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Received: 22 March 2023 Revised: 26 April 2023 Accepted: 26 April 2023

DOI: 10.1111/cid.13215


How the use of xenogeneic grafts can impact the relationship

with some social groups and blood donor patients

Dear Editor, In this context, this situation must be publicized in the dental
A projection of more than two million graft procedures for alveolar journals and professional media. Dental surgeons must clarify the con-
bone reconstruction will be performed each year, worldwide (more stitution and the origin of the biomaterials that will be used as grafts
than 500 000 in the United States alone), and there is an expected for all the patients, blood donors, or not. It should be remembered
increase in this number. Bone substitute biomaterials and different that different social groups of patients, such as followers of the vegan
collagen membranes related to surgical protocols are used, to the det- lifestyle, as well as those belonging to certain religious groups, pro-
riment of the use of autogenous bone grafts. These products, defined hibit practitioners from receiving products from animals or certain
as synthetic or biological biomaterials, can be used in bone defects species. These restrictive situations could have legal implications to
with different magnitudes of treatment. In this context, the most be imputed to dentistry professionals, who must be aware of patients
used biomaterials to bone regeneration are xenogeneic, of different before using treatments with xenogeneic grafts.
animal origins: bovine, swine, and equine. These biomaterials are
widely used for alveolar bone reconstruction procedures, with AUTHOR CONTRIBU TIONS
predictable results, and longitudinal follow-up associated with implant  bio: Concept/design; data analysis/interpreta-
Elton Gonçalves Zeno
rehabilitation and periodontal treatment.6–12 tion; critical revision of article and approval of article. Dayane Ferreira
However, the demand for these biomaterials impact in a situation, Resende: Data collection; data analysis/interpretation; drafting article
according to different International Health Organizations, that regu-  ria Netto de Albuquerque: Data collec-
and approval of article. Vito
late blood donations and transfusions—Food and Drug Administration tion; data analysis/interpretation; drafting article and approval of arti-
(FDA—United States), European Commission Public Health (ECPH— cle. Polianne Alves Mendes: Data collection; data analysis/
Europe), and World Health Organization (WHO). Perhaps the knowl- interpretation; drafting article and approval of article. Fernando
edge about the WHO, FDA, and ECPH regulations many times pre- Antônio Mauad de Abreu: Concept/design; data analysis/interpreta-
sents different points of view, these organizations are unanimous in tion; critical revision of article and approval of article. Maurício Greco
relation to the use of xenogeneic biomaterial, that the blood and deri- Côsso: Concept/design; data analysis/interpretation; critical revision
vate donation from patients who received xenografts for alveolar of article and approval of article. All authors actively participated in
reconstructions are categorized as definitively ineligible for this dona- the discussion of the manuscript's findings, and have revised and
tion. The WHO further suggested that transplant and/or graft of approved the final version of the manuscript.
allogenic origin since 1980, and grafts of xenogeneic origin performed
on the human body, are categorized as definitively ineligible too.13 ACKNOWLEDG MENTS
These regulations are based on the fact that products of allogenic The study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoa-
or xenogeneic origin can lead to the development of prion diseases mento Pessoal de Nível Superior—Brazil (CAPES).
such as Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease, and Mad Cow Disease or Spongiform
Encephalopathy in humans (in the case of bovine grafts).13 FUNDING INF ORMATI ON
Current knowledge shows there are no reported events in den- Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
tistry related to cases of human contamination with development of
prion diseases after xenograft biomaterials were used for alveolar CONFLIC T OF INTER E ST STATEMENT
bone regeneration procedures. However, despite this regulation by The authors declare no conflict ofinterest.
the different health agencies cited above, the companies that market
these types of biomaterials guarantee that their preparation (treat-  bio PhD
Elton Gonçalves Zeno
ments aimed at removing organic material, calcination at different Dayane Ferreira Resende
temperatures, and/or treatment with sodium hydroxide) follows inter- ria Netto de Albuquerque
national standards, and that the use of these biomaterials is safe. But Polianne Alves Mendes
it's important to stress that manufacturer cannot prove that inorganic Fernando Antônio Mauad de Abreu PhD
xenografts are totally absent of prions.18–20 Maurício Greco Côsso PhD

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