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NAME:______________________________________________________________________________ Nº: _________________

DATE: _____CLASS: ________________GRADE: _______________________ TEACHER ____________________

Nasima always knew trouble surrounded her daughter’s marriage. The signs of a strained
and violent relationship were apparent, but it wasn’t until her phone rang on the morning of
December 13th that Nasima understood the degree to which Setara, her daughter, had been
suffering. The voice on the other end of the phone was Setara’s neighbors in Injil district, only a
few kilometers from Herat City. “Yourson-in-law beat yourdaughter, come to the hospital”.
When Nasima and her son Mir Agha, arrived at Herat’s Central hospital they saw her
daughter’s face bruised, battered and her arms were covered in white bandages. The perpetrator,
her husband and a drug addict, had told Setara to hand over her jewelry so he could feed his
decades-long addiction to heroin. When she refused, he dragged the 33year-old woman to another
room where he proceeded to beat her with a stone. Bu the didn’t stop there. Whenshewas in and
out of consciousness, Setara’s husband took a knife and stabbed her repeatedly before cutting her
nose and lips. Hearing the commotion, the couple’s four children quickly surrounded their
mother.” As a man, I’ve never thought he would do this to me. I was always obedient and did good
things for him; therefore, I never imagined he would try to kill me”, Setaratold Al Jazeera.
According to a recent UN report, which cited a 28 percent increase in violence against
Afghan women, Setara’s case is not rare in the Central Asian Nation. This was the third incident in
a 48-hour period. Though the reports of violence against women have increased, Setara’s case is
unique for its international attention and combination of drug use and spousal abuse.
Like many of the estimated 70,000 drug addicts in Herat, Setara’s husband was introduced
to drugs while residing in Neighboring Iran. Laila Haidari who runs a drug treatment center in
Kabul, said 90% oftheaddictsshetreatedfirstpickedupthehabits in theIslamicRepublic. Haidari said
all the addicts she treated turned violent at some point. “When someone is an addict, he has no
control over himself. He could easily kill his whole family,” Haidari told Al Jazeera.
Setara’s husband fled the crime scene before the police arrived. “The government should
arrest this man and stone him to death. He stabbed me in my hands and in my chest, he cut my
nose and lips; I want the government to punish him the most severe manner possible. “Setara told
Al Jazeera.


A. Say whether the Statements are True(T) or False (F). Justify your answers.

1. Nasima didn’t know about her daughter’s troubled marriage until December 13. ______
2. Setara’s case is the only one in Afghanistan. ______
3. The police hasn’t arrested Setara’s husband yet. _______
4. Setara has always thought that his husband could kill her. _______
B. Answer the questions on the text.

1. Who informed Setara’s mother about the beating?

2. Why did the husband want Setara’s jewerly?
3. How many children has Setara got?
4. Where did Setara’s husband start using drugs?
5. Why did Setara’s case gain international attention?

C. What do the underlined words in the text refer to?

1. Its_____________________________________
2. him ____________________________________

D. Find words or expessions in the text meaning the same as:

1. the criminal (paragraph 2) __________________________________

2. raised (paragraph 3) _______________________________________
3. escape or runaway (paragraph 5) ____________________________


E. VERB TENSES. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.

Environment ______________ (to be) a part of us, so we all should ___________(to protect) it.
My suggestion is that we _______________(to organize) a green campaign against pollution and
destruction of our beautiful environment. We ______________(to start) the campaign on August 10th
and it will continue until the end of September.
Last year we did the same thing, but unfortunately only few people ______________up (to show).
Therefore, at present we _______________ (to work) on it with determination. This time we must work
harder and do something good for the environment and for us.

F. PASSIVE VOICE. Rewrite the sentences in the Normal and the Special Passive Voive.

1. The Government is planning a new road near my house.

2. They say that Notre Dame was burned.
3. My grandfather built this house in 1943.
4. The cleaner has cleaned the office.
5. It is said that the street kids were arrested last night.
G. PHRASAL VERBS. Put the following verbs into the correct sentences below followed the
correct preposition(s).
VERBS: give, cut, keep, speak, get
PREPOSITIONS: up, on, down, in

1. Everyone should _________________ their rubbish and start reusing and recycling.
2. If everybody _________________ trying to preserve the environment, things will get better.
3. We can’t _________________ protecting the environment.
4. People must ______________ and call the government attention for the protection of the

H. EXPRESSIONS OF PURPOSE. Complete the sentence with the correct expression.

1. We have to reduce our waste ________________________ protect earth planet.

2. People should not cut down trees ____________________ they can’t destroy the natural habitats of
some animals.
3. Our group is going to write some letters to the government _______________________sensitize the
politicians do something about global warming.
4. I will join the Greenpeace group ___________________ I can feel a better person.

I. USED TO/ BE USED TO/ GET USED TO. Choose the correct answer for each sentence‫׃‬

1. It was hard for me ______________________ to the cold climate of Alaska.

a) To be used b) to get used to living c) to be used to living d) used

2. I __________________ out more often than today.

a) am used to going b) used to go c) get used to going d) use to go

3. We didn’t _________________ take the bus for school.

a) Be used to b) use to c) get used to d) used to

4. They ___________________ eating spicy food because they are from India.

a) Get used to b) used to c) are used to d) use to

J. PERFECT MODALS. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb.

1. Marta looks thinner. She ________________________ lost weight.

2. The students _________________________cheated in the tests. Now they will be punished.
3. You ________________________ won the race if you had trained harder.
4. I don’t know where my wallet is. It ______________________ fallen in the car.

According to what you have read in the text, write an essay comparing this situation with
similar cases of Domestic Violence in Cape Verde.
Grelha de correcção e cotação


1-F- Nasima always knew about her daughter

troubled marriage.
A- True / False 0,5 x 4=
2-F- Setara’s case is not rare, it was the 3rd case in a 2,0points
48 hours period.
3-T- “Setara’s husband fled before the police arrived”
4-F- “As a man, I’ve never imagined that he could
kill me”

1- Setara’s neighbours informed the mother about the

2-He wanted the jewellery to buy drugs.
3-She has got 4 children.
B- Comprehension 0,5 x 5= 2,5
questions 4-He started using drugs in Iran. points
5-Because her case had the combination of drug use and
spousal abuse.

C- Findevidence in the 1-case2- Setara’s husband 0,5 x 2= 1,0

text points

D-Synonym 1-perpetrator 2- increase3- fled 0,4 x 3= 1,2


II-Grammar 1- is2- protect, 3- organize, 4- will start / is going to start, 0,4 x 6= 2 ,4

5- showed up, 6- are working points
E- Verb Tenses

F-Passive Voice 1- A new road is being planned near my house by the

0,6 x 4= 2 ,4
2- Notre Damme is said to have been burned. points
3- This house was built in 1943 by my grandfather.
4- The street kids are said to have been arrested last night.

G- Phrasal Verbs 1- cut down 2- keep on, 3- give up, 4- speak up 0,5 x 4=2,0

1-in order to
H- Expressing Purpose 2- so that/ in order that 0,4 x 4= 1,6
3- in order to points

4-in order that/ so that

I-Used to/Be used to/ Get 1- b 2-b 3-b 4-c 0,4 x 4= 1,6
used to points

J-Perfect Modals 1-must have 2- shouldn’t have 3- would have 4- might 0,4 x 6= 1,6
have points

III- WRITING Essay on Domestic Violence 1,7 points

Total 20 points

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