fast as we can, with no aim or prey or
stimulus other than the wild spirit that dwells even in skillful taboo. It is a force that cannot be
controlled: the fiery action must be the joyous and frenetic fulfillment of this mysterious call.

cat's advice

If you need to move, move! Restlessness and the desire to make changes in your life must be
addressed. You may have a sense of urgency to act on something you've been putting off. Use that
boost well. Take advantage of the burst of energy that comes from inspiration.

If the card is reversed...

Unfocused action is wasting your energy for no good purpose. It's good to follow your instincts, but
it's time to stop running from one impulse to another. Stay still and set a goal, even a short-term one.
Don't do anything rash.
nine of fire

The Fire Cats council meets in their great chamber to gather magical energy and send it out to empower
their clan. They are in command of the mystical elemental entity that is Fire, and they safely contain it
by force of their will. Focusing on the golden flames, each cat feels a spark of response that ignites his
soul. This is pure cat power at its brightest and best.

cat's advice

You have all the skills, energy and willpower to achieve your goal. You have mastered your passions
and can channel them into creative manifestation. Your actions can now benefit everyone within your
circle of influence.

If the card is reversed...

Your creative fire needs focus and outlet, and this can be hard to maintain when you're on your own.
Good ideas disappear, projects are saved and forgotten, transformative energy fades or dies. Find
others who share your passions and help you keep your interest alive.
ten of fire

The advice of the Fire Cat shown in the Nine has lost control of Fire! Too much energy was
channeled at once, and the resulting burst of energy is too hot for cats to handle. Even spiritual fervor
can become too much if not used wisely. The collective intention of the council has been shattered,
now all the cats are for her.

cat's advice

When things are this volatile, you have to wait for them to cool down before proceeding.
Meanwhile, she looks at the causes of the chaos. Did you take too much? Are you burned out from
multitasking? Reconsider your strategy for next time so your skills and energy don't go to waste.

If the card is reversed...

The energy is grounding, and things will calm down soon. Don't feel like you need to rush to put out
all the small fires, they will take care of themselves or others will handle it. Do not take too much or
dissipate your strength through tiredness.
fire kitty

Oh the beautiful fire! He darts and dances, pulling the curious kitty closer, closer, closer... There
really is only one way to learn about fire, and this fire kitty is learning it fast. Singing whiskers
and a fiery tail are the price he pays for greater knowledge and experience.

cat's advice

Curiosity is making you burn with enthusiasm for new projects and pleasures. Today's discoveries
offer opportunities for future growth as you learn new skills and explore new passions without
expectations or preconceptions. Don't be afraid of getting a little burned in the process. Change is
how you will grow and learn.

If the card is reversed...

It's good to take risks, but be careful not to get unbalanced in your search for new experiences. Do
not engage in risky or immature behavior, and do not encourage it in others. Step away from the
flame and gain perspective before proceeding.
fire tom

The epitome of boldness and grace, a Fire Tom glides gracefully through a field of candles, her
stride swift like a hot wind through the flames. His eye never wavers from its target. This tom is
intensely focused when he wants to achieve something, and can be a bit reckless in pursuit of his
desires. He operates from a combination of luck and skill, with a dash of daring roll.

cat's advice

Courage and boldness will carry you through any challenge if you can keep your head and not
rush recklessly. Trust your skills acquired through trial and error. It is not enough to want
something, you must act to achieve it. Move quickly and confidently towards your goals.

If the card is reversed...

Get out of the hot zone and assess the situation before acting. Your natural inclination to react
quickly will not serve you well now and can lead to burns. Apply rational thinking and take advice
from others if you need it.
queen of fire

Serenely watching the fireworks in her honor, the Queen of Fire revels in her beauty and magic. She
is an adventurer who likes entertainment and shiny toys. She delights in the hunt, more for the chase
than for the kill, for her heart is kind and honorable. As her partner, she is passionate and enjoys her
kittens because of her playfulness and unpredictability. This queen's sense of humor keeps her heart
light. She is a source of inspiration and creative vision.

cat's advice

What brings the sparkle to your eyes? What ignites the flame of passion within you? When you're
filled with a warm zest for life, your radiant spirit inspires others to shine, too. Find your own muse
so that you can continue to be a muse to others.

If the card is reversed...

Your passion for life may be wet in the present. If you've lost interest in the things that used to
inflame your fire, you can find ways to rekindle the spark or move on to new passions. One way or
another, you must regain your inner glow.
fire king

The King of Fire radiates charisma and nobility. His brave heart will rise to any challenge, and he is
ready to fight if necessary, though he rarely provokes a battle. His confidence and good humor inspire
loyalty in his clanmates, who readily welcome his leadership. The females adore him, because he is
gallant and romantic, as well as passionate. This king's positive attitude will not allow any thoughts of
defeat, and he has little patience for feeling fear in others. He is a burning beacon of courage.

cat's advice

Stand up proud and claim your own power. No one can deny that you have what it takes to be a
good leader, and you inspire others with your confidence. Any task you undertake now can be
accomplished well if you apply all your energy to it.

If the card is reversed...

Be careful not to abuse the power you have. Don't make snap judgments about others' abilities, as
they may be just as competent as you and need to take some responsibility of their own. Sharing the
leadership role will prevent you from becoming dominant and losing the support you have gained so
Tales of the sea cats
Cats and water are old friends, though of course we chose the way that friendship is experienced.
Some of us swim, happily jumping into pools far above our depths. Others will simply splash a
dainty paw or spot a sparkling fountain at play. And then there are the Sea Cats, for whom water is
mother, lover, home and happiness. Their hearts yearn for movement of the waves on the shore
dragged by the moon, the music of the river current, the resplendent beauty of sunlight on a lake.

SeaClan cats are the most psychic of all cats. They know what you're thinking, and you can trust them
with your secrets. Sea cats are emotional, moody, deep, and wise. Clan legend tells how the Sea Cats
came from a great island that was lost under the ocean and how some of them were transformed into
mercats and still live beneath the waves. Perhaps it is the song of the mercats heard when these cats
gaze with dreamy eyes on something only their clan can see.
ace of the sea

You are entering SeaClan territory. Its emblem signifies a place where your imagination and emotions
can flow freely. The cats you meet here will welcome you and listen to your dreams. The way of the
Sea Cats is the way of love.

cat's advice

It is time to answer the call of your heart. Delights will come to you effortlessly now if you open up to
receive them. Kindness, friendship and love are yours for the taking. If you drew this card for a
question, the answer is yes.

If the card is reversed...

Something is moving away from you, either tangible or just your own emotional response. Accept it as
the natural flow of things. Let your sadness flow too, trusting that happiness will return in time. If you
drew this card for a question, the answer is no.
two of sea

Oh romance! That magical moment when you look into the eyes of another and see your own self
reflected there. Everything about the beloved is charming: skin and fragrance and all the
fascinating traits that make up the personality. This initial crush can deepen or fade, but for as long
as it lasts, the world exists only of the two of you.

cat's advice

You may be offered a new romance or, in an existing relationship, a new burst of romance. You
can trust the inclinations that attract you to your beloved. Your heart is safe.

If the card is reversed...

Something has come between you and your beloved, either from within or without. The flow of love
is interrupted, perhaps temporarily. Look for the cause of the block: fear, memories, jealousy, old
attachments that still influence current choices.
three of sea

Of course, we appreciate our clanmates, but we can find other friends in the most unlikely places.
Friendship bridges differences and finds common delights: the warmth of the sun on the skin, the
music of the waves, the delicious fish. True friends can share a friendly silence, taking comfort in
each other's closeness. Bonds grow stronger through such simple times together.

cat's advice

Make a point of meeting up with friends soon. Remember that others enjoy the same pleasure in
your company as you do, and it does not require a special occasion or activity, just being together
is enough. Celebrate the friendships in your life.

If the card is reversed...

Sometimes it feels like everyone is going in separate directions, each with their own priorities and
concerns. Trivial contact replaces meaningful exchange. Watch for signs of a weakening friendship
and take steps to strengthen it.
Four of sea

Sea Cats can be moody, and their zest for life ebbs and flows like the tide. When you are caught up in
discontent and dissatisfaction, even the loveliest scene will not move you. Although experience has
shown you that the world is far from boring, it doesn't seem worth doing at the moment. This
apathetic attitude should pass in its own time.

cat's advice

If nothing currently grabs your attention or holds your interest, it's okay to keep the status quo. This
especially refers to the options on offer; If you don't see an option you like, don't choose yet. If the
card represents someone else, it's best to leave them alone until their days of inactivity are over and
not ruffle their fur any more.

If the card is reversed...

The solution to your time of discomfort is drawing near and you will find yourself best listening to
your dreams and paying attention to your dream visions. The inner lassitude becomes a calm and
meditative vision. Be on the lookout for signs, omens, and psychic messages.
five of sea

Cats don't like to fail. The loss of dignity is almost physically painful for us, and when we try
something that doesn't succeed, it's made much worse if someone else sees it. This cat has taken an
involuntary jump while he was fishing. The fish are still there and he can try again, but he must first
tend to their dampened spirits and his drenched pride.

cat's advice

It's natural to feel disappointed when you've had a setback or rejection, when something you wanted
hasn't arrived yet. Keep in mind that the story is not over. Get back together and try again.

If the card is reversed...

Opportunities are all around you now, and more are on the way. Make sure you have let go of past
regrets and illusions of what could have been, so that you are ready to take advantage of all the
good that is meant for you now.
six of sea

We play throughout our lives, but the playful activities of kittenhood have a particular intensity that
is free from any restraints of adult self-awareness. Role-playing engages kittens' imaginations: they
quiver with excitement as they pretend to stalk prey, and squeal with glee when frightened by a
littermate. These brave kittens of the sea jump into their pool like the big tigers they imagine
themselves to be.

cat's advice

Dignity and maturity are valuable qualities, but we must always maintain the ability to play. Youth of
spirit keeps life joyful. Think about your childhood. What gave you the greatest pleasure? How can
you feel that innocent happiness again?

If the card is reversed...

You are flooded with memories and nostalgia, which may or may not have much to do with
reality. Come back to the present and accept adult responsibilities. Balance your play with
meaningful purpose, and put your fantasy and imagination to good use in creative pursuits.
seven of sea

This Sea Cat is in awe of the visions that float before him, so clear and compelling yet impossible
to capture. Are real? Can you trust your senses? If something cannot be caught and held, does it
exist? The same cat is trapped, held between illusion and reality. This is not a prey he can
comprehend, much less conquer.

cat's advice

Something you are chasing is illusory and beyond your reach. Daydreams are good food for
inspiration, but you can't survive on them alone. You need tangible choices to create the reality you
want and need.

If the card is reversed...

Your confusion is rising as you burst the bubbles of illusion and see things as they really are.
Making decisions will be easier now, and you can trust the information you will soon receive.
Keep up the action, and your dreams will start to come true.
eight of sea

Lost and wandering far from home, a Sea Cat stumbles upon an ancient clan sanctuary. Perhaps this
land was once less arid, or perhaps the sanctuary was always intended to comfort lonely wanderers.
Resting from his travels, the cat hears the ocean's song echo in the shell, his heart yearning for those
he loves.

cat's advice

Have you cut yourself off from the things that are most essential to your well-being? Have you exiled
yourself from companionship and emotional care? Fear of vulnerability can lead to isolation and
withdrawal from the community.
Listen to your heart to find your way back home.

If the card is reversed...

It is possible that you cling to things that harm or at least drain your spirit. If you are too depressed to
find a way out of a soul-depleting situation, it is time to seek help and guidance. Sometimes even the
deepest longings of the heart are too muted to hear.
nine of sea

The time we spend sleeping is not just for the rest and refreshment of our physical bodies. Deep in
the world of dreams, we visualize all the wonderful things we deserve and long for, and by wishing
for them, we begin to make them come true. In this place of mystical imagination, there is no fear,
without a doubt, nothing more than the sweet and hoarse guarantee of well-being. Anything a cat can
dream of can come true.

cat's advice

Your dearest dreams and your most sincere wishes can come true now if you believe. Love, beauty
and happiness are all for you. Open to receive them. All good things come to those who dare to

If the card is reversed...

Do you think you deserve happiness? Do you really believe that the universe has goodness and joy
for you? The unwillingness to express your desires and put them into motion prevents them from
coming true. Don't waste this opportunity out of fear or lack of self-love.
ten of sea

The devotion found in the cat family runs as deep as the sea. Your expression can come and go
because we are creatures that live passionately and emotionally. But getting over any small
disagreement is an absolute commitment to each other, no matter what. This is what it means to have
a clan, and it begins within the protective embrace of familial love.

cat's advice

Seek the support of your clan, be it your own blood family or those who are kindred to you through
affinity of heart and mind. The power of the family is that each individual is valued and accepted
while strengthening the whole. This unit expands to include others. Welcome dear ones to the circle
of your love.

If the card is reversed...

Too much togetherness can create irritability or conflict even in the closest families. You may now
feel crowded and need some space to refresh your appreciation for your loved ones. If you are in a
serf society and have children, you may benefit from spending time alone with your partner.
sea kitten

On her first visit to shore, this sea kitty is enchanted by the rolling waves and gleefully chases
them as they flow back into the depths. She is not prepared for what will happen next: the
wavelets are after her! The kitten is amazed by the power and vastness of the ocean, but she will
learn quickly.

cat's advice

The waters of emotion swirl around you, and just like the kitten learning about the waves, you are
learning to ride them. Your feelings are close to the surface, both good and bad. Be compassionate
with yourself. As we mature and grow wiser, the depths and tides are less frightening, and we
willingly jump in.

If the card is reversed...

Your emotions are overwhelming, and they threaten to overwhelm you unless you learn to manage
them. Don't act immature now or give in to melodramatic impulses. If you have experiences in your
past that were traumatic, it may be time to release them and find emotional healing.
sea tom

On a quiet, sun-warmed beach, a Sea Tom invites a caress. This tom lives for love, and he's willing to
be vulnerable in pursuit of it. Although he can be more flirtatious than a committed companion, the
Sea Tom wins friends and friends alike for his openness and sincere affection. He's a charmer, no
doubt, and he thinks you're absolutely beautiful.

cat's advice

Let your fiery spirit carry you forward in search of your happiness, be it a partner or any
passionate interest. You have nothing to fear as long as you are true to your heart. If this card does
not represent you, it may indicate that a romance or other attractive opportunity is coming your

If the card is reversed...

Make sure that you and the object of your affections are in the same place in terms of expectations.
Do not play with the feelings of others or be frivolous in the search for romance. What may seem
light and playful to you could be much more serious to others, and vice versa.
sea queen

Calm and happy, the queen of the sea contemplates her world with sweet love. She is intuitive and
sensitive to the moods of her family and her clanmates. A gentle mother to her kittens, she is lovingly
devoted to them long after they reach maturity. Her dreamy nature and her gentle kindness draw her
to cats for both friendship and romance, and once she has chosen her mate, she unites with her whole
heart. The love of this queen flows as freely as the fountains that adorn her kingdom.

cat's advice

You will find your greatest joy by keeping an open heart and listening to your dreams. Honor the
guidance of your intuition and your own sensitive nature. Trust that the open affection you freely
bestow on your loved ones is greatly appreciated. If this card does not represent a person, it may
indicate a moment of psychic awareness and attunement to subtle nuances in other people.

If the card is reversed...

Be careful not to become a psychic sponge, absorbing the moods of others and making them your
own. Don't get too attached to your loved ones or make them feel obligated to fulfill all your joys or
follow your ideas for their own happiness. Learn to practice compassionate detachment.
sea king

Like his queen, the Sea King has a heart full of love. His nature is calm and he is emotionally
controlled, because above all he seeks peace and harmony. Although he will defend the family from
him if necessary, he is more likely to encourage proposals for reconciliation and compromise. His
compassion extends beyond that of his own clan, which is why he is often sought out for his wisdom
in times of conflict. Gentle yet strong, this king is a sensitive companion and a protective parent.

cat's advice

Others look for you calmly and safely. The respect you have earned as a peacemaker is well deserved,
as it stems from a genuine desire to reach out to others with kindness. Everyone within his sphere of
influence benefits from his wise compassion, which advises without taking on others' problems as his

If the card is reversed...

It's good to see all sides of a situation, but sometimes wrong is wrong. Don't let your inclination toward
reconciliation compromise your values. You may need to disappoint others to stay true to yourself.
Tales of the sky cats
With a personality as marked as tooth and claw, the Sky Cats trust no one, not even their own
Clanmates. They live under the open sky in all seasons, mistrusting the confinement and entrapment
of the protection walls. This vulnerability has made them defensive, sharp, and aggressive. Sky Cats
are cunning and relentless adversaries, and if they can't find legitimate prey, they're looking for
trouble. Some are loners, dwelling on the outskirts of the clan's territory. Others band together in
marauding bands, harassing the gentler cats that cross their rampaging path. Fights are frequent, and
the mating season is fierce.

The SkyClan cats make their own laws and don't care about public opinion. The wisest learn to
control their tempers and put their keen intelligence to good use. Others live short and violent lives.
SkyClan was formed from exiles who abandoned their own clans or were forced to abandon their
unwillingness to cooperate and live in peace. Over many generations a hierarchy was formed, its
kings and queens determined by war and confirmed by heredity. No one dares to challenge them
ace of sky

You are entering the territory of the SkyClan. Its emblem signifies a place where you must be on
your guard and keep your wits about you. Cats you find here should be approached with caution. The
way of the Sky Cats is the way of conflict.

cat's advice

This is a time when your mind is alert and perceives clearly. Use this clarity to determine the proper
course of action and avoid harmful choices. Caution is advised, although great strides can also be
made by keeping your integrity intact. If you drew this card for a question, the answer is a cautious

If the card is reversed...

Too many thoughts and questions are spinning in your mind to make any significant progress now.
Ideas rush in and dissipate just as quickly without enough focus or will to hold them into
manifestation. Distractions abound. If you drew this card for a question, the answer is no.
two of sky

The presence of other cats is detected in the wind. Are they friends or enemies? The Skyly Cat
raises its head and focuses all of its senses to discern more carefully. The next move he makes is
determined by the information he now gathers. If he strays into the territory of a hostile cat, the
consequences could be dangerous. Until he knows more, he stays right where he is.

cat's advice

Stay still and orient yourself before taking any action. This may require patience, but it will be worth
it. Rushing to follow vague inclinations will not lead to anything. Gather more information, pay
attention to detail, and trust your instincts to guide you on the safe and successful course of action.

If the card is reversed...

Now you can see which way the wind is blowing, but you may still be doubting your perceptions.
Your energy may be low due to a period of stress and tension. It's okay to wait a little longer before
acting. Wait until you are sure.
three of sky

If we decide to do it, cats can move gracefully among even the most fragile objects. These
troublesome Sky Cats choose to see how much they can wreck for their own amusement. Prized
objects of adornment or veneration are valued only for the shock they make when they hit the ground.
The destruction these cats leave in their wake is hilarious to them as they revel in their own careless

cat's advice

Don't get involved in petty disagreements or dramas involving lesser minds; such activities are below
you. Resist the temptation to abandon your own values to find partners. It is much better to be alone
than to associate with those who enjoy creating trouble and causing discord.

If the card is reversed...

Things are about to come crashing down on those who do mischief and cause trouble. If you have
been involved in creating such drama, make amends immediately. If you've been injured in the
process, let fate take its course. There is no need to demand more trials, it is coming.
four of sky

Sometimes a cat is born into the SkyClan that cannot bear the conflict that dominates the clan and
governs its actions. Such a kind person has withdrawn from the company of her clanmates to a
lavender field, which soothes his tormented soul. He will have to return to the clan and face his
challenges at his own time. But for now, he tunes out the world and its problems, and falls into a deep
sleep of peace.

cat's advice

You need to find a quiet place to get away from the noise and demands of your daily life, even if only
for a short time. If you've been involved in unproductive arguments or arguments, taking time to
think in solitude can lead to a breakthrough. Returning to the center will help you find your direction

If the card is reversed...

Too much withdrawal from troubling circumstances can turn into denial. Things will not get better
without taking some action. Seek help in finding a path to lasting peace, not just a temporary
armistice. It's time to let others in.
five of sky

Other clans welcome newcomers, but the Sky Cats are suspicious of outsiders. Groups of young toms
patrol their territory and challenge any cat they don't recognise. These street thugs are much braver in a
group than they ever would be alone. Coming on a Sphynx cat, so different from themselves, their
bullying is merciless. Meant no harm, the Sphynx must hope to find an escape and a warmer welcome

cat's advice

You cannot win a battle against those who have no honor. There is no reasoning with closed minds
and no persuasion that will open a closed heart. If you are the one who is harassing or caught up in
the mob rule, stop and consider your actions. Victory at any cost is an empty victory.

If the card is reversed...

You may be dealing with the emotional fallout from some wrong done to you in the past or even
clinging to the role of wounded survivor. Identifying solely through your traumas is unbalanced and
gives away your power to those who hurt you. Face what is happening right now and work to release
the hurtful memories.
six of sky

It's not easy being a part of SkyClan. You must always be on your guard, always ready for a fight,
always looking for a lurking enemy. This cat has had enough. Leaving the battle without him, she
retreats to lick his wounds and consider his options. He can return to his clan in time or he can go
off on his own. Either way, he will live to fight another day.

cat's advice

There is no disgrace in leaving a bad situation. Don't let a misconception about completing what you
started keep you from cutting your losses. Sometimes things seem attractive at first but evolve to
become untenable. Those whose opinions matter most to you will understand and support you.

If the card is reversed...

You may be regretting unfinished business or leaving others in the lurch. Evaluate how much of
this is true and how much is guilt. Do you feel like you always have to fix things? This serves no
one and creates a false sense of being indispensable. Let others fight their own battles.
seven of sky

With a buzz of flashing red wings, a flock of blackbirds bursts into the air, startling a Sky Cat and
distracting her from her prey. As her attention is diverted, a sneaky Clanmate slips in and steals the
mouse. Now it remains to be seen if he gets away with it or if the injured party will turn around in
time to fight for what is theirs.

cat's advice

Due to too many distractions, you are in danger of losing something valuable to you. Consider where
you choose to put your time and attention if you want to achieve your goals. There may also be
something behind the scenes that you've been too preoccupied with to notice. Pay attention.

If the card is reversed...

If you have engaged in questionable or unethical behavior, state the situation correctly, whether you
got caught in the act or not. Make apologies and repair as necessary. If the behavior has been going
on for a long time, rather than just one instance, know that it may take time to rebuild trust.
eight of sky

Living at the mercy of the elements, sky cats often find themselves in difficult circumstances. This cat
has been caught in a sudden wind storm, and a fallen branch has caught him in his entanglements.
Panicking, he flails and whips himself, risking injuring himself in the process. If he could only
stay calm and look for an opening, he could easily escape and continue on his way without taking
any damage. Instead, he wastes energy fighting an enemy that doesn't really exist.

cat's advice

The situation is not as dire as you think. When you feel stuck and out of options, stay calm and find a
simple solution. Stay still until your fear passes. Rolling over will only make the situation worse. Don't
let little annoyances add to your worry. Use your intelligence to find a way out.

If the card is reversed...

You are being tested, either by others or by the universe at large. Show your ability to improvise and
find innovative solutions. Consider this an initiation experience: once you've passed the test, you'll
feel a great sense of accomplishment and self-respect, which others will recognize as well.
nine of sky

Cat dreams are frequent and intense. The breadth of our dreaming imagination would surprise any
other species, as it extends into ancestral memory and all of our past lives, as well as present
experience. It goes without saying that our nightmares are terrifying and disturbing. This Sky Cat
trembles as all his worst fears shatter his sleeping mind. The effect of the dream will linger long after
he awakens to his much safer reality.

cat's advice

The fears that overcome you are just that: fears. They may have no connection to reality, and it is
only when you feel vulnerable that you believe in them. Don't get caught up in a nightmare vision of
your life.
Wake up and put things back in perspective.

If the card is reversed...

Conquer your fears by facing them head on. Take stock of all the causes of your anxiety and
worry, and then take steps to manage them and seek help as needed. Avoidance and denial have
not served you well, and you are now in a position of strength to make real changes in your life.
ten of sky

This Sky Cat has been kicked out by his clanmates, and no one will step forward to help him.
Wounded, hungry, isolated and desperate, he has reached the limits of his strength. Perhaps this is the
conclusion of one of his nine lifetimes, or perhaps he can find refuge and healing in another clan if
they have it. Whatever happens, he knows that he is at the end of his life as he knew it.

cat's advice

It's time to face the facts and honestly assess the situation. Whatever you're trying isn't working for
you. What you have hoped for is not going to happen, at least not in the way you expected. On the
bright side, this is as bad as it gets. Things can only get better once you accept reality without
wishful thinking.

If the card is reversed...

The weakness and defeat you have been feeling are exaggerated and do not accurately reflect the real
situation. You may have let others have power over you through their opinions and judgments,
accepting their negative view as your own. This oppressive energy is weighing you down. Rebel
against it and renew your sense of self worth.
sky kitty

Something that was fluttering above caught the attention of this light blue kitten. For the first time he
tries a big jump, and then another, always focused on his goal. She is learning the necessary strategies
to conquer her enemies. In this case, her enemy is the wind itself, but she doesn't need to know that.
It's all about aspiration now. In time she will succeed.

cat's advice

You are beginning to imagine your life and yourself as you would like it to be, and the drive to take
on new challenges is strong. Don't be afraid to fall a few times in the process, and don't let self-
consciousness keep you from stepping out of your comfort zone. They aspire to greater things.

If the card is reversed...

It's good to try things out of your reach, but don't act recklessly or impulsively in a way that could
put you in danger. Apply caution to your decision making. Immature behavior will not advance
your cause. Don't make hasty moves based on frustration with yourself or others.
sky tom

SkyClan cats are the best jumpers and climbers, apparently more comfortable in the air than on the
ground. From an early age, they learn to measure the precise distance needed to jump and land
gracefully. Having honed his aerial skills in kittenhood, the Sky Tom is a ruthless hunter. Silent and
with intense concentration, he lurks in his quarry before he even knows he's coming. Faster than he
can follow the eye, he springs.

cat's advice

Taking aggressive action in the situation may get you what you want, but it may come at the expense
of others. Don't lose sight of basic kindness and consideration in pursuit of your goals. Your heart
must be engaged, as well as your head.

If the card is reversed...

Your heart is opening in compassion for those you may have hurt in the past. This is not a sign of
weakness but a positive indication of maturity and spiritual growth. You are learning a new way to be
successful in the world.
queen of sky

The Queen of Sky is above all, often literally, because her love of high places draws her more and
more. From this elevated perspective, she sees with enthusiasm; nothing escapes him. She coldly and
detachedly examines the world. This queen does not usually bond with her companions, and for the
most part she keeps her clan at a safe distance. She carries out her mothering duties with careful
attention, but when it's time for the kittens to leave her, she lets them go easily. As formidable as she
is beautiful, the Queen of Sky keeps her thoughts to herself.

cat's advice

His wit and keen intelligence serve him well, as does his gift for communication. You can
maintain remote personal relationships, although strategic alliances are valuable to you. The
tranquility of thinking is more important to you than emotions now. This is a good time to gain
perspective and consider future decisions.

If the card is reversed...

Be careful hurting others with sarcasm or harsh criticism. Not everyone has fur as thick as you, and
you may find yourself with more wit than you pretend. If you feel too isolated and bitter, trust the
advice of a partner who understands you and can help you heal.
king of sky

Ruling the Sky Clan has an iron will and a cool head. As those around him lean toward violence or
cruelty, the king must step back and see the big picture. His subjects give him his respect, along with
a certain amount of caution and fear. He does not reveal his inner feelings nor does he give way to
temper outbursts. Nothing fazes the Sky King, not wind, weather, or the wild vicissitudes of SkyClan.

cat's advice

Your experience and intelligence allow you to perceive situations clearly and advise others without
emotional attachment as to the outcome. Be careful not to become too analytical, forgetting to
engage your heart and head. Others may not be willing to listen to advice that does not take feelings
into account.

If the card is reversed...

Your ability to separate has gone too far. There is a danger of being cruel or inconsiderate in your
words and even in your actions. This energy will hurt you again if you don't temper your mental
sharpness with some emotional softness. Being a tyrant is not the same as being a leader.
Tales of the earth cats
Earth cats claim to be the first of the cat clans. Whether this is so or not, it talks about what is most
important to them: history, stability, security. Earth cats are deeply attached to their territory; Once
they have found the perfect place that gives them a sense of peace, they will not move. At heart, they
are people who love their possessions and a good meal. They are drawn to the sensual delights of
nature, and they interact with other animals more than the other three clans (except as prey).

Although Earth Cats are willing to fight if necessary for what is theirs, they are more likely to wait
out the opposition or drive them out with a communal effort. They are proud of the clan and keep
their legends, embellishing as they are passed down. But while clan comes first, Earth Cats have a
generous nature that welcomes those in need and cares about the well-being of all. Kind, easy-going
and comfort-loving, Earth Cats are at home in their world.
ace of the earth

You are entering Earth Clan territory. Its emblem signifies a place where good food and soft shelter
can be found. The cats you meet here are patient and generous. The path of earth cats is the path of

cat's advice

Something good is coming to you on the physical plane. It could be a gift, financial abundance, or
better health. Whatever it is, remember to be grateful. Appreciation keeps abundance flowing. If
you drew this card for a question, the answer is yes.

If the card is reversed...

You may miss a great opportunity by being too spread out and ungrounded to see it right in front of
you. You may doubt your own good fortune or waste it through carelessness and delay. If you drew
this card for a question, the answer could be yes or no, depending on whether you accept the gift
being offered.
two of the earth

Perfectly aligned with the energy of the planet, Earth Cats possess an extraordinary degree of
balance, even for cats. Grounded and centered in their bodies, they can easily perform tricks like this
for their own amusement. Playfulness and humor help prevent practical Earth Cats from taking
themselves too seriously, and that's part of the balance, too.

cat's advice

Find your center of balance and the unmoving balance point within yourself. This is especially
important if you tend to multitask. Slow down and gain control of the situation through calm and

If the card is reversed...

There is a chance that resources or wealth could be lost by not taking them seriously enough. There is
no need to panic, but put your material affairs in order to avoid a calamity. Take care of the things you
have worked hard to achieve and achieve.
three of the earth

Cats are known for their independence, but some challenges require teamwork. By triangulating on
this large beetle, these clanmates can make it move wherever they want, specifically, outside of their
dwelling. A cat working alone would have a frustrating time coping or fending off his claws. By
cooperating, the cats can easily achieve their goal and have fun in the process.

cat's advice

Problems that seem insurmountable only become manageable and enjoyable when you work
together. Think about how your project could benefit from teamwork. Apply creative cooperation
towards a common goal.

If the card is reversed...

You are taking too much on your own. This does not make you independent, it makes you a
martyr. Don't try to cope with more than is reasonable or exhaust yourself struggling alone. Ask
for help.
four of the earth

Having special toys and other possessions is part of the joy of being a cat, and we all have collections
of favorite items we like just for ourselves. But some cats take this to extremes. This cat has lost all
sense of proportion when it comes to material goods. He has forgotten how to enjoy his toys, and his
obsession with acquiring more has become his only goal in life. Alone and suspicious, he keeps the
dusty treasure from him.

cat's advice

All the toys in the world are useless if you forget to play with them. What is the root of your need
for material possessions? There's some emptiness that needs to be filled, but collecting things
won't fill it. Seek solace in companionship and simple pleasures.

If the card is reversed...

You are feeling (or will soon feel) a relief from your spirit as physical and emotional clutter is
released. Continue to remove all the things you have been holding on to that no longer serve you,
including ideas and relationships. What is truly valuable will remain.
five of the earth

It is painful to be out of comfort, either by our own decisions or by circumstances beyond our control.
For home-loving Earth Cats, this desire is especially acute. Through the cold windows, this lonely cat
sees a life that would fulfill all his dreams: a warm shelter, cozy company, abundant food. Time will
tell if he can find a way to make this dream come true.

cat's advice

Circumstances may have put you in a place of loneliness and need, and it's natural to feel sad or
discouraged. Whether you decide to stay with those feelings or move on is up to you. Abundance and
comfort are close at hand, but it will require some effort on your part to achieve them.

If the card is reversed...

Negativity keeps you down and you are in danger of getting caught up in self-pity. This isn't to say
you don't face challenges, but obsessing over what you don't have isn't productive. Get out of the
melancholic spiral and take practical steps to change your situation.
six of the earth

Unlike the cold and hungry cat in the Earth Five, this mother and her kittens have found a cozy haven
with a generous Earth Cat who has plenty to share. The mother knows that she must trust in the
goodness of her benefactor and show her little ones that there is no shame in accepting help when
necessary. The Earth Cat blesses her guests with love and sustenance, and in giving it to her she too
is greatly blessed.

cat's advice

Share the bounty of your life with those less fortunate. If you are the one who needs help and care,
don't be proud to accept it when it is offered. Remember that the giver receives blessings as well as
the receiver. The exchange is equal, so you should not hesitate or worry about feeling indebted.

If the card is reversed...

The help offered now may come with conditions attached. You may have a strong sense of obligation if
you agree, so you should weigh your decision carefully to determine if the rewards are worth it. If
you're the one being miserable, consider your motivations. Either give freely or not give at all.
seven of the earth

The cat's patience is legendary. Calm and determined, this Earth Cat waits outside a rabbit hole,
knowing that its prey must emerge at some point. It's not an easy job, not all hunts are successful,
and waiting takes its toll on both nerves and body. But the effort will be worth it if the cat can
support his family through her persistence and experience.

cat's advice

The time is not yet ripe for action. Be patient, not just in the sense of sitting still, but in a calm
acceptance of the rightness of waiting. You will achieve your goal in time. Restless haste and
impatience will only warn your prey. Sit and wait.

If the card is reversed...

You worry too much about the situation. Don't give him your full attention all the time, to the point
where other needs are neglected. Put energy into other things too, and let this worry take care of
itself for a while.
eight of the earth

We are born with powerful instincts, but the skills must be acquired. This cat has taken her kittens on
a nocturnal hunting expedition. By watching her carefully, kittens learn to be focused and alert. They
watch as she is aware of every sound in the evening breeze, every rustle in the tall grass. Her
familiarity with her terrain allows her to move quickly and safely. Her confidence is communicated to
her litter, which confidently follows in her footsteps.

cat's advice

All skills improve with practice. Don't expect to be good at something the first time you try it. With
time and discipline, you become more and more adept. It can help you find a good teacher who
shares your experience. If you're the master yourself, it's time to pass on your legacy of excellence.

If the card is reversed...

All the work and play doesn't make kitties very boring. You've been working too hard, focusing too
much on improving your skills or position, and risk losing your joy in the process. Spend time in
activities that are all about enjoyment, not achievement.
nine from earth

The pleasures of clan life are great, but happiness can also be found in solitude, especially as we get
older and may want to take life at a slower pace. This Earth Cat serenely watches the world go by
from the peace of his enclosed garden. No other cat shares her home, but she is not alone. Thoughts
and memories of her are company enough, and her wise heart fills with joy.

cat's advice

You've earned your place in the sun. Claim your right to withdraw into the solitude of contentment.
Being alone to contemplate beauty is a kind of prosperity that feeds the soul. Not everything is meant
to be shared, even with loved ones. Deep happiness awaits you in the walled garden of the spirit.

If the card is reversed...

Too much time at home can start to feel like confinement instead of contentment. The outside world is
calling, and worldly demands are encroaching on your retreat space. What once felt magical can feel
mundane, with all the glitter consumed through routine and sameness. Go see what's going on outside
your walls.
ten of the earth

For cats, nothing is more important than finding that special place that is only ours. It is the place
where we are completely safe and secure, where we can relax and reconnect with our essential cat
nature. Welcoming another cat to our most precious place is an honor and means that we trust and feel
safe with that companion. This is our sanctuary that never ceases to comfort.

cat's advice

This is a time when the things that make you feel safe and secure are the most important. Your home
and material possessions will bring you great comfort now, whether in solitude or sharing these
pleasures with friends and family. Find your special place and settle in. You will get to know yourself
better by contemplating what makes you feel at home.

If the card is reversed...

Having a special place is one thing, but refusing to leave that place is another. If you only feel safe in
familiar surroundings, you miss out on experiencing new pleasures and comforts, perhaps surpassing
those you already know. There is nothing to fear – your support system is strong and you will always
be able to find your way home again.
earth kitty

Nose to nose with a new friend, this Earth Kitten feels no fear, just a bit of youthful shyness. She has a
trusting spirit, because she has been raised with love. Her senses are attuned to the world around her
with its myriad scents, sounds, and various creatures. It will take time for her to fully learn what
caution is required, but her instincts will keep her safe as she explores.

cat's advice

Slowly but surely you are learning practical skills and refining your knowledge of how the world
works. The realm of the senses can give you great pleasure now, such as trying new foods and
seeking beauty in unexplored places. Study and other quiet pastimes are especially beneficial now.

If the card is reversed...

You may be feeling insecure and insecure, which can lead to hesitation and a refusal to move
forward on your life path. When you're afraid to move forward or explore your world, address
basic safety concerns first. What do you need to do to feel safe?
earth cat

Patrolling his clan's territory, this Earth Tom comes across a kitten that has strayed from his litter.
Without hesitation, the tom picks up her little one and carries her safely over all obstacles to her
house. With no mate or kittens of his own, Earth Tom dedicates himself to the protective care of
his family. He finds great satisfaction in helping others and is well liked by his clanmates.

cat's advice

Through steady work and a cheerful willingness to help others, you are laying a solid foundation for
all your future endeavors. Caring for the patient to increase her abilities will ensure prosperity and
self-sufficiency. This card can also indicate someone who is available to help you with practical help
and support.

If the card is reversed...

Be sure to take care of your physical health and don't overdo it or take on too much work. You
may have offered to help someone who is not showing proper appreciation. Ask for what you need
or let it go and enjoy a job well done for your own good.
queen of the earth

Entangled in her lush garden, the Earth Queen gathers forces of nature to protect and nurture those in
her care. She has an even temperament, is not easily annoyed or flustered, and these qualities endear
her to her own clan, as well as friendly visitors, whom she graciously welcomes. As her mother, the
Earth Queen is always available for a cuddle, and nothing gives her more pleasure than feeding and
caring for her kittens. As her partner, she is devoted and practical, sharing all her responsibilities with
her consort. Her top priority is to ensure a comfortable life for her family and herself.

cat's advice

Attending to practical matters consumes most of his energy, and he prides himself on caring for
and nurturing others, both physically and emotionally. Remember to give yourself the pleasure
of sensual pleasures and take care of your own well-being. This is just common sense, which is
something you have in abundance.

If the card is reversed...

You may feel exhausted from all that needs to be done every day, endlessly. The practical
obligations of work and home are exhausting your strength and good humor. When parenting is
just a chore, it loses much of its virtue. Take a break and let others take care of you for a while.
king of the earth

Like his mate, the Earth King works to protect and provide for his family and clan. He is benevolent
and good-hearted, and all who come near him feel safe in his presence. Beyond the current
generations of cats, he is also aware of past generations, the paws that have roamed his territory
before him, and the responsibility he bears to those ancestors to keep the peace. The kindness,
generosity, and earthy practicality of this king make him a lover of all the cats he encounters in his
own family and abroad.

cat's advice

Others count on your practicality and stability. Take stock of your material well-being to ensure
continued prosperity, including having enough to share. You will find a great sense of fulfillment in
helping others feel safe and secure, whether at home, in the workplace, or in the community at large.

If the card is reversed...

It may be time to tell those who depend on you that they must fend for themselves and handle their
own problems, especially financial or other problems. You are not doing them a favor by supporting
them in a dependent state. It's kinder and more helpful in the long run to let them take care of
on the threshold

This is a decision-making spread based on the Two of Fire card, showing a cat sitting on the
threshold and considering its options. Instead of using the set questions for the cards, in this extension
you create your own questions based on your situation. To begin, place the Two of Fire in the center
of your reading space. Consider between two options that you are deciding between. On the Two of
Fire card, the cat is considering whether he should go outside or stay inside. Some options you might
be considering are staying at your job or quitting smoking, choosing between two potential new
vehicles, collaborating on a creative project or working on your own, leaving a relationship or
seeking couples counseling, etc. Once you have clarified your questions, then which card goes with
which option. Then shuffle the cards in the normal way and draw two cards, one for each option.
Sekhmet Shield

Sekhmet is one of our most revered deities, an Egyptian lioness goddess whose name means "she
who is mighty." In ancient Egypt, she was invoked in times of war to ensure victory and celebrated in
times of peace for her healing and reconciling powers. This three-card spread is based on a golden
aegis, or cuirass shield, with a likeness of Sekhmet (ca. 900–750 BC). Use this extension when you
need to connect with her personal source of power.

1. What makes you weak?

2. What makes you strong?

3. How can you best use your power?

Council of the Five Tigers
In the Chinese zodiac, the Tiger sign has five variants, each representing one of the traditional
elements. This spread calls for a council of these five wise tigers to help you gain clarity on a project,
a life decision, or a situation that causes you concern. read each card individually and then consider
the advice of the five tigers as a whole. Deep wisdom can be found when all the elements work
together in harmony.

1. Wooden Tiger: What's Rising?

2. Fire Tiger: What requires energy?

3. Earth Tiger: What Holds It Together?

4. Metal Tiger: What's waning?

5. Water Tiger: What is hidden?

Extension of the nine
One of the biggest cat mysteries is that we have nine lives. Although we only live one life at a time,
we are aware of the other lives, both those that are behind us and those that are yet to come. This
diffusion is a meditation on that mystical awareness, using it as a metaphor for your own human life
in this incarnation. Take your time as you do this reading and consider each question carefully so that
its full meaning can be revealed. This is a good read to do on a significant birthday or anniversary, or
when you have gone through a life-changing or milestone experience.

1. Your cosmic mission when you entered this life.

2. A gift that was given to you to accomplish this.

3. A lesson you have learned well.

4. A transformative milestone.

5. What demands your attention right now.

6. An adventure to come.

7. A lesson you have yet to learn.

8. The gift you will give to the world.

9. What you will release when you leave this life.


A tarot kit requires incredible collaboration between the artist and the author, as well as many
revisions. In this appendix we get a behind-the-scenes look at the evolution of the images in the
Mystical Cats Tarot, with annotated captions by the artist herself.

AND STARS: I put tothis cat in a ginkgo tree to remind us of our connection to the stars (ginkgo is a
memory-enhancing herb). I add herbal infusions to all my watercolors as part of my process. All of
these cards included catnip and other herbs; This included the ginkgo leaf and the olive.
D.OS OFSKY: Lunaea wantedshow the response of the flehmen, a cat with its mouth open to better
capture the scent. My original sketch was corrected for obvious reasons. Herbs used: catnip,
youRES OFSKY: the challengehere it was to create an outdoor place for a gallery of breakable
objects, and then I let the cats take care of the rest. Herbs used: catnip, milkweed, passion
SIS OFSKY: from theThe moment I drew it, I can't see the expression on this cat's face without
laughing. He's so fed up. Herbs used: catnip, verbena.
SKYkENG: Lunaea's suggestionmoving the snowy wind chime from left to right really enhanced this
composition. Sometimes I look at things too long and need a fresh eye. Herbs used: catnip, St. John's
youRES OF THEyouIERRA: I keptthe simple background to keep the focus on these hunting
companions and their bejeweled prey. Herbs used: catnip, clover.
R.EINA OF THEyouIERRA: When Lunaea suggested agarden scene and a chair for this cat, I was
inspired by several old rattan pieces I had seen. I made the chair the size of a cat; after all, it is his
world. Herbs used: catnip, strawberry, althea.
C.INCO OFFGAME: in thisfighting kittens scene, I wanted to include a brand of fire of some kind, but I
had to make sure they didn't collapse and burn. I opted for a lotus-shaped fire fan held aloft by cat
magic. Herbs used: catnip, lotus, turmeric, pea.
D.IEZ OF FIRE: You can noticethat I have carefully included numerical references throughout the art.
Since there were only nine cats in the temple when things went wrong, I settled on ten fireballs.
Herbs used: catnip, ash, rue.
youRES OFmRA: Some ofthese sketches were pretty loose, so I made notes on the elements of the
piece, like "sky, earth, sea", otherwise it would be harder for Lunaea to imagine what the piece
would look like finished. Herbs used: passion flower, chicory.
FOUR OFSAE: What they were supposed to beDancing Lobsters ended up looking more like a rumor on
the beach. Fortunately, Lunaea's inspiration came to the rescue in this case. Herbs used: Grass cat flap,
burdock, grace room.
No.eve of sea: Lunaea and mewe reworked from the original sketch, and the changes really enhanced the
dreamy image. Herbs used: catnip, chamomile, bamboo.
SOL: instead of the sheetherbaceous, a change of location was needed here. This wonderful cat in the
sun decided to join his friends in the Mystical Cats formal sundeck! Herbs used: catnip,
sunflower, ginger.

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