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PAS Quick Start Canvas

Celebrate and Choose Your Life!

Figure out where you are, where you are going, and where you want to go.

Your Name & Today’s Date Celebrate Possibilities

2. What did you get done last week? 3. What could you do this week?

2 4. Which are Important Urgent Makes Me Happy
❏ What do you want to do?
1. What Really Matters? 3

1 If you don’t know what to put here_

❏ What do you have to do?

Go through steps 2-5. ❏ 4

Then look for common themes. ❏ Make a list, then triage

And use colored highlighters to connect

tasks with priorities

If too many things matter, nothing matters ❏

Makes Me Happy! – always matters!
Choose Today
6. Who can help?
5. Which Possibilities do you want done first? Each day, identify your top goal for the day.

5 ❏ Imagine your Possibilities standing in a line Mon – update this each day
at a counter Each Day
Asking yourself who can help Tue –
❏ Which gets served first?
❏ Urgent items want to push to the front. is a great way to get unstuck! Wed
Sometimes they have to wait.
❏ And always include a few things Thu

❏ that make you happy! Fri

Next week When will you next Celebrate and Choose? Sat


© 2021-3 Peter Stevens and the Personal Agility Institute. v1.00/RC1. Licensed under Creative Commons – CC-BY-NC-SA.
Responses are Copyright © by the content creator and may be confidential.
PAS Quick Start Canvas
Celebrate and Choose Your Life!
Figure out where you are, where you are going, and where you want to go.

Celebrate Possibilities
Your Name & Today’s Date
2. What did you get done last week? 3. What could you do this week?

4. Which are Important Urgent Makes Me Happy

1. What Really Matters? ❏

Makes Me Happy! ❏

Choose Today
6. Who can help?
5. Which Possibilities do you want done first? Each day, identify your top goal for the day

❏ Mon

❏ Tue

❏ Wed

❏ Thu

❏ Fri

❏ When will you next Celebrate and Choose? Sat

❏ Sun

© 2021-3 Peter Stevens and the Personal Agility Institute. v1.00/RC1. Licensed under Creative Commons – CC-BY-NC-SA.
Responses are Copyright © by the content creator and may be confidential.

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