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UC1, Customer Service and Demand Forecasting How ca understand current and future demand for services? (CHALLENGE SOLUTION How can cigtal tool ang ana help your txganzation beter tack ana ferecast customer Unk ata om CRM systems, cusiomer surveys and asset sage Serves and demand levels to predict requres future devery requirements? ‘BENEFITS Increased customer satisfaction Improved capital and maintenance planning Optimized service management enabing reduced maintanance costs and energy usage (metering, passenger ows, et) Into a mode egal win to Understand impacts of changing patterns of custome demand ‘Smulate changes to customer behaviors under diferent macro- economic o pricing scenarios to Understand impacts on asset utzation FOUNDATIONAL, + Historic customer usage + CRM / customer feecback information + Stakeholder engagement -what ar diferent g10ups asking f°? NO REGRETS + Long-term modols of demand by segment (e.g. economic); seasonal pattem modeling + Data visualizations showing customer service and demand requirement changes (GAME CHANGERS + Usage trackers (eg. mobile tracker, weight on cariage wheels, smart meters) + Dynamic algal twin modeling incorporating realsime data feods ‘Aaliabity and quay of usage and deman data (e 9. metering) De you understand avers of seasonal patiemne| Ve. vlaify? How are customer expoctatons valving? ‘Haw do you fl gaps in knowedge? How do you Feflect macro changes in usage (e.9. Cova)? eT UC2. Asset Investment Planning Vhat asset investments be support delivery of my organization’s outcomes? (CHALLENGE How can dial tools and analytics help your ‘organization demonstrata that is proposed strategic investments will deliver the required outcomes to satisly ils owners and regulators? SOLUTION Establishing 2 good undorstanding of how historic / curent levels of acinvily have shaped the asset base and i's performance Combining a network model or digital BENEFITS ¥ lmproved buy-in from stakeholders + Strongar business casos that priortiza investments and de-nsk cost-benelit analysis, ¥ Battar outcomes from intornaextornal reviows due fo robust, auditable, evidence-based plans ‘win wth asset investment planning {and optimization tools to bring investment sconarios to lif and demonstrate value lo stakeholders. Assessing the VUCA (volatilty, Uncertainty, complexity and ‘ambiguity in your models and plans ors cd FOUNDATIONAL + Basic asset register + Historic activity volumes and spends + Cleary-defined outcomes, motics and criticality + Understanding of curent data quality ‘Organizations can gel bogged down in tying capture a porfect basolino: use what you have got to get started and understand your gaps NO REGRETS + Robust database of proposed investments Capturing key costs / benofis for comparisons, + Improved data visualizations (e.g, geospatial ‘Buyan fom across the organization to cleat defined metrics that quantify and monetize banafis to enable crass-asset comparisons ‘model of network) to show investment impacts GAME CHANGERS * Dedicated Asset Investment Planning tools) ‘that can simulate and optimiza + Network Digital Twin that can bring to ite differant investmant scenarios (0.9. CReDo) Garbage m, garbage out mvestin the thinking Bena design of your digital twins and AIP approach ‘Ato tals easy to adopt or will poople avoid thom? eT How do Ir nage the a: ets | have int Cee UC3. Asset Life Cycle Decision Support Tools ms of maintenance and renewals regimes? (CHALLENGE How can digital tools and analytics help in the spoeification and dalvery of maintonance and renewals activities? How do | know my regimes are risk-based, copimized andi based on robust data? BENEFITS ¥ lmproved buy-in from stakeholders + Strongar business casos that priortiza investments and de-nsk cost-benelit analysis, ¥ Battar outcomes from intornaextornal reviows due fo robust, auditable, evidence-based plans SOLUTION ve ‘An integrated sult of decision support tools that model asset behaviors and the expected impact of interventions over tho le cycle. By understanding the trade-offs botweon performance, risk and costs, organizations can justly (and optimze) their asset ite cycle strategies, asset maintenance and replacement ragimes. FOUNDATIONAL + Undorstanding of assot performance, Conditon, risks and interventions (impacts and Fesoutoes required), including metncs + Current / OEM specications for interventions Establishing kay metfics Tor decisions, Defining appropriate lovel of granulaity: Eticting knowledge from engineers / thers GAME CHANGERS + Fosdback outcomes from using advanced analyis (e-g. AVML) fo understand best intervention options” NO REGRETS + Codification / captura of risks + Evaluate interventions (costs vs. impacts) + Simple asset life cycle models (spreadsheet ‘or basic simulation) of afferent regimes Common curency for sks and ntervenons; | ly, How il rou engage enancers nesting ‘ezasbiay ia a opoaay ee pe pe iota aU LS UCA4. Predict and Prevent Service Disruption How do | minimize service disruption through action? (CHALLENGE How can digital tools and analytics help predic, ‘rack and montor sorvca aisruption to better tenable asset owners to communicate with customers, reduce impacts and improve mitigaions? BENEFITS ¥ lmprove customer satisfaction ¥ Minimise asset downtime ~ Reduced costs or improved results against KPISISLAS SOLUTION Integrate Asset, Service and Customer information to understand which assets impact which services and customers. ‘Smart assets can alert andior selt- diagnose, identifying disruptions and potential interventions Prognostic tools model customor demand, planned / unplanned works ‘and field force availiliy to propose interventions, ro-routo natwork trafic and provide dynamic and accessible customer information FOUNDATIONAL + Scape and effects of sorvice disruption tracked and recorded + Mitigation /ousinass continuity plans for potential scenarios in place Ts your organization able to establish clear inks botwoon asset parformance and sarvico impacts? Do Ops and Assel teams lak? NO REGRETS + Integrate status feeds (sonsors, holpdosk cals), to quick identify locatonveffects + Effoctive communication tools to provide solutions to customers and asset owners ‘Multiple data feeds andfor dashboards from different assets / sensors / suppliers. how do yu integrate thom into a complet story? GAME CHANGERS: * Analytics (AIL) to predict service disruption events based on historical analysis + Automated mitigation measures and recommended actions to minimize disruption How do you validate AVML outputs? How do you elicit knowledge from engineers and get buy-in ta prodictive / prognostic medals?

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