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Module 7: H20

1. Geographical Features Treasure Hunt: Organize a treasure hunt where students have to
find and identify geographical features around the school or local area.

2. Animal Charades: Have students act out different animals while the rest of the class
guesses the animal being portrayed.

3. Verb + Preposition Art Gallery: Ask students to create artwork that represents different
verb + preposition combinations, and then hold an art gallery in the classroom.

4. Past Perfect Simple Storytelling: Have students write and share short stories using the
past perfect simple tense.

5. Grammar Olympics: Create a series of grammar-related challenges and games for

students to compete in, focusing on articles and past perfect progressive tense.

Module 8: Green Living

1. Environmental Debate: Divide the class into groups and have them debate different
environmental topics, using vocabulary and phrases related to the environment.

2. Eco-Friendly Cooking Class: Teach students how to cook using environmentally friendly
practices and ingredients, incorporating the lexical set of food and food substances.

3. Passive Voice Scavenger Hunt: Create a scavenger hunt where students have to
identify and rewrite passive voice sentences related to environmental issues.

4. Green Living Infographic Project: Ask students to create infographics about green
living, using easily confused verbs and phrasal verbs related to the environment.

5. Environmental Vocabulary Bingo: Play a game of bingo using vocabulary and phrases
related to the environment, with students marking off words and phrases as they hear

Module 9: Preferences
1. Shopping Spree Role-Play: Set up a role-play scenario where students act as shoppers
and salespeople, using words and phrases related to shopping.

2. Negative Word Building Challenge: Have students create sentences using negative
words beginning with dis-, mis-, and ending in -less, and then share their sentences
with the class

3. Book Club Meeting: Organize a book club meeting where students discuss books
they've read, using words and phrases related to books.

4. Infinitive vs. -ing Form Fashion Show: Have students create and model outfits that
represent the difference between full/bare infinitive and -ing form.

5. Preference Poll: Conduct a class survey to find out students' preferences using "prefer,
would prefer, would rather," and then discuss the results as a class.

Module 10: Let's Go!

1. Idiomatic Expressions Charades: Have students act out idiomatic expressions related
to travel and adventure while the rest of the class guesses the expressions being

2. Sports and Fitness Vocabulary Relay Race: Organize a relay race where students have
to run to a board, pick a word related to sports and fitness, and bring it back to their

3. Collocations Challenge: Create a game where students match collocations with "lose"
and "miss" to their correct partners, focusing on prepositional phrases with "in" and
"out of."

4. Reported Speech News Reporting: Assign students different news stories and have
them report the news using reported speech for statements, questions, commands,
and requests.

5. Travel Brochure Design: Ask students to design travel brochures for different
destinations, incorporating idiomatic expressions and reported speech.

Module 11: Night

1. Medical Issues Role-Play: Set up a role-play scenario where students act as patients
and doctors, using words related to medical issues and easily confused words.

2. Phrasal Verb Theater: Have students create short skits that incorporate phrasal verbs
with "up" related to everyday situations.

3. Adjective Fashion Show: Organize a fashion show where students dress up to

represent adjectives ending in -ous, -al, -ful, -able, -ive, and -ing.

4. Concession and Purpose Debate: Divide the class into groups and have them debate
different topics using clauses of concession and purpose.

5. Both/Neither/Either Scavenger Hunt: Create a scavenger hunt where students have to

find and identify items that represent "both," "neither," or "either," and then explain
their choices.

Module 12: By Chance

1. Expressions with Chance Storytelling: Have students write and share short stories that
incorporate expressions with "chance."

2. Verbs and Nouns Art Project: Ask students to create artwork that represents words
used both as verbs and as nouns, and then hold an art exhibition in the classroom.

3. Time Capsule Project: Have students create time capsules with items and notes that
represent expressions with time, and then bury them in a designated area.

4. Idiomatic Expressions Theater: Have students create and perform short plays that
incorporate idiomatic expressions related to chance and luck.

5. Conditional Sentences Type 3 Game Show: Create a game show where students have
to complete conditional sentences type 3 related challenges and win prizes.

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