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School Of Excellence

Directorate of Education Govt. of Delhi, 9968 0 66788,

Unit–V Motion of System of Particles and

Rigid Body
p.d 18 Marks 7
Chapter–7: System of Particles and
Rotational Motion


Centre of mass of a two-particle system,

momentum conservation and centre of mass

Centre of mass of a rigid body; centre of

mass of a uniform rod.

Moment of a force, torque, angular

momentum, law of conservation of
angular momentum and its applications.

Equilibrium of rigid bodies, rigid body rotation

and equations of rotational motion,

Comparison of linear and rotational motions.

Physics By: Dr.Hemendra Kumar, M.Sc.,M.Ed.,C.I.C.,Ph.D.(Physics), Lecturer Physics, P a g e | 1

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07Xipg21 Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body
School Of Excellence
Directorate of Education Govt. of Delhi, 9968 0 66788,

Moment of inertia, radius of gyration, values

of moments of inertia for simple geometrical
objects (no derivation).

Statement of parallel and perpendicular axes

theorems and their applications.

System of Particles and Rotational Motion

Particle A particle is defined as an object
whose mass is finite but whose size is very

System A system is a collection of a very

large number of particles which mutually
interact with one another.

Internal forces The mutual forces exerted by

the particles of a system on one another are
called internal forces.

External forces The outside force exerted on

an object by any external agency is called an
external force.

Physics By: Dr.Hemendra Kumar, M.Sc.,M.Ed.,C.I.C.,Ph.D.(Physics), Lecturer Physics, P a g e | 2

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Centre of mass
The centre of mass of a body is a point where
the whole mass of the body is supposed to be



The position vector R⃗CM of the centre of mass

C of the two-particle system is given by
m1 r⃗1 + m2 r⃗2
R⃗CM =
m1 + m2
Physics By: Dr.Hemendra Kumar, M.Sc.,M.Ed.,C.I.C.,Ph.D.(Physics), Lecturer Physics, P a g e | 3
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Equation shows that the position vector of a

system of particles is the weighted average
of the position vectors of the particles
making the system, each particle making a
contribution proportional to its mass.
If m1 = m2=m (say), thenR⃗CM = 1 2 2
r⃗ +r⃗

If (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are the coordinates of

the locations of the two particles, the
coordinates of their centre of mass are
given by
m1 x1 + m2 x2
xCM =
m1 + m2

m1 y1 + m2 y2
yCM =
m1 + m2

Derivation of expression

Physics By: Dr.Hemendra Kumar, M.Sc.,M.Ed.,C.I.C.,Ph.D.(Physics), Lecturer Physics, P a g e | 4

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Velocity and acceleration vectors of the two

particles are
dr⃗1 dv⃗1 d2 r⃗1
v⃗1 = a⃗1 = = 2
dt dt dt
dr⃗2 dv⃗2 d2 r⃗2
v⃗2 = a⃗2 = =
dt dt dt2
and ….(1)
Total force F⃗1 acting on particle P1 is the sum
of the internal force F⃗12 due to P2 and
external force F⃗ext
1 on it. Thus
F⃗1 = F⃗12 + F⃗ext

Similarly, total force acting on particle P2 is

given by
F⃗2 = F⃗21 + F⃗ext

According to Newton's second law of motion,

the equations of motion for the two particles
can be written as
m1 a⃗1 = F⃗1 = F⃗12 + F⃗ext
1 …(2)
Physics By: Dr.Hemendra Kumar, M.Sc.,M.Ed.,C.I.C.,Ph.D.(Physics), Lecturer Physics, P a g e | 5
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Directorate of Education Govt. of Delhi, 9968 0 66788,

m2 a2⃗ = F2⃗ = F21⃗ + F2⃗ext ...(3)

On adding equations (2) and (3), we get
m1 a⃗1 + m2 a⃗2 = F⃗12 + F⃗21 + F⃗ext
1 + F⃗ext

According to Newton's third law, the internal

forces mutually exerted by the two particles
are equal and opposite, i.e.,
F⃗12 =− F⃗21 or F⃗12 + F⃗21 = 0
∴m1 a1⃗ + m2 a2⃗ = F⃗...(4)
Ma⃗CM = m1 a⃗1 + m2 a⃗2

d2 r⃗1 d2 r⃗2
= m1 dt2
+ m2 dt2
[Using (1)]
= 2 (m1 r⃗1 + m2 r⃗2 )
1 d2
Or a⃗CM = M dt2 (m1 r⃗1 + m2 r⃗2 )
d2 R⃗CM d2 m1 r⃗1 +m2 r⃗2
= m1 +m2
[ ∵ M = m1 + m2 ]

The acceleration a⃗CM is called the

acceleration vector of the centre of mass of
the system and R⃗CM called the position vector
of the centre of mass.
⃗ ⃗
Clearly, R⃗CM = 1M1+M2 2 ...(6)
M R +M R

1 2


Physics By: Dr.Hemendra Kumar, M.Sc.,M.Ed.,C.I.C.,Ph.D.(Physics), Lecturer Physics, P a g e | 6
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m1 r⃗1 + m2 r⃗2 + …. + mn r⃗n

R⃗CM =
m1 + m2 + …. . + mn
∑ni=1 mi r⃗i ∑ni=1 mi r⃗i
or R⃗CM = n = …
∑i=1 mi M

∫xdm xCM =
yCM = ∫ydm
zCM = ∫zdm
The equivalent vector representation for the
center of mass will be
R⃗CM = ∫r⃗dm

F⃗tot = Ma⃗CM
In the absence of any external force, F⃗tot = 0,
so Ma⃗⃗CM = 0
or a⃗CM = 0
Physics By: Dr.Hemendra Kumar, M.Sc.,M.Ed.,C.I.C.,Ph.D.(Physics), Lecturer Physics, P a g e | 7
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As the derivative of a constant is zero, so

v⃗CM = constant
F⃗tot = 0
orF⃗1 + F⃗2 + F⃗3 + … + F⃗n = 0
or m1 a1⃗ + m2 a2⃗ + m3 a3⃗ + … + mn an⃗ = 0
dv1⃗ dv2⃗ dv3⃗ dvn⃗
orm1 dt
+ m2 dt
+ m3 dt
+ … + mn dt
or dt (m1 v⃗1 + m2 v⃗2 + m3 v⃗3 + … + mn v⃗n ) = 0
or m1 v⃗1 + m2 v⃗2 + m3 v⃗3 + … + mn v⃗n = constant
orP⃗ = p⃗1 + p⃗2 + p⃗3 + … + p⃗n = constant
where P is the total linear momentum of the
if no net external force acts on a system, the
total linear momentum of the system is
conserved. This is the law of conservation of
linear momentum.
or v⃗CM = M P⃗ P⃗ = Mv⃗CM
Starting of Class 702
Example 1. Find the centre of mass of a
triangular lamina. [NCERT]

Physics By: Dr.Hemendra Kumar, M.Sc.,M.Ed.,C.I.C.,Ph.D.(Physics), Lecturer Physics, P a g e | 8

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Solution. As shown in Fig. , divide the lamina

(Δ LMN) into narrow strips, each parallel to
the base MN.

By symmetry, the CM of each strip lies at its
mid-point. By joining these midpoints, we get
the median IP. The CM of triangular lamina
must lie on the median LP.
By similar arguments as above, we can say
that the CM of lamina (ΔLMN) lies on the
medians MQ and NR. This means that CM lies
on the point of concurrence of the medians
i.e., on the centroid G of the triangle.

Example 2 Three masses 3,4 and 5 kg are

located at the corners of an equilateral
triangle of side 1 m Locate the centre of
mass of the system.

Physics By: Dr.Hemendra Kumar, M.Sc.,M.Ed.,C.I.C.,Ph.D.(Physics), Lecturer Physics, P a g e | 9

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Solution. Suppose the equilateral triangle lies

in the XY-plane with mass 3 kg at the origin.
Let (x, y) be the co-ordinates of CM.


1 3
AB = OB2 − OA2 = 12 − ( )2 =
2 2

Now x1 =0, x2 = 1 m, r3 = OA =0.5 m

M1= 3 kg, m2= 4 kg, m3=5 kg
m1 x1 + m2 x2 + m3 x3
m1 + m2 + m3
3 × 0 + 4 × 1 + 5 × 0.5 6.5
= = = 0.54m
3+4+5 12
Again, y1 = 0, y2 = 0, y3 = AB = 2
y1 = 0, y2 = 0, y3 = AB =
m1 y1 + m2 y2 + m3 y3
m1 + m2 + m3
Physics By: Dr.Hemendra Kumar, M.Sc.,M.Ed.,C.I.C.,Ph.D.(Physics), Lecturer Physics, P a g e | 10
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3 × 0 + 4 × 0 + 5 × ( 3/2) 5 × 3
= = = 0.36m
3+4+5 2 × 12
Thus the co-ordinates of CM are (0.54 m,0.36
Example 3. Find the centre of mass of a
uniform L-shaped lamina (a thin flat plate)
with dimensions as shown in Fig. The mass
of lamina is 3 kg. [NCERT]

Solution. We divide the L-shaped lamina into
three squares each of length 1 m, as shown
in Fig. As the lamina is uniform, the mass of
each square is 1 kg. By symmetry, the
centres of mass of the three squares lie at
their geometric centres C1 C2 and C3. Their
coordinates are as follows:

Physics By: Dr.Hemendra Kumar, M.Sc.,M.Ed.,C.I.C.,Ph.D.(Physics), Lecturer Physics, P a g e | 11

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C1 C2 C3
1 3 1
2 2 2

1 1 3
2 2 2

The coordinates of the centre of mass of the

L-shaped lamina can be obtained as follows :
m1 x1 + m2 x2 + m3 x3
xCM =
m1 + m2 + m3
1(1/2) + 1(3/2) + 1(1/2) 5
= = m
1+1+1 6
m1 y1 + m2 y2 + m3 y3
yCM =
m1 + m2 + m3
1 × (1/2) + 1(1/2) + 1(3/2) 5
= = m
1+1+1 6
Clearly, the centre of mass lies on the line of
symmetry OD.

Example 4 Show that the centre of mass of a

uniform rod of mass M and length L lies at
the middle point of the rod.
Solution. As shown in Fig. suppose the rod is
placed along X-axis with its left end at the

Physics By: Dr.Hemendra Kumar, M.Sc.,M.Ed.,C.I.C.,Ph.D.(Physics), Lecturer Physics, P a g e | 12

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origin O. Consider a small element of

thickness dx at distance x from O.

⋅ dx
Mass of the small element =
Position of the centre of mass is given by
1 L
xCM = 1 xdm
M 0
1 L M 1 L
= 1 X⋅ ⋅ DX = 1 XDX
M 0 L L 0
1 x2 L
= =
L 2 2


Binary stars
Diatomic molecule
Earth-moon system

Physics By: Dr.Hemendra Kumar, M.Sc.,M.Ed.,C.I.C.,Ph.D.(Physics), Lecturer Physics, P a g e | 13

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It does not undergo any change in its size
and shape, however large the external force
may be acting on it.
A rigid body cannot be deformed. If the body
undergoes some displacement, every particle
in it suffers the same displacement.
The centre of mass of a rigid body is a point
at a fixed position with respect to the body
as a whole.

Physics By: Dr.Hemendra Kumar, M.Sc.,M.Ed.,C.I.C.,Ph.D.(Physics), Lecturer Physics, P a g e | 14

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Starting of Class 703



Derivation of first equation of motion

Physics By: Dr.Hemendra Kumar, M.Sc.,M.Ed.,C.I.C.,Ph.D.(Physics), Lecturer Physics, P a g e | 15
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or dω= α dt ...(1)
At t = 0, let ω = ωQ
At t = t, let ω = ω
Integrating equation (1) within the above
limits of time and angular velocity, we get
∞ t t
1 dω = 1 αdt = α 1 dt
60 0 0
ω0 = α[t]0

or ω − ω0 = α(t − 0)
or ω = ω0 + αt…..(2)
Derivation of second equation of motion

or dθ = ωdt ...(3)
At t =0, let t=0
At t = t, let θ=θ
Integrating equation (3) within the above
limits of time and angular displacement, we
θ t t
∫0 dθ = ∫0 ωdt = ∫0 (ω0 + αt) dt [Using (2)]
t t
= ω0 1 dt + α 1 tdt
0 0

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t2 t
[θ]θ0 = ω0 [t]t0 + α[ ]0
α 2
orθ − 0 = ω0 (t − 0) + 2 (t − 0)
orθ = ω0 t + 2 αt2 ...(4)
Derivation of third equation of motion
dω dω dθ dω
α= = , = ⋅ω
dt dθ dt dθ
or ωdω = αdθ ...(5)
At t = 0, θ = 0 and ω = ωQ (initial angular
At t = t, θ = θ and ω = ω (final angular
Integrating equation (5) within the above
limits of θ and ω, we get
ω θ θ
1 ωdω = 1 αdθ = α 1 dθ
ω0 0 0
=αθ θ
2 0
ω2 ω20
Or 2 − 2
= α(θ − 0)
orω2 − ω20 = 2αθ

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Example 7. The angular speed of a motor

wheel is increased from 1200 rpm to 3120
rpm in 16 seconds,
(i) What is its angular acceleration,
assuming the acceleration to be
(ii) (ii) How many revolutions does the
wheel make during this time?
Solution. Here
ω0 = 1200rpm = = 20rps
ω = 3120rpm = = 52rps
ω0 = 2 πv0 = 2 π × 20 = 40 π rads-1
ω = 2πv=2π× 52 = 104 π rad s-1
(i)Angular acceleration,
ω − ω0 104π − 40π
α= = = 4πrads−2
t 16
(ii) The angular displacement in time t,
1 2
θ = ω0 t + αt
= 40π × 16 + × 4π × 16 2
= (640π + 512π)rad = 1152πrad
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Number of revolutions completed in 16 s

θ 1152π
= = = 576
2π 2π
Example 8. The radius of a wheel of a car is
0.4 m the car is accelerated from rest by an
angular acceleration of 1.5 rad s- 2 for 20 s.
How much distance the wheel covers in this
time interval and what will be its linear
Solution. Here r =0.4 m, ωQ =0,
α =1.5 rad s-2, t =20 s
Angular displacement,
1 1
θ = ω0 t + αt2 = 0 + × 1.5 × (20)2 = 300rad
2 2
Distance covered by the wheel,
s = rθ = 0.4 × 300 = 120m
After 20 s, angular velocity of the wheel is
ω = ω0 + αt = 0 + 1.5 × 20 = 30rads−1
∴ Linear velocity of the wheel is
v = rω = 0.4 × 30 = 12 ms-1.
Starting of Class 704
Turning effect of force

Physics By: Dr.Hemendra Kumar, M.Sc.,M.Ed.,C.I.C.,Ph.D.(Physics), Lecturer Physics, P a g e | 19

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The torque or moment of force is the turning

effect of the force about the axis of rotation.
It depends on two factors:
(i) The magnitude of the force.
(ii) The perpendicular distance of the line of
action of the force from the axis of rotation.
It is called lever arm or moment arm.

τ = F × ON
or τ=F×d
or Torque = Force × Lever arm
Dimensions of torque. As
Torque = Force × distance, so
[τ] = [MLT-2 ] [L] = [ML2T-2]

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Units of torque. The SI unit of torque is

newton meter (Nm) and its CGS unit is dyne
Sign convention. The moment of force is
taken positive if the turning tendency of the
force is anticlockwise and negative if it is
PRINCIPLE OF MOMENTS lever principle.

When a body is in rotational equilibrium, the

sum of the clockwise moments about any
point is equal to the sum of the anticlockwise
moments about that point.

Anticlockwise moment about O

= F1 × d1 = W1 × d1
Clockwise moment about O
= F2× d2=W2× d2

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F1 × d1 = W1× d2
or W1 × d1 = W2 × d2
Load × load arm = Effort × effort arm
Pair of equal and opposite forces acting on a
body along two different lines of action
constitutes a couple. A couple has a turning
effect, but no resultant force acts on a body.
So it cannot produce translational motion.

Moment or torque of the couple about O is

τ = F × AO + F × OB
= F(AO + OB) = F × AB
or τ = Fd [AB = d, say]
Moment of a couple = Force × perpendicular
distance between two forces

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Hence torque or moment of a couple is

independent of the choice of the fulcrum or
the point of rotation.
Notably, a couple can only be balanced by an
equal and opposite couple.
Work done by a torque

ΔW = F × distance along the arc PQ

ArC Arc PQ
But Δθ = Radius = r

Radius Arc PQ = r ∆θ
Hence ΔW = Fr ∆θ
or∆W = τ x ∆θ
Work done by a torque
= Torque × angular displacement

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W=1 τdθ

Power delivered by a torque.

We know that ΔW =τ x ∆θ
Dividing both sides by Δt, we get

Δt Δt
Power = Torque × Angular velocity.
Torque in terms of vector
τ⃗ = r⃗ × F⃗ = τ = rFsinθ

Direction of torque τ⃗ is perpendicular to the

plane containing vectors r⃗ and F⃗ and its
sense is determined by right hand rule.
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If we curl the fingers of our right hand in the

direction in which vector r⃗ must be rotated
to move into the position of vector F⃗
through the smaller angle between them,
then the extended thumb gives the sense
of torqueτ⃗.
Example 10 A metal bar 70 cm long and 4.00
kg in mass is supported on two knife-edges
placed 10 cm from each end. A 6.00 kg
weight is suspended at 30 cm from one end.
Find the reactions at the knife-edges.
(Assume the bar to be of uniform cross
section and homogeneous.) Take g =9.8 ms-2.
Solution. Fig. Shows the rod AB and the
positions of the knife edges at and K1 and
K2The centre of gravity G, where the weight
W of the rod acts, is at the centre of the rod
and the weight W1 is suspended at point P.
Let R1 and R2 be the reactions of the support
at the edges.

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Here AB = 70 cm, AG =35 cm, AP =30 cm, PG

= 5 cm,
AK1 = BK2 = 10cm, K1 G = K2 G = 25cm
W = Weight of rod = 4.00 kg wt
= 40 N
W1= Weight of suspended mass
= 6.00 kg wt = 60 N
Clearly, the reactions R1 and R2 act vertically
upward. For translational equilibrium of the
R1 + R2 – (W1 + W) = 4(9.8) + 6(9.8) = 10(9.8)
= 10 × 9.8 =98 N ...(1)
For rotational equilibrium of the rod,
Clockwise moment = Anticlockwise moment

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R1 × K1 G = W1 × PG + R2 × K2 G
orR1 × 0.25 = W1 × 0.05 + R2 × 0.25
or R1 − R2 = 0.2W1 = 0.2 × 6 × 9.8N
orR1 − R2 = 11.76N ...(2)
On solving equations (1) and (2), we get
R1 = 54.88 N and R2 = 43.12 N
Thus the reactions of the support are about
55 N at
K1 and 43 N at K2.
Example 11. A 3 m long ladder weighing 20
kg leans on a frictionless wall. Its feet rest
on the floor 1 m from the wall as shown in Fig.
Find the reaction forces of the wall and the
floor. [NCERT]
Solution. The ladder AB is 3 m long, its foot A
is at distance AC = 1 m from the wall.

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Using pythagoras theorem,

BC = AB2 − AC2 = 32 − 12 = 2 2m
The forces acting on the ladder are
1. Its weight W acting at the centre of gravity
2. Reaction force F1 of the wall. It acts
perpendicular to the wall because the wall
is frictionless.
3. Reaction force F2 of the floor. This force
can be resolved into two components: the
normal re action N and the force of friction
f. This friction prevents the ladder sliding

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away from the wall and hence acts

towards the wall.
For translational equilibrium, balancing the
forces in the vertical direction, N = W
Balancing the forces in the horizontal
f = F1
For rotational equilibrium, we consider the
moments about the point A.
Clockwise moment = Anticlockwise moment
F1× BC = W × AE
Or F1 × 2 2 = W ×

But W = 20g = 20 × 9.8= 196.0 N

N = W =196.0 N , W 196.0
W 196.0
F1 = = = 34.6N
4 2 4 2
f =F1 =34.6 N and
F2 = f2 + N2 = 34.62 + 1962 = 199.0N
If the force F2 makes angle α with the
horizontal, then
tanα = = 4 2 = 5.6568

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Starting of Class 705

Dependence of torque on moment arm.

τ = rFsinθ = F(rsinθ) = Fd
Torque = Magnitude of force × moment arm
Now the force F⃗ can be resolved into two
rectangular components:
1. Radial component Fr along the direction of
position vector r⃗ .
2. Angular or tangential component FQ
perpendicular tor⃗.
Clearly, Fr = Fcosθ and Fθ = Fsinθ
τ = Fsinθ ⋅ r = Fθ r
Torque due to a force is only due to its
angular component.

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The radial component of the force does not

contribute to the torque.
Rectangular components of torque
r⃗ = xiH + yjH + zkK
F⃗ = Fx Hi + FyHj + Fz kK
and τ⃗ = τxHi + τyHj + τz kK
Now τ⃗ = r⃗ × F⃗
= (xiH + yjH + zkK) × (Fx Hi + FyHj + Fz kK)
Hi Hj kK
= x y z
Fx Fy Fz
τx Hi + τyHj + τz kK or
= Hi(yFz − zFy ) + Hj(zFx − xFz ) + kK(xFy − yFx )
τx = yFz − zFy ; τy = zFx − xFz ;
τz = xFy − yFx

Angular momentum of a particle

rotating\about an axis is defined as the
moment of the linear momentum of the
particle about that axis. It is measured as the
product of linear momentum and the
perpendicular distance of its line of action
from the axis of rotation.
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= Linear momentum × its perpendicular

distance from the axis of rotation.
L= pd
Dimensions of angular momentum = L× MLT-1
= [ML2T-1]
SI unit of angular momentum is
kg m2s -1.
Angular momentum in terms of Vector

L⃗ = r⃗ × p⃗

Angular momentum is a vector quantity. Its

magnitude is given by L = rpsinθ

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The direction of angular momentum L⃗ is

perpendicular to the plane of vectors r⃗ and p⃗
in the sense given by right hand rule. Thus in
the present case, L⃗ points in Z-direction.
Physical meaning of angular momentum.

From right angled AONP, we get

ON d
= = sinθ or d = rsinθ
OP r
magnitude of the angular momentum about
the point O is
L = rp sin θ = p (r sin θ) = pd
Angular momentum
= Linear momentum× moment arm
vector p⃗ can be resolved into two rectangular
components :

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1. Radial component, pr along the direction of

position vector r⃗.
2. Angular or tangential component, pQ
perpendicular to r⃗.
Clearly, pr = p cos θ and
pθ=p sin θ

∴L= (p sin θ) r = pQ r
or Angular momentum
= Angular component of linear momentum ×
its distance from the axis of rotation.
Hence only the angular component and not
the radial component of the linear momentum
contribute towards the angular momentum.
Angular momentum in terms of rectangular
r⃗ = xiH + yjH + zkK
= (xiH + yjH + zkK) × (px Hi + pyHj + pz kK)
But angular momentum is the cross product
of r⃗ and p⃗, so
L⃗ = r⃗ × p⃗
= (xiH + yjH + zkK) × (px Hi + pyHj + pz kK)
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Hi Hj kK
= x y z
px py pz
Lx Hi + LyHj + Lz kK
= Hi(ypz − zpy ) + Hj(zpx − xpz ) + kK(xpy − ypx )
Comparing the coefficients of Hi, Hj and kK on the
two sides of the above equation, we obtain
the rectangular components of vector L as
follows :
Lx = ypz − zpy ; Ly = zpx − xpz and
Lz = xpy − ypx
Torque, τ⃗ = r⃗ × F⃗
Angular momentum, L⃗ = r⃗ × p⃗
Differentiating both sides w.r.t. time t, we get
dL⃗ d dr⃗ dp⃗
= (r⃗ × p⃗) = × p⃗ + r⃗ ×
dt dt dt dt
= v⃗ × p⃗ + r⃗ × F⃗ ∵ = F⃗
= 0 + τ⃗ ∵ v⃗ × p⃗ = v⃗ × mv⃗ = 0

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∴τ⃗ =

Starting of class 706


The small displacement covered in time ∆t

may be expressed as
Δr⃗ = v⃗Δt
Complete the parallelogram OPQR. Then
OR⃗ = PQ⃗ = Δr⃗
Area of the parallelogram
OPQR = r⃗ × Δr⃗
∴Area of ΔOPQ = 2 (r⃗ × Δr⃗)

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The shaded area of AOPQ represents the

area swept by the position vector in time ∆t.
By right hand rule, its direction is along Z-
axis. If this area is represented byΔA⃗, then
1 1

ΔA = (r⃗ × Δr⃗) = (r⃗ × v⃗Δt)
2 2
If p⃗ is the linear momentum of the particle,
p⃗ = mv⃗ v⃗ =

∴ΔA⃗ = r⃗ × Δt
1 p⃗
2 m
ΔA⃗ 1
= (r⃗ × p⃗)
Δt 2m
But r⃗ × p⃗ = L⃗ the angular momentum of the
particle about Z-axis, so we have
ΔA⃗ L⃗ 1
= 2m = × Angular momentum per unit mass
Δt 2

L⃗ = 2m
The quantity ΔA⃗/Δt is the area swept out by
the position vector per unit time and is called
the areal velocity of the particle.
Thus Angular momentum
= 2 × Mass × areal velocity

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Angular momentum of a particle is equal to

twice the product of its mass and areal
velocity. Equivalently, we can say that the
areal velocity of a particle is just half its
angular momentum per unit mass.
Kepler's second law of planetary motion
torque, τ = rFθ
if τ = 0 or dt
or L = constant
or 2m ⋅ Δt
= constant
[∵ L = 2m× areal velocity]
or Δt = constant
[∵ m of planet is constant]
The total angular momentum of the system
about the point O is given by the vector sum
of angular momenta of all the individual
particles. Thus
L⃗ = L⃗1 + L⃗2 + …. + L⃗n
= r⃗1 × p⃗1 + r⃗2 × p⃗2 + …. . + r⃗n × p⃗n

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n n

L⃗ = M L⃗i = M r⃗i × p⃗i

i=1 i=1
τ⃗tot = τ⃗1 + τ⃗2 + …. + τ⃗n
= r⃗1 × F⃗1 + r⃗2 × F⃗2 + …. + r⃗n × F⃗n
orτ⃗tot = Ni=1 τ⃗i = Ni=1 r⃗i × F⃗i
n n

τ⃗tot = τ⃗ext = M τ⃗ext


τ⃗ = ext
Example 12. An electron of mass
9 × 10-31 kg revolves in a circle of radius 0.53
A around the nucleus of hydrogen with a
velocity of 2.2 × 106ms-1. Show that its
angular momentum is equal to h/ 2π, where
h is Planck's constant of value 6.6 × 10−34 Js
Solution. Here m= 9 × 10-31 kg
P = 0.53 × 10−10 m
r = 0.53A
v =2.2 × 106 ms-1, h = 6.6 × 10-34Js
Angular momentum,
L = mvr
= 9 × 10-31 × 2.2 × 106 × 0.53 × 10
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= 1.0494 ×IO-34 Js
h 6.6×10−34
= = 1.0503 × 10−34 Js
2π 2×3.142
Hence L ≃ 2π
A rigid body can execute two kinds of motion:
(i) translational motion in which all particles
move with the same velocity and
(ii) rotational motion about an axis..
A rigid body is said to be in equilibrium if
both the linear momentum and angular
momentum of the rigid body remain constant
with time. Translational equilibrium
ΣF⃗ext = 0
or ΣFx = 0, ΣFy = 0 and ΣFz = 0
Applying Newton's second law,
ΣF⃗ext = Ma⃗CM = M =0
= 0 or v⃗CM = constant
Rotational equilibrium
Στ⃗ext = Σr⃗i × F⃗ext
i =0

Expression for work done in combined

rotational and translational motions
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For the rigid body to be in equilibrium the

work done in this displacement plus rotation
should be zero for all choices of Δs⃗ and Δϕ⃗ We
therefore obtain the condition: ΣF⃗i =
0 and Στ⃗i = 0
Stable equilibrium
if it tends to regain its equilibrium position
after being slightly displaced and released.
In stable equilibrium, a body has minimum
potential energy and its centre of mass
goes higher when it is slightly displaced.
Unstable equilibrium
if it gets further displaced from its
equilibrium position after being slightly
displaced and released. In unstable
equilibrium, a body possesses maximum
potential energy and its centre of mass goes
lower on being slightly displaced.
Neutral equilibrium
it is said to be in neutral equilibrium. When a
body is slightly displaced from its position of
neutral equilibrium, its centre of mass is
neither raised nor lowered and its potential
energy remains constant.
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Starting Of Class 707

Moment of inertia
The sum of the products of the masses of the
particles constituting the body and the
squares of their respective distances from
the axis of rotation.

I = m1 r21 + m2 r22 + m3 r23 + … + mn r2n

Or I = ∑ni=1 mi r2i
The dimensional formula of moment of inertia
is [ML2 ]. The SI unit of moment of inertia is
kg m2.
Physical significance of moment of inertia.
The mass of a body resists a change in its
state of linear motion; it is a measure of its
inertia in linear motion. Similarly,

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the moment of inertia of a body about an axis

of rotation resists a change in its rotational
Factors on which the moment of inertia
(i)Mass of the body
(ii) Size and shape of the body.
(iii) Distribution of mass about the axis of
(iv) Position and orientation of the axis of
rotation w.r.t. the body.

v1 = r1 ω, v2 = r2 ω, v3 = r3 ω,...,
vn = rn ω

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Hence, the total kinetic energy of rotation of

the body about the axis OZ is
Rotational K.E.
1 1 1 1
= m1 v1 + m2 v2 + m3 v3 + … + mn v2n
2 2 2
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
= m1 r21 ω2 + m2 r22 ω2 + m3 r23 ω2 + … + mn r2n ω2
2 2 2 2
= (m1 r21 + m2 r22 + m3 r23 + … + mn r2n )ω2
= (Σmr2 )ω2
∴ Rotational K.E. =2 Iω2
When ω = l, Or
I =2 × Rotational K.E.
It is possible to find a radial distance from
the axis, where whole mass of the body is
The distance from the axis of rotation at
which, if the whole mass of the body were
concentrated. k has the dimensions of length
L and is measured in meter or cm.

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I = mr21 + mr22 + mr23 + … + mr2n

= m(r21 + r22 + r23 + … + r2n )
(r21 + r22 + r23 + … + r2n )
(r21 + r22 + r23 + … + r2n )
where M = m× n = total mass of the body.
If k is the radius of gyration about the axis
AB, then
I= Mk2
r21 + r22 + r23 + … + r2n
Mk = M

r21 + r22 + r23 + … + r2n

= Root mean square distance

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Factors on which radius of gyration of a body

(i) Position and direction of the axis of
(ii) Distribution of mass about the axis of
Theorem of perpendicular axes. The moment
of inertia of a plane lamina about an axis
perpendicular to its plane is equal to the sum
of the moments of inertia of the lamina about
any two mutually perpendicular axes in its
own plane and intersecting each other at the
point where the perpendicular axis passes
through the lamina.

Iz = Ix + Iy

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Theorem of parallel axes. The moment of

inertia of a body about any axis is equal to its
moment of inertia about a parallel axis
through its centre of mass plus the product
of the mass of the body and the square of the
perpendicular distance between the two
parallel axes.

Hence I = ICM + Md2


Length of the ring = circumference =2 πR

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1.Mass per unit length of ring =
2.Mass of the small element =
3.Moment of inertia of the small element
about the axis YY',
dI = dx R2 = dx
2πR 2π
The small elements lie along the entire
circumference of the ring i.e., from x =0 to x
= 2 πR. Hence the moment of inertia of the
whole ring about the axis yy' will be
MR 2πR
I=1 dx = 1 dx
0 2π 2π 0
= [x] = (2πR − 0)
2π 0 2π
Or I = MR2.

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Area of the ring

= Circumference × Width = 2πx× dx
Mass of the concentric ring,
M 2Mxdx
m= 2πxdx =
πR2 R2
Moment of inertia of the concentric ring
about the axis YY'
2Mxdx 2Mx3 dx
dI = mx = ×x =
2 2
R2 R2
The moment of inertia of the whole disc
about the axis YY' can be obtained by
integrating the above expression between
the limits 0 to R.
2Mx3 dx 2M R 3
I=V = 2 1 x dx
R2 R 0

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2M x4 2M 4 M
= 2 = 2 R − 0 = 2 × R4
R 4 0
4R 2R
or I = 2 MR2
Starting Of Class 708
ROD imp
Mass per unit length of rod =
Consider a small mass element of length dx
at a distance x from O.
Mass of the small element =

Fig M.I. of a rod about an axis through its

Moment of inertia of the small element about
dI = Mass × ( distance ) = dx × x2

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The moment of inertia of the whole rod about

the axis YY' can be obtained by integrating
the above expression between the
limits x = - L/2 and x = + L/2.
M 2
∴I = ∫dI = 1 L
x dx

M +L/2 2 M x3 +L/2
= 1 x dx = [ ]−L/2
L −L/2 L 3
M L 3
L 3
= − −
3L 2 2
M L3 L3 M L3
= + = ×
3L 8 8 3L 4
Or I = 12

Example 13. Three balls of masses 1, 2 and 3

kg respectively are arranged at the corners
of an equilateral triangle of side 1 m What
will be the moment of inertia of the system
about an axis through the centroid and
perpendicular to the plane of the triangle?
Median AD = AB2 − BD2 = 12 − (0.5)2 = 0.75
∴AG = BG = CG = , AD = 0.75

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M.I. of the system about an axis through

centroid G and perpendicular to the plane of
the triangle is
I = 1 × AG2 + 2 × BG2 + 3 × CG2
= (1 + 2 + 3) × ( 0.75)2
6 × 4 × 0.75
= = 2kgm2
Example 14. A wheel is rotating at a rate of
1000 rpm and its kinetic energy is 106 J.
Determine the moment of inertia of the wheel
about its axis of rotation.
1000 50
Solution. Here ν = 1000rpm = 60
rps =
ω = 2πν = rads−1
As rotational K.E. = 2 Iω2

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1 100π 2
106 = × I ×
2 3
2 × 106 × 9 200 × 9
I= = = 182.4kgm2
(100) π
2 2 9.87
Example 15. Calculate the kinetic energy of
rotation of a circular disc of mass 1 kg and
radius 0.2 m rotating about an axis passing
through its centre and perpendicular to its
plane. The disc is making 30 / π rotations per
Solution. Here M = 1 kg, R = 0.2 m
30 30 1
ν= rpm = rps =
π π × 60 2π
ω = 2πν = 2π × = 1rads−1

M.I. of the disc about an axis through its
centre and perpendicular to its plane,
1 1
I = MR2 = × 1 × 0.2 2 = 0.02kgm2
2 2
∴ Rotational K.E.
1 2 1
= Iω = × 0.02 × (1)2 = 0.01J
2 2
Starting of Class 709
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Linear acceleration of the first particle, a1 =

r1 α
Force acting on the first particle, F1 = m1 r1 α
Moment of force F1 about the axis rotation is
τ1 = F1 r1 = m1 r21 α
Total torque acting on the rigid body is
τ = τ1 + τ2 + τ3 + … + τn
= m1 r21 α + m2 r22 α + m3 r23 α + … + mn r2n α
= (m1 r21 + m2 r22 + m3 r23 + … + mn r2n )α
= (Σmr2 )α
But Σ mr2 = I, moment of inertia of the body
about the given axis
∴τ = Iα
Torque = Moment of inertia × Angular
Linear velocities will be different and are
given by
V1= r1 ω, v2 = r2 ω, v3 = r3 ω.... ,
vn = rn ω.
Linear momentum of first particle, p1 = m1 v1 =
m1 r1 ω
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Moment of linear momentum of the first

particle about the axis YY',
L1 = p1 r1 = m1 r21 ω
The angular momentum of a rigid body
L = L1 + L2 + L3 + … + Ln
= m1 r21 ω + m2 r22 ω + m3 r23 ω + … + mn r2n ω
But Σ mr2 = I, moment of inertia of the body
about the given axis
∴L = Iω
Example 16. An automobile moves on a road
with a speed of 54 kmh-1. The radius of its
wheels is 0.35 m. What is the average
negative torque transmitted by its brakes to
a wheel if the vehicle is brought to rest in 15
s? The moment of inertia of the wheel about
the axis of rotation is 3kgm2 .[NCERT]
Solut. Here u = 54 kmh-1 = 15 ms-1,
R =0.35 m, t =15 s, I =3 kg m2
u 15
ω0 = = rads−1 , ω = 0
R 0.35
Average angular acceleration,
ω − ω0 0 − 0.35 1
α= = =− rads−2
t 15 0.35
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Average torque transmitted by the brakes,

Τ = I ⋅ α =− 3 × =− 8.57KGM2 S−2
Example 17. The angular momentum of a
body is 31.4 Js and its rate of revolution is 10
cycles per second. Calculate the moment of
inertia of the body about the axis of rotation.
Solution. Here L=31.4 Js, v =10 rps,
ω = 2π v =2 × 3.14 × 10 rad-1
As L= I ω
L 31.4
I= = = 0.5kgm2
ω 2 × 3.14 × 10
Suppose the external torque acting on a rigid
body due to external forces is zero. Then
τ= =0
Hence, L = constant.
when τ = 0, L = Iω = constant
or I1 ω1 = I2 ω2

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Example 18. What will be the duration of the

day, if earth suddenly shrinks to 1/64 of its
original volume, mass remaining the same?
Solution. Original volume of the earth,
V = πR3
Volume of the earth after shrinking,
V =
4 1 4
or 3 πR'3 = × 3 πR3
orR' = 4
By conservation of angular momentum,
I' ω' = Iω

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2 2π 2 2π
or 5 MR'2 × T'
= MR2 ×
5 T
R' 2 R 4 2
orT = '
(R) ⋅T= ( R
) × 24
= × 24 = 1.5h
Example 19. A horizontal disc rotating about
a vertical axis passing through its centre
makes 180 rpm. A small piece of wax of mass
10 g falls vertically on the disc and adheres
to it at a distance of 8 cm from its axis. If the
frequency is thus reduced to 150 rpm,
calculate the moment of inertia of the disc.
Solution. Here v1 = 180 rpm = 3 rps,
150 5
v2 = 150rpm = rps = rps
60 2
∴ω1 = 2πv1 = 2π × 3 = 6π rads−1
ω2 = 2π × = 5π rads−1
Let I be the M.I. of the disc about the given
axis and I2 be the M.I. when mass m sticks to
it at distance r. Then
I2 = I + mr2
By conservation of angular momentum,
I1 ω1 = I2 ω2

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I × 6π = I + mr2 . 5π
or 6 I = 5 I + 5 m r2
or I = 5mr2 = 5 × 10 × 10−3 × (8 × 10−2 )2
(8 × 10−2 )2
= 3.2 × 10-8 kgm2.



Linear Rotational motion


Quantities :

displacement s angular displacement

velocity V angular velocity

acceleration a angular acceleration αo

force F torque

mass m moment of inertia

Expressions :

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ds dθ
v= ω=
dt dt
velocity angular velocity

ds dω
accelerati v= angular α=
on dt acceleration dt

F = ma
d d
force torque
= (mv) τ = Iα =
dt dt
work done W=F s work done W = τθ

linear K.E. E = 1 mv2 rotational K.E. E=


2 2
power P= Fv power P = τω

linear P=mv angular momentum L = Iω


impulse F ∆t = mv - angular impulse τΔt = Iωf −


Equations of motion :

(i) v = u + at 1
(i) ω = ω0 + αt (ii) θ = θ0 t + αt2 (iii) ω2 −
ii s 2
1 2
= ut + at
(iii)v2 − u2
= 2as
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Dimensions :

velocity [LT-1] angular velocity [T -1]

acceleratio [LT-2] angular acceleration [T-2]


mass [M] moment of inertia I = Σ mr2 [ML2

force [MLT-2] torque i = Fr [ML2

linear K.E. [ML2T-2] rotational K.E. [ML2

momentum [MLT-1] angular momentum [ML2

power [ML2T-3] power [ML2

The combination of pure rotation and pure
translation. The wheels of all vehicles
running on a road have rolling motion

Rotational motion
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vrot = rω
translational velocity v⃗CM . Also,
Vrot = Rωat the point
Linear acceleration of a cylinder rolling down
an inclined plane

F = Ma = Mgsinθ − f ...(1)
It is only the force of friction f which exerts
torque t on the cylinder and makes it rotate
with angular acceleration a. It acts
tangentially at the point of contact P and has
lever arm equal to R.
τ = Force × force arm = f. R
Also, τ = M.I. × angular acceleration = Iα
Iα Ia a
f= = 2 ∵α=
Putting the value of f in equation (1), we get
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Ma = Mgsinθ − 2
a = gsinθ −
a+ = gsinθ
MR 2
or a 1 + MR2 = gsinθ
or a = I

Moment of inertia of the solid cylinder about

its axis = 2 MR2
∴u = 1 2
1+2 2
gsinθ a=
Kinetic energy of rolling motion.
1 1
= mv2CM + Iω2
2 2
vCM = Rω and I = mk2
1 1 v
2 CM
K = mvCM + mk
2 2 R
1 k2
K = mv2CM 1 + 2
2 R
Example 18. Three bodies, a ring, a solid
cylinder and a solid sphere roll down the
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same inclined plane without slipping. They

start from rest. The radii of the bodies are
identical. Which of the bodies reaches the
ground with maximum velocity? [NCERT]
Solution. Suppose a body of mass m starting
from rest rolls down an inclined plane. We
assume there is no loss of energy due to

Fig. A body rolling down an inclined plane.

By conservation of energy,
P.E. lost by the body in rolling down the
inclined plane= K.E. gained by the body =
Translational K.E. + Rotational K.E.
1 1 1 1 v
= mv2 + Iω2 = mv2 + mk2 ⋅ ( )2
2 2 2 2 R
1 k2
or mgh = 2 mv 2

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1 + k2 /R2

Clearly, the velocity v attained by the rolling

body at the bottom of the inclined plane is
independent of its mass.
For a ring, k2 = R2
For a solid cylinder, vring = 1+1
= gh

k2 = R2/2

2gh 4gh
vcylinder = =
1 + 1/2 3

For a solid sphere,

k2 =2R2 / 5

2gh 10gh
vsphere = =
1 + 2/5 7

Clearly, among the three bodies the sphere

has the greatest and the ring has the least
velocity of the centre of mass at the bottom
of the inclined plane.

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Example 19. Should the centre of mass of a

body necessarily lie inside the body?
Solution. Not necessarily. For example, the
CM of a ring lies in its hollow portion.
Example 20. . If two particles of masses m1
and m2 move with velocities v1 and v2
towards each other on a smooth horizontal
table, what is the velocity of their centre of
m1 v1 −m2 v2
Solution vCM = m1 +m2

Example 21. Name the physical quantity

that corresponds to the moment of force. On
what factors does it depend?
Solution. The moment of force is called
torque. It depends on
(i)the magnitude of force.

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(ii) the perpendicular distance of the line of

action of force from the axis of rotation.
Example 22. Why are the doors provided
with handles near the outer edges far away
from the hinges?
Solution This makes the perpendicular
distance of the line of action of force from
the hinges maximum. Hence the maximum
torque is exerted on the door and the door
can be opened or closed easily.
Example 23. It is difficult to open the door
by pushing it or pulling it at the hinges. Why?
Solution. When the force is applied at the
hinges, the line of action of the force passes
through the axis of rotation i.e., r = 0, so τ =
rFsinθ = 0 . So we cannot open the door by
pushing or pulling it at the hinges.
Example 24. Which physical quantities are
expressed by the following?
(i)the rate of change of angular momentum,
(ii) moment of linear momentum ?
Solution, (z) Torque. (ii) Angular momentum.

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Example 25. If no external torque acts on a

body, will its angular velocity remain
Solution. No. Angular velocity is not
conserved but angular momentum is
Example 26. Is a body in circular motion in
Solution. No. A body in circular motion has a
centripetal acceleration a⃗ directed towards
the centre of the circle. Since a⃗ ≠ 0, the body
is not in equilibrium.
Example 27. The bottom of a ship is made
heavy. Why?
Solution. The bottom of a ship is made heavy
so that its centre of gravity remains low. This
ensures the stability of its equilibrium.
Example 28. A system is in stable
equilibrium. What can we say about its
potential energy?
Solution. The potential energy of the system
is minimum.

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Example 29. What is the advantage of the

Solution. In case of a flywheel, the whole
mass is practically near the rim which is
situated far away from the axis of rotation.
This is done to increase the moment of
inertia of the wheel, thereby making the
motion smooth and less jerky.
Example 30. Will two spheres of equal
masses, one solid and the other hollow have
equal moments of inertia? Give reason.
Solution. The hollow sphere will have a
greater moment of inertia because its entire
mass is concentrated at the boundary of the
sphere i.e., at maximum distance from the
axis of rotation.
Example 31. Why there are two propellers in
a helicopter?
Solution. If there were only one propeller in
the helicopter then, due to conservation of
angular momentum, the helicopter itself
would have turned in the opposite direction.
Example 32. If earth contracts to half its
radius, what would be the length of the day?
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Solution. The moment of inertia I = 5 MR2 of
the earth about its own axis will become one
fourth and so its angular velocity will become
four times (L = Iω = = constant). Hence the
time period will reduce to one fourth (T = 2π/
ω) i.e., 6 hours.
Example 33. A rod of weight W is supported
by two parallel edges A and B and is in
equilibrium in horizontal position. The knives
are at a distance d from each other. The
centre of mass of the rod is at distance x
from A. Find the normal reactions at the knife
edges A and B.
Solution. As shown in Fig, let RA and RB be
the normal reactions at the edges.

Since the rod is in equilibrium, the sum of

moments of the forces about either knife
edge must be zero.

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Taking moments of forces about point A, we

get RA × 0 + W × X − RB × D = 0
∴RB = d ⋅ W
Taking moments of forces about point B, we
get RA × D − W × (D − X) + RB × 0 = 0
Example 34. A small sphere of radius R is
held against the inner surface of a larger
sphere of radius 6R Fig. The masses of
large and small spheres are 4M and M,
respectively. This arrangement is placed
on a horizontal table. There is no friction
between any surfaces of contact. The
small sphere is now released. Find the co-
ordinates of the centre of the larger sphere
when the smaller sphere reaches the other
extreme position.

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Solution. Initial position of the centre of mass

of the system is given by
4M(L) + M(L + 5R)
xCM = =L+R
When the smaller sphere reaches the other
extreme (Fig. 7.79), the larger sphere moves
to the right so that

position of CM of the system remains

unchanged (as no external force is acting in
the system). New position of the C V oi the
system is
4M(x) + M(x − 5R)
xCM =
But X
orL + R = x - R
orx = L + 2 R
∴Centre of larger sphere will lie at (L + 2R, 0).
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Example 35. A non-uniform bar of weight W

is suspended at rest by two strings of
negligible weights as shown in Fig. The
angles made by the strings with the
vertical are 36.9° and 53.1° respectively.
The bar is 2 m long. Calculate the distance
d of the centre of gravity of the bar from its
left end.

Ans. Let f and T be the tensions in the two

strings, as shown in Fig.

For translational equilibrium, on balancing

the vertical components of forces, we get
T1 cosθ + T2 cosϕ = W ...(1)
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On balancing the horizontal components, we

T1 sinθ = T2 sinϕ ...(2)
For rotational equilibrium, we balance the
torques about the CG of the bar.
Clockwise torque = Anticlockwise torque
T1 cosθ × d - T2 COS Φ × (2 - d) ...(3)
Dividing (3) by (2), we get
d cot θ= (2 - d)cot Φ
ord cot 36.9°= (2 - d) cot 53.1°
ord cot 36.9°= (2 - d) tan 36.9°
4 3
ord × 3 = (2 − d) ×

or16d = 18 - 9d
ord = 18/ 25 = 0.72 m = 72 cm.
Example 36. As shown in Fig. the two sides
of a step ladder BA and CA are 1.6 m long
and hinged at A. A rope DE 0.5 m is tied
half way up. A weight 40 kg is suspended
from a point F, 1.2 m from B along the
ladder BA. Assuming the floor to be
frictionless and neglecting the weight of
the ladder, find the tension in the rope and
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forces exerted by the floor on the ladder.

(Take g = 9.8 m/s2).

Ans. As shown in Fig., let NB and NC be the

normal reactions of the floor at B and C
respectively and T be the tension in the rope
DE. Then
NB+ Nc = W = 40 × 9.8 N
or NB+ Nc= 392 N ...(1)
Consider the portion AC of the ladder.
Balancing torques about A, we get
Nc × LC= T × AG

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From the geometry of the figure, we get

LC = 2GE = DE = 0.5 m
orGE = 0.25 m
AG = AE2 − GE2 = (0.8)2 − (0.25)2
= 0.5775 = 0.76m
Hence Nc × 0.5 = T × 0.76 or T = 0.66 Nc ...(2)
Now consider the portion AB of the ladder.
Balancing the torques about A, we get
1 1
But JL = 4 DE = × 0.5 = 0.125m

BL = DE = 0.5 m, W = 392 N
NB × 0.5 - 392 × 0.125 = T × 0.76 or
NB x 0.5 - 392 × 0.125 = 0.66 Nc × 0.76
[using (2)]

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orNB - 98 = Nc
orNB - Nc = 98 ...(3)
On solving (1) and (3), we get
NB = 245 N. Nc = 245 - 98 = 147 N,
and T = 0.66 Nc = 0.66 × 147 = 97 N.
Example 37. Read each statement below
carefully, and state, with reasons, if it is
true or false:
(a) During rolling, the force of friction acts in
the same direction as the direction of
motion of the CM of the body.
(b) The instantaneous speed of the point of
contact during rolling is zero.
(c) The instantaneous acceleration of the
point of contact during rolling is zero.
(d) For perfect rolling motion, work done
against friction is zero.
(e) A wheel moving down a perfectly
frictionless inclined plane will undergo
slipping (not rolling) motion.
Ans. (a) True. When a body rolls, the force of
friction acts in the same direction as the
direction of motion of the CM of the body.
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(b) True. A rolling body can be imagined to

be rotating about an axis passing through
the point of contact of the body and the
ground. Hence the instantaneous speed of
the point of contact is zero.
(c) False. As the body is rotating, its
instantaneous acceleration cannot be zero.
(d) True. Perfect rolling begins when force of
friction is zero. So work done against
friction is zero.
(e) True. On a perfectly frictionless inclined
plane, there is no tangential force of
friction. So the wheel cannot roll, it will
simply slip under the effect of its own

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