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Name :eleni dirar

Id:adma 0043/22

Section :A1

Submitted date 06/05/16 EC

Submitted to INST.ahmed jibril


Harvard and APA are two commonly used citation styles in academic writing. In Harvard
referencing, the author's name and publication year are included in the text, while the full
details appear in the reference list. APA (American Psychological Association) style also uses the
author-date system but has specific formatting rules for citations and references.Certainly!
Both Harvard and APA referencing styles use an author-date format. In Harvard, the author's
name and publication year are included in the text, while the full details appear in the reference
list. APA follows a similar approach, providing the author's last name and initial, publication
year, and additional details in a structured format in the reference list. Both styles aim to
maintain consistency and accuracy in citing sources for academic writing. Both styles aim to
provide clear and consistent citation of sources to support academic integrity.

APA (American phychological association)

APA referencing was introduced in 1929 by the American Psychological Association. The
references should be made in the body of the text in the subject material (in text) and in a
separate list in alphabetical order at the end of the text. APA (American Psychological
Association) style is a set of rules and guidelines for formatting and citing sources in academic
writing. It is commonly used in the social sciences, such as psychology, sociology, and education.
APA style provides a standardized way to structure papers, including elements like title pages,
headings, and references. The citation format includes author-date in-text citations and a
detailed reference list at the end of the document. Following APA style helps ensure clarity,
consistency, and proper credit to the sources used in scholarly writing.

APA referencing is a variant on Harvard style. Many of the conventions are the same, with
brief author-date citations in brackets in the body of the text and full citations in the reference
list. It is usual to include a reference list only rather than a bibliography in APA style. Citations
for websites are also slightly different, with no need to include an access or retrieval date
unless the page content is likely to change over time.

When referencing a single author in APA style, you should include the author's last name and
the publication year in parentheses. For example, if the author's name is Smith and the
publication year is 2020, the reference would look like this: (Smith, 2020).

When referencing multiple authors, you should include the last names of all the authors,
separated by commas, and use an ampersand (&) before the last author's name. For example, if
there are three authors named Smith, Johnson, and Brown, the reference would look like this:
(Smith, Johnson, & Brown, 2020).


Harvard referencing is a citation style commonly used in academic writing. It is also known
as the author-date referencing system. In Harvard referencing, sources are cited within the text
by providing the author's name and the year of publication. A full reference list is then provided
at the end of the document, listing all the sources cited in the text. This allows readers to easily
locate and verify the sources used in the research. Similar to APA, Harvard referencing also
requires in text citation and a reference list.

In Harvard referencing style, the format for a text reference with a single author involves
including the author's last name and the year of publication in parentheses. For example, if the
author's name is Smith and the publication year is 2020, the reference would look like this:
(Smith, 2020).

When referencing multiple authors, you should list the last names of up to three authors,
separated by commas, followed by the year of publication in parentheses. For example, if there
are three authors named Smith, Johnson, and Brown, the reference would look like this: (Smith,
Johnson, & Brown, 2020).If there are more than three authors, you can use the abbreviation "et
al." after the first author's last name. For example, (Smith et al., 2020).


- They both use the author-date format for in-text citations.

-Both styles require a reference list at the end of the paper, which includes detailed
information about the sources cited in the text. The reference list should be arranged in
alphabetical order based on the author's last name.

-Both styles have similar rules for formatting the paper, including font size, margins, and

-Both styles provide guidelines for citing sources with multiple authors, including the use of
et al. for in-text citations.

-Both styles include a reference list at the end of the paper, which provides detailed
information about the sources cited in the text.

1.Formatting of author names:

- APA: In APA style, the last name is followed by the initials of the author(s).

- Harvard: In Harvard style, the author's last name is followed by their initials, but without
commas between them.

APA style follows a specific formatting structure, including double-spacing throughout the
paper, a running head on each page, and specific margins. Harvard style, on the other hand,
does not have strict formatting guidelines and is more flexible in terms of spacing and page

2.In-text citations:

While both styles use in-text citations, there are some differences in how they are formatted.
In APA style, the author's last name and the year of publication are included in parentheses,
such as (Smith, 2020). In Harvard style, the author's last name and the year of publication are
also included, but they can be placed within the sentence or in parentheses, such as "According
to Smith (2020)..." or "...(Smith, 2020)."

3.3. Reference list: The reference list in APA style is organized alphabetically by the author's last
name, followed by the publication year, title, and other publication details. Harvard style also
arranges the reference list alphabetically, but it includes additional information such as the title
of the work, the place of publication, and the publisher.

4.Date placement:

- APA: In APA style, the year of publication is placed immediately after the author's name in

- Harvard: In Harvard style, the year of publication is placed after the author's name, but it is
not enclosed in parentheses.

5.Inclusion of page numbers:

- APA: In APA style, page numbers are required for direct quotations and specific references
to a page or section of a source.

- Harvard: In Harvard style, page numbers are not always required, but they can be included if

6.Capitalization of titles:

- APA: In APA style, only the first word of the title and any subtitles, as well as proper nouns,
are capitalized.

- Harvard: In Harvard style, the first letter of each major word in the title is capitalized.

7.Citations for multiple authors: APA style uses the "et al." abbreviation when citing sources
with three or more authors, whereas Harvard style includes all the authors' names, even if
there are more than three.

8.Online sources: APA style provides specific guidelines for citing online sources, such as
including the digital object identifier (DOI) or the URL. Harvard style also includes the URL or
DOI, but it is less strict and allows for more flexibility in citing online sources.

9.Reference list formatting:

- APA: In APA style, the reference list is organized alphabetically by the last name of the

- Harvard: In Harvard style, the reference list is also organized alphabetically by author's last
name, but with no numbering system

10.Page numbers: APA style requires the inclusion of page numbers for direct quotations or
specific references to a particular page, while Harvard style does not necessarily require page

APA Reference Style:

APA (American Psychological Association) referencing style is commonly used in the social
sciences, education, and psychology fields. In APA style, in-text citations are used to
acknowledge sources within the body of the paper. The in-text citation includes the author's
last name and the publication year. For example: (Smith, 2020). The full details of the source
are then included in the reference list at the end of the paper, following specific formatting
guidelines provided by APA.Harvard Reference Style:Harvard referencing style, also known as
the author-date system, is widely used in the humanities, arts, and sciences. In Harvard style,
in-text citations include the author's last name and the publication year. For example: (Smith,
2020). The reference list is included at the end of the paper, providing full details of the sources
cited. Harvard referencing style also requires the inclusion of additional information such as the
title of the work, the name of the publisher, and the place of publication.

Both APA and Harvard referencing styles serve the purpose of giving credit to the original
authors and sources of information used in academic writing

APA Referencing guide.” APA Referencing guide – University of Southern Queensland. N.p., n.d.
Web. . 05 June 2017.

And http.REDBCM

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