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2 Tweets • 2023-03-06 •  See on 

Thread on Manusmriti and women

#Manusmriti #मनु मृती

(i) Manusmriti On Nature of women :

2.213 "It is the very nature of women to corrupt men. It

is for this reason that the wise are never unguarded
regarding women."

Exactly same is mentioned in Mahabharata

Anusasana Parva /48.47-48
Manusmriti 9.18 "Manu assigned to women sleep,
sitting, ornament, lust, anger, dishonesty, malice and
bad conduct."
(ii) Manusmriti on Freedom

5.146 "Whether she be a child, or a young woman, or

an aged woman, she should not do any act by herself,
even in the house."

9.3 "The father guards her during virginity, the

husband in youth, the sons in old age; woman is
never fit for independence"
Naari Dharma, a book by Gita press mentions women
shouldn't be allowed Independence because Tulsidas
said women have l0w mental capacity and bad nature

then the author quotes manusmriti verse 5.156 where

independence for women is prohibited
(iii) Manusmriti on women education :

9.18 For women there is no dealing with the sacred

texts; such is the rule of law; the fact is that, being
destitute of organs and devoid of sacred texts, women
are ‘false’

Medatithi on 'Destitute of Organs' and ‘Women are

false’ :
Manusmriti 2.67 "For females the Rites of marriage
have been ordained to be their ‘Vedic Sacrament,’ the
serving of the husbands their ‘residence with the
Teacher,’ and the household-duties their ‘tending of
Hanuman prasad in Vyavahar Aur Parmarth cited
same verse to show that Husband is the teacher of
women and there is nothing like Gurukula for women.
Husband's home is the Gurukula for women (प तसेवा
गुरौ वासो)

Similar statements were said by Prabhupada (founder

of Iskcon)
(iv) Manusmriti on Domestic Violence :

8.299 "The wife, the son, the slave, the servant and
the uterine brother shall be beaten with a rope or a
split bamboo, when they have committed a fault"
(v) On Child marriages :

9.94 "A man thirty years old shall marry a charming

maiden twelve years old; or one twenty four years old,
a damsel eight years old; in the event of his duties
suffering, he may do it sooner"
(vi) Manusmriti on Husband-Wife :

5.145 "Be he ill-mannered or of licentious habits or

destitute of good qualities, the husband should always
be attended upon like a God"

Same is mentioned in Matsya Purana 154.166;

Ramacharitmanas 3.4.4; BrahmaVaivarta Brahma
khanda 9.70-73
5.153-154 "There is no separate sacrificing for
women, no fastings; it is by means of serving her
husband that she becomes exalted in heaven. The
good wife, desirous of reaching her husband’s
regions, should never do anything that may be
disagreeable to husband, alive or dead"
5.149 "Him to whom her father may give her, or her
brother with the father’s permission, she shall attend
upon as long as he lives, and shall not disregard him
when he is dead"

5.162 "The woman, who, through failure in her duty to

her husband, comes to be born as a jackal"
(vi) Manusmriti on Punishing Women :

8.371 "If a woman, proud of relations and her qualities,

passes over her husband, the king shall have her
devoured by dogs in a place frequented by many."
9.78 "If the wife disregards her husband who is mad,
or intoxicated, or afflicted by disease, she should be
deprived of ornaments and appurtenances and
abandoned for three months"
(vii) On women Property Rights :

8.416 "The wives, the son and the slave,—these three

are declared to have no property; whatever they
acquire is the property of him to whom they belong."
(viii) On Polygamy

3.13 Brahmin men can marry 4 wives, a girl from his

own caste and also the girls from other castes but a
shudra man can only marry a shudra woman
(ix) Replacing wives

9.80-81 If the wife is a drunkard, false in conduct,

rebellious, or diseased or mischievous, wasteful, she
should be replaced. The barren wife shall be
superseded in the 8th year ; in the 11th she who bears
only daughters; but immediately who talks harshly
(x) Women witness :

8.77 "A single man, free from covetousness, may be a

witness, but not many women, even though pure,—
because the understanding of women is not steady,—
nor other men who are tainted with defects."
(xi) On Widow remarriage ban :

9.65 "Nowhere in the mantra-texts bearing upon

marriage is ‘authorisation’ mentioned; nor again is the
marriage of the widow mentioned in the injunction of
marriage" न िववाहिवधावु ं िवधवावेदनं
5.155-156 Well might she macerate her body by
means of pure flowers, roots and fruits; but she should
not even mention the name of another man, after her
husband is dead. Till her death, she should remain
patient, self-controlled and chaste
8.226 "The marriage-ritual texts are applicable to
virgins only, and nowhere among men, to non-virgins;
and this because these latter are excluded from
religious acts."
Manusmriti 2.215 "One should not sit alone with his
mother, sister or daughter. The powerful host of
sense-organs overpowers even the learned."

Similar verses are present in Garuda Purana, Padma

Purana , Ranacharitmanas maligning women in
On Manusmriti importance in Hinduism

"If you want to become a Human then you have to

read and apply manusmriti. Manusmriti is the only
smriti which is honored in vedas, Goswami tulsidas
also said shrutis honor Manu's way of life"

- Raghavacharya



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