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School Council Minutes

Summer Term 2023

Start Doing


• Bring in the summer uniform from the first day of the summer term.
• Allow students to wear house tops/kit during games.
• Old badges for prefects, new ones are too big.
• Allow students to wear sports kit if they have a sports related after school club.

The School Day

• Whole year events e.g. Whole year dinner and U5 prom.

• Extend student wifi beyond 22:00 for boarders.
• Make the school more disabled friendly/people on wheelchairs and crutches.
• Allow sixth formers to go home earlier if they don't have any lessons.
• Allow boarders to return to boarding houses during the day.
• Allow younger years to go to coop before the after-school clubs.
• End of year whole school speech day

Academic & Co-Curricular Issues

• More subject clinics, but make sure major subjects do not clash with each other.
• Have fewer general studies but more interesting, rather than one every week.
• Make Prior for life more about life skills e.g. Cooking, basic repairing skills,
• Have academic clinics during the study leave.
• Gardening club.
• Cooking club.

Food & Drink

• Have the CAFOD day on Wednesday instead of Friday, would rather miss roast
than fish and chips.
• Have more water fountains.
• Fix the water fountain in the BSR - water tastes strange.
• More modern songs as hymns for Friday assemblies.
• Keep the street option for people that come later.
• Grab and go option.
• Have a reusable pump for ketchup and mayonnaise, it is too messy when using
• Portion sizes are small at the end of lunchtime.
Keep Doing

• Hymn singing assemblies.

• Caesar salad.
• Battered halloumi.
• Fried chicken e.g. Katsu chicken.
• Make sure there are vegetarian options for both the street and main counters.

Stop Doing
School issues

• Can we do Wednesday Worship in houses.

• Lift restrictions on facial hair
• Stop allowing teachers to enter student's toilets.
• PM registration, instead do it during P5 or register in house/library/reception if P5
is a private study.
• Do not move Sixth Form to St Marys during renovations.
• Vegetables in cakes

Academic issues

• Seating plan in lessons (younger years)

• Get rid of prior for life for U6 - private studies instead.
• Ged rid of general studies for U6 in the last term.

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