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Living the Lectionary Reformation Day

Season: Pentecost/Reformation Day Week of October 30th

About the Season: The season of Pentecost is a season of being given the gifts of God for the purpose of living out His mission on earth as His Body. Its color, green, implies the growth of the Church both personally and as a Body through the work of the Holy Spirit. About this Sunday: Happy Reformation Day! On this day (actually, this evening) nearly 500 years ago, an Augustinian priest and college professor named Martin Luther posted 95 Theses to the door of a church in Wittenberg, Germany. We regard that day in 1517 as the beginning of the Reformation of the Church bringing it back in line with the Word of God. As we consider that Reformation, we urge you to consider your own personal reformation today as we

Transformed Personally

explore the idea of Personal Transformation. Martin Luther had a personal transformation by the power of the Gospel, can you have one too? Reflecting on the Readings: Jeremiah 31:31-34 Know the Lord God says that His people will know who He is through what He has written on their hearts. How do you feel you could get to know God better? Psalm46 Run to the Lords Fortress Martin Luther based his Reformation hymn A Mighty Fortress on this Psalm and said that writing this hymn changed him. Could you devote yourself to writing something that would transform you? Romans 3:19-28 Faith and Works - We cannot save ourselves, no matter how many good deeds we accomplish. We need faith, trust in Jesus love for us and redemption of our souls, and that faith will transform our lives. How might you gain more trust in Jesus love for your and His redemption of you? John 8:31-36 Set Free By the Truth Part of being Transformed by Jesus is to understand that it is an act of freedom, not a conscription of guilt or enslavement of incrimination. What is freedom according to Jesus? Law and Gospel: Law: Even if you try all of the personal transformation techniques we set out, you will not be free until your heart (your will) understands that you cannot transform yourself. Gospel: Instead of trying to personally transform ourselves into the image of Christs perfection, Jesus transforms us personally

into people who have His perfect righteousness. Living the Lectionary Ideas: Learn: Consider if you might be transformed this year by the renewing of your mind* (see ideas on next page) Do: Consider if you might be transformed this year by testing to determine Gods will* in your actions (see ideas on next page) Live: Consider if you might be transformed this year by an attitude that is good, acceptable, and perfect* (see ideas on next page) *from Romans 12:2

Personal Transformation Ideas

Start your mind to thinking about how you might be transformed through the following ideas and activities: Transformation through Learning: Read the Bible cover to cover this year, Memorize a set number of Bible verses and/or Small Catechism sections, Read the Book of Concord (Foundation of Lutheran Theology), Read one or more Christian books, etc. Transformation through Doing: Take up a daily spiritual practice (prayer every day, daily devotions), Help at University Lutheran with worship, service, leadership, etc; Join a group at University Lutheran, etc Transformation through Attitude: Make a personal goal to practice one of the following Christian attitudes: mindfulness, courage, peace, trust, thankfulness, humility, zeal, joy, cooperation, determination, trust, forgiving, generosity, discipline, affection, etc

Pastor Jay is available to consult with you about your choices and ideas. Please be sure that your idea could last for one year of transformation, and is something you are not currently doing.

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