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When telephoning, please ask for : OFFICIAL

Environmental Health
Telephone no : 0115 9819911
Our Reference : 21/05620/TENPS
Date : 16 November 2021
Borough Council

Lyndsey Wheeler
24 Burleigh Road
Rushcliffe Borough
West Bridgford Council Customer Service
Nottingham Centre
Fountain Court
Nottinghamshire Gordon Road
NG2 6FQ West Bridgford

Dear Lyndsey Wheeler

Temporary Events Notice at: Abbey Road Primary School, Tewkesbury Close, West
Bridgford, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 5ND
Event on: 3.12.2021

I write with regard to the above application. If your application is successful and the
Opening hours
event goes ahead I would remind you that you are required to comply with health and Monday,Tuesday
safety legislation and, if applicable, food hygiene legislation. I have detailed some of and Thursday
8.30am - 5pm
the main issues for you to consider below. This is not an exhaustive list and some of Wednesday
the issues may not be relevant to your event. 9.30am – 5pm
8.30am - 4.30pm
Further advice is available at , and
1. All electrical equipment and installations must comply with the Electricity at 0115 981 9911
work Regulations 1989, all relevant British Standards and the current edition of
the wiring regulations. Email:
2. The electrical installation used at the event shall be fitted with residual current
device protection complying with BS 7671; Requirements for Electrical
Installations, or other current relevant British Standard and shall be labelled

3. Any marquee must be erected by competent persons and must be checked

prior to use to ensure that it has been erected correctly in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions and is safe for use. During the event any marquee
structures must be monitored to ensure that they remain stable.
Postal address
4. Toilets must be provided – 1 WC per 100 males and 1 WC per 100 females. For Rushcliffe Borough
an occupancy of 100, you will need at least 1 male WC and 1 female WC. Rushcliffe Arena
Rugby Road
West Bridgford
5. Any dance floor area shall be clearly delineated and shall be positioned in such Nottingham
a way as to ensure the safety of persons using the dance floor. The
arrangements for access around the dance floor and for seating in the vicinity
of the dance floor shall be such that neither dancers nor others, seated or
otherwise, are put at risk of injury.

6. Any food preparation area or bar must comply with current food hygiene legislation and

7. Any commercial caterers used must have a documented food safety management system
in place. I would advise you to check that any caterers you ‘buy in’ are registered with a
local authority and have been recently inspected. Detailed advice on the food safety
requirements is available on the FSA website.

8. Any food handlers must be adequately trained and instructed and/or supervised.

9. Adequate first aid provision must be available. The HSE event guide recommends 2 first
aiders per 1000 people.

10. If gas appliances are used the gas appliances and the gas system must be inspected by a
Gas Safe registered engineer prior to use to ensure they are safe.

11. I would advise that any potentially hazardous areas around the event venue be temporarily
fenced off to prevent unauthorised access during an event.

12. With regard to fire safety, a fire risk assessment must be carried out to include suitability of
canvas, lighting, exits, extinguishers, etc. I would recommend that no gas appliances or
candles are used within a marquee.

13. You are required to do a health and safety risk assessment that covers the risks associated
with an event and the measures in place to control these risks. You must also ensure that
risks associated with erecting and dismantling the event have been addressed and

Further event safety advice is available in the HSE’s ‘Guide to Health, Safety and Welfare at Music
and Similar Events’. This can be downloaded for free from The guide is aimed at
events for over 2000 people, but there is a chapter covering smaller events.

I recommend downloading a copy of the FSA’s ‘Starting Up’ leaflet at as this gives a good summary
of food hygiene requirements

I have attached a food hygiene checklist for food stalls which you may find useful. Not all the
questions will apply to every food stall.

I hope this advice is of use and that you have a successful event.

Yours sincerely

Environmental Health

Food hygiene checklist for stalls at events

• Do you have documentation on the food safety controls you adopt to ensure the food you prepare is safe to

• Do you keep monitoring record sheets, training records, etc?

• Are these available for inspection on your trailer/stall?

• Are all food storage areas under cover and protected from contamination?

• Are they clean and free from pests?

• Do you have enough refrigeration? Does it work properly?

• Have you got precautions to keep mud out of the stall in wet weather?

• Are all worktops and tables sealed or covered with an impervious, washable material?

• Have you got enough preparation work top space?

• Have you got enough wash hand basins? Are they supplied with hot and cold water, soap and paper towels?

• Have you got sinks which are large enough to wash food and equipment in (including bulky items)? Are they
supplied with hot and cold water?

• If there is no mains drainage have you made hygienic provision for the disposal of waste water, e.g. waste
pipe from sink to waste water carrier?

• Have you got enough fresh water containers? Are they clean and have they got caps?

• Have you got a supply of hot water reserved for washing up and hand washing?

• Have you got adequate natural/artificial lighting, particularly for food preparation and service at night?

• Is all your food equipment in good repair? Are any repairs outstanding since your last event?

• Can you keep high risk foods stored/displayed at 8C or less?

• Is your stall/vehicle clean? Can it be kept clean?

• Do you have a written cleaning schedule to ensure all areas are kept clean?

• Have you an ample supply of clean cloths and a ‘food-safe’ disinfectant/sanitiser to clean food and hand
contact surfaces?

• Are the cleaning chemicals stored away from food?

• Can food be protected from contamination at all times?

• Is the unit free from pests and is open food protected from flying insects?

• Have you got proper bins with lids for food and other waste?

• Do you have appropriate arrangements for the disposal of food waste and recycling?

• Do you have arrangements for the collection and disposal of waste oil?

• Are all your food handlers trained, supervised or given instruction to ensure food safety?

• Do your staff display a good standard of personal hygiene and wear clean over-clothing?

• Are your staff aware that they should not handle food if suffering from certain illnesses?

• Have you a first aid box with blue waterproof plasters?

• Is good stock rotation carried out, and are stocks within their expiry dates?

• If you use raw and cooked foods are they adequately separated during storage?

• Are high-risk foods (e.g. cooked rice) stored under refrigeration below 8°C?

• Do staff always wash their hands before preparing food, and after handling raw food?

• Are separate utensils used for raw and cooked food, e.g. tongs, knives, etc?

• Do you use separate chopping boards for raw and cooked food?

• If you answered ‘no’ to the previous question, are they properly disinfected between contact with raw and
cooked foods?

• Is all frozen meat and poultry thoroughly thawed before cooking?

• Is all meat and poultry cooked until it is piping hot (above 70°C and the juices run clear?

• Are cooked and part-cooked food separated during cooking?

• Is all food reheated to above 75°C?

• Is food cooked and served straight away?

• If ‘no’ is it hot held at 63°C or above until served? Or is the cooked food cooled to below 5°C?

• Once cooked, is food protected from contact with raw food and foreign bodies?

• Do you and your staff operate a ‘clean-as-you-go’ procedure?

• Are you using clean cloths and a ‘food-safe’ disinfectant/sanitiser to clean food contact surfaces?

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