Oxidative Degradation of Acetaminophen by Permanganate in Neutral Medium-A Kinetic and Mechanistic Pathway

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Oxidative Degradation of Acetaminophen by

Permanganate in Neutral Medium-A Kinetic and
Mechanistic Pathway

S. Tabassum, S. Sabir, O. Sulaiman, M. Rafatullah, I. Khan & R. Hashim

To cite this article: S. Tabassum, S. Sabir, O. Sulaiman, M. Rafatullah, I. Khan & R. Hashim
(2011) Oxidative Degradation of Acetaminophen by Permanganate in Neutral Medium-A
Kinetic and Mechanistic Pathway, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 32:2, 217-223,
DOI: 10.1080/01932691003656938

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Published online: 20 Jan 2011.

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Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 32:217–223, 2011
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0193-2691 print=1532-2351 online
DOI: 10.1080/01932691003656938

Oxidative Degradation of Acetaminophen

by Permanganate in Neutral Medium-A Kinetic
and Mechanistic Pathway
S. Tabassum,1 S. Sabir,2 O. Sulaiman,1 M. Rafatullah,1 I. Khan,1 and
R. Hashim1
Division of Bio-Resource, Paper and Coatings Technology, School of Industrial Technology,
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
Department of Chemistry, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, U. P., India

The occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the environment is an emerging issue. Several studies

observed that the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug acetaminophen is ubiquitously present in
most of the surveyed surface waters, worldwide. This spectroscopic study presents the kinetics
and degradation pathways of oxidation of acetaminophen by permanganate in neutral medium.
The variables affecting the reactions were carefully investigated and the conditions were opti-
mized. The higher degradation rate was observed with increase in acetaminophen concentration
in the range of 0.4  103 to 9.7  103 min1. The retention time and UV-visible absorption
spectrum of the product were found to be identical to those of p-benzoquinone. The spectral
change in the course of reaction was observed in the region 400 nm to 700 nm and there was a
gradual decrease in absorption intensity at its kmax. Kinetic analysis of these results only gave
good linear plots, with regression coefficients >0.996, when they were fitted to a pseudo-first-
order reaction. The slope of log k versus 1/T also confirms the first-order dependence on the
reactant. Investigations of the reaction at different temperatures allowed the determination of
the activation parameters with respect to the slow step of proposed mechanism.
Keywords Acetaminophen, kinetic, oxidation, permanganate

INTRODUCTION information on the reaction as demonstrated by the results

In recent years, there has been growing interest on the referring to unsaturated acids both in aqueous[14–17] and
occurrence and fate of pharmaceuticals (antiinflamma- nonaqueous media.[18] Therefore, the MnO 4 oxidations
tories, analgesics, betablockers, lipid regulators, antibio- provide chemical kinetics with challenging mechanism to
tics, antiepileptics, and estrogens) and active ingredients possibilities due to the ability of Mn to exist in a multitude
in personal care products (PCPs) in the aquatic environ- of oxidation states.
ment. These compounds and their bioactive metabolites Acetaminophen (paracetamol or N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)
are continuously introduced in the environment via a acetamide or PAM) is regularly used as analgesic and
number of routes but mainly by both untreated and treated antipyretic drug, as material for the azo dyes production,
wastewater.[1] The development of oxidation techniques for as photographic chemicals, and for chemical control of
achieving the reduction of water pollution has been pro- Brown Tree snakes population. Levels of acetaminophen
posed.[2,3] The oxidation of organic reductants by KMnO4 of up to 6 mg=L have been detected in effluent waters from
in aqueous media has received considerable attention.[4–13] sewage treatment plants[19] because of its hepatotoxicity[20]
Kinetic studies are important sources of mechanistic and other side effects, concern has been raised about the
possible environmental impact of acetaminophen and
Received 22 October 2009; accepted 14 November 2009. its (bio)degradation products, which may be toxic or
The authors express their gratitude to the Chairman, Department hazardous even in trace amounts.
of Chemistry, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, and Universiti Our investigations provide a detailed process-level
Sains Malaysia, Malaysia, for postdoctoral grant support and understanding of the oxidative degradation of acetamino-
providing the research facilities. phen by permanganate. The present study deals with the
Address correspondence to S. Tabassum, Division of title reaction to investigate the redox chemistry of
Bio-Resource, Paper and Coatings Technology, School of Indus- permanganate in such media and to arrive at a suitable mech-
trial Technology, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang,
anism for oxidation of acetaminophen by permanganate on
Malaysia. E-mail: tsalmachem@yahoo.com


the basis of kinetic results. The specific objectives are a) to of acetaminophen and KMnO4 at desired temperature in
examine reaction order, degradation rate and kinetic the range (25–55 C). The progress of the reaction was
behavior of acetaminophen in reaction with permanganate, observed spectrophotometrically by pipetting out aliquots
b) to demonstrate the extent of degradation, and c) to at different time intervals and measuring the change in the
investigate the reaction at different temperatures which absorbance at its kmax 525 nm. The first-order rate constants,
allows the determination of the activation parameters with kobs were obtained from the plots of log (At  A1) versus
respect to the slow step. The overall mechanistic sequence time (refer to Figure 2), where At refers to absorbance at
described here is consistent with product, mechanistic and any time t and A1 is at infinite time which excludes the
kinetic studies. absorbance of any Mn(VI) during the reaction.
In order to obtain spectroscopic characteristics of
intermediates or products formed during the reactions,
MATERIALS AND METHODS the reaction solution was successively scanned by a UV-vis
Apparatus scan spectrophotometer.
Thermo spectronic Genesis 20 UV-visible spectrophoto-
meter with matched quartz cells was used to measure
absorbance. A high precision water bath was used to RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
control the heating temperature for color development.
General Considerations
Reagents and Standards The limiting logarithmic method[21] was used for the
determination of the molar ratio between KMnO4 and
All reagents and chemicals used were of analytical
PAM in the reaction. This method depends on measuring
grade. Potassium permanganate (GR Grade, Merck
the optical densities of solutions of KMnO4 and PAM in
Limited, Mumbai, India) was prepared in deionized water.
which the concentrations of the two species are varied.
The drug, paracetamol (Glaxo) used in the study.
The ratio may be found by plotting the logarithms of the
Deionized water was used throughout the experiment.
absorbance (A) of the two sets of solutions versus compo-
sition, one with constant KMnO4 concentration and
Sample Solution of Acetaminophen
variable PAM concentration, the other with constant
Two tablets were weighed and powdered. The powder PAM and variable KMnO4 concentration. The slope of
equivalent of 0.01 g of active ingredient was weighed the curve in first case yields the number of moles of PAM
accurately, stirred well with deionized water for 30 min- while that in second case give the number of moles of
utes and filtered through Whatmann No. 42 filter paper KMnO4 and so the composition of the compound produced
(Whatmann International Limited, Kent, UK). The resi- can be evaluated. The molar ratio was found to be 1:2 for
due was washed well with deionized water for complete
PAM and KMnO4. To examine the effect of variables,
recovery of the drug. The content of the drug was then experiments were carried out under pseudo-first-order
diluted to 50 ml. It was further diluted according to the conditions.
need and subjected to the degradation procedure for
Degradation of ½MnO 4  and [Acetaminophen]
Preparation of KMnO4 Solution In order to investigate the kinetics of PAM-MnO 4
KMnO4 (0.040 gm) was quantitatively transferred into a reaction, a series of experiments were carried out under
25 ml standard flask, and makeup with distilled water. The pseudo-first-order conditions. [PAM] is varied from
solution of KMnO4 was stored in a dark glass bottle. 0.1  104 to 1.0  104 mol dm3 at constant ½MnO 4
Potassium permanganate solution is freshly prepared. 0.6  103 mol dm3 (Table 1). The kobs [PAM] plot is
linear passing through the origin, indicating first-order
Kinetic Procedure dependence on [PAM]; Figure 1 depicts the dependence
The oxidation of acetaminophen by permanganate was of kobs on [PAM] at constant ½MnO 4 . The pseudo-first-
followed under pseudo-first-order conditions. The spectro- order rate constants kobs, min1 were calculated from the
photometric kinetic studies were performed on the basis of slopes of plots of log Abs versus time. The degradation
the absorbance (optical density) noted at kmax (wavelength) of permanganate is also shown, ½MnO 4  varied from
as a function of time. These reading were conveniently 0.3  103 to 1.0  103 mol dm3, at constant [PAM]
made with a Genesis 20 spectrophotometer for relatively 0.5  104 mol dm3. It is observed that as the initial
slow reactions. The sample was withdrawn from the ½MnO 4  was increased, the value of kobs decreased
thermo stated reaction mixture for measurement. The (Table 1). The abnormal behavior probably was due to
reaction was initiated by mixing the required quantities possible flocculation of colloidal particles.

TABLE 1 can be described with the following general rate equation:

Variation of pseudo-first-order rate constant (kobs) for the
oxidation of acetaminophen by ½MnO 4  at 525 nm, r ¼ 1=aðd ½PAM=dt ¼ k ½PAMx ½permanganatey ½1
Temp ¼ 35 C
When the concentration of [permanganate] is in excess,
103 ½MnO4 104 [PAM] Equation (1) can be simplified as Equations (2) and (3):
(mol dm3) (mol dm3) kobs  103 min1
r ¼ kobs ½PAMx ½2
0.1 0.5 8.8  0.009a
0.3 8.3  0.006
kobs ¼ k½permanganatey ½3
0.4 4.8  0.004
0.5 4.2  0.003
where r is a reaction rate, k the rate constant, [PAM] and
0.6 3.2  0.002
[permanganate] the concentrations of PAM and permanga-
0.7 3.2  0.002
nate, respectively. x and y are the orders of the reaction
0.8 2.7  0.002
with respect to each reactant. kobs is a pseudo-order rate
0.9 2.4  0.002
constant because [permanganate] is effectively constant
1.0 2.3  0.002
during the course of experiment. By varying the values of
0.6 0.1 0.4  0.000
[PAM] and measuring reaction rate, the order x with
0.2 2.1  0.001
respect to [PAM] can be simply determined by a log-log
0.4 2.5  0.002
form of Equation (2):
0.5 3.0  0.002
0.6 4.3  0.003 log r ¼ log kobs þ x log ½PAM ½4
0.7 4.8  0.004
0.8 6.3  0.004 In a similar way but varying initial concentration of
0.9 7.6  0.005 [permanganate] and measuring kobs, the order y with
1.0 9.7  0.004 respect to [permanganate] can be obtained by a log-log
a form of Equation (3):
Error limits are standard deviations.

log kobs ¼ log k þ y log ½permanganate ½5

Oxidation Kinetics
Kinetic experiments of oxidation of PAM with To minimize the errors from competitive reaction that
permanganate were conducted at a constant temperature may be induced using integral method, the initial rate
of 25 C under dark conditions. As can be expected, the method was used to measure the rate parameters of reac-
plots of concentration versus time could be fitted to an tion. At the beginning of the reaction both of PAM and
exponential curve in all cases. The degradation of PAM permanganate concentrations are known. The PAM and
permanganate concentrations and the calculated rate
constants are summarized in Table 2. The two sets of
kinetic experiments were designed to calculate x and y
values for PAM oxidation. The first set of four experiments
was conducted with initial PAM concentrations varying

Effect of [PAM] on the R0 for the oxidation of acetamino-
phen with ½MnO 4  ¼ 0.6  10
mol dm3, Temp ¼ 35 C
[PAM]  r0  103
104 mol  dm3 mol  dm3  min1 R

0.4 2.74 0.9853

0.5 3.30 0.9887
0.6 3.95 0.9882
0.7 4.24 0.9763
0.8 4.61 0.9834
0.9 5.00 0.9841
FIG. 1. Plot of kobs versus [PAM]; Reaction conditions: ½MnO4  ¼
0.6  103 mol dm3; Temperature ¼ 35 C. 1.0 5.23 0.9553

(0.4, 0.5, 0.6, and 0.7)  104 mol dm3. The initial per-
manganate concentration was fixed at 0.6  103 mol dm3
for all experiments. The initial reaction rates were determ-
ined as the tangent to the PAM concentration-time curve.
The rate at which PAM is degraded can be simply measured
when the other reactant, permanganate, is held essentially
constant throughout the experiment. In Figure 2, the log
of initial rates versus the log of the initial PAM is shown.
The slope of the calculated linear regression gave the rate
order x ¼ 0.8056 (1), indicating that the reaction is also
first-order reaction with respect to PAM concentration.
In the second set of four similar experiments, the initial
concentration of PAM was fixed at (0.5  104 mol dm3)
and PAM was reacted with permanganate ranging from
(0.3, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.7)  103 mol dm3. Figure 3 shows
the log of the pseudo-first-order rate constant (kobs) versus FIG. 3. Plot of kobs versus initial permanganate concentration at
the log of initial permanganate concentration. The slope of constant initial PAM concentration of 0.5  104 mol.dm3 at 35 C (kobs,
regression line is y ¼ 1.0864 (1), indicating that the reaction pseudo-first-order rate constant in min1; Permanganate0, initial
Permanganate concentration in mol  dm3).
is first-order with respect to the permanganate concentration.
From Figure 3, the rate constant for the overall reaction
can be calculated. The y-intercept of the gradient (5.9485)
is the antilog of the second order rate. Thus, Equation (1) relationship, indicating first order with respect to the PAM
can be rewritten as Equation (6). The results indicate that concentration. Similarly, at different initial dichromate con-
the overall reaction is a second-order reaction and first-order centrations, the log of permanganate=permanganateo versus
reaction with respect to both permanganate and PAM time also shows a linear relationship, demonstrating first
order with respect to the PAM concentration as well.
r ¼ 1:13  106 ½PAM ½permanganate ½6
Effect of Temperature on the Reaction Rate
The first-order reaction rate with respect to the initial
The effect of change in temperature was examined in the
PAM concentration is also confirmed in the log of PAM=
temperature range 25–55 C. As the temperature increases,
PAM0 versus time of four different initial PAM concentra-
the rate of the reaction should increase according to
tions. The slope of the linear regression shows a linear
Arrhenius equation. For the effect of change in temperature
on reaction rate, the Arrhenius equation was used to calculate
the various activation parameters of the reaction products:

ln k ¼ ln A  Ea =RT ½7

The rate constant k of the slowest step was obtained

from the slope of log Abs versus time plots at four differ-
ent temperatures with respect to different concentration of
[PAM] and ½MnO 4 . The energy of activation correspond-
ing to different rate constants obtained at varying tem-
peratures was calculated from the Arrhenius plot of log
k versus 1=T (Figure 4). It is found that a plot of ln k
against 1=T gives a straight line with negative slope. This
further confirms the first-order dependence on the reac-
tants. This also helped to deduce the kinetic rate
expression for the oxidation of the acetaminophen by pot-
assium permanganate.
Activation energy (Ea) can be calculated from the
slope (Ea=2.303 R) and A (pre-exponential factor) from
FIG. 2. Plot of initial rates versus the initial concentration of PAM at
constant initial permanganate concentration of 0.6  103 mol dm3 at the intercept of the Arrhenius curve and found to be
35 C (r0, initial rate of reaction in mol dm3; PAM0, initial PAM concen- 23.9 kJ mol1 and 1.46091, respectively. The other activa-
tration in mol dm3). tion parameters such as enthalpy, entropy and free energy

Value of k (rate constant) calculated from slopes of log
absorbance versus time plots multiplied by 2.303. Reaction
Conditions: [PAM] ¼ 0.4  104 mol dm3,
½MnO 4  ¼ 0.6  10
mol dm3
Temp. (K) 1=T Slope k log k

298 0.00335 0.00079 0.0018113 2.74200

308 0.00324 0.00110 0.0025333 2.59631
318 0.00314 0.00161 0.0037078 2.43088
328 0.00304 0.00186 0.0042836 2.36819
Activation parameters: Ea ¼ 23.9 kJmol1.
DH# ¼ 21.4 kJmol1; DS# ¼ 225 JK1mol1; DG# ¼
88.4 kJmol .

FIG. 4. Arrhenius plot: log k versus 1=T for activation energy. The negative entropy of activation is characteristic of the
existence of compact transition state. DS# suggests the for-
mation of an activated complex with a reduction in the
of activation of the reaction product were calculated degrees of freedom of molecules. The fairly high positive
using Eyring equation: value of enthalpy (DH#) indicates that the transition state
is highly solvated. A meaningful mechanistic explanation of
k kb DS # DH # 1
log ¼ log þ  ½8 the apparent values of DS# and DH# is not possible because
T h 2:303R 2:303R T the kobs do not represent a single elementary kinetic step.
The plot log k=T versus 1=T (Figure 5) was linear with
correlation coefficient of 0.9841. DH# was evaluated from Electronic Spectra
the slope (DH#=2.303 R) and DS# from the intercept [log The UV-visible spectra of the reacting solution over
(kb=h) þ DS#=2.303R] of the compiled Eyring plot. The the time are shown in Figure 6. The spectra show two
values of DH# and DS# were found to be 21.4 kJ mol1
and 225 JK1 mol1 respectively (Table 3). The Gibbs
free energy of activation was determined at 298 K and
found to be 88.4 kJ mol1 by using the following equation:

DG# ¼ DH#  TDS# ½9

FIG. 6. Spectral changes occurring during the oxidation of PAM by per-

manganate at initial PAM concentration of 0.4  104 mol  dm3 and
KMnO4 concentration of 0.6  103 mol  dm3 at 35 C, the top curve for
FIG. 5. Eyring plot: log k=T versus 1=T for DH# and DS#. t ¼ 0 minutes and the bottom for t ¼ 90 minutes.

absorption peaks at 400 nm and 525 nm at beginning of the

reaction. It shows a continuous decrease in the absorbance
at 525 nm which indicates that ½MnO 4  is used up to oxidize
the PAM in the reaction. The decrease in absorbance with
the course of reaction follows first-order fashion. Further,
there is a slight decrease in absorbance at 600 nm and
700 nm suggest that MnO2 4 and MnO3 4 apparently do
not form as reaction products. At a wavelength 450 nm,
the spectrum of the initial solution has the lowest absor-
bance and MnO 4 is almost transparent to source light.
The increase of absorbance at 450 nm with time indicates
the formation of a decomposition product of MnO 4.

Permanganate ion, MnO 4 , is a powerful oxidant, as it
exhibits many oxidation states; the oxidation was indicated
by the appearance of brown color in the reaction mixture
after the addition of oxidant. Oxidation of acetaminophen
was found to take place very quickly as observed by color
change of the reaction mixture from violet to red color and
then to orange color, as the reaction proceeds, slowly yel-
low turbidity develops, after keeping for a long time the SCH. 2. Oxidation-reduction pathways of PAM.

solution turns to colorless resulting in a brown precipitate.

This suggests that the product formed might have under- found[24–26] that C decomposes by a one step, one-electron
gone further oxidation resulting in a lower oxidation state oxidation-reduction mechanism to Mn(III) and other pro-
of manganese, Mn (IV). There is a continuous decrease in ducts (Equation (5) in Scheme 2). Mn(III) is a strong oxi-
absorbance during the course of absorbance which indi- dant and is unstable with respect to disproportionation in
cates degradation in the concentration of PAM. The degra- the presence of large amount of acetaminophen; it immedi-
dation pathway of PAM is shown in Scheme 1. ately gets converted into stable products (Equation (8) in
Many researchers[22,23] have proposed similar mech- Scheme 2).
anism for one step, one electron transfer; the adsorption
of PAM on the surface of the colloidal MnO2 can be seen Product Analysis
from (Equation (5) in Scheme 2). The hydrogen bonding After complete degradation of acetaminophen, which was
between the –OH group of acetaminophen and MnO2 is confirmed from no change in absorbance after 90 minutes,
responsible for the formation of complex C. It has been the whole reaction mixture (acetaminophen ¼ 2  102
mol dm3 i.e., 0.120 gm in 50 ml distilled water and
KMnO4 ¼ 10  102 mol dm3 i.e., 0.400 gm in 25 ml dis-
tilled water) was extracted with 50 ml chloroform. The
chloroform layer was washed with 3  50 ml distilled water.
Chloroform was evaporated and the product obtained was
crystallized. The product obtained was compared with ben-
zoquinone by spot method.[27] Melting point of these crystals
was similar to that of benzoquinone (m.p. ¼ 114–116 C).
Sultan also suggested similar products by using different
oxidant.[28] Free radical formation was confirmed following
the literature method.[29] Product formation was further
supported by detection of ammonium ions in solution that
was verified by spot test.[28]

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