Lesson 09 - Relative Pronouns

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Lesson 9

(Intermediate 3)
Relative Pronouns
Prepositions of Place and Time

Relative Pronouns
Relative pronouns are used to link two clauses together. For example, if we
use a sentence like [The police have found the boy.] it may not be clear
which boy. We can make it clear like this: [The police have found the boy
who disappeared last week.]

Who: Relative pronoun for people

Which: Relative pronoun for things
That: Relative pronoun that can be used with people and things

Write the correct relative pronoun to complete the sentence.

1. Did you speak to the people ________________ live next door?

2. Those ________________ have not yet registered should do so at once.
3. There's a programme on tonight ________________ you might like.
4. He has got a job in a new firm, in ________________ they don't work such long
5. What's the name of the tall man ________________ just came in?
6. It's a book ________________ will interest people of all ages.
7. The people ________________ live next door keep having all-night parties.
8. These are the keys ________________ open the front and back door.
9. He married somebody ________________ I really don't like.
10. I gave him an envelope, ________________ he put in his pocket at once.
11. Most students ________ live in residence find it easy to make friends.

Write the correct relative pronoun to complete the sentence.

1. My friend told me about a student ________ took the English test twelve times!
2. I talked to a teacher ________ didn’t know the answer to my question.
3. I am looking for a college program ___________ offers a lot of computer courses.
4. Some of the courses _____________ I took last semester were very useful.
5. Computer Studies is the kind of major __________ will guarantee a good job after
6. The class _________ I didn't do well in was 'Programming with Perl'.
7. The courses __________ I take in the evening are mostly graphic arts classes.
8. You should always study the subjects __________ you really like.

Complete the sentences using the information in brackets and “who” or “which”.

1. (I went to see a doctor. She helped my mother.)

I went to see the doctor _________________________ my mother.
2. (A dog bit me. It belonged to Mrs Johnson.)
The dog _________________________ belonged to Mrs Johnson.
3. (A woman wrote to me. She wanted my advice.)
The woman _________________________ wanted my advice.

Intermediate 3 - Lesson 9
4. (A bus crashed. It was 23 years old.)
The bus _________________________ was 23 years old.
5. (Josie talked to a man. He won a lot of money.)
Josie talked to the man _________________________
6. (Mary was staying with her friend. He has a big house in Scotland.)
Mary was staying with her friend _________________________
7. (He's an architect. He designed the new city library.)
He's the architect _________________________


Pre-Reading Exercise: An acronym is a word that is formed by using the first

letter of a groups of words. (For example: ESL = English as a Second Language)

Make a list of all the acronyms you can think of.


Match the vocabulary on the left with the definitions on the right.

1. non-profit ____ a. an individual who tries to bring about political change

2. law enforcement ____ b. not strict, weak
3. outraged ____ c. deaths
4. activist ____ d. not to make money or a profit
5. prevention ____ e. police and public courts
6. lenient ____ f. extreme anger
7. fatalities ____ g. a ceremony honouring or respecting
8. impaired ____ h. to have a decreased awareness due to the effects of drugs (drunk)
9. vigil ____ i. to stop a problem before it happens

Read the following passage and answer the comprehension questions.

MADD stands for Mothers Against Drunk Driving. MADD is a non-profit organization
which is run by volunteers who are concerned about the devastating effects of impaired
driving. This organization includes not only mothers, but also fathers, business professionals
and law enforcement agencies. MADD was established in 1980 in response to the tragic
death of a thirteen-year-old California girl who was killed by a drunk driver.

This organization of concerned citizens was led by Candy Lightner. The group of
volunteers was outraged at the ineffective and lenient laws against drunk drivers. MADD
has expanded from a group of angry activists demonstrating in front of government
buildings, to a highly-organized volunteer organization that offers numerous prevention
programs that attempt to warn teenagers and adults about the dangers of drinking and

Impaired driving continues to be a significant problem in Canada. In fact, it's the single largest
criminal cause of death in our country. In 1994, there were 700 homicides in Canada. In
comparison, there are approximately 1,500 fatalities as a result of impaired driving each year. So
in other words, the death rate from impaired driving is two to three times higher than the
national murder rate.
Intermediate 3 - Lesson 9
1. Who created MADD?
2. Why was MADD created?
3. Who runs MADD?

Combine the following sentences to form one sentence using an

adjective clause. Remember to introduce the adjective clause with
correct relative pronoun.

1. A pediatrician is a doctor. A pediatrician treats children.

2. The 2000 Olympics were held in Sydney. The Olympics were a success.
3. She is the woman. I told you about her.
4. The ESL teacher is wonderful. She is 24 years old.

Clara and Jon took a walk in a small town in New Hampshire. Complete
this description of their route using the prepositions in the box.

 Very Difficult !

i along through past

toward until onto
across around over

A–B The route goes ____________________ Silver Lake, then turns and goes back
C ____________________ some woods, going
D ____________________ a general store.
E It goes ____________________ White Lake,
F ____________________ a small foot bridge, ____________________ the Mud River,
G ____________________ some more woods,
H–I then ____________________ the Mud River, going ____________________ a quiet neighborhood.
J It turns ____________________ a main road, and
K goes ____________________ a shopping area.
L It goes ____________________ the highway.
M–N Then, it turns ____________________ a small country road, going ____________________ the river again.
N–O It goes ____________________ a bridge, and ____________________ a hotel,
P ____________________ Hightown.

Intermediate 3 - Lesson 9
Complete this summary of events in Red Deer
using the prepositions “in-on-at”

____________ 1989, there were many public events in Red

Deer ____________ the winter and spring. For example,
____________ January there was a concert (it was
____________ Saturday, January 28), and ____________
March there were three big events. ____________ the
summer and fall there were fewer events. ____________ July
fourth there were fireworks, and ____________ a Sunday
____________ September there was a jazz festival.
____________ October 29 there was an Octoberfest. Of
course, there were many celebrations ____________
Christmas and ____________ New Year's Eve. There were
many similar events ____________ 1990.

There are no prepositions before last, next, this, or


 There were many events in Red Deer last year.

 There's a carnival next Sunday. It's taking place
this month. It happens every year.

Jon is writing to a friend. In each blank, write a

preposition or put a dash (-).

I'm sorry we weren't here ____________ March! There aren't so many events ____________ this month,
but there's a carnival ____________ next Sunday. ____________ Friday we're going riding. (Do you
remember? I took horseback riding lessons ____________ last summer.) I'd like to be here ____________
September, when there's a big jazz festival. They have the festival ____________ every September.

in the morning/evening at 6:00/noon/night


Here is the next part of Jon’s letter. In each blank, write in, at, or put a dash (-) .

Yesterday we went to a health club ____________ the morning. We started playing racquetball
____________ 10 o'clock, had lunch ____________ 12 o'clock, and ____________ the afternoon we
played basketball and then swam. ____________ the evening we went to a disco, and I got to
bed ____________ 2 o'clock in the morning. After breakfast this morning we rented bikes and
rode around Red Deer. We're having a rest now, but ____________ this evening we're going to a
concert, which begins ____________ 8:30.

Intermediate 3 - Lesson 9

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