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Our Community

In the video I could learn that the coexistence between different types of people,
help us to be better every day as we learn other cultures, habits, other ways of
relating and seeing life, enriches us and teaches us that we are not all the
same. In this way we learn to be more tolerant, more open and attentive.
Likewise, sharing with different types of people in a community helps us to have
different types of talents since they are a strength that are part of the learning
If from an early age we interact at school with students who are very different
from us, it will be easier for us to be more supportive and respectful as adults.
Educational diversity fosters understanding and solidarity among students.
Leaving aside the different forms of current discrimination, such as race, class,
gender, or disability.
Speaking two languages strengthens our mental capacity, since we have a
better memory, greater ability to solve problems, a stronger concentration and
better listening skills.
Speaking different languages gives us the opportunity to interact with other
people and thus allows us to learn more about other cultures and thus it is much
easier to have a better appreciation of traditions.

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