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The cars of the future

Everyone knows that neither the oil nor petrol will exist forever.Both of these are very damaging and as a result, some people
have been looking for a new alternative. One of the most famous alternative is electricity cars, which can be charged to get
energy and continue moving. But is this as good as everyone say?
Electricity is both a clean and cheap, you can save some money and help the planet.
Electricic cars are also very silent and contrary to petrol cars, these are contributing to reduce the noise pollution, furthermore,
these alternative cars reduce as well pollution and greenhouse emissions.
There is another signi cant advantage which it is that with a electric car you will have more facilities to nd parking.

However not everything is good, for example these cars are normally really expensive and not everyone can afford them. Another
disadvantage is that the cars take a lot of time to be full of energy
and it is dif cult to nd a charge station, particularly in towns.

In my opinion electric cars are a good alternative, but there are some things that is necessary to improve.

Pablo Molina Valladolid


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