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Exercise 1

1.1 The text is bold / and all in capitals / with an exclamation mark. /
Their mouths are all wide open. ANY TWO (2)

1.2 She is at her wits end exasperated/frustrated.

Her hands are lifted in the air / and her eyes turned upward. (2)

1.3 Despair / nervous / panic / AVA (1)

1.4 onomatopoeia (1)

1.5 Taken aback / astonished / surprised (1)

1.6 As she is at a cellphones anonymous support meeting, one would

expect her to be working at not being as dependent on her
cellphone / and yet she answers her call at an inappropriate time. (2)

1.7 The cartoonist is showing how dependent society has become on

cellphones. (1)


Exercise 2

2.1 Red, blue, yellow, green – the logo represents pride in things
uniquely South African and therefore uses the colours of the SA flag
2.2 A tick implies something right or positive and the logo is about being
proud and positive about South Africa

Exercise 3

3.1 He is completing a crossword puzzle. / He is holding a

newspaper and pencil in his hand / He is reading the standard
type of “clue” from a crossword puzzle out loud. (3)

3.2 Pizza (1)

3.3 Toppings (1)

3.4 Both Jon and Garfield realise at the same time what the clue is
referring to. / There is a look of surprise on their faces (their
eyes are wide open). (2)

3.5 They have decided to order pizza. / Garfield is dialling a number

and handing the phone receiver to Jon. (2)
3.6 Onomatopoeia. (1)

TOTAL = 10

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