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Ca = 0.71
Cg = 0.57

It = 89 A

It >or = In/(0.71 x 0.57)

In < or = 89 x 0.71 x0.57 = 36 A

Fuse rated at 32 A (from the chart as it

passes 40 A without restriction

Ib = 34A
In = 40A
Ca = 0.71
Cg = 0.52

Not simultaneous overlain

It > ib/ (Ca x Cg) = 34/(0.71 x 0.52)

92.1 A

So from table cable size min 25 mm2

3 Phase :
VD = (1.5 x 100 x 30)/1000 =
Line to line Voltage = 400V
400 – 4.5 = 395.5 V
Line to Neutral = 395.5/sqrt 3 =
228.3 V
1 phase
VD = (7.3 x 20 x 25 )/1000 =
228.3 – 3.64 = 224.65V

1 phase : 228.3V, 25A, 6 mm2, 20 m

3 phase : 400V 100A, 25 mm2, 30m

Ca = 0.71
Cg = 0.73
Ib = 52A

If simultaneous overloading

In = 52/(0.71x0.73) = 100A
It = 100/(0.71x0.73) = 193.5A
Cable 70 mm2

No simultaneous overloading
It = In = 100A
25 mm2

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